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a iE L student Book AD 2 SOO" 4 ser a Kathleen Kampa Charles Vilina OXFORD UNIVERSITY Press OXFORD 194 Modivn vemne ‘ow York HY 10015 USA Great Carndin Set, Oxon 2 St UK ‘sherbet sf exec neste, scolsh, nd edscaton by pblshisg wortwle Oxbrd New fort ‘Avulng Cape Towa are Solas ong Keng Kanct oaks tumpar Meda ‘llboutne Mase Cy Aatob! 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Se Sgn chou ape phe Sad, Camelot nit Seay cee oy. [ep a sewer tris Lewrang te Oub Jpn oma So ‘Gg aie targa roo ape Fron Song. 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TeyMeDoeIand Deron Phage Wee Spc no aur orton eon our pr td ocr, Ini and Gn Tash you forgo pesence aod inapeion “KC ard cv Table of Contents WOE... iirc meres Unit 1 Vacation. Unit2 Camping.. RIG acs cnesx srr ces scpunverseneratin 20 ROMO: | ssvaceca deans Sesser hace iusnteenines 2l Unit 3 Class Party... 22 Unit 4 The Amazon Rainforest Review 2 RM Ae reiirv angina sis sreecnciy es 39 UnitS Busy Students.. Unit6 Making Things . Review 3 Skills 3, Unit7 World Trave Unit8 Computer: Review 4 PNM nnresicenntaasy exalt mmexenennernceate 75 SGUGS iis ccsisssrcccscsisscsssreeviveseas 76 NMR TIN se een ale ss nena 78 ©) Listen, read, and say. 63» |. Tlike to go snowboarding in my free time. 1 bought a new helmet on Tuesday. It's blue and yellow. I always wear a helmet and gloves when I go snowboarding. When I'm older, I want to make movies and design video games! What kind of video games do you like? 3. I visited my friend yesterday. We saw c parade, and I took pictures! I practiced the violin yesterday, too. Tomorrow is my dad's birthday. I’m going to play music for him. 1 want fo be o musician when I grow up. What do you want to be when. you grow up? © What about you? Talk with your classmates. @ vevome Danny Julie Thave wovy hair and brown eyes. My sister has wavy hair, too, but it's shorter. We're going fo swim in the ocean next weekend. I'm going to take my swimsuit and towel. When I go fo the beach, I always put on sunscreen. What do you like to do on vacation? My family went camping lost weekend. My brother likes hiking, but I don't lke it at all. T like canoeing a lot, but T'mnot very good at it. I'm very good at griling hamburgers! Today we ate sushi for lunch. It's my favorite food. I drank tea with it, What's your favorite food? i Emma ‘ Mike yr @ Listen and say. Then practice. oi» How do you say Could you say that May I go to May I get a drink this in English? ‘again, please? the restroom? of water? act in a play learn how to dive ride a roller coaster read a lot of books win a competition sleep late a act ected @ Listen and say. Then practice. 2) learn learnad tide rode He acted in a play when he was on vacation. L4tL 44 What did you © Look at ©. Point, ask, and answer. © ob on you last vacation? \9 Listen, point, and say. io» @ relaxed © nervous © confident @shy © wide-awake @ sleepy ) Listen and say. Then practice. i») i T felt relaxed, but he felt nervous. @ Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. #39 © How did you feel when you rode a roller coaster? T felt relaxed, but she felt nervous. FEST) Listening & Specting © Listen. Then answer the questions. 3) 1. How did Brook feel when she rode arolier coaster? a. She felt nervous. b. She felt relaxed. c. She felt wide-awake. 2. How did Ben feel about the competition? a. He felt shy. b. He felt confident. c. He felt relaxed. © what about you? Ask and answer. @2 . Do you feel relaxed when you ride a roller coaster? . When do you fee! confident? FON- . How do you feel when you mee! new people? Tak about something you learned how to do this year. 3. How did the girl feel when she went to swimming class? a. She felt sleepy. b, She felt wide-awake. c. She felt nervous. 4. How did Will feel when he acted in a play? a. He felt sleepy. bi, He feltoonnaary, 1 feel wide-awake! oi What about you? c. He felt shy. Lesson 3 Reading © Talk about the story. Then listen and read. ii) “ The Surfing Lesson Mike and Julie are at the beach on Saturday morning. It’s hot and sunny. Julie is swimming in the water when she sees a woman giving surfing lessons. “Mon, can | take a surfing lesson?” asks Julie. “Sure)’ says her mom. “You and Mike can take one together” Julie runs over to Mike. et’s learn how “Come on, Mike?’ she say: to surf” Julie is confident, but Mike is shy. He's afraid, of the water. He feels nervous about surfing “No, thanks?’ says Mike. “Id rather play video games?” Julie wants Mike to relax and have fun, but she can't make him go in the water. Just then, they hear a loud beep. The screen on Mike's game is black, and the battery is dead. ee. “Oh, no!” says Mike. “My game!” “Come surfing, Mike? says Julie. “You can do it!” Mike looks at the water and feels more confident. They go surfing and havea great time. Mike is really good at surfing! Be brave. © Read and circle. . Julie is afraid of the water. 2. Mike is nervous about playing video games. 3. Mike is good at surfing. 4. Julie wants to take a surfing lesson. @ Sing. 159 Come on, come on. Let’s learn how to surf. Sounds fun! Good idea. I'm tired of playing video games. Let me get my swimsuit. Let’s learn how to surf. Come on, come on. Let's learn how to surf. True False ‘True False ‘True False ‘True False Come on, come on Let’s learn how to ski. No, thanks. I’m sorry. Id rather play video games. Come on, you can do it! Let’s learn how to ski. OK, OK. Let’s learn how to ski. © Listen and say. Then act. i) © aes - ae > how to surf? © difficult Qruler © return © become famous isten and read. 1s Marco Polo and the Silk Road ‘The Silk Road is over two thousand years old and six thousand kilometers long. It goes across Europe and Asia. Many people traveled on this road to buy and sell silk and other goods. Marco Polo traveled on the Silk Road when he was 17, in the year 1271. He traveled from Italy to China and saw many new things. The days were very hot and the nights were cold. Sometimes there was no food or water. It was a difficult road to travel on, but Marco felt confident. He traveled on the Silk Road for three years. When he was 21, Marco met the ruler of China, Kublai Khan, He lived in China for the next seventeen years. Marco returned to Italy when he was 41. He met the writer Rustichello, who wrote 2 book called Tie Travels of Marco Polo. Many people read this book, and Marco became famous. Marco lived to the age of 70. You can still see his house in Italy today. orn wwsS © Answer the questions. = 5 |. How oldis the Silk Road? Sean the reading 2. How many years did Marco Polo live in China? for numbers. 3. How many years did Marco Polo travel on the Silk Road? 44. How long is the Silk Road? ® write. Marco Polo's Travels Italy China [fey . Marco Polo traveled on the Silk Road when he was . When he wos: , Marco Polo met Kublai Khan. |. When he wos. , Marco Polo returned to Italy. . Marco Polo lived to the age of Tm reading The Travels of Narco Polo. Look at ‘b). Ask and answer. @® What did Marco Polo do when he was 177 He traveled on the Silk Road. Pp F) What about you? Ask and answer. & — Man ome hee aeoer ka Nite Reel ke NCR Ce CRC Vite NUR ea OM MR ot Ree a La Listen, point, and say. ‘9 study insects identify trees pick wild strawberries find animal tracks explore a cave collect leaves @ Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. ii) © study —> studying para morning? identify —» identifying What was she doing in the cfiemoon? pick —> picking ; find —> finding She was studying insects. explore —> exploring collect —> collecting © Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. 32) “° Wes he anudiilig irescts inthe | Tomnina?\ Yee, he wos: afternoon? No, he wasn’t. He was \dentifying trees. wasn't = was not | EGeEBEE study collect pick wild find animal identify explore a insects leaves strawberries tracks trees cave © Look at ©. Point, ask, and answer. ©2 soe aes you doing this morning? Listen, point, and say. 23» set up the tent build a campfire roast fish tell stories put out the campfire look at the stars Listen and say. Then practice. 24») ‘She was sefling up the tent when I orrived at the campsite. When I arrived ot the campsite, she was setting up the tent. set setting build building roast roasting tell telling put putting look looking FEE Reading & Writing ® Listen and read. Then answer the questions. 25.) Star Camp ‘When I was on vacation, I went to a camp where boys and girls look at the stars. At the campsite, a boy named Jason was setting up his tent. Iasked him what he was learning about the stars. “I'm learning their names and how to read a star map’ said Jason, “It’s lot of fun.” “When is the best time to look at the stars?” 1 What wos Jason doing at the campsite? Lasked. 2. Whenis the best time to see stars? “The best time to look is late at night, when it’s 3, What is Jason learning about the stars? clear and not cloudy? said Jason. © Add quotation marks. Then rewrite. Do you like to Use quotation marks to show when look at the stars? someone is speaking. 1. Hi, Welcome to the campsite! 2. [want to explore the cove, said Karen. 3. How many leaves did you collect? y « Talk about the story. Then listen and read. 27 Danny and Mike are studying insects when they find ‘ some animal tracks. They follow the tracks to a cave. Mike takes out his flashlight and looks inside. ae “Let's explore it!” says Danny. In the cave, they find more tracks. They see brown spiders, green frogs, q and black ants. or ‘The boys walk for a long time. They start to worry, but then Mike sees a way out. “Look, Danny!" says Mike. “We should go back to the campsit. ‘The boys are hungry and tired. They look around but can’t tell where they are. “I think we're lost!” says Danny. Then they hear something behind them. “Hi, Danny. Hi, Mike? says Emma. “Where were you all day?” “Emma! Julie!” the boys shout. “We got lost!” says Mike. “Which way is the campsite?” “Its that way? says Julie. “We'll go with you” “Thanks a lot! Is it far?" asks Mike. “Not really? says Emma. “Look over there!” Emma points to some trees, Mike and Danny look. ‘The campsite is right in front of them! @ vie © Who said it? Read and circle. |. "Which way is the campsite?” 3. “We'll go with you.” a. Mike a. Julie b. Julie b. Mike c. Emma c. Danny 2. “Let's explore it!” 4. “Isitfar?” a. Emma a. Danny b. Danny : b. Emma c. Julie c. Mike Sing. 389 Which way is the coffee shop? Which way is the city zoo? Te’s that way. It’s over there. Thanks a lot! Welll go with you. Which way is Mexico? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Sorry, I don’t know. Thanks a lot! © Listen and say. Then act. 25») Which way is on seed underground Listen and read. 31» The Parts of a Plant People need plants to live. Plants give us food, clothing, and ‘There are over 250,000 kinds of plants in the world. Trees, flowers, and grass are all plants. Green plants need sun and water to grow. A plant has six parts. Each part has a job to do. Seeds come in many shapes and When seeds are in the earth, they grow and become new plants. Roots The roots of a plant usually grow They take in food and water for the plant, grows up from the roots and helps the plant to stand. It stores food and brings water to other parts of the plant. denver. 2 ne eae Leaves grow out of the stem. They use the sun to make food for the plant Flowers Many flowers are colorful. They help the plant to make seeds. Fruit = Some plants grow fruit, which have seeds in them. Apples, oranges, and tomatoes are all fruit. Ez tip Use headings to find information. 3. Where do cee grow? 4. Which port of a plant can you find in an apple? | wnat do you like to plant? Which parts of the plont are these? Those are the seeds. What do they do? They grow and become new plants. F) What about you? Ask and answer. @® NM te ud 2. What's your favorite fruit? Reem ete re Man Tel mer aa Review 1 © Listen and circle. 22 |. a, building o campfire b. setting up the tent 2. a. learned how to dive b. slept late 3. a. seeds b. roots 4. a. wide-awoke b. nervous 5. a.sik b. returned 6. a. picking wild strawberries _b. collecting leaves © Talk about these topics. activities being in the woods feelings making camp @ Talk with your partner. © . putting out the campfire C. read a lot of books c. leaves c. confident c. became famous c. studying insects 3. & ‘travel and trade $s plants © Read. Then answer. 239 How Scouting Started In 1908, Robert Baden-Powell wrote a book called Scouting for Boys. When boys and girls read it, many of them wanted to become scouts. The book showed them how to be safe and confident in the woods. They learned how to camp, hike, and find animal tracks. They also learned how to identify trees and build a campfire. People in countries around the world read the book and started scouting groups. ‘Today there are groups in 218 countries. They teach camping, sports, and many other activities. Scouting is now over one hundred years old, and more young people become scouts every year. Reading, Writing, Listening, & Speaking |. What did Robert Baden-Powell do in 19087 2. How many countries have scouting groups? 3. What are three things scouts learned from Robert Baden-Powell’s book? © Underline the book titles. Then rewrite. ‘Underline the titles of books. |. Robert Baden-Powell wrote Scouting for Boys in 1908. 2. In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, a boy named Tom explores a cave. 3. Little Women is a story about four sisters. @ Listen and number. 3!» ( 2. @ Talk with your partner. 2. What kinds of books do you like to read? Pe B® 1. What do you do when you go camping or hiking? Skills | @ Listen, point, and say. 35 order pizzas bake cupcakes bring fruit juice choose the music moke decorations buy balloons Listen and find. Then talk about the picture. 31) °° Tomorrow _, & ~ vulie Emma ar ia Danny © Listen and say. Then practice. 37 vn| : We'll | order pizzas for the party. Till =I will We'll = We will § ‘es | @ Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. 33) 6a eS) What willhe do? ~— He'll order pizzas. He'll = He will What will you do tomorrow? © Look at ©. Point, ask, and answer. © What will he do? He'l order pizzas, y © Listen, point, and say. % @ pour the juice @ serve the pizzas © set up the music © blow up the © put up the © put out the balloons decorations cupcakes © Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. i) © @ Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. i» Who will pour the juice? They wil Listening & Speaking @® Listen. Then answer the questions. 29 1. Who will put out the cupcakes? 3. Who will set up the music? a, Liso will. a. Rachel will. b. Mark will. b. Jeff will. c. Mr. Wilson will. c. Rachel and Jeff will. 2. Whowill pour the juice? 4. Who will blow up the balloons? a. Jake will. a. David will. b. Jake and Sara will. b. Jason will. Will you come c. Sora will. ©. David and Jason will. to my party? © Talk with your classmates. Fill in the chart. Lesson 3 Reading ©) Tolk about the story. Then listen and read. 3») ‘The Garcia family is planning a surprise party for Ann's birthday. Mrs. Garcia will put up the decorations. Emma will bake the cupcakes, and Tommy will choose the music, Mr. Garcia will pour the juice. “Tommy, we're out of juice” says Mr. Garcia. “Could you get some more?” “Sure, Dad. No problem? says Tommy. “Thanks}’ says Mr. Garcia. “Can I go with you?” asks Emma, “I need eggs for the cupcakes? “Sure, Emma,’ says Tommy. ‘Tommy and Emma walk down the street. Emma is ina hurry. “Let’s walk across the highway?’ she says. “We'll get there faster!” “It’s not safe,’ says Tommy. “We should walk at the crosswalk.” Emma doesn't listen, She tries to walk across the highway, but the cars are going fast. “Whoa! You're right, Tommy” she says. “It’s not safe!” ‘Tommy and Emma use the crosswalk and go to the store. They buy eggs and juice, and then walk back home. When they get there, Mr. Garcia is waiting. “What took you so long?” asks Mr. Garcia. “We took the long way? says Emma, “but we were safe!” @ writs © Read and circle. |. Tommy wants to walk across the highway. Tue False 2. Emma needs eggs for the cupcakes. True False 3. Mr. Garciawill choose the music for the party. True —False 4. ‘Tommy and Emma buy eggs and juice Tue False G@ Sing. ii We're out of juice. Could you get some more? eevcccee Could you go to the supermarket? Sure, no problem. T'll_go get some juice. Great. Thanks. milk soda We're out of lemonade. Could you get some more? Could you go to the supermarket? Sorry, I can't right now. Pm busy. ° e ° ° e e e e e e ° e e Hey, that’s OK. Thanks, anyway. Ceecerccoccccccococe eeovee © Listen and say. Then act. %) “© We're out of lemonade. I'l get tm some more! Ser ‘ oll ij ee _ Ea Leen edu cts alae @& Lg as peng eg mms A ham celebrate season tradition delicious child samba parade See 4 Year of Celebrations ‘vier tg summer People around the world like to . In each , there are different celebrations. Every celebration has special In the winter, people in China will celebrate the Lunar New Year. Families will clean their homes, put up decorations, and serve de food. will get a gift of money, called hong bao, from their parents. In the spring, f people in Japan will celebrate Children’s Day. They'll put fish decorations, called Koinobori, on their homes. Children will eat g00d food and play games. In the summer, people in Brazil will celebrate Carnival. They'll watch singers and dancers in the ‘The music will be great! In the fall, people in South Korea will celebrate Chuseok. Many people will return to their homes, eat rice cakes, and wear traditional clothes. Families will give thanks for their food. @ Answer the questions. . Who will people watch in the samba parade? Up Pictures can help you understand = 2. What will children get from their parents for the Lunar New Year? the reading 3. What will people wear for Chuseok? What kind of decorations will people put up on Children’s Day? a ne i (©) Fill in the chart. | Carnival winter samba parade South Korea Children’s Day fall gift of money Japan | China Lunar New Year Pee Comerica Seer / ‘spring fish decorations Brazil summer Chuseok rice cakes \ a PS What you 5 celebrate in the fall? & AYR whet will people in VAY Japon do in the spring? They'll celebrate Children’s Day, SLRS eu Rue <) PRN aee oh oie el ia 2. When do you ema eh re Listen, point, and say. ‘s colorful macaw plain egret dangerous jaguar friendly river energetic spider calm sloth dolphin monkey |) Listen and find. Then talk about the picture. i) °°) ED yen) Listen and say. Then practice. 50: oa 4 plain plain dangerous dangerous The thon the trienaly fiendlier energetic energetic calm calm: Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. Yes, it is. No, itisn’t. | isn't = is not | pe | than the ‘ Is your shirt Look at ©). Point, ask, and answer. ©:° more colorful ~ than my shint? py Is the joguar more dangerous / than the river dolphin? 4 Yes, itis. \y ©) Listen, point, and say. 529 @ easy puzzle @ comfortable sandals @ cheap bracelet Q difficult puzzle. @ uncomfortable sandals @ expensive bracelet © Listen and say. Then practice. 53 This puzzle is the easiest one here. ‘These sandals are the most comfortable ones here. easy —> easier — easiest difficult —> more difficult — mos’ difficult comfortable —> morecomfortable —» mos! comfortable uncomfortable —» more uncomfortable —» ‘os! uncomfortable cheap —> cheaper — > cheapes! expensive —> moreexpensive —» mosi expensive @ Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. 349) Which puzzle is the easies!?_ | Which sandals are the most comfortable? This puzzle. These sandals. FETT) Reading & Writing © Listen and read. Then answer the questions. 5: JANE'S RAINFOREST. BLOG ‘My class took a trip to the Amazon rainforest. We learned about the poison dart frog. This frog is one of the most colorful animals here, but it can also be one of the most dangerous. These frogs are not safe to touch. Touching one could make youvery sick. Where did Jane’s class go? “here are over 175 different kinds of poison 2. How many kinds of polson dart dart frogs, Some are more colorful than others. frogs are there? Doctors and scientists are studying these frogs to 3. Are these frogs safe to touch? find ways that they can help sick people. u What's your 4 most difficult © Underline the superlative adjectives. Then rewrite. class? a |. This watch is the most expensive one here. 2. Which subject is the easiest? 3. My sister is the tallest person in our family. Lesson 3 I ©) Talk about the story. Then listen and read. 59 eS) ‘A‘New, Snowboard In the winter, Danny goes snowboarding every Saturday. He wants to win a competition in February, but his snowboard is getting old. He needs to buy a new one. Danny and Mike visit a sporting goods shop. ‘The shop has all kinds of snowboards, Danny points to a colorful snowboard. “Twant that one? he says. “It’s the most colorful one here!” “It’s the most expensive one here, too;” says Mike. “Do you have enough money?” Danny counts his money. “No, I don't} he says. Mike points to a gray snowboard, “How about this one, instead?” asks Mike. “It’s plainer, but it's also cheaper. You could buy it today” “Learn money helping my parents at home? says Danny. “I'll wait. I can buy it in three weeks’ Danny does his chores and saves his money. He sweeps the floor, washes the car, and takes out the garbage. In February, he buys the colorful snowboard and wins the competition. Danny's friends are excited! @ vs © Who said it? Read and circle. 1. “Do you have enough money?” 3. “T.can buy it in three weeks.” . Danny . Danny b. Mike b. Mike 2. “I want that one.” 4. “It’s plainer, but it's also cheaper.” a. Danny a. Danny b. Mike b. Mike @ Sing. 5 This one. That one. That one. This one. This one. That one. That one. This one. This one. That one. That one. This one. Which one? T want that het. That hat. sweater How about this one, instead? thicker Ies cheaper. It’s nicer. wormer OK. Good choice. © Listen and say. Then act. 89 Mich ere abery a bicycle or a ae re Listen, point, and say. 5°» natural community @ freshwater ® desert B grassland Biomes are of plants and animals, ‘The Earth has six biomes. ‘The oceans are the biggest biome on Earth and are home to whales, dolphins, and fish. Over seventy percent (70%) of the Earth is ocean. Oceans give us food and oxygen. Water from the oceans goes into the air and comes back as rain. Our lakes and rivers are . Turtles and ducks live in this biome. Only about three percent (3%) of the Earth’s water is freshwater. About thirty percent (30%) of the land on Earth is, Deserts get very little rain and are the driest biome. They are also the hottest biome. Deserts are home to animals like snakes and lizards Over thirty percent (30%) of the land on Earth is This biome has many trees, plants, and animals. The Earth has forests in hot and cold places. Forests are the biggest biome on land. havea lot of grass, but they do not have many trees. In North America, grasslands are home to rabbits and snakes. In Africa, zebras, elephants, and lions live in grasslands. The is the coldest biome and is home to foxes and bears, There are about seventeen hundred kinds of plants in the tundra. Answer the questions. j The first sentence of a | Paragraph usually tells. | 2. Which biome has many trees? eooyt these 3. How much of Earth's water is freshwater? “i |. What are biomes? 4. Where do whales live? n the chart. |. Coldest 2. Driest 3. Biggest 4. Hottest 5. Biggest on land Lo Fi There are four biomes in my country. @ Look at @. Ask and answer. GD PAARL mle CS e-O Ri & Mca Tein Tun ene Pee ema aurea ee ene Mm RC geo ag Review 2 © Listen and circle. 9 |. @. spider monkey b. macaw ¢. jaguar 2. a. pul outthe cupcakes —_b. blowup the balloons C. put up the decorations 3. a. celebrate b. samba parade c. tradition 4. a. sandals b. bracalet c. puzzle 5. a. desert b. grassland . tundra 6. a. buy balloons b. choose the music «. bring fruit juice © Talk about these topics. &© a se Se =i Planning a party starting a party celebrations a= m sé. ‘ ; Ls a ty comparisons ‘comparisons eo Talk with your partner. © i 2: © Read. Then answer. £29) Reading, Writing, Listening, & Speaking The Rainforests 1. How much of the Earth's Forests that get a lot of rain and have many tall trees are Oxygen do the rainforests make? called rainforests, Rainforests are home to more plants 2. What are people doing to and animals than any other place on Earth. Most of the the rainforests? world’s freshwater is in rainforests. They also make about twenty percent (20%) of the Earth’s oxygen. 3. What are some animals that live in the roinforests? Rainforests are important, but people are cutting them down. They sell the trees, and then use the land for farming. What will happen to the animals that live there? Some animals like the macaw, sloth, and spider monkey won't have a place to live. We need to take care of the rainforests today, to make sure that the Earth stays healthy in the future. © Underline the nouns. Then rewrite. Anoun is a word used to name a person, place, or thing. 1. This macaw is the most colorful. 2. Which biome is the driest? 3. Whales live in the ocean. @ Listen and number. 2») ss : ba , a , ® © Talk with your partner. 1, Howare the rainforests important? 2. What animals live in the forests in your country? Skils 2 ® _ Busy Students Lesson! — F ©» Listen, point, and say. 62 OQ wash my hair @ take a shower © floss my teeth @ check my calendar @ pack my schoolbag @ iron my clothes as Listen and find. Then talk about the picture. 03 @ Listen and say. Then practice. 04) ee sometimes rarely never LI o Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. 5» C® Yes, I always i 2 Do you wash your hair before you go to bed? No, Tieraly What do you do before you go to bed? © Look at ®. Point, ask, and answer. 2 SSE a \ © Listen, point, and say. 6» @ slowly © corefully © quietly @ quickly © carelessly @ loudly © Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. i7) © How is she walking? — She's walking slo She's = She is TD wa @ Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. 3) °© Is he walking siowly or quickly? He’s walking slow! He's = Heis @ Listen. Then answer the questions. 699 |. How is the boy eating? a. He's eating quickly. b. He's eating loudly. c. He's eating slowly. 2. Howis Ted writing? ‘a. He’s writing quietly. b. He’s writing carefully. c. He’s writing carelessly. 3. Howis the girl talking? a. She's talking quietly. b. She's talking loudly. c. She's talking carefully. 4. Howis Jan walking? . She's walking quickly. b. She's walking carelessly. c. She's walking slowly. T always pack my schoolbag carefully. Do you? © What about you? Ask and answer. © |. Do you write carefully in English? 2. How do you eat your favorite food? 3. How do you shop for a birthday present’? 41. Talk about how you get ready for school in the morning. Lesson 3 Reading “Your recital is in two weeks, Julie,’ says Mr. Miller. “Practice every day for forty-five minutes, and I think you'll be ready” ‘That week, Emma comes over to Julie's house every day after school. They play video games, design clothes, and listen to music. Julie doesn't practice her violin very often. ian Emma calls Julie that night. “Are you ready for your recital?” she asks. “No, I'm not. I still need to practice” says Julie. Julie practices for an hour each day. At the recital, she plays beautifully. Her parents are proud and so is Mr. Miller, Julie thanks him for telling her to practice. She learns that to be really good at something she has to work hard at it! ®@ Unit 5 ©) Talk about the story. Then listen and read. 09 Julie is taking violin lessons with her teacher, Mr. Miller. Aweek later, Mr. Miller listens to Julie play. He looks worried. He tells Julie she's not ready for the recital. “Did you practice every day for forty-five minutes?” he asks. “Well, almost every day? says Julie. BC tC © Read and circle. |. At the recital, Julie plays carelessly. Tue False 2. Mr. Miller tells Julie to practice every day for forty-five minutes. True —_—~False 3. When Emma calls, Julie isn’t recdy for her recital. Te —Folse 4. Before the recital, Mr. Miller thinks Julie ploys well Tne False @ Sing. ji» Are you ready for your recital? Are you ready for your competition? No, I'm not. I still need to practice. Yes, I am. I practiced all week. Did you practice every day? Did you practice every day? Well, almost every day. Yes, I practiced every day. Almost every day? Practiced every day? Almost every day. Practiced every day! Almost every day? Practiced every day? Well... Yes! © Listen and say. Then act. #29) Tm ready for my baseball game. tela © possible Oca © exercise @ habit © Listen and read.» How to Be a Healthy Student Students have busy lives. Many go to school every day, and they often have activities after school. They usually have a lot ofhomework. To be a happy and successful student, you need to stay healthy. Here are three things you can do. 1. Exercise Students often sit at their desks for hours, but it’s important for them to exercise, too. Try to get some exercise once or twice a day. When possible, go for a walk or ride your bike to school. Exercise can be more fun when you do it with a friend. You could also join a sports team. 2. Eat Good Foods Pizza and ice cream taste good, but they're not always good for your health. It's important to eat balanced meals three times a day and to get enough fruits and vegetables. Eating breakfast is good for you, too. Healthy habits will help you do well every day. Floss your teeth at least once a day. Take a shower often and go to bed early. Always get enough sleep. It can help you do better at school and on tests! @ Answer the questions. 7D Skim the reading | . What are three ways to stay healthy? for main ideas. . How often should you exercise? . What kind of meals should you eat? How con sleep help you? fers © Fill in the chart. Your Healthy Week Go for a walk Ride a bike Eat fruit Eat vegetables Eat breakfast Floss your teeth Take a shower Get enough sleep How do you © Look at @. Ask and answer. ©© ae © what about you? Ask and answer. © © |. How much sleep do you usually get? 2. What's your favorite way to exercise? 3. What did you ect for breakfast this morning? vy Listen, point, and say. ‘59 @ cup of flour 2 half cup of water a quarter cup of salt a tablespoon of a teaspoon of a drop of cooking oil baking soda food coloring Listen and find. Then talk about the picture. 16) © @ Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. 79) 2 How much flour does he need? He needs a cup of flour. © Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. is, © ‘Yes, she does. 2 Does she have enough flour? aera “four cup of “sx fablespoors todos of floor oF ooking a ie food colering 4, 5 a Sere ene teasroon of ralt oF haking soda How much homework do you have? \y © Listen, point, and say. 159 Qoprons @ toothpicks © paper clips @ cardboard © masking tape © modeling clay Oo Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. 0) ( How many aprons do we have? | How much cardboard do we have? We have three aprons. We have six sheets of cardboard, sheets of cardboard tolls of masking tape bowls of modeling clay How to Make Your Model of the Parthenon @ Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. 21) afew 1? How many oprons do they have? They have | "17. alittle 1? How much cordboard do they have? Theyhave | 71 PES Receding & Wiring ® Listen and read. Then answer the questions. 239 Annie, you can bake fifty cookies for your classmates. You will need four cups of flour. A id Anni a pee seamed ene You will also need one more cup of butter: wants to bake cookies for Haye fun! twenty-five classmates. é She has a lot of sugar, a Debby < |" little salt, and a tablespoon of baking soda. She also has a few eggs and |. Does Annie need more butter? ahalf cup of butter. She wants to know how 2. How many cookies can Annie bake? much flour she'll need. 3. How much salt does Annie have? e ea the quantifiers. Then rewrite. How many students Quantifiers are words that come before nouns and ce eee tell us how much or how many. I, Theyneed afew / alittle paper clips. 2, Shehas alittle /alot of aprons. 3. He wants alot of /afew cardboard. ©) Talk about the story. Then listen and read. 2») Where’s the Parthenon?, “The students in Danny's class each made a model of a famous building. Danny made a model of the Parthenon. Today, the town museum is having show of all the models. Danny's parents are driving him there. Megan is coming, too. “Did we bring the map?" asks Danny's dad. “1 don't remember?’ says his mom. “I remember,’ says Danny. “It’s under your seat, Mom? “Thanks, Danny. Now put on your seatbelt!” Danny's mom finds the museum on the map. It’s across from the movie theater. ‘Megan turns to Danny. “Danny! she says, “where's the Parthenon?” Danny looks around. He looks all over the car. “Mom! Dad!” he shouts. “We forgot the model!” Danny's dad stops the car. “I know we brought it) his dad says. “1 remember putting it on top of the car?” Danny has an idea. He gets out of the car and looks on the roof: “T found it!” he says. “It’s right where you put it, Dad!” © Who said it? Read and circle. 1. ‘Now put on your seatbelt!” 3. “Danny, where's the Parthenon?” ‘a. Danny a. Megan b. Megan b. Danny's mom c. Danny's mom ¢. Danny’s dad 2. ‘Tfound it!" 4. "Did we bring the map?” 4. Danny's dad a. Megan b. Danny b. Danny ¢. Danny’s mom ¢. Danny's dad 249) @ Sing. Did we bring the map? I don’t remember. Tremember. Ids under the Seat. 04, tent Did we bring the phone? Tm not sure. Never mind, I found it. Listen and say. Then act. 25.) <9) Did you bring ® jay. : your notebook? Lesson 4 rN @ take @ former © artisan @ move @pull Osite as ©) Listen and read. 2; The Great Pyramid of Giza ‘bout ‘round ‘There are over one hundred pyramids in Egypt, but the biggest is Er ite es ‘opproximately the Great Pyramid of Giza. It’s about forty-five hundred years old and 138 meters tall. It took a lot of people, a lot of stones, anda lot of time to build it, How many people did it take? It probably took around thirty thousand people to build the Great Pyramid. Scientists aren't sure who the builders were, but they were probably farmers, workers, and artisans. How many stones did it take? It took approximately two million stones to build the Great Pyramid. The stones were very heavy. Many people think that the builders cut and moved these stones. How much time did it take? We think it took about twenty years to build the Great Pyramid. Scientists think that after the builders cut the stones, they pulled them many kilometers to the building site. Then, they pulled the stones up to the top of the Pay careful attention to details when you listen and read. © Circle. 2 . Naina I 77 28,905 82,000 = around thirty thousand people a 2 1,999,999 2,210,621 1,544,300, = approximately two million stones 5) 2 4,500 16 = about twenty yeors Cae “ } It took me three ie How many people did it take to . BD) days to make | "y build the Great Pyromid of Giza? See this model car. ie Hei ML = ~ | ‘i os WE Ittook around thirty thousond people, “Y - * . (B What about you? Ask and answer. 1. What do you build? 2. How much time does it take you to build it? 8. What do you want fo build next? vl @© Listen and circle. 2 1. ©, exercise b. go to bed early 2. a. adrop of food coloring _b. a teaspoon of baking soda 3. a. pack your schoolbag _b.. floss your teeth 4. a. move b. pull 5. a. quickly b. corelessly 6. a. toothpicks b. cardboard © Talk about these topics. activities cho by quantities Talk with your partner. I. Review 3 ‘Bes adverbs supplies Gg) c. eat balanced meals c. acup of flour c. check your calendar c, take . carefully c. modeling clay health & the pyramids © Read. Then answer. 2» Reading, Writing, Listening, & Speaking Rules for Running Running is a great way to exercise. ‘To be safe ‘These rules will help you get when you run, always follow these rules. in shape and stay healthy. ing! Walk or run slowly at first; You can thenrun Kee running! more quickly. This will help your body warm |, What should you wear up and keep you from getting hurt. Relax to gorunning? your arms, hold your head up, and keep your 2. How should you cool hands cupped. Always wear colorful clothes Boys you down? and be careful of traffic. Comfortable running shoes are important, too. 3. How will these rules help you? After you run, walk slowly for five to eight minutes. This will help you cool down, Relax and drink some water. You can run often, but dont run every day. © Underline the imperative verbs. Then rewrite. 1 |. Take a shower before you go to bed. 2. Eat balanced meals every day. 3. Wear a helmet when you ride your bike. @ Listen and number. 319 | Rs wa @© Talk with your partner. 1. What do you do for exercise? 2. How do you stoy sofe while walking or running? Sills 3 @ Listen, point, and say. 31 India Italy Kenya New Zealand the UK Peru Listen and find. Then talk about the picture. 32 © Til < (gS a. vd @ , = a a é yr @ Listen and say. Then practice. 33») 0 Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. 31) “© Yes, I have. 2 Have you ever been to India? No.1 nt. haven't = have not hasn't = has not Yes, she has. Has she ever been to India? No, she hasn't. IS i WV >| Te been to Italy. © Look at @. Point, ask, and answer. ©) ee say 2a Lesson 2 Experiences ©) Listen, point, and say. 359 © 90 rafting © tide a came! @ hike ina rainforest @ see the pyramids © Listen and say. Then practice. 35 He has gone rafting, but he hasn’t ridden a camel. go —> went —> gone ride —> rode climb —> climbed —> climbed hike —> biked see —> saw —> seen © climb a mountain © go scuba diving — tidden —> hiked @ Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. 27) Ge) Yes, she has. No, she hasn't. Hos she gone rafiing before? eer) tr) 2.Climba |3. Ridea mountain | camel 5.Go scuba | 6. Hike ina Card Pes Coa uae Listening & Specking ‘© Listen. Then answer the questions. |. Has the girl ridden a camel before? 3. Has the gil climbed a mountain before? . Yes, she has. a. No, she hasn't. 'b. Yes, he has. 'b. Yes, she hos. c. No, she hasn't. c. Yes, he has. 2. Has Jim gone rafting before? 4. Has Pete hiked in a rainforest before? a. No, he hasn’t. . No, he hasn't. : b. Yes, he has. b. Yes, she hos. seve yocgen c. No, she hasn't. c. Yes, he has. scuba diving before? © What about you? Ask and answer. Have you gone rafting on a river? .. Where have you traveled? . What did you do there? |. Talk cbout a famous place in your country. £ONn- Lesson 3 Reading © Talk about the story. Then listen and read. 359 CD A New Friend ‘Mr. Sims, the math teacher, walks in with a new student. “Class, this is Joon; he says. “He's from South Korea, and he'll be with us for two weeks” That day at lunch, Julie, Danny, Emma, and Mike are sitting together. When they see Joon sitting alone, they invite him to join their table. They ask Joon about South Korea. Joon has traveled a lot. He’s been to the UK and Italy, but he’s never been to the USA before. They learn that Joon likes art, just like Emma. He likes making models, just like Mike. He plays the violin, just like Julie. “Do you like skateboarding?” asks Danny. “I'm not very good at it} says Joon. “Could you show me how?” “Sure!” says Danny. After school, Danny teaches them all how to skateboard. Then Joon teaches them Taekwondo. < = 9 For the next two weeks, the friends teach each other something new every day. They all feel sad when Joon leaves. Reeth @ wi? © Read and circle. 1. Joon likes making models. True False 2. Joon is from Brazil. True False 3. Joon has never been to the UK. True False 4. Danny teaches Joon how to skateboard. True False G Sing. ‘9 Do you like skateboarding? Yes, I do. I like to go skateboarding after school. Do you like it? Tm not very good. Could you show me how? eae yowling Yeah. Sure. OK, cool. Let’s go skateboarding after school. Yeah, let’s go together after school. @ Listen and say. Then act. iii), © _ Do you like instine skating? Listen, point, and say. ra ert Listen and read. 43» Climbing Mount Everest | foot = 0.3048 meters Mount Everest in Nepal is the mountain in the world. It’s over twenty- nine thousand feet high, In 1924, George Mallory and Andrew Irvine tried to the top of Mount Everest, but they could not do it. In 1953, twelve mountain climbers wanted to climb to the top. The climbers camped at twenty-six thousand feet. Two climbers tried to reach the top, but they could not do it. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay left the camp on May 28th and reached the top the next day. They became the first people to climb to the top of Mount Everest. Over twelve hundred people have now climbed to the top of Mount Everest. In 1963, James Whittaker became the first person from the USA to reach the top. Junko Tebei from Japan became the first woman to reach the top in 1975. In 2000, 142 climbers reached the top. All of them were to Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary Tenzing Norgay for drink tea after reaching the top the way. of Mount Everest. Scan the reading for dates. A Race to the Top of Mount Everest |. 1924 George Mallory and |} 2. Andrew Irvine tried to reach |} became the fir: st the top of Mount Everest. jj the USA fo reach Un ErUUnnSSI'OeTERPSLSDEERE Ce eC eT) ‘George Mallory and Andrew Irvine ay flow high can =. tried fo reach the top of Mount Everest. you reach? |. What are the most famous mountains in your country? 2. Have you ever climbed a mountain? 3. \ 0 you like to explore? Listen, point, and say. iu. turn on the turn off the computer computer turn down the log in to the volume website turn up the volume log out of the website Listen and find. Then talk about the picture. 5» Zo) @ Listen and say. Then practice. i») T'vejust turned on the computer. Thaven't turned on the computer yet. turn —> turned —> turned log —> logged —> lagged a) CS Yes, he has. No, he hasn't. Has he turned on the computer yet? turonthe logintothe —turnoffthe — turndown log out of the turnup the computer website computer the volume website volume E = Do you turn off your © Look at ©. Point, ask, and answer. © computer every night? me © Listen, point, and say. 4a © download the music © print the photos © send the email @© upload the photos © write the email @ play the music © Listen and say. Then practice. 43.) ‘She's already uploaded the photos, but she hasn’t printed them yet. He's already written the email, but he hasn’t sent it yet. She's = She has He’s = He has upload —> uploaded —> uploaded print —> printed —> printed download —> downloaded —> downloaded play —> played —> played write —> wrote — written send —» sent — > sent Yes, she’s uploaded them. No, she hasn’t uploaded them. Has she uploaded the photos yet? upload the print the ‘send the download play the write the photos photos email the music music email 279 Reading & Writing ® Listen and read. Then answer the questions. £19 Ce ‘ a a To: Josh Lee | Subject: class project To: Kyle Garcia | Subject: Re: class project Hello Josh, Hi Kyle, What are you doing? I'm working on the I've already uploaded my photos, but | photography project for class. I've already haven't printed them yet. I've just logged taken pictures of my parents, but | haven't in to a cool website. I'm downloading music taken a picture of my sister yet. Have you now. I'l play it for you tomorrow. I'm going printed your photos? to bed after | send this email! Your friend, Good night, Kyle Josh |. Has Josh uploaded his photos yet? 2. What wil Josh do afr he sends the ermal? 8, Has Kyle taken a pioture of his sistor yor? Have you sent © Circle greeting or closing. Then rewrite. aeraneeay? Hi 1. Hi Stuart, greeting / closing 2. Your friend, greeting / closing 3. Hello Susan, greeting / closing Lesson 3 Reading © Talk about the story. Then listen and read. 39 Justa Minute Emma needs to write a report about plants for her science class. She wants to.use the computer to do research, but Tommy is using it. “Are you almost done with the computer?” asks Emma. “Just a minute?’ says Tommy. “I haven't finished downloading these songs yet.” “OK. Let me know when you're done” says Emma. An hour later, Tommy is still on the ‘computer. Emma reminds him that she needs to use it. “Sorry, I forgot!” says Tommy. Emma does her research and writes her report on time. A week later, Tommy has a report to write. He needs to use the computer, but Emma is shopping for clothes online. Tommy asks her when she'll be done. “Just a minute” says Emma. “I haven't finished looking at this website yet” “OK. I'll use the computer later” says ‘Tommy. He starts to walk away. “Tommy, I said ‘just a minute,” says Emma. “I'm done!” “Thanks, Emma!” says Tommy. @ wie © Who said it? Read and circle. . “Thaven't finished looking at this 3. “Thaven't finished downloading these website yet.” songs yet.” a. Emma a. Emma b. Tommy b. Tommy 2. “Sorry, I forgot!” 4. “OK. Let me know when you're done.” a. Emma a. Emmo b. Tommy i b. Tommy @sing. %» Are you almost done with the computer? Just a minute. Just a minute. OK. Let me know when you're done. Are you almost done with the computer? Just a minute. Just a minute. Tsaid just a minute. Just a minute. OK. I’m done. © Listen and say. Then act. 3 Tm almost finished with =. . x To) a Mae eae reco) A) Listen, point, and say. @® Q energy © source © wind turbine © electricity @Qdam @ solar panel B Listen and read. @D Clean Energy People are using more energy every day. We use energy to drive our cars and to power our computers, phones, and TVs. Scientists are excited about three sources of natural energy. These energy sources are clean and will never run out. Wind Energy Scientists have designed wind turbines that use strong winds to make energy. Some turbines make enough electricity for one thousand homes. Many countries now use wind turbines for electricity. Water Energy Moving water can also make energy. Scientists have designed dams that make electricity on many rivers. Two of the biggest dams are in China and Brazil, but there are thousands of others around the world Solar Energy Scientists have designed solar panels to turn energy from the sun into electricity. These panels are now on many buildings, where they collect solar energy In the future, people will use even more energy, but more of it will come from clean energy sources. When people use these sources, they help to keep the Earth clean rea) eri. Answer the questions. I The introduction ¥ and conclision of a reading tell you the topic. 1. How do wind turbines make energy? .. What will people do in the future? .. How do people use energy? . How does clean energy help the Earth? Write. pe, wy yy Have you ever seen GA @ wind turbine? y What about you? Ask and answer. 1. How do you use electricity? 2. What sources of clean energy do people use in your country? 3. How do you think people will use energy in the future? Review 4 © Listen and circle. |. a. ridden a camel b. climbed a mountain . seen the pyramids 2. a. tured down the volume b. logged out of the website _c. turned off the computer 3. a. lead b. reached ©. left 4. a. printed the photos b. uploaded the photos . downloaded the music 5. a. Indio b. New Zealand c. Kenya 6. a. sources b. wind turbines c. solar panels © Talk about these topics. @© te 2. countries experiences using computers using computers energy @ Talk with your partner. &© IL 2. © Read. Then answer. %%» Ain Interview with Cliff Jackson Reporter: Cliff Jackson, you've ridden your bike around the world. How many countries have you been to, and which one was your favorite? Cliff: I've ridden through fifty-seven different countries. [liked almost all of them, but New Zealand was my favorite. I've gone rafting and scuba diving there. Reporter: Are there any countries you want to visit but haven't been to yet? Giff: ve just come back from South America, but I haver't been to Peru yet. I'd really like to go there! Reading, Writing, Listening, & Speaking Reporter: Where are you biking to next? Cliff: Ive already planned a trip to India, but I hayen’t packed my bags yet. Reporter: Well, thanks for talking with us, and have a safe trip! 1, Howmany countries has Cliff ridden through? 2. Where is Ciff biking to next? 3. What has Cliff done in New Zealand? © Circle has or have. Then rewrite. has i |. We has /have been to Kenya before. 2. Has /Have he already seen the pyramids? 3. I has /have ridden acamel in India. @ Listen and number. 35 ic 2. ®© Talk with your partner. 1, What's the longest trip you've ever taken? 2. Where have you ridden your bike? ‘Activities: oc: na poy, learn now to ‘ve, ride aroter cocster, read lot ‘books, win a competion, step are He axted ina play wren he was on vocation. What did ste do when she wason vocation? She acted n «play. Welcome Atricais east of South America. Classroom Language: How doyau say this in Erglsh? Could you say that again, please? Nay I get a rink of water? May I goto the restroom? eer Feelings: related, nervous, Reading: The Surfing Confident, sty, wice-owexe, seepy ‘Lesson, | fal relaxed, but he felt nervous. Conweranitorsss Come ont How did you fest when you rode a | L's lear how to surt. No, roller coaster? I felt eled, but she | thonks. I'd rather ry video felt nervous, ‘games. /Sounds fin. I'mtired ‘of playing video games. OK./ Great een ‘Travel ond Trade: sik, ‘goods, aa, rer, rolurn, become forous What sia Marco Pato do when ne wos 177 He traveled en me Stik Fea, eer In the Woods: study insects, icenity tres, nick wid strawberries, ‘ind orinal tracks, exsloe o cove, colet leaves ‘What was sha doing inthe morsing/ ‘etteroen? She wos studying insets. ‘Washo studying insects the rmorring/cftornoon? Yes, he wos./No, he writ He woe identiing rece. ‘Making Camp: st up tne ten, build | Reading: The Cave ‘campfire, rst Fsh el stories, put Converetions: Viich wy is cutie cafe, lookaihestas |e ccm? tha way Ste wossoting un the tnt when! | Gary, T ont aon Troe chelaiwarean When ete! he carps she os cting up ef. What were you dong whan you cow the door? Iwos sting up the tnt. Plants oon feud Si, trdrgoare, ser mich oh ot ontest Dom oute Stocco 3 “ey eom ond eco | new pon Review 1 Units | ond2 Unit 9 Class Party Panning a Party: order gzz29, bake eupcokes, bring rl juice, ‘choose the music, make decorations, buy balloone 1T1/We't oder pizzas for the pay What wil he do? He'l order pizzas. E er Starting a Party: pour thejuice, | Reading: H's Neb Safel ‘serve the pizzas, getup the music, | Conversations: Were oul bow up the botoone, put up the fui. Could youget some ecortins put ou te cupocios | Wil she pour the juice? Yes, she wil. | can’ ight now. ™m busy. No, she won't ‘Thanks, That's OK. ‘Who wil pour the juice? They wil Unit 4 The Amazon Rainforest Celebrations: ‘colebrate,seozon, tradition, defcicus, child, sombe pores ‘What wl people in Japan doin the spring? They/l Celebrate Cilcren's Day. ‘Comperisons: colorful macaw, pain egret, dangorcus aqua, rend river lpn, onexgote spider menkey, coir oh “The mozawis more color han the egret. [sme rocow more colotul/ploner ‘onthe eget” Yes, s./N nis. Review 2 Units 3 nau @ wes eee Comparisons: eaoy puzse, | Reading: New difcult puso, comfertable conde, | Snewheud Lurcontertobo eandoe, cheep bocce, | Conversations: I went ho! Sere ‘one. How obout is one, “Tis puzles the eases on hee, Instead? It's cheoper./ Good “Those aondale are the most ctoice! comfortable onae ner. eis cuarte: Paro puzzle, Vhich sans arene mest emf? These src, ——_ ‘Activities: wash my hai, tke o ‘shower. floss my feth, check my ‘calerdr, packrmy scoctbog, ion ny cottes Tovey wosh my ber before | go toed Do you wash your ha before yougo obed? Yes, I avays/N, I rarely do. Unit 6 Making Things Quantities: acup of flour, a half ‘cup of water, c quarter cup of sata {cblespcon of cooking of, ateaspcon ‘of baking Sedo, a 109 of food colering How much flor does he need? He needs acup of four. Does she have enough flour? Yes, she ‘does /No, she doesn’ ‘Adverbs: sowy, aucky, careful, carelessly, cuilly. ously Hows she walking? She's walking slowly. Ts he waking slow or quick? He's walking domly. ‘Supplies: aprons, toothpicts, poper clips, cardboard, masking ope, ‘modeling cloy How mony cpronsdo we/they have? We/They have three/afew/alot ot oprors. How much cardboard do we/they hove? We, They have sixsheets of/ ‘litle/alot of cardboard. en Lesson 3 Reading: The Recital Conversations: Are youready | for your recta? No, I'm rot. 1 el p90d topractize. Yeo, 1 think eo. 1 practices allwesk. Conversations: Did we bring the map? I con't remember. / mot sure. remember. I's Lnver the seat. /Never mind, | foundit How ften de you go for @ Wak? I go for awak twice weet. eer ‘The Pyramids: {oke, former, ors, ‘move, pul, ste ‘How many peopl did # {oe to buld the Groat Pyramid of Giza? Ii 109k ‘round inry thousand people. Review 3 Units5ond6 Unit World Travel Counties: Inc, lly Kenyo, New Zeslond, he UK, Peru Tvebeen fo Indo. I've never been to aly Fave you ever been to India? Yes, have. Ne, [haven't Hos she ever been onda’? Yes, shelhas./No, she rst. Unit 8 Computers ‘Experiences: gorating, raea carne, cm ammount, hie i a | reer, seine panics gp scion | aca | [He has gone rafting, but ne hasn't ridden acomel Has she gone rafting before? Yes, she has./No, she hasn't leading: & New Friend Conversations: Do you tke skateboarding? I'm not very ‘goodat it, Could you show me how ?/Yes, I do. Surel/Cool Let's go skateboarding ater schoo. Explorer high, reoct, Bish, leave, grate, lead ‘What hagpenedin 19247 [George Mastory anc ‘Ardrew irvine ried 10 reach the 10p of Mourt Everest Using Computers: tun on the ‘comouter urn of tho computor, turn Up the volume, turn down the volume, {og inte the wabsita, og ou of the website 1'volust tuned on the computor: Tharen' trned on he computer ye. Hashe turnedon ne computer yer? Yes, nets, /No, he hosn’. ‘hot, orn! the ghotos, download the ‘music, play the music, vete the eral ‘send the emi ‘She's /He's okey uploaded the ‘photoe/wrten the ema, but he /he ‘ort pinto thomson it yet. Has she uploaded the phos yet? ‘Yes, she’s uplooid hem. /No, she hast uploaded them, ene Reading: Minute Conversations: Are you ‘lmost done win the computer? ust o minute. es, TJust Tirished, Go oheod ond we (OK, Lat me row when you're done. /Tharkst ee Energy: ‘ecergy, sour, wind turbine, electricity, ‘dem, solr pone ‘What have eciontite dosignodto use wind fenargy? Sclantstehove designed wind turbines that ke electri, Review 4% Units7 ond8 'Skill® > An Interview with Cif Jockson Syllcbus @ A ‘tout oct focted cectine poy ecupot tow. ‘day drop of food colerng. otic ‘tion ‘hatfcup otwecior ‘almost ‘lone twoys Atarstiea. ‘proximately querer cup oft . ‘rourel battery is deod become forous bow up the balloons: bowls of ‘modeling clay bing ut juce Bish, pula bulda compte | bulang buy balloons Sees M8 seER u8 8 ‘tba mounan, clmbed.. fclloct cealoeting ccllect eaves ‘drt ‘dlorul macaw. | ‘ernfrtcble ‘cemforicble ‘senda. ‘enfidert ‘Coutyou sy that ‘coin pease? ‘rossnk Jogucr. ‘eset dificult ‘i aifcut puzzle. ‘doesn’. ‘sown eosy. 203y pizle electiciy energetic. energetic opider montoy nergy enough Europe expensive expensive bracelet ovplere epleecco expiring. F tol fo tomer find fir oneal rocks finding floss my teeth flow forest | Aroatwratae ‘andlor trendy trendy fiver dolphin gone. ‘geod. ‘9 rafting ‘96 soubc ding, hike hiked © hike ina ranteres! hour How do yousoy | ths in Eralish? I deny Idontyirg Idonty toe, Tt Ire. - invite © iron my clothes. isn tay tye. K Kenya, L load lear. leaned. learnnow todve. leave 109 longed loginto he vwebste.. tog out tho vwbste loakat the tre looking oud 36 36 3 ai 230 £B sepessuese M make decorations. mocking ope May 1 get arin cofweter? May 1 gotothe restroom? meters modeling cay more cobrfal ‘ernie mare dangerous. more iticut. more energetic. more expensive uncomfertasle most ‘comforteble rmostalffcut. most expensive most Uurcomtertaote order pizzas ‘onygen P eck my schoobog. oper cps Porthenn Peru. pick picking pick wid ‘srowberies plain lin agiat plainer planring. pay. played. play he music| possble Pour thejuice Print printed prin the photos. proud pul put put out the Cometic 4 46 22 18 put out he cupeakos ating putup the decorations Q auc ‘voy 42 vwe ot Siessus.s= seed. see the pyromids 82nd... senine email ResBesse Sass S23 " win acomeetiion wind nurbine 6s “ 65 MB 3 io 68 68 40

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