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2023/10/9 22:41 Proliferative Enteritis | Iowa State University --- 增殖性肠炎 |爱荷华州立大学

Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine


Proliferative Enteritis 增殖性肠炎

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Proliferative Enteritis (Porcine Proliferative Enteritis, Ileitis, Intestinal Adenomatosis, Garden-hose Gut)
Definition 定义
Porcine proliferative enteritis (PPE) is an enteric disease characterized by hyperplasia of crypt enterocytes with inflammation and
sometimes ulceration or hemorrhage. Lesions always include thickening of the mucous membrane of part of the small intestine and/or
large intestine. Lesions vary considerably by location, extent, and duration. Many terms have been used to describe this disease,
including: proliferative hemorrhagic enteropathy (PHE), porcine intestinal adenomatosis (PIA), porcine proliferative enteritis (PPE),
necrotic enteritis (NE), regional or terminal ileitis (RI), ileitis, and garden-hose gut.

Occurrence 发生
Porcine proliferative enteritis (PPE) occurs worldwide. Disease is categorized pathologically as a severe acute form (proliferative
hemorrhagic enteropathy or PHE) that is more common in young adults, and a chronic or necrotic form which occurs much more
frequently, usually during the grower phase.
猪增殖性肠炎(PPE)在世界范围内发生。疾病在病理学上分为严重急性形式(增殖性出血性肠病或 PHE),在年轻人中更常见,以及
The disease occurs primarily in growing/finishing pigs but may also occur in pigs as young as 3 weeks, in market weight hogs and
adult swine. Disease often appears to be more severe with, and occurs at an increased incidence in, age-segregated herds. Similar
signs and lesions occur in other mammals (hamsters, ferrets, guinea pigs, foxes, horses, lambs, rabbits, rats, dogs, white-tailed deer,
emus) with no detectable differences in the genotype of the causative organism. Hamsters have been used in research and are readily
infected by the porcine organism.
该病主要发生在生长猪/肥育猪中,但也可能发生在 3 周龄的猪、上市体重的生猪和成年猪中。在年龄隔离的牛群中,疾病往往显得更严
Historical information 历史信息
The first report of PPE was published in 1931. Neither that nor another report in 1935 stimulated much interest. In the 1970s there was
a renewed interest as marked losses from PPE became more apparent. In 1993, a method of cultivation of the confirmed etiologic
agent (Lawsonia intracellularis) in tissue culture was reported. The agent has now been used to reproduce the disease in conventional,
susceptible pigs.
第一份 PPE 报告于 1931 年发表。无论是该报告还是 1935 年的另一份报告都没有引起太大兴趣。 20 世纪 70 年代,随着 PPE 的显着
损失变得更加明显,人们重新燃起了兴趣。 1993年,报道了一种在组织培养中培养已确认的病原菌(胞内劳森菌)的方法。该试剂现已

Etiology 病因学
Bent, rod-shaped, Gram-negative bacteria in crypt enterocytes of swine with PPE were recognized long ago. However, the organism
could not be grown on cell-free media and was not identified until 1993. The obligate intracellular organism, Lawsonia intracellularis(Li)
is considered to be a novel taxonomic genus and species. It is related to certain anaerobic, sulfate-reducing bacteria.
很久以前就在佩戴 PPE 的猪隐窝肠细胞中发现了弯曲的杆状革兰氏阴性细菌。然而,该生物体不能在无细胞培养基上生长,直到1993
年才被鉴定。专性细胞内生物,胞内劳森菌(Lawsonia intracellularis,Li)被认为是一个新的分类属和种。它与某些厌氧硫酸盐还原菌有
Lawsonia intracellularis can be grown in a rat enterocyte cell line and inoculation of susceptible pigs with pure culture of the organism
reproduces PPE. All isolates examined from different host species and from different geographical locations appear to be quite similar.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been useful for characterization of the organism and has ruled-out involvement of
Campylobacter spp. in the disease
胞内劳森菌可以在大鼠肠上皮细胞系中生长,用该生物体的纯培养物接种易感猪可产生 PPE。从不同宿主物种和不同地理位置检查的所
有分离株似乎非常相似。聚合酶链式反应 (PCR) 可用于表征生物体,并排除了弯曲杆菌属的参与。在疾病中
Epidemiology 流行病学
The incubation, recovery, and carrier phase of L. intracellularis infection is quite long in some pigs, probably months. Undoubtedly,
there are carrier swine that disseminate L. intracellularis in their feces to susceptible pigs by fecal-oral route. Infection often results in
subclinical disease. Research also shows that L. intracellularis from experimentally infected pigs spreads to naive sentinel pigs penned 1/3
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with them or penned separately in the same enclosed area.
Carrier dams have been demonstrated to infect their litters as early as six days of age, a likely reason for failure of segregated early
weaning techniques to control disease. The incubation period is at least two weeks, perhaps much longer. Outbreaks often have been
associated with a variety of stresses. Lateral transmission of infection has been demonstrated but not all pigs within a population are
necessarily infected simultaneously.
Pathogenesis 发病
L. intracellularis infects epithelial cells and survives intracellularly. When enterocytes undergo mitosis, each cell retains some of the
bacteria, and enterocytes fail to mature. The resulting hallmark lesion is a proliferation of immature enterocytes. Whether the organism
stimulates greater proliferation, retards maturation, or both is not known. Microscopically, organisms are visible within the apex of crypt
epithelial cells. Responses to the bacteria include crypt elongation, epithelial cell hyperplasia, degeneration and necrosis of
enterocytes, fewer goblet cells, and an inflammatory response.
Other details of pathogenesis are speculative. Variations in the reported syndromes may correlate with different stages in lesion
development or different responses to infection, perhaps modulated by predisposing factors, stresses and saprophytic organisms.
Seroconversion occurs two weeks after infection, although lesions may not develop for three to four weeks post-infection. The
protected, intracellular environment afforded the organism probably requires a cell-mediated response to eliminate infection. Resolution
of lesions starts approximately four weeks after infection.

Clinical signs 临床体征

There has been much confusion related to nomenclature, lesions, and clinical signs of PPE, primarily due to the variation that exists in
clinical signs, age of pig affected, and gross lesions. In addition, a syndrome (hemorrhagic bowel syndrome or HBS) of sudden death
with blood in the intestinal tract (which is not PPE) is often confused with this condition. Acute cases of PPE are most frequently
observed in late finishing pigs and young breeding stock (PHE). Acute diarrhea with brownish to black unclotted blood, pallor,
weakness, and rapid death are common; lesions include mucosal proliferation and hemorrhage. Subacute to chronic cases occur more
frequently in the grower stages, manifested by sporadic diarrhea, wasting, and variation in growth rate; lesions often include necrotic
enteritis and can be easily confused with salmonellosis. Morbidity and mortality with either presentation is variable. Some pigs may
have quite severe proliferation of mucosa of terminal small intestine yet can be clinically asymptomatic.
PPE 的命名、病变和临床症状存在很多混乱,主要是由于临床症状、受影响猪的年龄和肉眼病变存在差异。此外,肠道带血猝死综合征
(出血性肠综合征或 HBS)(不是 PPE)经常与这种情况混淆。急性 PPE 病例最常见于晚育猪和幼龄种猪 (PHE)。常见急性腹泻,伴

Lesions 病变
Lesions vary in severity and location but usually include gross thickening of some part of the mucosa of the small and/or large
intestine. The ileum is commonly affected, often with a hose-like thickening of the mucosa of terminal ileum. A cerebriform pattern
(resembling the external fissures and convolution of the brain) of intestinal thickening is visible from serosal surface. Peyer’s patches
may be hyperplastic. Bloody intestinal content, perhaps with frank blood clots, may be present, especially in PHE. Lesions occasionally
are present only in the large intestine. In these instances, the mucosa of the cecum and/or colon is thrown into thick folds, plaques or
polyps, may be covered by inflammatory exudate, and vaguely resembles lesions of swine dysentery, trichuriasis, or salmonellosis.
Healing lesions of PPE in many slaughtered hogs suggest that some affected swine may show few or no signs and recover
物,可能伴有明显的血凝块,尤其是在 PHE 中。病变有时仅存在于大肠中。在这些情况下,盲肠和/或结肠的粘膜出现厚厚的皱襞、斑
In conventionally stained histologic sections there is severe intestinal crypt cell hyperplasia; in silver stained sections or with
immunohistochemistry, curved to rod-shaped bacteria usually can be demonstrated in the apex of some enterocytes.

Diagnosis 诊断
A tentative diagnosis often can be made on the basis of clinical signs along with the presence of characteristic gross and microscopic
lesions, although some cases of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) enteritis can present themselves clinically very similar to PPE.
Laboratories use silver stains, immunohistochemistry, or fluorescent antibody tests on histologic sections to confirm the presence of the
organism within lesions. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing on samples of affected mucosa or feces is also available. PCR
performed on feces from clinically affected pigs is diagnostic but negative tests do not rule out carrier status. Serology has limited 2/3
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availability and unknown sensitivity. Antibody specific for L. intracellularis appears to have low magnitude and duration but testing can
be useful on a herd basis to determine if the herd is infected and when infection may be occurring.
尽管某些猪圆环病毒 2 型 (PCV2) 肠炎病例的临床表现与 PPE 非常相似,但通常可以根据临床体征以及特征性肉眼和显微镜下病变的存
或粪便样本进行聚合酶链反应 (PCR) 检测。对临床感染猪的粪便进行 PCR 可以诊断,但阴性检测并不能排除携带者状态。血清学的可
Control 控制
Prevention by elimination is difficult; segregated rearing has been largely unsuccessful. There is no certainty that exposure of swine
to L. intracellularis can be avoided. More information is needed on survival of the organism under field conditions and the role other
animals may play in transmission and/or reservoirs. Presently there is no widely available way to screen large numbers of apparently
normal, suspected carriers. Serologic tests eventually may be useful for identifying infected herds. Although PCR is not yet widely
available, it can identify Lawsonia intracellularis in fecal samples from clinically affected pigs but lacks sensitivity to identify inapparent
试最终可能有助于识别受感染的牛群。尽管 PCR 尚未广泛应用,但它可以识别临床受影响猪的粪便样本中的胞内劳索尼亚菌,但缺乏识
Outbreaks sometimes appear to be stress related. Environmental and other stresses, including transportation, sorting, or commingling,
often precipitate outbreaks and should be minimized.
Various antibiotics often are added to feed for several weeks during or after periods of stress and during outbreaks in order to control
and treat PPE. Experimental PPE can be controlled using tylosin, tetracyclines, lincomycin, tiamulin, and carbadox. Various medication
strategies have been used, including pulse dosing and continuous medication. Medication failures are common in breeding stock
where animals are not fed ad libitum, hence receive subtherapeutic doses of antimicrobials that might otherwise be effective. Control of
PPE has been a major reason for use of feed-grade antimicrobials in grow-finish swine.
在应激期间或之后以及爆发期间,通常会在饲料中添加各种抗生素,以控制和治疗个人防护用品,持续数周。实验性 PPE 可以使用泰乐
An avirulent live vaccine is widely available and appears to have very good efficacy when properly administered via water or orally.
Vaccination of growing pigs as well as breeding gilts during acclimatization has been very successful in reducing or eliminating clinical
signs of PPE. In some herds, vaccination has allowed the elimination of continuous administration of feed-grade antimicrobials.
See the table Diseases Associated with Hemorrhage in Intestine
参见表格与肠出血相关的疾病 3/3

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