San Pablo LDRRMP Certification

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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES 5 DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENSE W277 _ OF FICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE RO2 SEY Regional Government Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City ‘TeVfax Nos: (078) 304-1630 (396-9828 E-mail Address: occrc2@amai com /reaion2¢@ocd cov ph June 16, 2023 HON. ANTONIO N MIRO, JR. Municipal Mayor San Pablo, Isabela Thru: MS. ROSEMAN B TUMALIUAN MDRRMO- Dear Mayor Miro: This has reference to the review of your Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (LDRRMP). Anent this, we certify that we have received the following: ¢ Local DRRM Plan (1-year plan) ¢ LDRRMFIP and Annual Procurement Plan 2023 In connection to this, we certify that we have reviewed the programs, projects, and activities (PPAs) indicated in the submitted document with recommendations based on the PPAs set under JMC 2013-1 dated March 25, 2013, or the Allocation and Utilization of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (LDRRMF). Further, we have attached a summary of the review for your perusal. In addition, please be advised that your LORRMP should follow the prescribed template which is needed for the conduct of review and certification. Thank you Very truly yours, = ary DIR (ON D RegionaP Dire‘ REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES A DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENSE OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE RO2 Regional Government Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City ‘Telfax Nos: (078) 304-1630 /396-9828 E-mail Address: ocdrc? J reqion2@ocd gov ph LGU Name: San Pablo, Isabela Plan Coverage: 2023 General Comments: 1. Kindly follow the plan template as stated in Memorandum 71 s.2020 dated 8 October 2020. As minimum requirements, the plan should follow the following template: Preliminary Pages Title Page Resolution adopting the LDRRMP- Message from the LCE . Existing DRRM-CCA related policies/guidelines/resolution (if there are kindly include) Table of Contents Acronyms and abbreviations- part of preliminary pages . Definition of Terms- part of preliminary pages Executive Summary I@mM com> Chapter | A. Ecological profile B. Institutional (LORRMC and LDRRMO Structure) C. Risk Profile D. Situational Analysis: Identifying SWOC for the 4 DRRM Thematic Areas Chapter Il- Thematic Area Plan (per thematic area) In doing your thematic plan, we recommend to use this template. There should be ONE GOAL per thematic area. And there should be identified objectives to be done in order to achieve the goal. The PPAs should be aligned with the objectives identified, Goal: (ossecrives [ean oerice — ———= IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS. TARGET | OUTCOMES [INDICATOR | PROGRAMS, | KEY | BUDGET | TIME FUND | PROJECTS @ | OUTPUT | Frame | SOURCE ‘ACTIVITIES ‘ REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENSE Regional Government Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City Tellfax Nos: (078) 304-1630 /396-9828 E-mail Address: / Chapter Ill- Monitoring and Evaluation ‘Thematic A 3: Disaster Prevention and Mitigation OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE RO2 ion? Expected |] Indicators | Baseline | Assumptions _(helping/ Taformation reeults based | (OV!) Enhancing or Hindering) | Data | Collection | Frequency | OPRIPPR | Resources fon targets | Sources | Methods | and Needed | Audience | to Report | To | 2. Recommendations for PAPs indicated in the LDRRMFIP Ensure that identified PAPs are in accordance to the 4 DRRM Thematic Area (follow JMC 2013-1 dated March 25, 2013 as basis). 70% of the 5% LDRRM Fund should be allocated for PPAs under prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response and rehabilitation and recovery There should be PPAs allotted for Response and Rehabilitation and Recovery under the 70% of the Local DRRM Fund. The 30% is a lump- sum allocation for Quick Response Fund (QRF) and can ONLY be used when there is declaration of state of calamity. Programs, Projects, and Thematic Area Remarks Activities (PPAs) (Recommended) Environmental management specify EC activities = Transfer to Preparedness Trainings and Seminar Transfer to Preparedness ‘Conduct of Drills Transfer to Preparedness ‘Note: Include PAs for response and rehabilitation and recovery under the 70% LORRMF

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