Dialog Expression Sympathy Group 2

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Dialog Expression Sympathy

Dini : "What are you doing Alya?"

Alya : "I'm looking for a wallet"
Indah : "Lost your wallet? What a pity..., I hope to see you soon"
Alya : "I hope so"
Nadya : "You must be very upset about it"
Alya : "Heum, a little "
Nazila : "That's so sad, someone announced earlier that if someone loses
their wallet, report it immediately"
Thoriq : "I know what you feels, come on, let's report it to the teacher
Fiantika :"I think the announcement says it's your wallet"
Charel : "I sympathize with your condition, let's report it together"
Alya : "You are very kind, thank you very much guys".

Group 2 :
1. Alya Rizqa Suryani
2. Charel Olivia
3. Dini Rahmawati
4. Fiantika Tsaqova Lubis
5. Indah Sari Piliyani
6. Nadya Yunisa
7. Nazila Agusti Putri
8. Muhammad Thoriq Alfarisy Adha

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