Degree of Comparison.

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Danee af Comparrisao.
lMohan's house ts Snall
2 Ram's houce Snaller than Mohana
8Sohan 's hoU Se Smallest of all

In the above example , Small, s mal le and

Smallest aTe adective.
|st Sentence the adjecthive 'sma l says.
S• Smethihgq about Mo han's house. Tn gnd
sentence, the adjectre smalleg ? 6a44 compares
Ram's house ith Mobanls (Comparison between
people os thing)h gre sentence, -the
adiective smalle st ? conmpares Schanls house
eoith all of themCCompasis n betseen more
than too peop le oT thing)
When adfectives and adverbs change îo
Fosm to show comparison
i tgt îsfs called
Deqrree of Componson
There are three Decree of Comparis on :
Positive Deqree
b) Compa,1ative Degree.
cSo perlative Deqree

Posi4Rve Deqrree
IWhen an adectiye oy an adverb remalns
an adv-erb
base FoTm (simple for), it îs
placed n the Positie Degree This offer no

Ram ?s my e old fnend
2 He talksIoodls
gryeta calm, wondertuL, angly ,
eg'r e an
calmly, coonderflly
too peop le o-things to
This comparres
sho Lohich has the lesseT o7 greate
deqee ofthe quality
e Example
T5fs boy îs better than that b0y.
2 fs moe beautiful than mîne.
Hfs hou se Ps

eg angmecalmeremôre wondes fu
more wonderfly
angrily more
calmly > m
)Speslative Degree
THîs compares tuo tbings to shou which
has th tesse ey Jeqst or qreatest
degree of the qualty
Exarmple:)Tenclul kas Ps the best playe
othe teanm
2-He wrote most accUYately all o them
egi-angiest calmest mosto ondes fol,
mo st angily most colmly mos t oonder folly

Formatfon of Comparahive. SuperlativeDeqree

Iypes of Eq fo the E în the Eg fo the
Adfectives Positie Compavatiye Soperlatie
Deqree Degree Degree

add-er add-est
Syllable Strong stronges strongest

One sylla ble O1oIt ouble consonaot dooble cons ongnt

2add E add -est
vowel+ Thio Thione oTbinnest

more than add-Jess oT -mOe add -least/-most

one FamouS mos Famous PEOSt FamoU S
moTe than +emove remove y qdd
SiIlPeT S?IPest
one syltoble stly Fos Jess otfo leas t
endîng 'y jess silly Jeast sTlly
PTegularbad worSe
be tteT bes t


Type of Eg în the Eq în the F în the

Advexb Positire Corparatie Super latie
DeqTee Decpee Degree
add-eT add -est
syllable Fast fastes fastest
more than qdd less o3 moxe gdd most oy
syllable care Folly more. careholly Lnost careful
badd bad ly!
bette best
ttle (ess least

Eg PosftSve Comparatire Sopevletie
well-knouon Bette-knoon Best -known
Hesd-wonkîng. Haxdest-o0Ttb
Duller - wfte Dullest-witi
affirmatia posth ve senl dasmte
nterchangine Deqree
Positfve Degree to

The obfect of posîtive aleqr

deqreeee. become
thesubfect of compratire degpee.
Subfect of posiire de qree beLomes
the obfect of£ compaxative degee
eqPosttve Deqree: Rafonî ie os întelligent as.
Compar qtive Decree: Rrtika s not more
ntellfgent haun Rajani
NeveT meg uS, h)m them 9 he
natheo USe Iwe he she , they

Poste Degree: She fs taller than bes

Roshecertoparatke Degasee
torre Sene herg
: Her SPs ter does Dot
ta ll as she
The meanfng should be the. Sarme fo botb
To keep the sense
An affir mative. posihive
to deqree fs chonged
neqahire. comparaire deree
A negatfve coFepo Sfive deqrae is
to pasive
componative degee. changecl
PD: Rajoni fc not as înte>liaentasRP+? ka
ntr Sntel aent than Rafani

Steps to Change Positive Degree to

Compamhive Degre

eg Jack s qeod as John (Change înto

Com parrative deqnee)
step 1: 0-fte the dbject of posite degree ag the
subject of comparatfve


Step2 Use suitable verb after the subject of


John fs

Sitab le = accoTdnq to the num be T, peTSon

OF the s Sobfect and tense ofthe vesb
of positive degaee)
Step3# Omît

Step4: Put the cormparartive deqree of th adjective

here t fs qood? s changed to better )
John s better

Step 5: Use than ? ofter the cormpamate odeqnee

of the, adfectfve
Jobn s be ttes than

Step6: Pot the subiet of positire as the object

Ct compative
Jobn î5 bettes than Jack
Bot Jack fs as qood oS John and
John fs better thn Jack re not
the same in the senseTo keep he
sense un changed coe have make he
comparative derea neqative
Step T Pot oot 2efte he coroparatfre dege
John fs not betteT than Jack

Now TAbn both the sentence aTe Sqm

The sentence Loith the posithve deqree hai
Asubfect (Tack)a vesb (?s) pesifve
degnce adfectfre (qood ),cun cbfect( John)
The sentene with the com paratîre deqree has
Asubject (Tohn)venb (is), comparatfve deqree
adfectfve( bette), an object (Tack) .

Exomples Intechange. fpositize. to Cornparative. Deg

She. Rs a6pooT Iam:(alllanahe Sout)
I am not poore than she(Ncaccieent)
am SO tullas he Ps (Neguks ve S
He talleT thn

Golf îs
not so þopulaT as Football
Footbal| s more popolaT than Gotf

She î as þeautifo her sisteg

Her sster not beautifol thon She

He fs notcoise than kasm

6: The car does not u S0 fas-t

G0 tust as the train
Thetsain to nuns faster tharn the can

know him s ad you do

0eJ as
You do Dot know him to betté o than I do
Note - In posîtire deqree No othes 3 s 0sed îo
tbe place of sobfect then o comparatire
degmee the subject ol be AAny oth
n positire degee Ney few i5 usel in gtbe
place of sobject then Comparatie dee
the sbfect usil be Mos othbez?
eq :-P. D No othes boy9 in class is as n aughty Parvin
C-D: -Payin is more naughty than ony othe boy
n the clasS
cornparative deqre
step S: Crnit than2 aF+er the
of the adfechive.
Step &: Put the Sobject fof cornparrative
as the
object of positfve
He Pe s0 îotelleiqent as she
But She f more fntellfqent than a be
an d He Is so întellfqent as s he a
Qe Dot the same în
in the Sense To
keep the sense unchanged e have make
the positive deqree neqatfve
tep7: Pot d not? afteg the Ne b

He f Dot so fotell igen+ as she

N0w botth the Sen tence q e ma king

Same Sense

AThe sen tence oith comparative sente degee-e

Asubject Cmshe), a veg b(was)ycompasate
deqree (mome întellfaent), an obfect(he)
sentence wîth positive deqree

A subfect (He),a verb (was), postive degree

object (she)
Rotelitgent) , an obje

Exormple : Interchange Conparratfve to Positive Deqre

He fe bettethan I amn
net so good as be:
2 T5fS tree fs lamaey than
Tbet tree iS
Dot SO
tha tt .
large as
Footba| iS moe foter es tíng than ezcket:
CRrcket f5 not 60 tese stingsFootbal|

Tmpos tant:
In case of some adecties- JonfoT, Senior,
elder Superio Sofeor pre fe preferable
to USe d înstead cheo of thaun

eg She. s funioy than me Cncoect)

She s fonfor to me CConmect)
M Jay is superno than otheg CncoYect)
Ma: Jay is So perio to otbers. (coTect)
Note n Compasative deanee, Any athen c oge ol n
|the place of sobject then în compa vot ye deoote
6No othes I be used o the place of the
aubject Io
To Conopatotiue decre e' 6
Mast othe
in the sploce o subect tnen n conapare
deoee vem tew? be g 5e d in the ploce
,Ç the subiec
eg CDTTbe roge fmore beaot fu than
lany other fiouwe
NO os beautifol a
Hhe Ose

CD- Gold S CostIier than most othe

me tals
P.S:- Ney fe) metals abe a costly a

Aaten Fhe Gtucture o supeolative

Sobiect t venb+ one of the t Suberlave
cegreetplral noun t in of + dthe

oterchange Coropagatiye Deqree. Snto Supeslative

Steps to chonae Coropara tive
Sut Sopexlative Deoree
The structue
fornîlu uweal tier than all otheg amifes
the viIlage
stepIUse the Subject of Comparative decree as the
subiect oF Guperlative dearee

The fanni l
Step2 Use. suitable verb

the fomîly i s .
Step3=Use the superlative deasee of adjectbre A
suppe Superlative deqree fotlouws -the de-foite
anticle G
the9 . ee the t supetlatire dece

The arnils s the wealtest .

Stepy Remove all other ? oun yothex

Step5:| Useof allt plura D0Un

n0 the ouh Lohich
îs used after a l lothe othe

The farnily s the coealtiest of all fomes.

Step 6 Put doon the aest oortion(of int other
afier that
The foroîlu Rs the 14fest of all
wealtiest amiliee
Snthe vlage

Exarmples: -

Componatve- Pe bettes than all othe

She Ro
he class
Soperlatve She s best of allaigls n the
Jack fe stoonges than any other boy în this
Jack ?s strongest ot al boys in this house
Premchand îs better tha any othe nove t
Porernchand îs hebest of
Ot all noNeist în Hindi
Sardam Patel was qreateo thah all
leaders în nda othes
Sardar a Patel s the
leode în ndfa qreastest ofal

Anjali is be bt eo than most other

m school students
Anfalfs one of the bes t students of

nterchanqe Gupeslatiye Degmee, to Cornpa ra tive

He the tallest Po the clocs
T t e p to Change Gupes latfiue Degoce to

Compaative Deqree
Shepl s e the Subfect of Gupeslative dersee os
the Sobject of comparatie deqee
He ---

Step2: Use Goitable verb

He i6

|Step2 Pot the comparatie cleqnree of the adjectie

emoving the deîote araticletbe?

He ta l|eT o

Step4 Add than

He. c taller

Steps: Use
arq othet |all other t singolar noun plual
+ ioof t othes

He fo talles too than anothet boys

the clac S

He fe tallers than al others boys o

the class

Ourhouse fs the Srmallest boyse n tbe
Ous bouse s Srnaller hoUse than any other
house fn toe c?ty
The CO fs the m6st usetu) aninal
fe moTe usetul than any
any other

ype Ti Stepe to Change Cuperlave Dearee bo

Compsatire Degnee
one, o the oldect
aldect temptos n
he town

Notewhile changinq frarn Superlahie to Compa aa tive.,

cobeo 6 one of tbe? come after the verb
0e shoud remore thatt and oe, should put
onost othes after Cthaun în comprare

eq ts Soperlatîve Degree : Tt oftbe

the. aldest temple6 în the town

Cornparahve Deqnce i- TH s ofdeo than rn ogt

other temple s în the towD

MartD Luthes one of the greatest

leaders tbe
Marho LUthero histoay
qoreater teade
than m0st other legde7s în The his torg

of the ichest businessmar

the coUntoy
MoTata e oiches than ofbes
bussnessmen io the

Intexchange of Posie Degree to Sopealatie


TypeiSteps to "eg. change Posiive to Supelatie

Step 4
No aix
other qis îp the class g
eg EIfs ha

Step 1: Ose fhe object of posIve

positire ag the sobje ct
of superlative
Elisha. -

Step2Use Guitable vezb

Step 3:Remove 9

Step9 Use the supeslatie degoee Asupelatre

deemee Sallooed by he
FIsha the a best

After, the s SUperlatiye deaeuse

degne Use the
the sobfect
of positie as the o bject of supe lative
Elisha îs tbe best gi

Step : Rermove No othe

Step 7: ioof + otth ers

the best gsl the clasc

eg t N o oth eo leader uso qoeat M1ahatma

Mahatma Gandhiuoas the qheatet lea or

No other gane Popola cirrek et

the most popolat aame in

Type 2 Gteps to change fos? tiye Deqs

Deges into
Supetative Dearee
eqVey few kings were Qug Ashoka

Step 1 Use the object of Supetatve pose

the subfect o sUperlave

Step2 (Use vesb suitable For the Subfect


Step3 Wse 6
ot the ? removeveny fey?

Ashoka One of the

Giep 4 Put- the sUpeslative denee of

of the
As hoka one of the greastest

Step5:Ose the subiect o poc as the object

Ashoka One the qreate st kings
of thbe.

Rermenm bes The obfe ct of thís type of

Sentence fs always plural
Vey tew players arean qood as she
She s one of the best
best playess

Nesey fey
+ew monuments ioIndio
t theTo ahal
a e as farmous
Mahal fs one of the mos t famoUs
meA monuments in Indfa
Toterchanqe of Supeslatie Oeamte to
Posîtive Deqree
Type 1 Steps to chanqe supezlatîve Degree to
Positive Degree: No other.oo
Ameica fs the ichest
step 1:The obfect of Supes
lahve dleqree fs vsed
as the
subject of posite dogree followine
neqative phra se No otheg ? to keep
the sense. unchanq edec
No othes county
Step2: Use a sUjtable veob
No otheo counthry is

Step 3 ot as auf tes verb

No othe country is as ag,

Step4:Put down tbe posîhive deqree of the

adfechie in the space between as as

No oth er is
step 5: Use thbe aubËect of supezlatve
the cbject of positve
No otheg county is

Akhtar s the fastest bouoJes fn
The agsld No other bauo ler in the

I wf be. the happlest

No mos will be as
Type2 teps to chanqe. superlative to Posîtive
Degree - C one of the..)
He 0as one o the talle St
eg boys fo the

Skep2tse saitatiievesb after-the-Sobjeek

Step1:Use the objects of superlahive deqree as
the subject cf positive deqree

Step2 Use cu Suitable vesb

Boys aTe

CHep3 Remove one of the andUSe very few?

Boys ae very feo


Veny few boys ane

Step &4; Us as as

feww de
Vey fe do boyg
Step 5: Pot the posihive deqree of the adfe ctive
betuween the tw o betoeen

boys as tal| aS..

Nesy few boys Qne

Step Ose +he

subfect of Superlative. as Hbe
obfect of positive
Neny few boya me 8S ta)
Wse + othes (it
a fte necensahy)
the sobject ot posi he]

She. one f the most migchievous
feuola dieo he mucho
mfshifevous she

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