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2023/10/9 22:44 Respiratory diseases* | Iowa State University --- 呼吸系统疾病* |爱荷华州立大学

Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine


Respiratory diseases* 呼吸疾病*

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Disease and etiologic agent


Clinical signs 临床体征

Lesions 病变
gross - micro 粗略
Diagnostic aids/ 诊断辅助/
comments 评论
Mycoplasmal pneumonia 支原体肺炎
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae 猪肺炎支原体
Persistent, dry cough, retarded growth, high morbidity/low mortality. Endemic in many herds.

Pneumonia and atelectasis in cranioventral lobules (gray-purple). Marked lymphoid hyperplasia around airways.

History and lesions are suggestive of diagnosis. FAT and IHC applied to lung tissue or PCR of airway swabs. Serology useful on a
herd basis.
病史和病变可提示诊断。 FAT 和 IHC 应用于肺组织或气道拭子的 PCR。血清学在畜群基础上有用。

Atrophic rhinitis 萎缩性鼻炎

Bordetella bronchisepticaand/or toxigenicPasteurella multocida

Sneezing, snorting, nasal discharge, epistaxis. Tear staining at medial canthi. Usually a deviation of snouts in a few pigs.

Variable turbinate atrophy. Perhaps deviation of snout. Tear staining. Secondary pneumonia often present.

Based on signs, history of reduced performance, typical lesions at necropsy or at slaughter. Culture and identify the agent(s) from
turbinates or nasal swabs. Confirm toxigenicity.

Pneumonic pasteurellosis 肺炎性巴氏杆菌病

Pasteurella multocida 多杀性巴氏杆菌
Coughing, dyspnea, fever, prostration.

Firm, fibrinous pneumonia cranioventrally and extending into diaphragmatic lobes. Variable pleuritis, perhaps adhesions/abscesses.

Culture Pasteurella multocida from lung lesions, possibly also from parenchymatous organs. Gray, firm, and subacute nature of lung
lesions are suggestive of pasteurellosis. Organism a frequent, secondary, respiratory pathogen.

Inclusion body rhinitis 包涵体鼻炎

Cytomegalovirus 巨细胞病毒
Sneezing, nasal discharge in young piglets with variable mortality. Possibly dead, mummified or weak piglets at farrowing.

In young pigs: rhinitis with edema, petechial hemorrhages and a mucopurulent nasal exudate.
幼猪:伴有水肿的鼻炎、点状出血和粘液脓性鼻腔渗出物。 1/3
2023/10/9 22:44 Respiratory diseases* | Iowa State University --- 呼吸系统疾病* |爱荷华州立大学

Large, almost pathognomonic, intranuclear inclusions in enlarged epithelial type cells (turbinates, Harderian and lachrymal glands,
kidney, choroid plexus, other sites). Signs and lesion strongly suggest the diagnosis.

Pleuropneumonia (APP) 胸膜肺炎 (APP)

Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae

Acute: High temperatures, prostration, dyspnea, mouth breathing, perhaps bloody foam from nose. Short course, high morbidity and
Chronic: chronic cough, unthriftiness

Pneumonia is firm, necrotic and bloody with fibrinous pleuritis. Chronic cases have pleural adhesions often with necrotic masses in
lungs. Common in diaphragmatic lobes.

Signs and lesions are highly suggestive. Isolate agent from lung lesions and identify serotype. Serologically identify carrier herds by
ELISA or CF tests.
体征和病变具有高度提示性。从肺部病变中分离病原体并鉴定血清型。通过 ELISA 或 CF 测试进行血清学鉴定携带者群。

Swine influenza (SIV) 猪流感(SIV)

Influenza type A 甲型流感
Subtypes H1N1 and H3N2 most common; diversity recognized.
H1N1 和 H3N2 亚型最常见;多样性得到认可。

Sudden onset, rapid spread of fever, serous nasal discharge, dyspnea, prostration. This is followed by loud coughing, and usually
rapid recovery in seven days.
发病突然,发热迅速蔓延,流浆性鼻涕,呼吸困难,虚脱。随后会剧烈咳嗽,通常会在 7 天内迅速恢复。

Multifocal to diffuse red firmness. Usually has lobular anteroventral distribution. Secondary bacterial pneumonia is common.

History and signs are very suggestive. Morbidity high, mortality low. Confirm presence of SIV by PCR or ELISA on nasal swabs or by
PCR, IHC, FAT or VI from lung tissue. Serology by IHA or ELISA. Subtype determined by PCR.
历史和迹象非常有启发性。发病率高,死亡率低。通过鼻拭子上的 PCR 或 ELISA 或肺组织中的 PCR、IHC、FAT 或 VI 来确认 SIV 的
存在。通过 IHA 或 ELISA 进行血清学检测。通过PCR确定亚型。

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)

Arterivirus 动脉炎病毒
Respiratory disease and poor reproductive performance. High pre-weaning mortality. Respiratory dyspnea, fever and prolonged
course, usually with abundant secondary agents.

In young pigs, focal or diffuse interstitial pneumonia in any or all lobes. Generally swollen lymph nodes. Perhaps secondary

Chronic respiratory disease in growing swine. Identify virus in lung by IHC, FAT, or PCR. Isolate virus and identify. Demonstrate rising
antibody titers in herd. Bronchoalveolar lavage is good specimen for PCR and isolation. Sequencing commonly performed by PCR.
生长猪的慢性呼吸道疾病。通过 IHC、FAT 或 PCR 识别肺部病毒。分离病毒并鉴定。表现出牛群中抗体滴度的上升。支气管肺泡灌洗
液是 PCR 和分离的良好标本。测序通常通过 PCR 进行。

Pseudorabies (PRV) 伪狂犬病 (PRV)

Herpesvirus 疱疹病毒
Central nervous system (CNS) signs predominate in neonates and the very young. (Sudden death common in very young) Swine >3
weeks old: sneezing, coughing, nasal discharge, dyspnea
中枢神经系统 (CNS) 症状在新生儿和幼儿中占主导地位。 (猝死常见于幼龄猪)>3周龄的猪:打喷嚏、咳嗽、流鼻涕、呼吸困难

Gross: often no lesions. Perhaps rhinitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, keratoconjunctivitis.

大体:常无病变。也许是鼻炎、扁桃体炎、气管炎、角结膜炎。 2/3
2023/10/9 22:44 Respiratory diseases* | Iowa State University --- 呼吸系统疾病* |爱荷华州立大学
Histology: Nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis. Necrotic bronchitis, bronchiolitis, alveolitis.

Isolate and identify virus. Histopath with IHC. FAT on tonsil, spleen, brain. Serologic tests reveal herd infection. PRV was eradicated
from US commercial swine in 2004. PRV should now be thought of as a foreign disease and all suspicious cases reported and
分离并鉴定病毒。组织病理学与 IHC。扁桃体、脾脏、大脑上有脂肪。血清学检测显示牛群感染。 2004 年,PRV 在美国商品猪中被
根除。PRV 现在应被视为外来疾病,所有可疑病例均应予以报告和调查。

* Parasitisms with respiratory signs include ascariasis (roundworm migration) and lungworm infection.
* 伴有呼吸道症状的寄生虫包括蛔虫病(蛔虫迁移)和肺虫感染。
Key: 钥匙:
CF-complement fixation CF-补体固定
ELISA-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
FAT-fluorescent antibody test
HI-hemagglutination inhibition
IHA-indirect hemagglutination
PCR-polymerase chain reaction
VI-virus isolation VI-病毒分离 3/3

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