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Course: MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Name: DEBOLINE MITRA Registration No.: 211630700910019 of 2027-2022 Roll No.: 16300921006 Semester: SEM-3, CA3 Subject: MM 307 828 MARKETING (MM 307) (i) Whole cellere and retailers buying behaviour i¢ claccified a A. Business buyer behaviour B. derived demand C. business buying procese D. cognitive dicconance Ans. A. Business buyer behaviour Gi Demand of bucinece buyerc ic derived from A. Final consumer demand B. raw materiale suppliers C. production controller 1). logictic managere Ans. A. Final concumer demand (ii) Tn business buying process, group who hag formal authority of supplier selection Te classified as A. user B. influencer C. decider and gatekeeper D. Buyer Ane. D. Buyer (iv) Business markets usually includes fewer but A. Large scale production firme B. cmall ceale retailers C. cmall coale production firme D. cmall coale wholesalers Ans. A. Large seale production firms WW) Th business buying process, participants involved are A. user B. influencer C. decider and gatekeeper D. Buyer Ans. D. Bayer (ui) In business buying process, one who uses produet i¢ called A. Ucer 8. influencer C. decider and gatekeeper D. buyer Ans. A. user SHORT TYPE QUESTIONS (ANSWER ANY FOUR) 4X5=20 4. Which ckille are important for B28 alec rolec? Ans. earn Social Selling. Social selling ig one of the most effective ckille you need to learn ac a B28 calecpercon. + Be Great with People. + Be an Active Listener. + Be an Avid Researcher. + Be a Team Player. + Be Coachable. + Learn Inbound Marketing. + Practice Account-Based Marketing 2. What are the challenges of 2B? Ans. 1. Technology integration Technology can be a blecsing and a curse for many of our clients. Too often marketers c0e the potential and exciting things technology can do, but con't ceem to integrate it into their company. If SED, SEM, website, social media, marketing automation and online media are not connected, then how can communications be integrated? Not to mention all the other tools that are part of the technology stack tke a CRM, content management system, analytics platforms and others. In many 82B companies, none of these systems are linked. B2C companies make it look ¢o easy—retargeting you on every online channel you vicit until they get you to buy that sweater you looked at on their website lact week. 2. Managing leadership expectations Senior management often doesn't cee how thece new digital marketing toole can help close the cales loop in B2B. As a matter of fact, many B2B companies believe their current marketing activities are meeting the needs of calec. This leads many marketers to wonder, where is the best place to invest their marketing dollars? An informal audit of your organization to understand how calec and marketing toole Communicate together i¢ often a first step in cveeing it/how marketing activities are meeting the needs of sales. Can you track someone from paid media via Adwords or other technology, through the website journey with an analytics or marketing automation tool through the sales process in a CRM database to a sale? Ie technology connected to puch data and information to one another through the salee funnel? You alo need to consider that different parts of an organization, like marketing, IT or calec,may overcee different parte of the coftware co aligning thece groups to provide data may be needed. It’c thie underctanding of end-to-end tracking of the buyer's journey i¢ where we can start to see areas for potential optimization and invectment of marketing dollars. 3. Marketing and sales alignment Most of uc have heard the popularly quoted statistic: up to 70% of the B2B buyer's journey i¢ completed online, before a buyer even reaches out to calec. Ac a matter of fact, Gartner Research reports that by 2020, over 85% of the decision will be made without any human interaction. So how exactly do you win the sale without any perconal contact? One way might be to integrate marketing and calec to increase lead generation—an initiative over half of B28 businesses mention as one of their primary marketing objectives. Integration between calec and marketing ic better today, but still hac a long way to go before the two roles are aligned and working effectively towarde the came goals. Katie Martell, B28 On-Demand Marketer, does a great job of breaking thic iccue down in her blog post, Ic B2B calec and marketing alignment a myth? 4. Getting in front of the right people at the right time For the bect chance of succes, marketers need to attract, reach and engage all key stakeholders in buying decicionc—throughout each ctage of the purchase process. These are complex relationships with the average B2B purchase involving 3-5 decision-makers. That means you need to create content that speaks to both influencers and decicion-makerc—not always an easy tack for B28 marketers whe co often juggle multiple roles and responsibilities. One way to help your marketing department ic to ack your calec team to contribute to your content efforts. For more tips on this subject, read our recent post on improving the b2b calec funnel. 5. Globalization of content and marketing Another major challenge [ve seen ig around globalization. B2B marketers may understand the concept in theory, but verving diverce markets around the world, while holding true to your brand, can be a huge undertaking. Marketing products and services globally requires understanding and catering to the needs of markets from a local level. Becauce what reconates in one market might not be received the same way in another. Global marketing ic not as simple ac translating copy into appropriate languages. You want to make cure your audience feels confident that you understand their challenges and have solutions that help make their lives better. That means communicating in such a way that lines up with that particular region's habits. Tf youre a marketer, surely you can relate to moct of thece B28 marketing challenges. So now the question is, how do you overcome them? Having a solid communications strategy, audience personas and a content marketing strategy is a great place to start. Technology can be a valuable tool to help manage your program while aligning marketing and sales. So, take it one step at atime. And if you'd like come help, you can aluayc enlict the help of « B28 agency if you dont already have one. 3. Describe the types of 5 types of 628 customers. Ans. Five Main Types of Customers Tn the retail industry, cuctomers can be cegmented into five main types: 4. Loyal customers: Customers that make up a minority of the customer base but generate a large portion of sales. 2. Impulse customers: Customers that do not have a specific product in mind and purchace goods when it ceeme good at the time. 3. Discount customers: Customers that chop frequently but base buying decisions primarily on markdowns. 4. Need-baced customers: Customers with the intention of buying a specific product. 5. Wandering customers: Customers that are not sure of what they want to buy. 4. Describe 6 typical B2B Goode and Services. 5. Describe the difference between derived demand and consumer demand

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