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No Soal Tryout Pembahasan Tryout Jawaban

1 A Christian holiday signifying the birth of Jesus, Christmas Jawaban: C. Slight C

is widely celebrated and enjoyed across the United States
Terdapat opsi pengecoh
and the world. The holiday always falls on 25 December
yaitu cheerful (periang), yang makna
(regardless of the day of the week), and is typically
katanya sama dengan jolly (periang).
accompanied by decorations, presents, and special meals.
Jawaban yang tepat
Specifically, the legend behind Christmas (and the one adalah slight karena slight (kurus)
that most children are told) is that Santa Claus, a bearded, adalah lawan kata dari hefty (kekar).
hefty, jolly, and red-jacket-wearing old man who lives in
the North Pole, spends the year crafting presents with
his elves, or small, festive, excited Santa-assistants. All the
children who behave throughout the year are admitted to
the Good List, and will presumably receive their desired
gifts on Christmas, while those who don't behave are
placed on the Naughty List, and will presumably (although
the matter is determined by parents) receive a lump of
Santa Claus is said to fly around the Christmas sky in a sled
powered by his magical reindeer, or cold-resistant,
mythically powered, individually named animals,
delivering presents to each child's house in the process.
Santa is also expected to slide through chimneys to deliver
these presents (homes not equipped with chimneys might
"leave the front door cracked open"), and children
sometimes arrange cookies or other treats on a plate for
him to enjoy.
Gifts are placed underneath a Christmas tree, or a pine
tree that's decorated with ornaments and/or lights and is
symbolic of the holiday. Additionally, smaller gifts may
be placed inside a stocking, or a sock-shaped, holiday-
specific piece of fabric that's generally hung on the
mantle of a fireplace (homes without fireplaces might
use the wall). A Christmas tree's ornaments, or hanging,
typically spherical decorations, in addition to the
mentioned lights, may be accompanied by a star, or a
representation of the Star of Jerusalem that the Three
Apostles followed while bringing Baby Jesus gifts and
honoring him, in the Bible.
(Adapted from:
Which of the following characteristics is not true about
Santa Claus?
A. Bearded

B. Cheerful

C. Slight

D. Old

E. Wearing red-jacket

2 The novelist Robert Herrick was born in Cambridge, Jawaban = D D

Massachusetts, on April 26, 1868. His oldest American
Diakhir paragraf 2 disebutkan "... but
ancestor, a nephew of the author of Hesperides, had
after his retirement from teaching he
settled at Salem in 1638; he was related to the Hales, the
brought his career to a rather amazing
Mannings, the Hawthornes, and the Peabodys; his
close as government secretary of the
immediate forebears were lawyers, teachers, and
Virgin islands..."
Dari kalimat dapat diketahui bahwa
At Harvard, he was a contemporary of Santayana. William
setelah pensiun mengajar Herick
Vaughn Moody, Norman Hpgood, and Robert Morss
bekerja sebagai sekretaris pemerintah
Lovett; he nearly wrecked the Harvard Monthly when he
di tahun-tahun terakhir hidupnya.
sullied its chaste pages with the first English translation of
lbsen's ludy from the Sea. His teaching began at the Opsi jawaban D adalah jawaban yang
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but William benar.
Rainey Harper lured him to the new University of Chicago,
where he remained officially for exactly a generation and
where his students in advanced composition found him
terrifyingly frigid in the classroom but sympathetic and
understanding in their personal conferences. During his
later years the spot of earth dearest to his heart was York
Viliage, Maine, but after his retirement from teaching he
brought his career to a rather amazing close as
government secretary of the Virgin islands, He died at St.
Thomas on December 23, 1938.

In which of the following activities was Herick involved

during the last years of his life?
A. Translating

B. University teaching

C. Writing novels

D. Government work

E. Lecturing

3 Text 4 Jika ditanyakan mengenai E

‘opposite’. Maka sudah pasti that
The Benefits of Technology Implementation
question menyuruh kita untuk
in Education Basically, technology is created to ease
mencari antonim (kebalikan) dari
humans’ work. Nowadays technology has become
kata tersebut.
the primary needs of humans. Even technology has
been used in all aspects of human life, such as in the Pilihan A, B, C dan D
fields of medicine, communications, military, (Salah), karena bukan itu the
transportation and education. From those various opposite word yang dimaksudkan.
fields, the implementation of technology in
education is still very limited. In reality, the Jawaban: E (Benar), karena Harder
implementation of technology is more widely used in mempunyai arti ‘Lebih sulit”.
the field of entertainment. This utilization will Sedangkan yang
actually cause a lot of problems such as abuse and ditanyakan adalah kebalikan dari
harm to the health. Nevertheless, if implemented in easier, maka tentulah
education, technology can assist and accelerate ‘Harder’ jawabannya
educational purposes. Here are some advantages of
the application of technology in education:
Technology can help teachers teach
It can be a tool for teachers to convey their
teaching materials to students. With the use of
technology in the learning process, teachers can
deliver course material with very easy and effective.
Teachers who teach using the technology will
usually be easier to achieve their learning goals.
Technology will spark teachers’ creativity
It can create creativity sense of teachers.
They can be more creative in creating teaching
methods. With it, they will be encouraged to be
creative because the technology is just a tool that
requires a person to operate it. Without teachers, it
cannot affect in education optimally.
Technology helps students learn
Implementation of technology in teaching
and learning will make students more interested in
following lessons. If students are interested in what
the teacher taught, it is not necessary to ask
students to be serious in learning because students
will be active automatically and will not feel the
boredom due to learning.
Technology can create exciting learning activities
With the technology teachers can create
exciting learning atmosphere. It is very good to
trigger the students’ understanding in learning so
that they will understand quickly what is conveyed
by the teacher. In addition, the students also will not
feel bored because they would love to learn with
learning methods that is interesting.
Make students easy to find source of learning
Technology information especially internet,
provides a wide range of learning resources that can
be accessed by students anytime and anywhere.
They can get all the references that they need for
free. The more they learned from different sources,
the smarter students will be.
Technology can raise school standards
Schools which are using technology in the
teaching process will improve their quality. The
school will be favorite school and become a
destination for students to study at the school.
Technology makes students have wide insight
Students who use the technology properly
will have extensive knowledge. They can get the
latest information or the development of the world
quickly. Even they can be active in the international
forums of communication that can train them to be
proactive students.
Based on the discussion above, it can be
concluded that the technology is very useful in
education world especially good for teachers,
students and schools. Therefore education
practitioners should use technology in education.

“Teachers who teach using the technology will

usually be easier to achieve their learning goals.”

What is the opposite of the underlined word?

A. Difficult

B. Heavy

C. Complicated

D. Cushy

E. Harder

4 Text 4 Jika ada pertanyaan ‘infer, suggest, C

and implied’ berarti kita disuruh
The Benefits of Technology Implementation
untuk menyimpulkan teks di atas.
in Education Basically, technology is created to ease
humans’ work. Nowadays technology has become
the primary needs of humans. Even technology has
been used in all aspects of human life, such as in the Pilihan A, B, D, dan E (Salah),
fields of medicine, communications, military, karena kesimpulannya tidak sesuai
transportation and education. From those various dengan teks di atas.
fields, the implementation of technology in
education is still very limited. In reality, the Jawaban: C [Benar], karena
implementation of technology is more widely used in dengan adanya teknologi, itu dapat
the field of entertainment. This utilization will menciptakan kreativitas rasa guru.
actually cause a lot of problems such as abuse and Mereka bisa lebih kreatif dalam
harm to the health. Nevertheless, if implemented in menciptakan metode pengajaran.
education, technology can assist and accelerate
educational purposes. Here are some advantages of
the application of technology in education:
Technology can help teachers teach
It can be a tool for teachers to convey their
teaching materials to students. With the use of
technology in the learning process, teachers can
deliver course material with very easy and effective.
Teachers who teach using the technology will
usually be easier to achieve their learning goals.
Technology will spark teachers’ creativity
It can create creativity sense of teachers.
They can be more creative in creating teaching
methods. With it, they will be encouraged to be
creative because the technology is just a tool that
requires a person to operate it. Without teachers, it
cannot affect in education optimally.
Technology helps students learn
Implementation of technology in teaching
and learning will make students more interested in
following lessons. If students are interested in what
the teacher taught, it is not necessary to ask
students to be serious in learning because students
will be active automatically and will not feel the
boredom due to learning.
Technology can create exciting learning activities
With the technology teachers can create
exciting learning atmosphere. It is very good to
trigger the students’ understanding in learning so
that they will understand quickly what is conveyed
by the teacher. In addition, the students also will not
feel bored because they would love to learn with
learning methods that is interesting.
Make students easy to find source of learning
Technology information especially internet,
provides a wide range of learning resources that can
be accessed by students anytime and anywhere.
They can get all the references that they need for
free. The more they learned from different sources,
the smarter students will be.
Technology can raise school standards
Schools which are using technology in the
teaching process will improve their quality. The
school will be favorite school and become a
destination for students to study at the school.
Technology makes students have wide insight
Students who use the technology properly
will have extensive knowledge. They can get the
latest information or the development of the world
quickly. Even they can be active in the international
forums of communication that can train them to be
proactive students.
Based on the discussion above, it can be
concluded that the technology is very useful in
education world especially good for teachers,
students and schools. Therefore education
practitioners should use technology in education.

“With it, they will be encouraged to be creative

because the technology is just a tool that requires a
person to operate it.”

What can be inferred from the text above?

A. With the technology teachers can create exciting

learning atmosphere

B. Technology information especially internet, provides

a wide range of learning resources that can be
accessed by students anytime and anywhere.

C. Technology can create creativity sense of teachers.

They can be more creative in creating teaching

D. It is very good to trigger the students’ understanding

in learning so that they will understand quickly what is
conveyed by the teacher.

E. The school will be favorite school and become a

destination for students to study at the school.

5 Halloween (also referred to as All Hollows' Eve) is a Jawaban: C. Halloween C

holiday that's celebrated in America on 31 October of
Ide pokok yang terdapat pada kalimat
each year, regardless of what day of the week this date
sebelumnya adalah Halloween, maka
falls on. Although it is rooted in religion, Halloween today
kata it yang dimaksud oleh soal
is enjoyed mainly because of its decorations, costumes,
merujuk pada Halloween.
candy, treats, and general excitement, and furthermore,
it is enjoyed by most everyone.
Before Halloween, many individuals carve a design into an
orange-colored pumpkin, or a solid, durable vegetable.
Once a personally satisfying design is carved, a lit candle
is typically put inside a pumpkin, thereby making it a Jack-
O-Lantern. At night, this design lights up against the
Besides carving pumpkins, some celebrate Halloween by
putting decorations up. Supernatural (referring in this
case to non-natural creatures that're typically based in
fiction) figures, including vampires, ghosts, werewolves,
zombies, and more, generally account for most of these
decorations. Bugs, spiders, cobwebs, gravestones,
and anything else that can be considered creepy (or
unusual and possibly scary) can also be found on
Halloween, in decoration form.
Only some adults celebrate Halloween, and they
generally do so by attending parties. Inversely, the vast
majority of children dress in costume (Halloween
costumes can be based upon anything, from the
mentioned supernatural creatures to the stars of today's
films) and walk from door to door in search of candy—a
practice known as trick or treat—on Halloween. After
knocking on a door (houses that participate in Halloween
usually leave a light on), one says, "Trick or Treat" and a
piece (or pieces!) of candy is given to him or her.
(Adapted from:
“Although it is rooted in religion, Halloween today is
enjoyed mainly…” (paragraph 1)
The word of it refers to …..
A. Children

B. Costumes

C. Halloween

D. Candy

E. Pumpkins

6 Halloween (also referred to as All Hollows' Eve) is a Jawaban: D. Dense D

holiday that's celebrated in America on 31 October of
Solid secara harfiah bisa berarti
each year, regardless of what day of the week this date
padat, maka sinonim yang tepat
falls on. Although it is rooted in religion, Halloween today
untuk kata tersebut
is enjoyed mainly because of its decorations, costumes,
adalah dense (padat).
candy, treats, and general excitement, and furthermore,
it is enjoyed by most everyone.
Before Halloween, many individuals carve a design into an
orange-colored pumpkin, or a solid, durable vegetable.
Once a personally satisfying design is carved, a lit candle
is typically put inside a pumpkin, thereby making it a Jack-
O-Lantern. At night, this design lights up against the
Besides carving pumpkins, some celebrate Halloween by
putting decorations up. Supernatural (referring in this
case to non-natural creatures that're typically based in
fiction) figures, including vampires, ghosts, werewolves,
zombies, and more, generally account for most of these
decorations. Bugs, spiders, cobwebs, gravestones,
and anything else that can be considered creepy (or
unusual and possibly scary) can also be found on
Halloween, in decoration form.
Only some adults celebrate Halloween, and they
generally do so by attending parties. Inversely, the vast
majority of children dress in costume (Halloween
costumes can be based upon anything, from the
mentioned supernatural creatures to the stars of today's
films) and walk from door to door in search of candy—a
practice known as trick or treat—on Halloween. After
knocking on a door (houses that participate in Halloween
usually leave a light on), one says, "Trick or Treat" and a
piece (or pieces!) of candy is given to him or her.
(Adapted from:
“…., many individuals carve a design into an orange-
colored pumpkin, or a solid, durable vegetable.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. Thin

B. Light

C. Tight

D. Dense

E. Clever

7 Stephanie recently took a weekend trip to Los Angeles, Jawaban: B. Inland B

California. Los Angeles is a coastal city situated along the
Lawan kata dari coastal (pesisir)
Pacific Ocean. Many celebrities earned their claim to fame
adalah inland (daratan yang berada
here. Although the town offers many attractions centered
jauh dari pantai).
around Hollywood culture, there is a lot to see and visit in
Los Angeles.
Of course, all things related to Hollywood are popular
tourist attractions. The Hollywood Sign, located in the
Hollywood Hills of the Santa Monica Mountains, is a
famous landmark for this star-studded town. Once in
downtown Hollywood, it’s possible to take a stroll along
the Hollywood Walk of Fame. This landmark contains
more than 2500 brass stars dedicated to celebrities who
have made a significant impact on the entertainment
industry. In Hollywood, visitors can even take tours of
popular movie studios. Stephanie had a chance to visit
Universal Studios, which produces her favorite films.
Los Angeles is also a popular beach town, offering plenty
of opportunities for sunbathing and surfing. A common
beach destination is the Santa Monica Pier, which offers
rides and attractions to its visitors. Here, Stephanie rode
the iconic Ferris wheel, which offered her a spectacular
view of the city and coast.
These are just some of the things Stephanie experienced
during her visit to Los Angeles. She loved her trip, and
she hopes to return someday soon.
(Adapted from:
“Los Angeles is a coastal city situated along the Pacific
Ocean.” (Paragraph 1)
What is the opposite word of coastal?
A. Located

B. Inland

C. Beach

D. Seaward

E. Coastwise

8 Stephanie recently took a weekend trip to Los Angeles, Jawaban: A. Stephanie visited some A
California. Los Angeles is a coastal city situated along the places in Los Angeles.
Pacific Ocean. Many celebrities earned their claim to fame
Pada setiap paragraf diceritakan
here. Although the town offers many attractions centered
mengenai kegiatan
around Hollywood culture, there is a lot to see and visit in
Stephanie saat berada di Los Angeles
Los Angeles.
dan seluk beluk di kota tersebut.
Of course, all things related to Hollywood are popular
tourist attractions. The Hollywood Sign, located in the
Hollywood Hills of the Santa Monica Mountains, is a
famous landmark for this star-studded town. Once in
downtown Hollywood, it’s possible to take a stroll along
the Hollywood Walk of Fame. This landmark contains
more than 2500 brass stars dedicated to celebrities who
have made a significant impact on the entertainment
industry. In Hollywood, visitors can even take tours of
popular movie studios. Stephanie had a chance to visit
Universal Studios, which produces her favorite films.
Los Angeles is also a popular beach town, offering plenty
of opportunities for sunbathing and surfing. A common
beach destination is the Santa Monica Pier, which offers
rides and attractions to its visitors. Here, Stephanie rode
the iconic Ferris wheel, which offered her a spectacular
view of the city and coast.
These are just some of the things Stephanie experienced
during her visit to Los Angeles. She loved her trip, and
she hopes to return someday soon.
(Adapted from:
What can be inferred about the passage?
A. Stephanie visited some places in Los Angeles.

B. Stephanie went abroad at the weekend

C. Los Angeles has many iconic places

D. The Santa Monica Pier is a famous beach in Los


E.The Hollywood sign is located on The Hollywood hill

9 Yellowstone National Park, located in Idaho, Montana, an Jawaban = E E

d Wyoming, was established as the first national park in
Karena dapat disimpulkan dari teks
the United States. The park is a popular destination for
tersebut bahwa Old Faithful (Sebuah
visitors who enjoy ecological tourism as it offers forests,
Geyser) sangatlah
mountains, and abundant ecosystems to explore. Some
mengesankan/Indah seperti yang
of Yellowstone’s most well-known landmarks are its
terdapat dalam pernyataan di
geothermal hot springs and geysers, the most famous of
paragraf ketiga “Lisa and her friends
which is named Old Faithful.
agreed that Old Faithful was the most
Last fall, Lisa and her friends decided to take a camping impressive”
trip to Yellowstone National Park. They arranged to stay
at one of the park’s many convenient campsites. For
their camping trip, they brought their backpacks,
sleeping bags, and a cooler of food and drinks. They
pitched their tents immediately upon arriving at their
During their trip, Lisa and her friends hiked the many
trails of the park, exploring its natural surroundings. In
the forest, they saw a lot of local wildlife. Lisa was
surprised to see a family of grizzly bears, some gray
wolves, and even bald eagles flying overhead. Outside of
the woods, they admired the beauty of some of
Yellowstone’s natural cascades.
Since Yellowstone contains many hot springs and the
world’s largest area of active geysers, Lisa and her
friends visited many different geyser sites. They even
spent an afternoon swimming in Yellowstone’s Boiling
River. Of all of the sites, Lisa and her friends agreed that
Old Faithful was the most impressive. Lisa and her
friends waited patiently for the geyser to erupt. After
about 40 minutes, a stream of boiling water over 100
feet tall sprayed from the ground and up into the air.
Fortunately, no one got wet!
(source :
It can be inferred in the text that?
A. Yellowstone was established as the second National
Park in the US

B. The place where the tourist can enjoy the heritage’s

C. Lisa and her friends prepared some equipments
such as sleeping bags and bolster pillows

D. They did not find a wildlife in the forest

E. Old faithful was the most wonderful

10 Text 4 Pembahasan: B

About 10 of 8 adults really like the habit of drinking Jika ada pertanyaan ‘infer, suggest,
coffee. Coffee is a drink that is derived from the seeds and implied’ berarti kita disuruh
of the fruit of the coffee that‘s been crushed. There are untuk menyimpulkan teks di atas.
many types of coffee, ranging from coffee robusta
coffee, badgers etc. In addition to the useful as relievers Pilihan A, C, D, dan E (Salah), karena
drowsiness and body warmers, coffee drinks also have kesimpulannya tidak sesuai dengan
other benefits for skin health and beauty. teks di atas. reveals that in substance content Jawaban: B [Benar], karena di dalam

in the form of coffee of carbohydrates, glycosides, kopi terdapat kandungan zat yang
minerals, amino acids, protein, caffeine, aliphatic bermanfaat untuk wajah.
carboxylic acid/acid, trigonelline acid, klorogenat and
many more. In addition to nourish the body, all of the
content also has the ability to nourish the skin because
the coffee also has benefits for the skin, especially on
the part of the face.

Pictures of coffee for the skin

The benefits of coffee for the face also already proven,

because there are some places face care spa and salon
which has been coffee to use face masks. As quoted
from, as for the benefits offered by coffee
for the facial skin is as follows:

Resolve Acne Problem

Coffee dregs can be used as a facial scrub to address

acne problems with how to make pimples to dry more
quickly, so avoid the problem of inflammatory acne.

Eliminate Blackheads

In addition to acne, a problem which is often dropped

in on the skin of the face is blackheads. Blackhead
occurs because the face had deposits of excess oil, oily
face serve as a suitable place for blackheads. To address
the problem of blackheads, can be done by using the
mask the dregs of coffee regularly.

Disguise The Stain Black Acne Scars

Either the coffee or the coffee dregs, when smeared on

the face of each has the ability to disguise the stain black
flecks–acne scars and black flecks. This is because the
coffee has the ability to remove dead skin cells.

Brighten Skin Face

In the coffee there is content of antioxidants which

serves to lift the dead skin cells that accumulate due to
free radicals. Thus, the face will look brighter and skin
free of dullness.

Control The Excess Oil Content

The next coffee benefits i.e., when used as a face mask

on a regular basis can control the content of excess oil
on the face so the face looks more clean, free Flash and
to avoid acne.

Shrink skin pores Face

If used as a face mask on a regular basis, coffee can

shrink the pores of the face so that it can make the skin
free from acne and blackhead problem. Please note,
one of the causes of the emergence of pimples and
blackheads on the face skin caused by pores are
clogged by dirt and excretion of excessive fat.

Moisturizes and Smoothes the skin

Coffee used as a facial mask and a natural facial scrub

on a regular basis can make the skin become more
moist and smooth.

(Adapted from:

“ reveals that in substance content in

the form of coffee of carbohydrates, glycosides,
minerals, amino acids, protein, caffeine, aliphatic
carboxylic acid/acid, trigonelline acid, klorogenat and
many more.”

What can be inferred from the text above?

A.There are disadvantages of coffee if we drink it in the


B.There are compounds in the coffee is face beneficial.

C.The coffee is useful as relievers drowsiness and body


D.The coffee has the ability to remove dead skin cells.

E.One of the benefits of coffee is to make our body


No Soal Tryout Pembahasan Tryout Jawaban

11 Text 4 Pembahasan: E

About 10 of 8 adults really like the habit of Jika ditanyakan mengenai ‘opposite’.
drinking coffee. Coffee is a drink that is derived from Maka sudah pasti that question
the seeds of the fruit of the coffee that‘s been menyuruh kita untuk
crushed. There are many types of coffee, ranging mencari antonim (kebalikan) dari
from coffee robusta coffee, badgers etc. In addition kata tersebut.
to the useful as relievers drowsiness and body
warmers, coffee drinks also have other benefits for Pilihan A, B, C dan D (Salah), karena
skin health and beauty. bukan itu the opposite word yang
dimaksudkan. reveals that in substance
content in the form of coffee of carbohydrates, Jawaban: E (Benar), karena Hide
glycosides, minerals, amino acids, protein, caffeine, mempunyai arti “Menyembunyikan”.
aliphatic carboxylic acid/acid, trigonelline acid, Sedangkan yang
klorogenat and many more. In addition to nourish ditanyakan adalah kebalikan dari
the body, all of the content also has the ability to reveals, maka tentulah ‘Hide
nourish the skin because the coffee also has benefits jawabannya.
for the skin, especially on the part of the face.

Pictures of coffee for the skin

The benefits of coffee for the face also already
proven, because there are some places face care spa
and salon which has been coffee to use face masks.
As quoted from, as for the benefits
offered by coffee for the facial skin is as follows:

Resolve Acne Problem

Coffee dregs can be used as a facial scrub to
address acne problems with how to make pimples to
dry more quickly, so avoid the problem of
inflammatory acne.

Eliminate Blackheads
In addition to acne, a problem which is often
dropped in on the skin of the face is blackheads.
Blackhead occurs because the face had deposits of
excess oil, oily face serve as a suitable place for
blackheads. To address the problem of blackheads,
can be done by using the mask the dregs of coffee

Disguise The Stain Black Acne Scars

Either the coffee or the coffee dregs, when
smeared on the face of each has the ability to
disguise the stain black flecks–acne scars and black
flecks. This is because the coffee has the ability to
remove dead skin cells.

Brighten Skin Face

In the coffee there is content of antioxidants
which serves to lift the dead skin cells that
accumulate due to free radicals. Thus, the face will
look brighter and skin free of dullness.

Control The Excess Oil Content

The next coffee benefits i.e., when used as a
face mask on a regular basis can control the content
of excess oil on the face so the face looks more clean,
free Flash and to avoid acne.

Shrink skin pores Face

If used as a face mask on a regular basis,
coffee can shrink the pores of the face so that it can
make the skin free from acne and blackhead
problem. Please note, one of the causes of the
emergence of pimples and blackheads on the face
skin caused by pores are clogged by dirt and
excretion of excessive fat.

Moisturizes and Smoothes the skin

Coffee used as a facial mask and a natural
facial scrub on a regular basis can make the skin
become more moist and smooth.
(Adapted from:
“ reveals that in substance
content in the form of coffee of carbohydrates,


What is the opposite of the underlined word?

A. Tattle

B. Expose
C. Bring out

D. Excavate

E. Hide

12 London is a famous and historic city. It is the capital of Jawaban: C. Rita’s and Joanne’s trip C
England in the United Kingdom. The city is quite
Terdapat kalimat “Rita and Joanne
popular for international tourism because London is
recently traveled to London. They
home to one of the oldest-standing monarchies in the
were very excited for their trip
western hemisphere. Rita and Joanne recently traveled
because this was their first journey
to London. They were very excited for their trip
overseas from the United
because this was their first journey overseas from the
States” (Rita dan Joanne baru saja
United States.
pergi ke London. Mereka sangat
Among the popular sights that Rita and Joanne visited antusias atas perjalanan mereka
are Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye. karena perjalanan tersebut adalah
Big Ben is one of London’s most famous monuments. It perjalanan pertama mereka pergi
is a large clock tower located at the northern end of keluar negeri Amerika Serikat), maka
Westminster Palace. The clock tower is 96 meters tall. kata this pada soal merujuk kepada
Unfortunately, Rita and Joanne were only able to view perjalanan Rita dan Joanne.
the tower from the outside. The women learned that
the tower’s interior is undergoing renovations until
Fortunately, the London Eye, the city’s famous Ferris
wheel, was open to the public. The London Eye is
situated along the southern shores of the Thames
River. This attraction stands 135 meters high. It is one
of London’s most well-known spots for gaining aerial
views of the city. Each capsule of the Ferris wheel can
hold up to 25 passengers. When their capsule stopped
at the top of the Ferris wheel, the women took
spectacular panoramic photographs of the beautiful
cityscape below.
The last place that Rita and Joanne visited was
Buckingham Palace, the home of the Queen of England.
The women were impressed by the palace’s incredible
architecture and historical value. Both Rita and Joanne
enjoyed watching the Queen’s guards outside the
palace. These guards wore red tunic uniforms, shiny
black boots, and bearskin hats. Despite the women’s
attempts to catch the attention of the guards, the
guards are specifically trained to avoid distractions.
Because of this, the guards ignored the women
Joanne and Rita had an amazing time visiting the city
of London, and they are inspired to seek more
international travel destinations in the future.
(Adapted from:
“They were very excited for their trip because this was
their first journey overseas from the United States.”
(Paragraph 1)
The underlined word refers to …..
A. London

B. United Kingdom

C. Rita’s and Joanne’s trip

D. Trip

E. Journey

13 London is a famous and historic city. It is the capital of Jawaban: D. At the northern end of D
England in the United Kingdom. The city is quite Westminster Palace
popular for international tourism because London is
Pada paragraf kedua disebutkan:
home to one of the oldest-standing monarchies in the
“Big Ben is one of London’s most
western hemisphere. Rita and Joanne recently traveled famous monuments. It is a large
to London. They were very excited for their trip clock tower located at the northern
because this was their first journey overseas from the end of Westminster Palace.” (Big Ben
United States. adalah satu dari monumen-
monumen paling terkenal London.
Among the popular sights that Rita and Joanne visited
Big Ben adalah jam raksasa yang
are Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye.
berlokasi di ujung utara istana
Big Ben is one of London’s most famous monuments. It
is a large clock tower located at the northern end of
Westminster Palace. The clock tower is 96 meters tall.
Unfortunately, Rita and Joanne were only able to view
the tower from the outside. The women learned that
the tower’s interior is undergoing renovations until
Fortunately, the London Eye, the city’s famous Ferris
wheel, was open to the public. The London Eye is
situated along the southern shores of the Thames
River. This attraction stands 135 meters high. It is one
of London’s most well-known spots for gaining aerial
views of the city. Each capsule of the Ferris wheel can
hold up to 25 passengers. When their capsule stopped
at the top of the Ferris wheel, the women took
spectacular panoramic photographs of the beautiful
cityscape below.
The last place that Rita and Joanne visited was
Buckingham Palace, the home of the Queen of England.
The women were impressed by the palace’s incredible
architecture and historical value. Both Rita and Joanne
enjoyed watching the Queen’s guards outside the
palace. These guards wore red tunic uniforms, shiny
black boots, and bearskin hats. Despite the women’s
attempts to catch the attention of the guards, the
guards are specifically trained to avoid distractions.
Because of this, the guards ignored the women
Joanne and Rita had an amazing time visiting the city
of London, and they are inspired to seek more
international travel destinations in the future.
(Adapted from:
According to the passage where is the Big Ben

A. In London

B. At Westminster Palace

C. At the eastern end of Westminster Palace

D. At the northern end of Westminster Palace

E. In the United Kingdom

14 Christina visited Miami during her winter vacation. Jawaban: B. Onshore B

She is from Boston, where it is cold during the Lawan kata dari aquatic (kata sifat
winter months. Miami, however, has a very warm yang berhubungan dengan air)
climate. There are many sunny days in Miami, and adalah onshore (kata sifat yang
people can go to the beach all year long. Christina berhubungan dengan darat).
spent a good portion of her trip on the beach to
relax and sunbathe. However, she also explored
Miami and its surroundings.
Inspired by Miami’s proximity to the ocean,
Christina visited the Miami Seaquarium to learn
about marine life. There, she watched a show
using trained dolphins, killer whales, and other
aquatic mammals. She took a lot of pictures of the
sea creatures jumping out of the water and
performing tricks.
Christina also took an excursion to the Everglades
National Park. This park is a protected area
spanning 1.5 million acres. Because the park is
mostly swampland, it is home to many reptiles.
Native animals include snakes, alligators, and
crocodiles. The park is also great for birdwatching.
Christina enjoyed hiking the trails in the Everglades
and observing the wildlife in its natural
When Christina returned to the city, she visited
Little Havana. This is Miami’s Cuban
neighborhood. Christina could see that Little
Havana’s people demonstrated a lot of pride for
their Cuban heritage. There were many outdoor
shops and vendors, live musicians, and the Cuban
cuisine was delicious. Little Havana was
Christina’s favorite part about her trip to Miami.
This neighborhood made Christina feel like she
had traveled to Cuba without ever having to leave
the United States.
(Adapted from:
What is the opposite word of “aquatic”? (in paragraph
A. Aqua

B. Onshore

C. Solid

D. Land

E. Water

15 Christina visited Miami during her winter vacation. Jawaban: A. The Everglades National A
She is from Boston, where it is cold during the Park is largely swampland and it is
winter months. Miami, however, has a very warm home to many reptiles.
climate. There are many sunny days in Miami, and
Pada paragraf 3 dikatakan “Because
people can go to the beach all year long. Christina
the park is mostly swampland, it is
spent a good portion of her trip on the beach to
home to many reptiles” (karena
relax and sunbathe. However, she also explored
taman tersebut sebagian besar
Miami and its surroundings.
adalah rawa sekaligus merupakan
Inspired by Miami’s proximity to the ocean, Christina habitat bagi banyak reptil).
visited the Miami Seaquarium to learn about marine
life. There, she watched a show using trained
dolphins, killer whales, and other aquatic mammals.
She took a lot of pictures of the sea creatures
jumping out of the water and performing tricks.

Christina also took an excursion to the Everglades

National Park. This park is a protected area
spanning 1.5 million acres. Because the park is
mostly swampland, it is home to many reptiles.
Native animals include snakes, alligators, and
crocodiles. The park is also great for birdwatching.
Christina enjoyed hiking the trails in the Everglades
and observing the wildlife in its natural

When Christina returned to the city, she visited Little

Havana. This is Miami’s Cuban neighborhood.
Christina could see that Little Havana’s people
demonstrated a lot of pride for their Cuban
heritage. There were many outdoor shops and
vendors, live musicians, and the Cuban cuisine was
delicious. Little Havana was Christina’s favorite part
about her trip to Miami. This neighborhood made
Christina feel like she had traveled to Cuba without
ever having to leave the United States.

(Adapted from:

According to the passage, which statement is true?

A. The Everglades National Park is largely
swampland and it is home to many reptiles.

B. Snakes, crocodiles and lizards live at The

Everglades National Park

C. The park is a protected area spanning 1.6 million


D. Miami has a hot climate

E. Christina visited Miami during her summer


16 Christina visited Miami during her winter vacation. Jawaban: A. Organic A

She is from Boston, where it is cold during the Natural (alami) adalah persamaan
winter months. Miami, however, has a very warm kata dari organic (alami).
climate. There are many sunny days in Miami, and
people can go to the beach all year long. Christina
spent a good portion of her trip on the beach to
relax and sunbathe. However, she also explored
Miami and its surroundings.
Inspired by Miami’s proximity to the ocean,
Christina visited the Miami Seaquarium to learn
about marine life. There, she watched a show
using trained dolphins, killer whales, and other
aquatic mammals. She took a lot of pictures of the
sea creatures jumping out of the water and
performing tricks.
Christina also took an excursion to the Everglades
National Park. This park is a protected area
spanning 1.5 million acres. Because the park is
mostly swampland, it is home to many reptiles.
Native animals include snakes, alligators, and
crocodiles. The park is also great for birdwatching.
Christina enjoyed hiking the trails in the Everglades
and observing the wildlife in its natural
When Christina returned to the city, she visited
Little Havana. This is Miami’s Cuban
neighborhood. Christina could see that Little
Havana’s people demonstrated a lot of pride for
their Cuban heritage. There were many outdoor
shops and vendors, live musicians, and the Cuban
cuisine was delicious. Little Havana was
Christina’s favorite part about her trip to Miami.
This neighborhood made Christina feel like she
had traveled to Cuba without ever having to leave
the United States.
(Adapted from:
The word “natural” in paragraph 3 is closest in
meaning to ….
A. Organic

B. Logic

C. Capable

D. Expected

E. Panoramic

17 Some of the most important landmarks in the United Jawaban = C C

States include feats of architecture and modern
Pilihan outing = Tamasya, paling
engineering. San Francisco, California, is a beautiful city
tepat untuk mengganti
on its own, but it is also home to The Golden Gate
kata Excursion = Tamasya dalam teks
Bridge, a 1.7 mile suspension bridge connecting the San
tersebut, karena Outing selain
Francisco Peninsula to the Marin Headlands. The bridge
memiliki arti yang sama juga memiliki
holds the title of one of the Wonders of the Modern
huruf depan vokal yang harus
World according to the American Society of Civil
digunakan setelah kata vokal
sehingga membuat kalimat tersebut
One of the most popular ways to appreciate the bridge lebih sempurna.
is to take an excursion to the Golden Gate National
Recreation area just outside of San Francisco. The park
contains hiking trails, great spots for picnicking, and
offers some of the best vantage points for panoramic
photographs of the bridge leading into the city.
David recently had some friends visit him in San
Francisco, and he made sure to include a visit to the
recreation area as part of their tour. They enjoyed
walking through the trails, observing some of the
native wildlife, and even having a casual picnic in the
park. David’s friends were thankful that he guided
them through this impressive area of California. They
made sure to take a group photograph with the
Golden Gate Bridge in the background. David’s friends
had the picture framed, and they later presented it to
David in order to thank him for his hospitality during
their stay.
(Source :
“... the bridge is to take an excursion to the Golden Gate
National Recreation Area just outside of San Francisco.”
(Paragraph 2)
The underlined word above is best replaced by?
A. Picnic

B. Travel

C. Outing

D. Vacation

E. Journey

18 Some of the most important landmarks in the United Jawaban D. Hostility D

States include feats of architecture and modern
Pilihan Hostility : Bermusuhan ><
engineering. San Francisco, California, is a beautiful city
Hospitality : Ramah-tamah.
on its own, but it is also home to The Golden Gate
Bridge, a 1.7 mile suspension bridge connecting the San Sedangkan Warmth, Cordiality,
Francisco Peninsula to the Marin Headlands. The bridge Conviviality, Sociability artinya ramah
holds the title of one of the Wonders of the Modern tamah.
World according to the American Society of Civil
One of the most popular ways to appreciate the bridge
is to take an excursion to the Golden Gate National
Recreation area just outside of San Francisco. The park
contains hiking trails, great spots for picnicking, and
offers some of the best vantage points for panoramic
photographs of the bridge leading into the city.
David recently had some friends visit him in San
Francisco, and he made sure to include a visit to the
recreation area as part of their tour. They enjoyed
walking through the trails, observing some of the
native wildlife, and even having a casual picnic in the
park. David’s friends were thankful that he guided
them through this impressive area of California. They
made sure to take a group photograph with the
Golden Gate Bridge in the background. David’s friends
had the picture framed, and they later presented it to
David in order to thank him for his hospitality during
their stay.
(Source :
What is the opposite of the word “hospitality” in the
third paragraph?
A. Warmth

B. Cordiality

C. Conviviality

D. Hostility

E. Sociability

19 Text 4 Pembahasan: A

The benefits and efficacy of honey has long Jika ada pertanyaan ‘infer, suggest,
been known by man. Quality–the quality of nutrition and implied’ berarti kita disuruh
and medicine from honey has been documented in the untuk menyimpulkan teks di atas.
Vedas, Greece, Roman, Christian, Islamic texts and
more. Doctors from antiquity, such as Aristotle (384- Pilihan B, C, D, dan E (Salah), karena
322 BC), Aristoxenus (320 BC), Hippocrates, Porphyry, kesimpulannya tidak sesuai dengan
Cornelius Celsus (early first century AD) and teks di atas.
Dioscorides, and Arab doctors have referred to the
healing qualities of honey. Although the scientific Jawaban: A [Benar], karena madu
arguments have been made for the use of honey in dapat meningkatkan sistem imun kita.
modern times, its use is still considered part of
alternative medicine. Honey contains a powerful
antioxidant with antibacterial and antiseptic
properties. Here are some of the benefits and efficacy
of honey for health:
1. Prevent Cancer
The content of flavonoids found in the honey and
antioksidan can reduce the risk of cancer and heart
disease. Meanwhile the content of carcinogens in
honey can prevent a variety of tumors.
2. Increase of the immune system (immune)
Honey is also rich in antioxidants which can improve
the performance of the digestive system of the body so
that the body becomes more healthy and fit. Not only
that, the content of Honey has a content of
nutraceuticals can fight free radicals in the body.
3. Improve Stamina
According to research results, the honey can improve
performance (ergogenic), which can enhance the
performance of athletes. Honey may help the body
control blood sugar and also help the healing of muscle
and stamina recovery after strenuous activity.
4. Sources of vitamins and minerals
Honey is also known to be rich in vitamin and mineral
content. The levels of vitamins and the mineral
depending on the nectar that is smoked by the honey
5. Keep out bacteria and fungi
Honey also contains antiseptic substance that acts to
inhibit the growth of bacteria, it is able to keep the
body to avoid infection. If somebody were scratch or
burns, then the honey is often made into medicine first
aid to apply so as to avoid the occurrence of infections.
6. Lose weight
In contrast to the high calorie and sugar lukosa, honey
contains vitamins and minerals that the body needs.
Many are convinced that the honey could be used as a
natural remedy for weight loss. Usually it is mixed with
lemon juice drink in the morning is believed to be able
to eliminate cellulite.
7. Treat cough and sore throat
Like just on point 6, anti bacterial content in honey can
fight mikrobakteri the cause of inflammation, even
honey can kill the bakter–bacteria that cause infection
in the throat.
(Adapted from:
“Honey is also rich in antioxidants which can improve
the performance of the digestive system of the body so
that the body becomes more healthy and fit. Not only
that, the content of Honey has a content of
nutraceuticals can fight free radicals in the body.”

What can be inferred from the text above?

A. Honey can Increase of the immune system.

B. Honey can Improve our stamina.

C. Honey can prevent cancer.

D. Honey can treat cough and sore throat.

E. Honey can lose our weight.

20 Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of Jawaban: D. Rabbits D

the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the
Subjek pada kalimat sebelumnya
world. There are eight different genera in the family
adalah rabbits (kelinci-kelinci) maka
classified as rabbits, including the European rabbit
kata they yang dimaksud oleh soal
(Oryctolagus cuniculus), cottontail rabbits (genus
adalah rabbits.
Sylvilagus; 13 species), and the Amami rabbit
(Pentalagus furnessi, an endangered species on Amami
Oshima, Japan). There are many other species of rabbit,
and these, along with pikas and hares, make up the
order Lagomorpha.
The male is called a buck and the female is a doe; a
young rabbit is a kitten or kit.
Rabbit habitats include meadows, woods, forests,
grasslands, deserts and wetlands. Rabbits live in
groups, and the best known species, the European
rabbit, lives in underground burrows, or rabbits holes.
A group of burrows is called warren.
More than half the world’s rabbits population resides
in North America. They are also native to
southwestern Europe, Southeast Asia, Sumatra, some
islands of Japan, and in parts of Africa and South
America. They are not naturally found in most Eurasia,
where a number of species of hares are present.
Rabbits first entered South America relatively recently,
as part of the Great American Interchange. Much of
the continent has just one species of rabbit, the tapeti,
while most of South America’s southern cone is
without rabbits.
(Adapted from:
“They are also native to southwestern Europe,
Southeast Asia..” (Paragraph 3)
The underlined word refers to ….
A. Native Americans

B. Native Europeans

C. Native Asians

D. Rabbits

E. Warrens

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