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2023/10/9 22:39 Diarrheal Diseases | Iowa State University --- 腹泻病 |爱荷华州立大学

Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine


Diarrheal Diseases 腹泻病

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Diagnostic features and methods

Groups affected 受影响的群
Disease and agent 疾病与媒介
体 诊断特点和方法

Watery diarrhea, possibly vomiting. Minimal lesions; jejunum and ileum

may have mild villous atrophy. Many Gram-negative rods on mucosa.
Neonates one day old to Culture uniform population of E. coli from small intestine. Identify
pigs up to 2-4 weeks enterotoxigenic E. coli enterotoxins(s) and/or pili, usually by PCR. E. coli
Enteric colibacillosis 肠道大肠 postweaning. may also cause fibrinous polyserositis.
Escherichia coli 大肠杆菌 一天大的新生儿到断奶后 2- 水样腹泻,可能呕吐。损伤最小;空肠和回肠可有轻度绒毛萎缩。粘膜上
4 周的猪。 有许多革兰氏阴性杆菌。从小肠培养均匀的大肠杆菌群。通常通过 PCR

Diarrhea, occasional vomiting. Usually nonfatal. Variable enteritis with

Usually 1-6 week old piglets.
Rotaviral enteritis 轮状病毒性 moderate villous atrophy. Identify rotavirus in feces of early cases by EM
Also common about one
肠炎 or ELISA or in small intestinal epithelium by FAT or IHC.
week after weaning.
(Rotavirus, usually group A)
(轮状病毒,通常为 A 组) EM 或 ELISA 鉴定早期病例粪便中的轮状病毒,或者通过 FAT 或 IHC 鉴

Acute form: vomiting and very high mortality in piglets <3 weeks old.
Bright yellow feces often seen in older piglets. Marked diarrhea in feeder
age pigs. Acutely infected sows may vomit, are depressed and refuse to
nurse piglets.
All age groups susceptible if
previously unexposed. Most 急性形式:<3 周龄的仔猪出现呕吐和极高的死亡率。亮黄色粪便常见于
Transmissible gastroenteritis
severe in piglets <4 weeks 年长仔猪。饲养龄猪出现明显腹泻。严重感染的母猪可能会呕吐、情绪低
old. 落并拒绝哺乳仔猪。
如果以前未接触过,所有年 Endemic form: similar signs but much less severe and with reduced
Coronavirus 新冠病毒 龄段的人都易感。 4周龄以 mortality. FAT or IHC on intestine of acutely affected pigs or PCR on
下的仔猪最为严重。 feces from acutely affected pigs.
性感染的猪的肠道进行 FAT 或 IHC,或对受急性感染的猪的粪便进行

Mesocolonic edema and colon filled with creamy diarrhea.

Piglets 2-10 days of age
Microscopically, there is multifocal suppurative and erosive colitis. The
Clostridium difficile-associated with diarrhea, variable
presence of C. difficileenterotoxin is confirmed by ELISA test on fresh
enterotoxemia morbidity and low mortality
艰难梭菌相关肠毒血症 2-10 日龄仔猪腹泻,发病率
炎。通过新鲜粪便的 ELISA 测试证实了艰难梭菌肠毒素的存在。

Minimal gross lesions, similar to colibacillosis. Microscopically there is

Piglets 2-10 days of age mild multifocal suppurative enteritis with large Gram-positive rods.
Clostridium perfringens type A-
with diarrhea, variable Isolation and genotyping of an enterotoxigenic (beta 2 toxin) C.
associated enterotoxemia
morbidity and low mortality perfringens type A is warranted.
A 型产气荚膜梭菌相关肠毒血
2-10 日龄仔猪腹泻,发病率 最小的肉眼病变,类似于大肠杆菌病。显微镜下可见轻度多灶性化脓性肠

不一,死亡率低 炎,伴有大的革兰氏阳性杆菌。有必要对产肠毒素(β2 毒素)产气荚膜
梭菌 A 型进行分离和基因分型。

Salmonellosis 沙门氏菌病 More common in weaned Intestinal form: Necrotizing enteritis of large and small intestine.
Usually Salmonella serotypes and growing pigs. All ages Enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes. Congested lungs. Chronic cases
Choleraesuis, Typhimurium, or susceptible if previously may have rectal strictures or “button ulcers” in large intestine.
Heidelberg unexposed.
通常是猪霍乱沙门氏菌、鼠伤 多见于断奶猪和生长猪。如 病例可能有直肠狭窄或大肠“纽扣溃疡”。
寒沙门氏菌或海德堡沙门氏菌 果以前未接触过,所有年龄
Septicemic form: Red/purple skin lesions on ears, tail, snout, feet,
血清型 段的人都易感。
abdomen. Congested lungs, splenomegaly and hepatomegaly. Perhaps
Other salmonellae are gray foci in liver.
commonly isolated but primary 1/3
2023/10/9 22:39 Diarrheal Diseases | Iowa State University --- 腹泻病 |爱荷华州立大学
role in disease is often unclear.
其他沙门氏菌通常是分离的, 部充血、脾肿大、肝肿大。也许肝脏中有灰色病灶。
Diagnosis: Severe septicemia or necrotizing enterocolitis. Culture
Salmonella from lymph nodes, liver, lungs, spleen, kidneys, perhaps
brain if CNS signs.
Histology: Paratyphoid nodules in liver.

Mucohemorrhagic diarrhea (fresh mucus and fresh blood) is very

suggestive. Mucohemorrhagic to fibrinonecrotic typhlitis and colitis but
no lesions in small intestine.
Swine dysentery 猪痢疾
Brachyspira hyodysenteriae
From 3 weeks to adults if 蛋白坏死性盲肠炎和结肠炎,但小肠无病变。
猪痢疾短螺旋体 previously unexposed.
Histology: Lesions largely restricted to mucosa with organisms in
PreviouslySerpulina 如果以前未接触过,从 3 周 epithelium and crypts. CultureB. hyodysenteriae from mucosa or feces.
or Treponema 到成人。
组织学:病变主要局限于粘膜,上皮和隐窝中有生物体。文化 B.来自粘
以前蛇螺旋体或密螺旋体 膜或粪便的猪痢疾。
Note: Brachyspira pilosicoli is a sporadic cause of colitis.

Signs: Subclinical disease with weight loss most consistent sign.

Clinically affected have either an acute form with hemorrhagic diarrhea
or chronic form with diarrhea and wasting.
Proliferative enteritis 增殖性肠 Weaned pigs and all older
炎 swine.
Lawsonia intracellularis 胞内劳 Lesions: Thickening of mucosa of jejunum and/or ileum and/or colon.
森菌 Curved bacilli in affected enterocytes. PCR (feces) and IHC (lesions)
confirm organism and disease.
菌。 PCR(粪便)和 IHC(病变)可确认微生物和疾病。

Mucoid or mucohemorrhagic diarrhea with loss of condition is

suggestive. Inflammatory nodules, often with protruding parasites, in
mucosa of large intestine. Signs similar to those of swine dysentery and
Feeder/finishers and mature
they can occur together. No eggs apparent until 8 weeks post-infection.
Whipworm infection 鞭虫感染 swine
Early cases diagnosed by histopathology or mucosal scrapings.
Trichuris suis 猪鞭虫
8 周才出现明显的虫卵。早期病例通过组织病理学或粘膜刮片诊断。

Diarrheal diseases at various ages


Infection with and/or agent

Unweaned piglets 未断奶仔 Nursery pigs 保育 Adults 成年
Grow/finish pigs 生长/肥育猪
和/或病原体感染 猪 猪 人

Enterotoxigenic E. coli 产肠毒素大肠杆 + (early grower) +(早期种植

++++ +++
菌 者)
+ (early grower) +(早期种植
Rotaviral infection 轮状病毒感染 ++++ +++
Transmissible gastroenteritis virus
++++ +++ +++ +++

Clostridium difficile 艰难梭菌 ++++

Clostridium perfringensType A
产气荚膜梭菌A型 2/3
2023/10/9 22:39 Diarrheal Diseases | Iowa State University --- 腹泻病 |爱荷华州立大学
Clostridium perfringensType C
++++ + (rare) +(罕见)

Coccidiosis 球虫病
++++ ++ +
Isospora suis 猪等孢子虫
Salmonellosis 沙门氏菌病 + ++ ++++ +
Swine dysentery 猪痢疾
Brachyspira hyodysenteriae
+ ++ ++++ ++

Proliferative enteropathies
增殖性肠病 ++ ++++ ++
Lawsonia intracellularis 胞内劳森菌
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus
+++ +++ ++++ ++++

Whipworm infection 鞭虫感染

++ ++++ +++
Trichuris suis 猪鞭虫

Key: 钥匙:
Clear cells indicate groups that seldom, if ever, are infected; 1+, 2+, and 3+ indicate increasing frequencies of infection, with 4+
indicating the age groups that most often are infected.
透明细胞表示很少(如果有的话)被感染的群体; 1+、2+ 和 3+ 表示感染频率增加,4+ 表示最常被感染的年龄组。
CNS-central nervous system
ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
ELISA 酶联免疫吸附测定
EM-electron microscopy EM-电子显微镜
FAT-fluorescent antibody
PCR-polymerase chain reaction
PCR聚合酶链式反应 3/3

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