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2nd Quarter Examination

Read the instructions carefully and write the answers in your answer sheet.
Test I. Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. It is the ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions?

a. Mood b. Reactions c. Emotional Intelligence
2. Its is a combination of several different skills?
a. Mood b. Reactions c. Emotional Intelligence
3. What do you call the emotions if you feeling fear and worry?
a. Ashamed b. Confident c. Afraid d. Angry
4. What emotions if your feeling mad with a person, act, or idea?
a. Ashamed b. Confident c. Afraid d. Angry
5. Feeling bad after doing wrong?
a. Ashamed b. Confident c. Afraid d. Angry
6. Felling able to do something?
a. Ashamed b. Confident c. Afraid d. Angry
7. It is unable to think clear?
a. Ashamed b. Confident c. Confused d. Glad
8. What do you call these emotions if you feel sad, blue, discouraged, and unhappy?
a. Ashamed b. Depressed c. Confused d. Embarrassed
9. What do you call these emotions if you feel worried about what others may think?
a. Depressed b. Embarrassed c. energetic d. Excited
10. What do you call these emotions if you feel full of energy?
a. Depressed b. Embarrassed c. energetic d. Excited
11. What do you call these emotions if you feel happy and aroused?
a. Jealous b. Embarrassed c. Glad d. Excited
12. What do you call these emotions if you feel joy and pleasure?
a. Excited b. Glad c. Jealous d. Lonely
13. What do you call these emotions if you feel upset when someone has something that you would like to
have or they get to do something you wanted?
a. Excited b. Glad c. Jealous d. Lonely
14. What do you call these emotions if you feel alone and that nobody cares?
a. Excited b. Glad c. Jealous d. Lonely
15. Emotions that you are feeling pleased for doing well?
a. Stressed b. Relaxed c. Proud d. Lonely
16. Emotions that you are feeling at ease and without worry, calm?
a. Stressed b. Relaxed c. Proud d. Lonely
17. What do you call these emotions if you feel tense, tired uneasy, and overwhelmed?
a. Stressed b. Relaxed c. Proud d. Lonely
18. It is the ability to recognize one’s own feelings?
a. Assertiveness b. Emotional self-awareness c. Passive response
19. It is an essential component in any discussions of relationship, but this varies greatly from person to
a. Friends b. Family c. Partnerships d. All of the above
20. What do call a romantic partnership, including marriage, are close relationships formed between two
people that are built upon affection?
a. Family b. Friends c. Partnerships d. Relatives
21. This includes emotional infidelity, one-night stand, internet relationships (including sexting) long-and
short-term affairs and financial infidelity?
a. Sexual Issues b. Affairs/Cheating/Infidelity c. Life stages d. bored

22. It is particularly loss of libido and including questions around your gender, or your partner gender?
a. Sexual Issues b. Affairs/Cheating/Infidelity c. Life stages d. bored

23. A relationship problem which you have outgrown each other or have changed significantly for
whatever reason?
a. Sexual Issues b. Affairs/Cheating/Infidelity c. Life stages d. bored

24. A relationship problem which is a life-changing events?

a. Sexual Issues b. Affairs/Cheating/Infidelity c. Life stages d. Traumatic

25. What do you call the over involvement in your relationship with family or friends?
a. Addictions b. Lack of support c. Manipulation d. Bored

26. One of the common relationship problems in which one of the members of the family are engage in
substance abuse?
a. Addictions b. Lack of support c. Manipulation d. Bored

27. It is one of the relationship problems when one person didn’t care during difficult times from people
that matter to you?
a. Lack of support b. Addiction c. Sexual Issues d. Traumatic

28. The most serious relationship problem, which includes verbal as well as physical abuse?
a. Addictions b. Sexual Issues c. Domestic Violence d. Lack of support

29. What should you consider when making decisions around sex and sexual limits?
a. Your values b. Your friends c. Your family d. All of the above

30. What is the best style of communication to use when making decisions about sexual limits and
a. Assertive b. Passive c. Aggressive

31. Which of the following is NOT an element of a healthy relationship?

a. Trust one another b. One person makes all the decisions.
c. Respect one another d. Open and honest communication

32. What skills do you need to make healthy decisions in relationship?

a. Intelligence, memory, ability to do public speaking.
b. Assertive communication, active listening, and negation skills
c. Ability to persuade others love.
d. Passive communication

33. Which of the following are signs that you may be in abusive relationship?
a. Bruises, scratches and other signs of injuries
b. Avoiding friends
c. Apologizing for you partners behavior
d. All of the above

Test II: Modified TRUE OR False

1. It is important to work on communicating our feelings in relationships.

2. To love someone, we must love our self first
3. Trying to understand where other people are coming from rather than judging them helps us build and
maintain relationships.
4. Having a good relationship does not contribute anything to us having good health.
5. When people listen deeply and let us know that they recognize the feeling behind our words, more
likely than not, our relationship is doing good.
6. In our relationship, it is vital that we practice forgiveness when ma love one has hurt us.
7. Our love ones cannot help us when we deal with stress
8. Using passive methods to resolve conflict will more likely help us maintain good relationship
9. Expressing gratitude to our friends and family help us maintain good relationships
10. Significant differences in core values and beliefs never create a problem in relationships
11. We are happy in our relationships when our love ones stay connected by spending time with us and
letting us know that they love us
12. Excessive reliance on social media can be cause of tension in relationship
13. Relationship are static; they are unchangeable
14. Being compassionate, forgiving, and grateful contribute to healthy relationships
15. To fully enjoy and benefit from relationships we need skills, information, inspiration, practice, and
social support.


1. C
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. B
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. C
16. B
17. A
18. B
19. B
20. C
21. B
22. A
23. C
24. D
25. C
26. A
27. A
28. C
29. D
30. A
31. B
32. B
33. A
Test II.
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. True
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. False
11. True
12. True
13. False
14. True
15. True

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