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ractice rfect © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid ALLRIGHTS RESERVED. No ptf thisbook may berepeducad or ‘rasmited in any fxm ob any means, elecronc or mechanical Incuig poxocopying, ry ay niormaton stage and eval ster, tou prmiton in wing Kor the Publisher, Fist Publiaded 2004 Repeinted 2004 Second Editon 207 Reprinted 2008, 2008, 2010, 2011 Th Eon ao Repied a2 Ian 970.981-4403023 Published and dvd bye Educational Publishing House Pte Lid 2 member of Ppular Holige Line (en 199607160%) 20 Od Toh Tuck Road Singapore 597655 Te 62 9608 ‘ebste: waeph coms Pinta in Sigapore Practice Makes Perfect Grammar is much more than a supplementary book. Not only does it follow the latest English language syllabus to ensure that all grammar items are covered adequately, each grammar item is also explained and supported with examples. This is followed by exercises to test pupils’ understanding. Having practised the prescribed grammar items with guidance along the way pupils are provided with additional practices to consolidate learning. Through this series, pupils will be able to master the essential aspects of grammar and gain the much-needed confidence to handle tests and examinations. Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Practice 1 - 30.. Answers .. Nouns .... Articles, Possessives, Demonstratives and Interrogatives 13 Quantifier 23 Pronouns .. 32 Adjectives 44 Verbs... 57 Present, Past and Continuous Tens 70 Future and Present Conditional Tense... 80 Modal 88 Adverbs 99 Prepositions. 109 Connectors... 119 Questions and Answers... . 213 §& Nouns ore words that represent people, places, objects and qualities. People Places Things Animals man classroom bog cat woman school book deer mother 200 pencil lion concrete countable nouns are nouns that con be counted, book, bowl, boy girl, pen, school, train, umbrella ®& Concrete uncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be counted. & Singular nouns are nouns that are in single units. plural nouns are nouns which show two or more of the some items. There are two types of plural nouns; regular and irregular. 9S regular plural nouns refer to nouns that are spelt similarly, whether in singular or plural form. Singular noun Regular plural noun boy boys baby babies horse horses shelf shelves §% irregular plural nouns ore the nouns that hove different spelling for both forms. Singular noun Irregular plural noun child children foot feet ox oxen mouse mice §% there ore nouns that ore without a plural marker. This means that the singular and plural form of the noun is spelt the same way. craft, deer, salmon, sheep & Gender nouns are terms that are used to differentiate if a person or animal is male or female. ‘Male noun’ Female noun boar sow drake duck stallion mare man woman boy girl & Proper nouns are names of specific places or people Jolin, Malvindar, Rashidah, Bukit Timah Hill §% nouns in possessive form tells us that something belongs to the noun. It refers to the claim of ownership. We use apostrophe ('s) or (s') to show their possession. Noun Item’ ‘Noun in possessive form boy shoes the boy's shoes Colin piano Colin’s piano Sufiqa book Sufiga’s book woman bog the woman's bag collective nouns are nouns for groups of things, people or animals. a class of pupils a team of players « flock of birds a gaggle of geese a shoal of fish §S Abstract nouns are nouns that cannot be seen or touched. bravery, childhood, freedom, laughter, love %& noun phrases tell us more about the nouns by providing more information about the nouns pillow —> a soft pillow basket —> a brown basket shelf. —> a dusty shelf room —> asmall room girl =—> apretty girl & Gerunds are nouns that look like verbs. Jayden loves swimming. The boys enjoy talking. My mother gave me a scolding. © Exercise 1 Underline the nouns in each sentence. 1. 10. © tactonalPabshing House he My aunt has a baby. The teacher talked to my parents. The girls like to eat vegetables. My neighbour has a pet. The dog barks at strangers. Nicole is leaving for Germany tomorrow. Avery lives at Woodlands Road. The waiters cleared the tables. Javier likes to go to Sentosa Island. Aunt Mary went shopping at Centredot Shopping Centre. © Exercise 2 Rewrite each sentence. Change the singular nouns to their plural forms. 1. The nurse helped the patient. The cat chased the mouse. The tiger injured the man. The child ate salmon. The mother carried the baby. 10. The woman bought the orange. The wolf killed the sheep. The boy broke the vase. The thief stole the key. ‘The hunter saw the deer. © Exercise 3 Underline the correct answers. 10. A (flock / swarm ) of bees attacked the boys. The teacher brought her ( class / crew ) of pupils to the museum, The principal is addressing the ( choir / staff) of teachers. The police are looking for the ( band / gang ) of thieves. Mrs Poh was hurt when she fell down a ( fleet / flight ) of stairs. Tania enjoys looking at the ( pack / shoal ) of fish swimming in the pond, Megan finished the whole ( bunch / clump ) of grapes by herself. My father gave my mother a ( bouquet / bundle ) of roses on her birthday. The pork ranger was chased by a ( brood / herd ) of elephants at the safari. The ( litter / troop ) of kittens stayed by their mother’s side while waiting to be rescued. © Exercise 4 Rewrite each sentence to include the possessive forms of the nouns. 1. Those are the baby shoes. 2. The man boots were worn out. 3. The teacher spectacles were broken. 4, The cat claws are sharp. 5. Ray penis missing. 10. That is my uncle new car. The firemen helmets are red. The girls skirts are made of denim. My father book is torn. These are the children balloons. o> Exercise 5 Fill in each blank with the correct noun from the box. Use each word only once. love fear walking courage crying anxiety intelligence childhood chatting excitement 1. I do not like to take roller coaster rides. I have a of heights. 2. Roy's classmates are impressed with his ——_____. He tops the class every year. 3. The two girls enjoy —___. They talk non-stop the moment they meet. 4, We were awakened by a baby's —_______ last night. 2 factional Publiing Hous i 5. Some pupils feel a lot of ______ on their first day of school. They do not know what to expect on the first day. 6. Jason hada very happy _____. He never had to worry about anything when he was a child. 7. My grandparents enjoy brisk _____. It is part of their daily routine. 8. Coleen is 9 good pianist. His ______ for music started when he was three years old. 9. Xavier plucked up his________to give a speech in front of the whole school. 10. The children squealed in ___________ when their parents told them that they would be going for a holiday. Demostrativ.esjand| Interrogatives: Articles & Articles are the words ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’. A and an are indefinite articles which are used when the noun is mentioned for the first time. An is used when the noun begins with a vowel sound — a, e, i, or u. There is an ant on the leof. 4 the is o definite article which is used to refer to specific noun or when the noun has been mentioned before. The is also used when there is only one such noun in the world. Did you take the book that I left here? The Great Wall of China The Eiffel Tower WB io aticesore required when stating a fact or truth or when referring to languages or subjects. Cats have tails. My mother loves durians. like English. like Music. Possessives possessves indicate ownership of the noun. My, your, his, her, its, our and their are possessives. They show us whom the noun belongs to. Ihave a pencil. This is my pencil. You have a toy, This is your toy. Tyler has a bag. This is his bag. Emily has a ribbon. This is her ribbon. The cat has a ball. This is its ball. We have a bicycle. This is our bicycle. The pupils are going for their lessons. Demonstratives & Demonstratives are used to point out objects that are near ‘or far away from us. This, that, these and those are demonstratives. This is used to refer to a singular noun which is close to the speaker. That is used to refer to a singular noun which is further away from the speaker. These is used to refer to plural nouns that are close to the speaker. Those is used to refer to plural nouns that are further away from the speaker. This rabbit that I am holding is cute. Look! That is a really plump rabbit! These are my books. Those books in that box are also mine. Interrogatives & Interrogatives are used to ask questions. What, which and whose are interrogatives. They are used when there are questions to be asked about the nouns. Which bag did you choose? Whose shirt is that? © Exercise 1 Fill in each blank with the correct indefinite article ‘a’ or ‘an’. 1. There is____ porcupine hiding in the hole. 2. There is __________ amber-coloured glow in the distance. 3. There is____ boy crying in that corner. 4. Thereis_______ old lady living in that quaint little cottage. 5. Icon see___ owl perching on that tree. 6. Would like you to have __ orange? 7. Thave to put on_____ uniform to go to school every day 8. Remember to carry ____________ umbrella with you when you leave the house. 9. There is ______ cat sleeping in the basket. 10. I have been waiting for _________ hour for my brother. © Exercise 2 Fill in each blank with the correct article ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’. Put a ‘— if no article is required in the blank. Tt wos dangerous to walk around the village. (1)______ villagers were all hiding in their own homes. None of them dared to open (2). doors. In fact, all windows were closed too. There was @)—___ jal contact amongst the villagers. It had been three days since (4). animal was seen roaming about. No one could be sure what (5)_____________ animal was. However, a few villagers had heard the sounds of roars. They believed that the animal was a tiger. (_________ team. of_ twelve. men had been formed. They were given the task of hunting down (7)___________ ferocious animal. This group of men were (8). bravest men the village. Yet, there had been no (9)________ news of them since they left to hunt down the animal. All the villagers were ~~ wondering when they could leave their homes. Food supplies were running low. It was going to be (10)_____ desperate situation soon. Everyone was keeping their fingers crossed. © Exercise 3 Fill in each blank with the correct possessive from the box. 1. [have a box of crayons. This is ___________ box of crayons. 2. We made a paper ball. That is ______ paper ball 3. The dog has a collar, That is ______colllar. 4. Melissa has lost a hairclip. Have you seen hairclip? 5. My father collects coins. This is __________ collection of coins. 6. My mother bought a new dress. That is dress. 7. We attend this school. This is _________ school. 8. The children love to eat pasta. This is favourite Itclian restaurant. 9. MrTan bought a new car. That is __ new car. 10. I like to play football. It is ___ favourite sport. © Exercise 4 Fill in each blank with the correct demonstrative from the box. 1, __________ muffins here are delicious. 2. Whyis___ girl sitting there crying? 3. Please hel to move away_ boxes here. Look at ________ pretty flowers over there. 5. Do not touch ______ fragile ornaments on the shelf here 6, _____ blue car over there belongs to my father. 7. Whois_______ boy here? He looks like he is lost. 8. ____man standing there is my principal. 9. If you are hungry, you con eat ____ cakes here first. 10. _______ painting over there is beautiful. © Exercise 5 Fill in each blank with the correct interrogative, ‘what’, ‘which’ or ‘whose’. 1, —_____ bag is this? This is Joanne’s bag. 2. —______dress did you choose? I chose the blue dress. 3. _______ food did you eat for lunch? Tate pasta for lunch. 4, _____ book is that? That is Andy's book. 5, ____ time is it now? The time now is two o'clock. 10. watch did you choose? I chose the watch with the blue face. fruit is your favourite? My favourite fruit is mango school do you go to for your art lessons? 1 go to Kids’ Artist School for my art lessons. wallet is this? This is Tim's wallet. blouse did you buy? 1 bought the blouse with the lace trimmings. §% quantifiers tellus the amount of something, cardinal quantifiers are used to refer to the exact number of countable nouns. There are three cups. There are four pillows. §% ordinal quantifier are used to show the order and position of the countable noun. The first jar holds the most jam. The third boy over there is my brother. & Some, few/little, many/much are quantifiers which do not refer to specific numbers or specific order. They are quantifiers that provide an estimated quantity of the noun. Few ond many are used for countable nouns. Little and much are used for uncountable nouns. Some can be used for both countable and uncountable nouns. Thave a few stamps. She has many stickers. There are some books on the table. There is a little sugar in this coffee. How much water is there in the cup? There is some sand in the bucket. % wot many is used to refer to a small number of a countable noun. Too many is used to refer to a large quantity of a countable noun. Not much is used when there is a small quantity of an uncountable noun. Too much is used when there is a large quantity of an uncountable noun. There are not many pupils here today. There are too many pupils in the library today. There are not many slices of cake left on the plate, There are too many slices of pizza left on that plate. There is not much water in the cup. There is too much water in the glass. %& No is used when there is none of any countable or uncountable noun, Both is used when there are only two countable nouns. Allis used to refer to every countable or uncountable noun. There is no sugar left. Both Aloysius and Ethan are my cousins. Thave eaten all the sweets. I cach i used to refer to every separate member in a group of two or more. Every is used to refer to all the members of a group of three or more. There are five girls in the class. Each girl has a different coloured bag. There are many girls in the room. Every girl has short hair. & Enough indicates that the quantity of the noun is satisfactory Not enough indicates that the quantity of the noun is not satisfactory. I-can buy the book. I have enough money to buy it. I cannot buy the bag. I do not have enough money to buy it. ston Pabshing Howse Pe a © Exercise 1 Fill in each blank with ‘a little’ or ‘a few’. 10. Vernon has ____ cats in his house. The teacher brought _________ pupils to the school field. My mother put ______salt in the soup. There is ____ water left in the mug. There are___ bottles of mineral water on the table. There are ____________ boxes of chocolate in the refrigerator. My grandmother would like to have____ more milk in her tea. My mother adds only ________ soy sauce to the vegetables. The detectives tracked down ______ criminals in month. There are_____ ten-dollar notes in my father's wallet. © Exercise 2 Fill in each blank with ‘many’ or ‘much’. 1. The football match attracted _________ spectators. 2. There are too ____________ people at the art exhibition. 3. Ivy has spent too __________ money during her shopping spree. 4, Look! There are so _________ rabbits hopping around in the park. 5. There is not___petrol left in my father’s car. 6. Our teachers gave us too ________ stress during the examination period. 7. Alvin loves to read. He reads _____ books a week. 8. There is not_____gravy in the noodles. 9. Father had to face _____ problems at work. 10. Gerald spends too ________ time on his handheld games. © Exercise 3 Fill in each blank with the correct quantifier from the box. There is ________ink left in the pen. Ineed to buy anew pen. There are only ___________ stalks of flowers in the vase. We can buy more later. 3. Please help to clean up. There is too rubbish over here. 4. There are too __ people at the theme park. Stay close to your parents. 5. Please add just ______ pepper to my soup. I do not like my soup to taste too peppery. 6. Only ________ contestants are chosen for the ‘competition. 7. Please hurry. There is not ______ time left for us to get to the airport. 8. Miss Aminah has ____ worksheets to mark. She has to stay up late tonight. 9. There are only____coins left in my purse. 10. Idonot have___ money left. © Exercise 4 Underline the correct quantifiers. 10. There are ( much / some ) stamps in the drawer. How ( many/ much ) siblings do you have? Rita invited (some / little ) friends to her birthday party. There is not (some / much ) soup left in the pot for me. (Each / Every ) pupil in class likes Mrs Tay, their form teacher. Ihave ( enough / not enough ) food. Iam very full. (All /Both ) Alicia and Amanda are my good friends. (All/ Both ) the five boys over there are classmates. There is ( not many / not much ) orange juice left in the carton. (Each / Every) girl in the room is talking. comes © Exercise 5 Underline the correct quantifiers. Thave always wanted to experience a farm stay, It was my 1. (first / one / second ) time last December when my parents took me for a farm stay in Australia. There were 2. ( much / many / little ) things to do at the farm stay. I saw 3. ( much / many / little ) sheep and cows grazing on the green postures. At the farm that I visited, there was a sheepdog that chased 4. (no / both / some ) the sheep and the cows. I also got to ride on a horse 5. (a little /a few / much ) times. One of the activities that I enjoyed watching wos the shearing of the sheep by the farmer. The farmer would not shear 6. (few /every/ much ) sheep that he had. He would shear as many sheep as he could until he had 7. (not enough / enough / many ) wool to sell. There was also a beautiful garden at the farm. The former's wife planted 8. (a little / a lot / many ) beautiful flowers in the garden. Every morning, the farmer's wife would prepare a delectable spread of breakfast. It was so delicious that we would finish 9. (no / both / all ) the food. It was sad when we had to leave to go back home. The farmer and his wife invited us back to stay with them again. We told them that we would definitely be back for the 10. ( one / two / second ) time. It was an unforgettable experience for us. & Pronouns are words that replace nouns. % personal pronouns replace names of people or animals. They can be subjective or objective. & A subjective pronoun is the subject of a sentence. Subjective pronoun Example 1 Tom making a card. he Hes kind. she ‘She smiled. it Tt roared loudly. ‘they They ran away. We We listened attentively, you You are a good friend. Ban objective pronoun is the object of a sentence. ‘Objective pronoun Example you Tam making a card for you. ne You are a good friend to me. him She smiled at him. her He was kind to her. us Itroared loudly at us. it They ran away from it. them We listened attentively to them. & Demonstrative pronouns replace nouns in sentences when we want to point out the noun to someone else, They are used to indicate where the noun is in relation to the speaker. Demonstrative Example pronoun This belongs to her. (singular noun, near the speuker) _ That belongs to him. (singular noun, away from the speaker) These belong to them. these (plural noun, near the speaker) —_ Those belong to us. (plural noun, away from the speaker) © Interrogative pronouns replace nouns in a question. Interrogative eae pronoun who Who is at the door? what What is inside your bag? which Which is your book? whose Whose is this? whom To whom do you wish to speak? ® possessive Pronouns are used to show ownership of something. ania Example mine This uniform is mine. yours That uniform is yours. his This pen is his. hers That pen is hers. ours ‘These toys are ours. theirs ‘Those toys are theirs. & Indefinite pronouns are used to refer to one or more unspecified people, objects or places. Indefinite Bae Example ‘anyone ‘Anyone can go for the party, ‘anybody Is there anybody at home? anything Is there anything I can do for you? everyone Everyone is happy. everybody Everybody is excited. everything Thave everything I need for the camp. someone ‘Someone is knocking on the door. Somebody is at the door. ‘There is something on your shirt. ho one ‘No one is available right now. nobody ‘Nobody can help you. nothing There is nothing that I can do. © nefiexive pronouns are used to refer to the subjects in the sentence. Indefinite ae pronoun myself can do it myself. yourself You have to do it yourself. himself He helped himself to the food. herself She helped herself to the drinks. itself The dog played by itself. ourselves ‘We will take care of ourselves. yourselves Make yourselves at home. themselves They will go there themselves. & Reciprocal pronouns are used to show that when someone performs an action, that action is responded to, by someone else. They are each other and one another. Reciprocal pl Example each other Millie and Linda like each other. ‘one another | Millie, Linda and Joanna like one another. © Exercise 1 Underline the correct possessive pronouns. 1. This is their house. This house is ( ours / theirs ). 2. These are my shoes. The shoes are ( hers / mine ). 3. This is my father's shirt. The shirt is ( his / hers ). 4. This is my sister’s hairpin. The hairpin is ( hers / yours ). 5. Those are your notes. The notes are ( mine / yours ). 6. This is my bicycle. The bicycle is ( mine / yours ). 7. Those are the boys’ kites. The kites are ( his / theirs ). 8. That is the boy's pencil. The pencil is (his / theirs ). 9. This is my sticker. The sticker is ( mine / yours ). 10. This is our computer. The computer is ( ours / theirs ). > Exercise 2 Fill in each blank with the correct reflexive pronoun from the box. myself yourself imself ourselves themselves yourselves “Only you can help ," the disappointed ‘teacher told her pupils. 2. The children have been taking care of since young, 3. My brother baked the cookies by 4. My sister blamed ___________ for the unfortunate accident. 5. The Persian cat is licking 6. The police commanded the armed robbers, "Give up!" 7. We have decided to go backpacking by 8, “Ihave only +o blame," Jackson muttered remorsefully, 9. The chimpanzee is scratching 1" Anne said to Ken, who 10. "Stop torturing wos depressed. © Exercise 3 Fill in each blank with the correct indefinite pronoun from the box. no one everyone someone anyone nothing anything 1, _________ involved in the fight was taken to the police station. They were all handcuffed by the police. 2. —_________ likes to work with people who are unreasonable. 3. I have taken everything from the drawer. There is in there. 4. The children have not eaten _____ since this morning. 5. The lights in that house are never switched on at night. Ido not think _____ lives there. 10. Ibelieve that _____is impossible to be achieved if you set your mind to it. There i outside the house. I can see a shadow. You have to queue up, just like else. must have heard the conversation. They were talking very loudly. the Tam very busy. I have not spoken to whole day. © Exercise 4 Fill in each blank with the correct reciprocal pronoun ‘each other’ or ‘one another’. 1. The couple is talking to______. Do not interrupt them, 2. The three of us are competing with _________to see who can win the 100-metre run. 3. Look at the two baboons! They are picking lice for 4. Jonathan and Glenn waved at 5. Natalie and Nadia feel very awkward whenever they see . They had a quarrel recently. 10. The few children are smiling and winking at They must have something up their sleeves. Darlene, Dana and Dinah like to play with Our teacher often tells our class that we have to help while working together on a project. Look at the four boys in the pool. They are splashing water at Barbie and her friends danced with the ballroom. © Exercise 5 Passage 1 Fill in each blank with the correct pronoun. Javier is an avid reader. (1) particularly likes to read books on ‘Harry Potter’ and (2)____ adventures. Javier can get so engrossed in his reading thot (3)__________ mother __ is worried that he will spoil his eyesight. Hence, (4)________ advises him to always take breaks in between his long hours of reading. Javier listens to (5)______ mother. He will take a break after reading for half an hour. Passage 2 Fill in each blank with the correct pronoun. Brandon and Aiden are going to the zoo. (6)_____ ike to visit the z00 because there are many animals there. Brandon’s favourite animal is the monkey (7) __________ has brown fur and it is a mischievous onimal. Brandon finds (8)____ very adorable. The monkeys are good at looking after one another, although (9)______ are well taken care of at the zoo. Aiden likes the elephant. (10). finds the elephant gentle although it appears big and clumsy. The zookeeper told them that wild elephants are not as tame as those found at the zoo. & Adjectives are describing words that tell us more about the nouns. Tommy is a talkative boy. His angry teacher often scolds him. SS scaioutive adjectives ore placed before the nouns. Predicative adjectives are placed after the nouns. Attributive adjective Predicative adjective ‘the smaill hen The hen is small the happy girl The girl is happy. the hot tea The tea is hot. the adorable baby The baby is adorable. ® we clossify adjectives according to eight main types. Catogory Example opinion boring, fantastic, pretty. ualy size enormous, huge, large, tiny age ‘aging, old, new, young ‘temperature burning, chilly cold, hot shape angulor, curved, straight, round colour blue, colourful, colourless, red origin Asian, European, foreign, western material glass, plastic, silk, wooden ® the comparative and superlative forms of the adjective express a higher degree of the original adjective. The comparative form is used when two subjects are compared. The superlative form is used for the comparison of three or more subjects. The regular comparative and superlative forms of adjectives look similar to the root adjectives. Adjective Comparative Superlative bright brighter brightest cold colder coldest hungry hungrier hungriest warm warmer warmest & The irregular comparative and superlative forms of adjectives do not look like the root adjectives. Adjective Comparative Superlative bad worse worst good better best les. lesser least Be weoras-iioe artes con cso be BAAEe-o tho root adjectives to obtain the comparative and superlative forms. Adjective Superlative active most active comfortable more comfortable | most comfortable intelligent more intelligent | most intelligent By there ara nouns that behave tke adjectives. a basketball court a bus driver a fish pond a music school %& We can also form an adjective from nouns or verbs. Noun Adjective boy bouish cheer cheerful music musical man manly Verb Adjective core coreful help helpful tough laughing write written SW tne eight main types of adjectives have to be arranged in c specific order if more than one type of adjective appear in ‘one sentence. This is the order: ib eu a ne wN opinion size age temperature shape colour origin material The aloof, fat, old European man is staring at m This is a big red glass statue. © Exercise 1 Fill in each blank with the correct adjective from the box. Use each adjective only once. wovy elegant strict sugary active diligent ferocious generous illegible magnificent That little boy has short_____ hair. 2. The royal family lives ina ________ palace. 3. Mrs Ranjit often donates money to the old folks’ home. She isa__ person. 4, My father is _with us. He does not allow us to go out with our friends. 5. All the teachers like Rahim as he isa _____ boy. 6. Mrs Toh looks ______in the black gown. 7. We should not eat too much ________ snacks. 8. Nobody can read your —_______ handwriting. Please rewrite. 9, Dylan is very__. He cannot sit still. 10. Myneighbour has a__ dog. It barks fiercely at anyone who goes near Change the attributive adjective in each noun phrase into a predicative adjective. The first one has been done for you. 1. on angry man The man is angry. 2. abig dog 3. the happy girl 4, the warm milk 5. the sly fox 10. the hungry girl the adorable toddler the chubby boy the beautiful flowers the expensive wallet © Exercise 3 Underline the correct answers. 10. The food served in this restaurant is ( nice / nicer / nicest ) ‘than that served in the restaurant across the road. My father is ( fat / fatter / fattest ) than my uncle. The bully is the ( lazy / lazier / laziest ) pupil in the class. The billionaire is the ( rich / richer / richest ) man in this country. This is the ( beautiful / more beautiful / most beautiful ) painting that I have ever seen, This movie is the ( good / better / best ) movie that I have ever watched. The whale is the ( big / bigger / biggest ) mammal in the world. This room is ( warm / warmer / warmest ) than the other room down the corridor. This is the ( ridiculous / more ridiculous / most ridiculous ) suggestion that I have ever come across. Megan is the ( fair / fairer / fairest ) girl in class. © Exercise 4 Fill in each blank with the adjectival form of the word in the brackets. “Darren! Come back!” his sister, Lilian, shouted. She was (1)______ (anger). “Don’t you know it is very (2)____ (danger) to do that? You should not go to the (3)____ (depth) end of the pool.” “rll be (4) (care), Darren replied meekly as he walked towards his sister. He lowered his head as she scowled at him. Suddenly, his face brightened as he rattled on, “I know what! I will grow much (5)_____________ (fat) so that I can float! Or, I will make sure that I am very (6)___________ (thirst) before I swim. Then, I will be able to drink up all the water should the pool be too deep for me!” Lillian’s expression softened as she said, "You ore really (7)______ Gilliness). However, that's on (8)___ (interest) ideo. You are very (9) ___________ (imagination),” she laughed. Darren was (10)________ (gladness) that he could make his sister forget her anger. Of course, he knew thet his ideas would not work. © Exercise 5 Rewrite the sentences by arranging the adjectives in the correct order. 1. The girl is corrying a pink round small bag. 2. There is a yellow shiny new jug on the table. 3. This is a white Persian happy cat. 4, The old thin friendly man is waving at me. 5. This is a big wooden old statue. 10. She is a slender youthful dazzling lady. Itis a big, red, ugly plastic bag. It was an old French boring movie. This is a cold white small room. He is a thin young rude man. Verbs ore action words which con be main verbs or helping verbs. 5S smcin verbs represent the main action ina sentence. (Examples ) They go to the beach every Sunday. The baby pulls the string. & Helping verbs consist of two groups — primary auxiliary verbs and modal auxiliary verbs. They are used together with the main verbs. Primary auxiliary verbs Modal auxiliary verbs do can did may does must hos shall hove will had could om might is should ore would wos ought to were &. every sentence, the subject and the verb must always be in agreement with each other. A singular noun must be followed by a singular verb. Fauziah is yawning. Wei Lun plays rugby. Water is one of man’s basic needs The moon shines brightly in the sky at night. &, plural noun must be followed by a plural verb. Trina and her friends were at the beach yesterday. The bodybuilders lift weights every day. Salt and sugar are added to the mixture. The policemen patrol the streets regularly. %® there ore 6 types of verbs — action verbs, linking verbs, sensing verbs, feeling verbs, mental verbs and verbs of possession. Action verbs ore used to express an action that takes place. The dogs bark. The children eat their lunch at noon. The pupils raise their hands. Linking verbs ore used to connect the subject of the sentence to additional information about the subject. Raja appears happy. Kaye is sad. Brandon seems grouchy & Sensing verbs are related to the use of our senses. I hear a strange noise. She looks beautiful in the red dress. The cookies smell good. The judges have to taste all the dishes. The toddlers touch the caterpillar. & Feeling verbs express emotions. We admire the singer's voice. Thate liars! My parents fove me. mental verbs ore verbs that ore related to what goes through our minds. We think about what happened yesterday. He worries about his examination results. We plan vihat we want to do during our holidays. verbs of possession are verbs that are related to ownership. My brother owns a c This book belongs to Tom. & We can add ‘-ing’ to verbs. cook —+ cooking My mother is cooking my father’s favourite dish. eat —> eating We are eating pizza for dinner. the verb ‘to be’ hos eight different forms. They ore am, is, are, was, were, be, been and being. 1am going home now. She was going home yesterday. Iwill be going home at six o'clock. Ihave been to your house before. & Regular verbs do not vary much in basic spelling when they are written in different tenses. ‘Simple present Simple past Present continuous tense tense tense brush brushed brushing call called calling fold folded folding help helped helping & Irregular verbs appear slightly different in spelling when they are written in different tenses. Simple present ‘Simple past | Present continuous tense tense tense buy bought buying drink drank drinking eat ate eating freeze froze freezing & The word ‘to’ can be used with a verb to form a ‘to int I went to sleep. She is about to bathe. He would like to swim. We are going to watch a movie & Imperative verbs are used in commands and instructions. Stay here. Shut the door. Remain seated. Put it down. BR sransitve verbs toke an object Sarah caught the ball. (The ball is the object.) Joe climbed the stairs. (The stairs is the object.) Qc esomne any objects. By phrasal verts can be formed if another word, usually a preposition, is added to the verb. I.can always count on (rely) my parents to help me. The organisers called off (cancelled) the match due to the bad weather. © Exercise 1 Circle the correct answers. 1. Zul (play / plays ) with his pet cat every day. 2. My unt ( wear / wears ) a necklace to work every day, 3. The twins ( love / loves ) each other. 4, Every pupil (like / likes ) the new teacher. 5, Everyone in class ( enjoy / enjoys ) English lessons. 6. One of the girls (know / knows ) my brother. 7. All of us (draw / draws ) very well 8 Sanjeet and Samuel ( believe / believes ) the stranger. 9. Both the girls ( seem / seems ) unhappy. 10. My mother ond her colleagues ( work / works ) very hard. © Exercise 2 Fill in each blank with the correct verb from the box. 10. do does hos have The children ___________ not want to join in the games. The bag that I___is not expensive. Please keep quiet and listen to what Bobby to say. Everychild_____tobringan extraset of uniform ‘to school tomorrow. All the boys in class ________ not like to eat vegetables. Shirley _____ not like to eat fruits. Fiona arrived yet? Everybody _____to sit down and listen to me. Both the girls _________not like to swim. One of the pupils ________ not have his consent form with him. © Exercise 3 Fill in each blank with the correct verb from the box. ore was were 1, "That young couple _________quarrelling. I can hear them clearly,” my mother said. 2. The top pupil _______giving a speech on stage when he suddenly fainted. 3, "___your twin brothers identical twins?" my, teacher asked me. 4, The animals at the zoo ______ healthy. The zookeepers take good care of them. reading when the 5. Every pupil in that class teacher walked in. 6. “One of the boys standing there —____ my brother,” Tommy said. 7. Mrs Song was watching television when the children reading. 8. We at the concert last evening. 9. "Hello, anybody in?” the policeman asked. 10. The band of musicians _______ brilliant in their performance last night. © Exercise 4 Choose the correct answer and write its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets provided. 1, Mother _____ now. She will call you back later. (1) drive (2) drives (3) drove (4) is driving ( ) 2. Jenny__ when she heard the shocking news. (1) freeze (2) froze (3) freezes (4) is freezing ( ) 3. "________ down!" the teacher shouted. (1) Sit (2) Sot 3) Sits (4) Sitting ( ) 4. "Don’t worry. They will ” the librarian told her colleague. (1) leave (2) left (3) leaves (4) leaving ( ) 5. Weare going to__ Grandmother at the hospital. (1) visit (2) visited 3) visits (4) visiting ( ) 6. Agroup of children __at the playground now. (1) play (2) played (3) is playing (4) are playing ) 7. Marianne ______ the stone at the dog and ran away. (1) throw 2) threw (3) throws (4) isthrowing —( ) 8 Mr and Mrs Ang breakfast when someone knocked on the door. (1) had (2) have (3) was having (4) werehaving — ( ) 9. The robbers _____ the scene before the police arrived. (1) flee (2) fled (3) flees (4) were fleeing ( ) 10. _ Everybody in the family ____ the domestic helper. (1) like (2) likes (3)_ is liking (4) are liking ( ) © Exercise 5 Choose the correct answer and write its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets provided. 1. The football match was __ because of the heavy rain, (1) called on 2) called up 3) called off (4) calledbock = (—) 2. Our plane___at midnight. We reached the hotel at about two o'clock in the morning. (1) touched in (2) touched off (3) touched up (4) touched down ( ) 3. Aburglar___ Mr Poh’s house. (1)_ broke into (2) broke up (8) broke down (4) broke out () 4, She was not feeling well. She ___after dinner. (1) threw in (2) threw up (3) threw off (4) threw out () 5. They have decided to__ with the project meeting without him. (1) carry on (2) carry off (3) carry away (4) carry over ( ) 6. I_______ my classmate at the zoo yesterday. (1) ran on (2) ran off (3) ran out (4) ran into ( ) 7. Thave to____ early every night as I have to wake up at six o’clock in the morning. (1) turnin (2) turn out (3) turn up (4) turn away ( ) 8. You have to try a few times. Do not _____ easily. (1) give in 2) give up (8) give out (4) give away ( ) 9. I have done well this term. My teacher told me to my good work. (1) put up (2) take up (3) keep up (4) catch up ( ) 10. The new pupil _______ well with her classmates. (1) getsin (2) gets away (3) gets back (4) gets along (od © ttcaional Publishing We brush our teeth every doy We travel overseas every December. Bi wo use tne simple present tense for timeless and universal statements. ® we use the simple present tense for current facts that may change one day but hold true for now. China has the largest population in the world. The snow leopard is an endangered animal. SR We aso use the simple present tense for actions that are happer ht at the present moment. She glares at me os I walk through the door. I drop the glass as I pick up the phone. §%_ We use the simple past tense to talk about actions that have already taken place. We went to the museum yesterday. Tate my breakfast before going to school. we use the present continuous tense to talk about actions that are taking place at the time of speaking. ] Weatso use the present continuous tense for planned future actions or events. We are going to the museum tomorrow. They are visiting their grandparents next Saturday & We use the past continuous tense to refer to actions that were in progress at some time in the past. Farhan was walking quickly becouse he was late. Everyone was driving slowly because the roads were wet. BS We also use the past continuous tense for an action that was going on when a second one took place. The boys were playing when it rained. My mother was cooking when the doorbell rang. © Exercise 1 Fill in each blank with the simple present tense of the verb in the brackets. 1. Monica ____ (know) how to play the flute. 2. Whales_______ (swim) in the ocean. 3, 1_______ listen) to the radio every morning. 4, My teacher, Mr Chia, _______ (speak) very slowly. 5, Sue and her sister (sing) very well. 6. Soleha _____ (know) how to play the flute. 7“ (Pass) the salt to me, please," Mrs Lee requested. 8 The pickpocket _________ (try) to steal the man’s wallet. 9, The naughty boys —_____ (burst) the balloons that are on display. 10. We ___________ (wear) new clothes during Chinese New Year every year. 20 Exercise 2 Passage 1 Fill in each blank with the simple past tense of the verb in the brackets. We were at the Science garden in school. Our Science teacher, Mr Chia (1)_______ (plant) some cacti in the Science garden a few days ago. A few of us (2)___________ (go) over to help him. We also (3)_________ (see) several _rosebuds blossoming. We (4)________ (water) the plants. Mr Chia also (5)________ (teach) us how to look out for weeds. We helped to weed the garden. Passage 2 Fill in each blank with the simple past tense of the verb in the brackets. My mother signed up for baking classes at the Community Club. Last week, she ()______— (learn) how to bake pineapple tarts. After the class, the baking _ instructor (7)_____ (tell) her students to bring the pineapple tarts back. My mother and her classmates (g)___________ Ghare) the pineapple tarts among themselves, They (9)____— (divide) the pastries equally among themselves. At home, we tried the tarts that my mother (10)_____ (bring) home. They were delicious. © Exercise 3 Underline the correct answers. 1. 10. Sue ( is playing / are playing ) the piano now. Jamie and Marini (is reading / are reading ) in the living room. My parents ( is talking / are talking ) to my sister now. The baby ( is drinking / are drinking ) milk now. Do not disturb me. I (is studying / am studying ). Pay attention. The teacher ( is teaching / are teaching ). Look! The sun (is setting / are setting ). The pupils ( is going / are going ) for an excursion tomorrow. Bring an umbrella with you. It (is raining / are raining ) now. My grondfather isin the ~— garden. ~—- He (is watering / are watering ) the plants. © Exercise 4 Fill in each blank with the past continuous tense of the verb in the brackets. 1. When my mother ________ (bathe), her mobile phone rang. 2. The girls were in their rooms. They —__— (pack) their bags. 3. They_____ (try) to twist the wire this morning. 4, Mrs Teng —________ (scold) her pupils for not paying attention in class when the principal walked in. 5. Peter and his friends ______ (blow) the balloons for the class party yesterday, 6. Thedog_______ (run) in the garden last night. 7. Madam Lau _____ (feed) her cat this morning when I walked past her house. 8. The soldiers ____________ (dig) trenches the whole night and they did not sleep a wink. (hang) the laundry on the clothes the kettle boiled. 9. Amilah —___ line when the wote 10. The jockeys ______ (ride) the stallions. They were training for the race. ucational Publishing Howe Pe a ] @ © Exercise 5 Choose the correct answer and write its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets provided. 1. My mother ____ the flowers while my father was playing computer games with us. (1) arrange (2) arranges 8) is arranging (4) wasarranging ( ) 2. We —______ to the Night Safari last evening and had a great time. (1) go (2) went (3) are going (4) were going ( ) 3. Tamilla was dancing when she suddenly _______ her ankle. (1) sprain Q) sprained (3) is spraining (4) wasspraining ( ) 4. The treasurer _______ the class fund while the monitress is giving out the workbooks. (1) is collecting (2) are collecting (3) was collecting (4) were collecting ( ) 5. _____quiet unless you are told to speak. (1) Keep (2) Keeps 3) Kept (4) Keeping ( ) 10. Kimberly ______. an email to her friend in Australia when I called last night. (1). send (2) sends (3) is sending (4) wossending ) She was in the garden when a fire _______ out in the kitchen. (1) breaks (2) broke (3). is breaking (4) was breaking ( ) Our dog ______ whenever someone walks past our house. (1) barks (2). barked (3). is barking (4) wasbarking — ( ) The pupils the classroom when Miss Tan walked in. (1) decorate (2) decorated (3) are decorating (4) were decorating ( ) Please ________ your bags in the locker before you enter the museum. (1) leave (2) left (3) leaves (4) leaving ( ) Futureyand| Present|Conditionallilense) Swe use the future tense to tak obout an action that wil happen in the future. We use will or shall with a verb to show an action that we have planned to do. Sometimes, we use shall when the subject is I or we. Jim will help us. We shall make a few kites. 1 shall not give in to her threats. Swe use going to to show an action that has been decided and is confirmed to be carried out. Khai is going to carry the boxes. The cleaners are going to mop the floor. RB wee was ee together with the -ing form of the verb to show a planned event. ( Examples They will be going to the cinema. I shall be waiting at the café for her. 4% We also use the present continuous tense to tlk about the future. He is leaving tonight. They are going for a cruise next weel we use the present conditional tense when there is a condition thot we must fulfil in order for something else to happen. You will fal ill f you play in the rain. You will be late for school if you do not hurry. Janice will be happy if you come to her party. §% We can distinguish between verbs with different time, tense or aspect. = amfis/are = was/were | will/shall imple | present | simple past simple present | continuous | past _| continuous | _ future drink [drinking | drank | drinking drink eat eating ate eating eat look looking | looked | looking look ploy playing | played | playing play 6 Edcational Publshing House Pe Lid © Exercise 1. Fill in each blank with ‘will’ or ‘shall’ followed by the verb in the brackets. 1. 10. We ____ (eat) toast for breakfast tomorrow. She _______ (attend) birthday party this Saturday. Tonight, the famous singer _________ (perform) at the stadium. Wait for another _— fifteen minutes. They (come). "1 _____ (turn) you into a frog,” said the witch She _________ (learn) to drive next month. They _______ (try) to scale Mount Everest. We _____ (visit) Uncle Tom in Australia next month. The two classes ____________ (compete) in a football match tomorrow. We _______ (grow) some potted plants in our garden. ef Exercise 2 Fill in each blank with the correct form of ‘be going to’ followed by the verb in the brackets. 4, Kenand1_____ (watch) a movie this Saturday. 2. Do not despair, we _____ (succeed) this time. 3. Please take the packets of drinks out from the freezer. If not, they __ (freeze). 4, The ice cream ____ (melt) if you do not eat it soon. 5. Michael is still at home now. I think he (be) late. 6. My father promised me that our family —___ (stay) on a form during our visit to New Zealand. 7. 1_______not___ Git) here and wait for things to happen. 8, | ____ (have) dinner now. 9. We (leave) Singapore this evening. 10. Jane ___ (visit) her grandmother in an hour's time. eS oe © Exercise 3 Circle the correct answers. 1. 10. Melvin ( shall be / is going to be ) the top pupil in class again. Aunt Molly ( shall cook / will cook ) for her family when she returns home. You will not fall. I (am going to hold / is going to hold ) on to the bicycle. This bud (shall bloom / will bloom ) into a flower soon. Jessica ( shall wear / is going to wear ) the blue gown to the prom tomorrow. It (is going to be / shall be ) Chan’s turn to sing next. Roxanne and I ( is going to make / are going to make ) a pizza. Uncle Ben and Aunt Nicole ( shall get / will be getting ) married next year. Dan ( will complete / shall complete ) his homework after dinner. My mother ( will prepare / shall prepare ) breakfast after she wakes up. © Exercise 4 Choose the correct answer and write its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets provided. 1. The travellers ___ the nearby village soon. (1) reach (2) reached (3). shall reach (4) are going to reach () 2. Benny ____hiss colleagues a treat as promised. (1) give (2). shall give (3) is going to give (4) are going to give ( ) 3. We beach volleyball when we go to the beach. (1) plays (2) played (3) shall play (4) is going to ploy ( ) 4, They —___ into trouble if they are late. (1) will get (2). shall get (3) is getting (4) is going to get ( ) 5. Priscilla and }___ you outside the café this evening (1) meet (2) will meet (3) is going to meet (4) am going to meet ( ) 6. The operator___you to the extension. Be patient. (1) connects (2) shall connect (3) is going to connect (4) shall be connecting () 7. The detectives _ the case as they have many clues on hand. (1) shall solve (2) shall be solving (3) is going to solve (4) are going to solve ( ) 8. The fruit coke ____ants if you do not keep it away, (1) attract (2) will attract (3) shall be attracting (4) are going to attract ( ) 9. The contractors ___up the fixtures tomorrow. (1) will put (2). shall put (3) is going to put (4) shall be putting @) 10. She _____ hungry by the time you arrive. (1) will be (2) shall be (3) am going to be (4) are going to be ( ) © Exercise 5 Complete the table. - om/is/are - was/were | will/shall simple | present | simple past simple present | continuous | past | continuous | future + 1.| allow | ollowing | allowed | allowing allow 2.| bully 3.| cost 4.| gaze 5.| judge 6.| make 7.| meet 8.| poy 9.| sing 10.| throw & We use can to convey ability. (Examples } Ican read. She can draw ®K Weuse may to ask for permission. Teacher, may I go to the toilet please? Mother, may I watch television? % weuse may to express politeness. ‘May 1 vorrow your pen? May | use the washroom? ®ve also use may to indicate possibility, (Examples ) My brother may be at home. Joel may have the right answer. Z=\ We use must to put across obligation or compulsion. You must share your food. Kate must go home now. IR we oso use must to express « necessary action, I must drink lots of water every day. We must revise our work before our examinations. & We use will to indicate a prediction. It will rain this evening. My mother will be happy when she sees this gift. We use shall and wil to tell others our intention to do something. She will celebrate her birthday this Sunday. We shall buy our mother a scarf for her birthday. see © tcl Pblshng Howe Re Ld BS We use might to express the possiblity of an action happening. We might be wrong. Lucas might come home late. BS We use should to put across obligation. It is similar to must but has a softer tone than must. You should share your toys. She should listen to her teacher's advice. © Exercise 1 Fill in each blank with the modal ‘can’ or ‘must’. 1. 1____ study hard so that I will do well in my examinations. I do not want to disappoint my parents. 2. Tania _____ dance very well. She won a prize in a dance competition last week. 3. We____ not be rude to our parents. 4. Parrots ______ talk. 5. We ___not overfeed the fish. 6. We —______ handle sharp objects with care. If not, we will get hurt. 7. Everyone ___________ pay attention when the teacher is talking. That is basic courtesy, 8. Timothy is a fost worker. He —______ finish alll these tasks in half an hour. 9. My teacher___ speak four languages. 10. We ________ sleep early so that we will wake up feeling fresh. @© Exercise 2 Choose the correct answer and write its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets provided. 1. "You _______ be ashamed of yourselves!” My father scolded. (1) moy @) con (3) should (4) might ( ) 2. Jeanette _________ play the harmonica very well She storted playing the harmonica when she was five years old. (1) can (2) may (3) must @) will ( ) 3. "Your room is messy. You tidy up your room before our relatives arrive," my mother ordered. (1) can (2) must (3) may (4) should not ( ) 4. Mandy _______ listen to the advice of her elders or she will regret it later. (1) con (2) may (3) should (4) shall on) 10. They _______ remove their shoes before stepping into the living room. No one wears their shoes into the house. (1) may Q) con (3) must (4) shall ( ) She listen carefully before jumping to conclusions. (1) may (2) can (3) should (4) shall ( ) Non-swimmers ______ go to the deep pool. It is too dangerous. (1) may (2) can (8) should (4) shouldnot ) you always go against his instructions? It will make him dislike you more. (1) Should (2) Can (3) May not (4) Must ( ) Jessica _______ have lied to her mother. She should have told her the truth. (1) con (2) should (3) should not (4) cannot ( ) Aunt Lisa read the fine print as she is long-sighted. (1) may (2) can @) should not (4) cannot ( ) © Exercise 3 Choose the correct answer and write its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets provided. 1. We_____ never have agreed to help him. (1) might (2) should 8) cannot (4) may not co) 2. Jason ___ be a good football player since he plays for a professional football club. (1) shall (2) must (3) cannot (4) moy not 9 3, ______I have another ice cream cone, please? (1) Moy (2) will (3) Must (4) Should (a) 4. How —______ you barge into the room without knocking? (1) can (2) may (3) must (4) should () 5. Bala _____ feed his cat twice a day or it will be hungry. (1) can 2) might (3) must (4) shouldnot = (—) 10. Rosie ________ knit very beautiful sweaters. She has knitted one for me before. (1) must (2) can (3) should (4) may ( ) 1 ______ remember to drop the parcel off at the post office before I go to work. The parcel has to reach Malaysia by next week. (1) may (2) cannot (3) must (4) should not ( ) “You ______ jump into the deep end of the pool if you cannot swim,” the coach warned. (1) may (2) must (8) should (4) must not ( ) Don ______ help his sister since she is in trouble. (1) may not (2) cannot (3) should not (4) should ( ) Jocintha __ forgive Joe as he is truly apologetic. (1) shall (2) may not (3) should (4) should not ( ) © Exercise 4 Fill in each blank with the modal ‘may’ or ‘will’. 1. Mysisterishungry, She ____finish all her food. 2, My mother _____ definitely be angry if 1 go home late. 3. ___Thave a cup of tea, please? 4, "You ______ borrow up to three books at ony one time,” the librarian told the pupils. 5. “Excuse me, ________ you help me, please?” the old lady asked. 6. My mother told me that 1___ watch television for half on hour. 7. Look at the dark sky. It ______ rain very soon. 8. If you wish to borrow my dress, you do so. 9. It ______ definitely be crowded at the concert because of the discounted admission tickets. 10. The pupils _____ be going for a field trip next Monday. It is stated in the school calendar. © Exercise 5 The underlined modal in each sentence has been used incorrectly. Write a suitable modal in the box above it. Anne may apologise since she is in the wrong. CL] 2. Talented Jomes must draw very well. He won a prize in several art competitions. 3. You can go to bed if you are tired. Do not force yourself to stay up late to study. 4, May we follow her? She does not know the way either. CL] 5. We are moving this weekend and must need your help. © Educational Publohing Hoe Pe Ui 10. We might exercise often to stay healthy. Having a balanced diet is also important. We may be kind to animals. The car is still not moving. We can push harder. I promised my parents that I might try harder next time. Wood should be made into paper. That is just one of the ‘many uses of wood. Adverbs ore words that tell us more about verbs. (Examples ) Trina eats slowly. The children are tolking foudly. % pavers of place ore adverbs that tell us where something is. (Examples ) The book there belongs to me. Sit here ond wait for me. 5 paverbs of time are odverbs thot tell us when something happens. (Examples ) We arrived in New York yesterday. We will be leaving for Chicago tomorrow. Adverbs of frequency are odverbs that tell us how often Cd happens. Wy caiiverbs of mannerienertitibs,that,toul neeerean actions are done. By adverbs ofduration are adverbs that tellus how long certain actions happen. My father spoke briefly to me before he left this morning. Iwill be staying with my grandparents temporarily until my parents are back from their trip. § pdverbs of degree ore adverbs that show to what extent something happens. Kyle tried very hard but did not succeed. § Asverbs can be compared. The comparative form is used when two subjects are compared. The superlative form is used when three or more subjects ‘ore compared. The regular comparative and superlative forms of an adverb look similar to the root adverb. Regular adverb _| Comparative adverb | Superlative adverb eorly earlier earliest fost faster fastest late later latest §% the irregular comparative and superlative forms of an adverb do not look like the root adverb. Irregular adverb | Comparative adverb | Superlative adverb badly worse worst ‘much more most well better best & The words, ‘more’ or ‘most’ can also be added to the root adverbs to obtain the comparative and superlative forms. Original adverb | Comparative adverb | Superlative adverb angrily ‘more angrily most angrily brovely more bravely most bravely slowly more slowly most slowly | —— cational Publishing Hous Pe Lid © Exercise 1 Circle the adverb in each sentence. 1. His father is quite tall. 2. We seldom go out on weekends. 3. She ate her food quickly. 4, The pen over there belongs to me. 5. My brother is leaving for Liverpool tomorrow. 6. have never been to Sentosa, 7. The baby is sleeping soundly in her room. 8. The flight stewardess smiled widely at all the passengers. 9. We are really trying our best. 10. Please wait for me. I will be reaching soon. © Exercise 2 Fill in each blank with the correct adverbial form of the word in the brackets. 1. Theboat tossed_____ (dangerous) in the choppy sea. 2. Mrs Toh was dressed _________ (elegant) for the party. 3. The woman screamed _______ (hysterical) when she was sentenced to twenty years’ imprisonment for her crime. 4. My mother was (popular) known as “Beauty’ during her school days. 5. “Please drive ______ (slow) as it is raining,” Mrs Ranjeet told her husband. 6. The champion smiled _________ (broad) when he went onstage to accept the trophy. 7. Mrand Mrs Lim missed their son (terrible) ever since he went overseas to study. 8 The children stared at the fried —_ chicken (hungry). 9. The shy girlhid _______(timid) behind her mother. 10. The shop is __________ (temporary) closed for renovation. © Kacaonal Publishing Howe Pe © Exercise 3 Fill in each blank with the adverbial form of the word in the brackets. Jayden looked around the house. Cutlery and crockery were all scattered on the table ()____ (untidy). “Who could it be?” Jayden asked himself (2) ________ (soft). No one was supposed to be home during that time of the day. Jayden walked towards his bedroom (3)________ Glow), puzzled by the sight of the untidy dining table. As he opened the door to his room, he felt someone tapping his shoulders (4)________ (light). He turned around ond was surprised to see his elder brother Jason, smiling (5)________ (happy) at him. Jason greeted him (6)__________ (cheerful), “Hey little brother! How have you been?” Jayden hugged his brother (7)______— (tight). He had not seen his brother since he had gone overseas to study six months ago. "Why didn’t you tell us that you were coming back?” Jayden asked (8)_____ (excited). "1 wanted to give all of you a surprise. It is term breck at my university now. I told you that I will come back (9)—________._ (year), Jason replied. “I'm hungry, let's go out for some food. By the way, that was a nice cake in the fridge. I enjoyed it (10) —_______ (thorough) but I'm still hungry.” Jason said. The brothers could not wait to see their parents’ surprised expression when they returned home later. © Exercise 4 Fill in each blank with the correct adverb from the box. Use each word only once. better worse most latest earlier fastest nearer lowest sooner longer 1. Aidan is the thinnest but he eats the among his siblings. s her behaviour in 2. _Jovi’s teachers are unhappy with Jo class is getting 3. My grandmother is recovering and is looking each day. 4. Although my baby brother sleeps the earliest ot night, he wakes up the ______ every morning. The earlier you start doing your homework, the it will be done. 10. Dennis swam the __________ in the swimming competition. He won a trophy. Tania likes to sleep. She naps _______ than her sister every doy. Mrs Liew arrived at the dinner venue than the host. She waited for them at the entrance of the restaurant. The bully never studied. He scored the —______ for the class test. Ilive ______ to school than my best friend. I can walk to school but she has to take a bus. © Exercise 5 Fill in each blank with ‘more’ or ‘most’. 1. The sun shines _____ rightly than the moon. 2. That group of supporters shouted ______loudly than the others at the stadium. 3. The new pupil studied the among his classmates. igently 4. Ray walks the ___ slowly among his brothers. 5. Rihanna danced __ gracefully than her sister. 6. Amy exploins the _______ clearly in her project group. 7. Tim cycles _______ carefully than all his friends. 8. The snail crawls __ slowly than the tortoise. 9. After witnessing an accident, he crossed the road carefully than before. 10. The discipline master shouted the —___ loudly ‘among all the teachers. Preposition's & Prepositions of position tell us where something is. (Examples ) My cat is on the table. My cat is under the table. §% prepositions of direction tell us where something is coming from or going to. ‘Sue rowed the boat across the river. We ran towards the shelter when it rained. 4S prepositions of time tell us when something is going to happen. The new class starts on Tuesday. Your sister reached home before you did. & Prepositions of purpose and means tell us why something is done. I drew this with some crayons. Our neighbours invited us to their house for dinner. & Prepositions of possession are used to show belonging. They are teachers of my school. That is the boy with many friends. & Prepositions of accompaniment tell us how to put things or people together. (Examples Igo to school with my sister. Joella arrived at the party with her parents. & Prepositions of comparison are used to compare two people or objects. (Examples Lola is shorter than her brother. She sings like a nightingale. & Prepositions of support and opposition tell us whether someone supports or opposes something. Whatever decision you make, I am with you. Everyone in class voted for Melissa to be the class monitor. & Prepositions of exception are used to indicate that something or someone is different from the rest. Everyone is here but you. Every outfit in the shop is black except this blouse. & Prepositions of concession are used to show how something happens even though the situation is not favourable. Despite the hardship, Mr Tan managed to support his children through university, Considering the bad weather, I am surprised that we arrived punctually. & Complex prepositions are formed by two or more words that function as a preposition. We are standing in front of the theatre. According to the weather forecast, it will rain this afternoon. ions can collocate with other words to form phrases. This jacket belongs to Annie. The girls like to participate in contests. © Exercise 1 Fill in each blank with ‘in’, ‘on’ or ‘at’. 10. There is a summer camp _____ June. There is a camp the second week of the month. Fanny will graduate from University ______ 2014. The teachers from Woodsdale Primary School will put up aconcert______ Children’s Day, My mother's birthday falls______ 23 September. The movie starts ________ 3 p.m. We need to leave for the cinema now. The twin’s favourite cartoon is aired Tuesdays at 11.30 a.m. Jenny will meet us _____ the entrance of the cinema, The school choir will be taking part in a competition 15 September 2012. Jim and his friends will be going for an adventure camp ___ Malaysia next week. © Exercise 2 Passage 1 Fill in each blank with the correct preposition from the box. Use each preposition only once. across to of over at Joe was going to watch a movie. He was going (1) the _ cinema. He was meeting his friends (2)____________ the ticketing booth. On his way there, he caught sight (3)______ an old lady. She was carrying bags of groceries and was trying to cross the road. Joe walked (4)___________ to her and offered his help. He carried her bags and led her (5). the road. The old lady thanked Joe for helping her. Passage 2 Fill in each blank with the correct preposition from the box. Use each preposition only once. through to on for from Harry was at the railway station. He was taking a train (6) __________ Kelantan. He sat (7)__________ the bench ot the railway station. On his right was the tunnel where the train would be passing (8). before reaching the station. Harry could hear the whistle (9) distance. His heart leapt as he waited (10). the train. He loved taking the train. © Exercise 3 Underline the correct answers. 1 10. {© Educational Publdhing Howse Pe Lid The old man fell ( by / down ) the stairs and hurt himself. The teenager has stolen a shirt ( from / to ) the shop. The lady sitting ( around / between ) the two boys is my teacher. Please do not lean ( against / at ) the wall. The policeman ran ( after / under ) the snatch thief. Maris paid fifty dollars ( for / on ) her new pair of sandals. The childcare teacher told the toddlers to put their fingers ( on/to ) their lips. You may go to bed after you have tidied the books (in /on ) the shelf The girl bent down and saw her doll ( above / under ) the sofa. The children are taking turns to slide ( up / down ) the slide at the playground. ——. © Exercise 4 Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. 1. We helped Ellis to search ______ her missing puppy. 2. Afteranight ________ observation at the hospital, my grandfather can be discharged today. 3. When Ivan saw a dog running _____ him, he started screaming. 4. The cat jumped ___ the fence. 5. The eagle swooped down_______ the sky. 6. The flight will touch ____at 8 a.m. tomorrow. 7. Always go _________ your answers again before submitting your test papers. 8. Please give me some time to ponder _______ this matter before I make a decision. 9. You are at fault. You have to apologise your sister. 10. The youth jumped ______ the swimming pool with his clothes on. m6 © Exercise 5 Fill in each blank with the correct answer from the box. Use each word/phrase only once. than despite except, between against drew on because of switch on decide take care of 1. My elder sister is taller___ my mother. 2. Every piece of stationery in the pencil box is pink the ruler. We cannot ___________ where to go for our next holiday, 4, The toddler ______ the wall and was scolded by her mother. 5. —___________ the heat, he was still wearing a jacket. 10. My mothertold me to____________ my younger brother while she went to the supermarket. Please ___ the lights. It is dark here. ‘the blue and the red dress, I prefer the blue one. My grandparents ore ___________ the idea of my brother going overseas to study. They feel that he does not know how to take care of himself. The school has called off the football match the rain. connectors are words that are used to join words, phrases or clauses together to form complete sentences. & Connectors for addition are connectors that join two phrases together to form longer sentences. Moy is happy. Ruyj is happy. May and Ruyi are happy. ® connectors for sequence are connectors that provide an order of the events that happen. Last night, when I reached home, first, I took a shower. Then I brushed my teeth. Next, I lay in bed. Finally, I switched off the lamp. BS connectors for contrast ore connectors that show two different ideas in comparison. Although Jerry likes to eat vegetables, his twin brother does not. Jerry likes to eat vegetables but his twin brother does not. connectors for reason are connectors that help to explain why something happens. I did not do well in the examinations for I did not study hard. I did not do well in the examinations because I did not study hard, % connectors for purpose are connectors that explain why we do something. Lexercise in order to keep fit. I wash my shoes so that they are clean. © Exercise 1 Choose the correct answer and write its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets provided. 1. Gilbert does not mind laksa ______ he likes chicken curry better. (1) and 2) as 3) but (4) because ( ) 2. Jinming wants to learn the piano ___he likes music. (1) but (2) yet (3) although (4) since ( ) 3. The firemen ______ the civilians were commended for their bravery, (1) but 2) for (3) because (4) and ( ) 4, _______ Sam often helps Eliza, she is never appreciative. (1) But (2) However (@) Then (4) Although ( ) 5. Mrs Lee watches television ______she is bored. (1) for (2) but (3) and (4) yet ( ) The soldiers __ their commander are polishing their boots. (1) as @) and (3) but (4) because ( ? Thomas bought a new bag ___ his old one was torn. (1) and (2) since (3) but (4) although ( ) He continued to work on the project ____ he was tired. (1) then (2) yet (8) although (4) because ( ) Lynette is taking medicine ____ she is sick. (1) and (2) as (3) but (4) although ( ) Grandmother is old, she is very healthy. (1) But 2) For (3) Although (4) Because ( ) © Exercise 2 Choose the correct answer and write its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets provided. 1, Her bag was torn ____ she continued using it. (1) ond (2) then (3) but (4) although ( ) 2. The honey attracted the ants ____it was sweet. (1) ond (2) but (3) because (4) although ( ) 3. Crocodiles ___ birds reproduce by laying eggs. (1) ond 2) for (3) but (4) because ( ) 4, ________ they have conducted the experiment many times, they hove not obtained the desired results. (1) However (2) As (3) Although (4) Since ( ) 5. The tarts___the cakes are delicious. (1) for (2) and (3) but (4) because ( ) 6. Paula is looking for a dress ____ she is attending a party. (1) as (2) ond (3) but (4) although ( ) 7. Samantha loves to eat cherries ____ not grapes. (1) and (2) for (3) but (4) because ( ) 8. _ Lilian baked a cake ______it was her sister’s birthday, (1) but (2) because (3) and (4) although ( ) 9. The plants were watered daily ___ they still wilted, (1) but (2) because (3) and (4) although ( ) 10. The teenager has stolen a belt, a wallet___a pair of socks from the department store. (1) but. (2) for (3) ond (4) because ( ) ®© Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with the correct connector from the box. Use each connector only once. ofter before because yet besides so that as well as since although 50 as to 1. It was raining __ Mark went cycling. 2, _______ wiping the furniture, 1 can help my mother sweep the floor. 3. Brush your teeth________ you go to bed. 4. Mr Raj works out at the gym every day keep fit. 5. He switched on the lights ___ he wanted to look for his spectacles. 6. They whispered to each other — could hear them. 7, ______ its raining, we have to stay indoors. 8. Angie, _______ Brad, is attending the party. 9, ___ Glenn eats a lot, he is still skinny 10. Keep your books in your school bag _______ you have completed your homework. © fdicoons bling Hess Me © Exercise 4 Join the sentences using the connectors given. 1. Ineed a new pair of shoes. I have no money to buy one. but 2. The children enjoy kite-flying. So do their parents. and 3. The armchair is big. It is not comfortable. Although 4, Madam Fatimah is overjoyed. She has won a car in the lucky draw. because 5. She is tidying the room. Please wait. while 10. There was an event earlier that day, The cleaners were cleaning up the park. as, Mandy finisned her homework quickly, She could go out to play. so that. Tim is serving his National Service. So is Joe. and. The buildings are very old. They will be demolished soon. because Cynthio's pillow is old and smelly. She refuses to throw it away, yet © Exercise 5 Join the sentences using the connectors given. 1. Mr Ang isselling his house. He is migrating to London soon. since The child tripped. He dropped his ice cream. when ies up her room. She can then go out. After The little boy was cycling downhill. He wos hurt. while Go to bed early. You will wake up feeling fresh. in order to g a (© Fictional Pblabing Howe Pe Ud 10. We burnt the midnight oil. We want to meet the deadline for the project. so as to The singer had a sore throat. The concert was cancelled. ince Wash the mug. Then, you use it. Before Has Jane drunk her milk yet? when We want you in the basketball team. You are the best player. for Questions/and| Answers) BS there ore different types of questions that require different types of answers. % vesino questions require only a ‘yes! or ‘no’ in reply. Are we friends? Yes, we are. No, we are not. % some questions ask for more information than a ‘yes’ or ‘no’. They begin with question words such as where, when, why, who, whose, what, how, whom and which. Where is The Grand Canyon? (Place) When was it discovered? (Time) Why isit called The Grand Canyon? —_ (Reason) Who discovered it? (Person) Whose idea was it to call it ‘The Grand Canyon’? (Possession) What can one do there? (Action/Thing) How can we get there? (Method) With whom did you go? (Person) Which airline did you take? (Choice) & Questions with question tags are questions that begin with a statement, followed by a question tag. The question tag will turn the statement into a question. If the statement is positive, the tag is negative, and vice versa. Negative Contraction is isnot isn’t ore: ‘are not aren't was was not wasn’t were ‘were not weren't do do not don’t does does not doesn’t did did not didn't have have not haven't has has not hasn't had had not hadn't may may not = might might not mightn’t must ‘must not mustn't can cannot con't could could not couldn't will will not ‘won't would would not wouldn't shall shall not shan't should should not shouldn’t We must wash our hands before we eat, mustn't we? We should not tear pages off books, should we?

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