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Student elections

A bit about myself

My name is Olga Scherbataya. I am 15 My plans
years old and I'm in class 10-B. It is To carry out active work on
an English language class. vocational guidance
Plant more trees and flowers
around the school
Organise sports clubs
"There is no destiny but the one we make for Organise departments of
ourselves". Every man is the smith of his own psychology
happiness. Organise reading clubs
Organise recycling days

Why me?
I'm responsible, disciplined I care about the fate of our school's students.
and very active. I can be The school is students' second home, a place
relied upon to do anything, I where they should feel needed, useful and
will never let you down. I am understood. It is a place where they can try
themselves, where they can grow, make
creative and
mistakes and fall, and then get up and boldly
communicative. I am not
move on, knowing that those around them will
indifferent to anyone's
lend a hand, help them get up and inspire
problems, and I'm always
them to go further.
available help.

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