First Day at Collge

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First Day At College

College is a place

Where you find out who are you

A college is a place of light, of liberty and learning. Every school boy dreams of going to college and entering a new world. He
thinks colleges are place where pebbles are polished. As Charles Churchill has said:

And solid learning never falls

Without the verge of college walls

Sweet memories are like sweet-smelling flowers strewn on the strenuous path of life. Sweet memories continue to refresh and inspire
throughout the life. In a life of a student, there are many milestones .From nursery to the final examination of his educational career, he passes
through different phases. With the passage of time, some memories of these stages are forgotten and some remain fresh as ever. I will long
remember the memories of the first day at college

“Cherished memories often come to us that bring

A smile on our face and glow in our hearts’’

College is a romantic world for young students when they are at school. They are very anxious to enter this wider world of education that promises more
liberty and better chances of progress than school life. After passing the matriculation examination by securing 91% marks, I got admission in the well
ruptured, prestigious college of our city. The admission had been completed during summer vacation. The college reopened on 15 August but we
were directed to join the regular classes on 2 nd of September. Cherishing high hopes, inner joy and promising a future ahead, I left for my college.
Naturally I was in high spirits and my mind was full of expectations as well as fear. After a bad experience of strict discipline at school, I wanted to
heave a sigh of relief among the pleasure of college life

Education is the best provision for life’s journey

I was fearful about “First year fooling” but luckily, the principal of the college had granted a holiday to the senior
students of the College on that day. So my fear vanished soon .The new students of first year classes were being
welcomed at main gate of the college. Some professors wearing black college gowns were standing there to welcome us
to the college. They directed us to go to big hall located at the centre of the main building of the college. I was greatly
impressed by the beautifully decorated hall where the students were assembling. At 9 am the principal of the college was
to address the new comers. An elderly looking Professor was advising the first entrants about their new stage in
educational career. Then he dedicated the time table to the Arts, Science, Commerce and ICS students, pointing out the
names of various lecturers teaching them different subjects in different rooms

The roots of education are bitter

But the fruit is sweet

Then the principal of the college appeared on the stage from the side door .The Principal was healthy person
with cheerful temperament. His graceful and radiant personality was imposing and his face was reflective of his scholarly
qualities and long experience. The worthy principal delivered a very forceful speech on the importance of education,
discipline, assiduity, sincerity to one’s life obedience to parents and teachers. He called upon the students that they
should keep in their minds the great principle of Quaid-e-Azam

Work, Work and Work, you are bound to succeed

After that we were asked to go to our classes for the first period. My first period was of English in
room number 15. We occupied our seats and then our professor of English came. First of all he took the roll
call. Then the teacher delivered a general lecture on the importance of the subject of English .He asked us to
give our full attention in the class .When the bell rang we went to another room to attend the other lecture .
After attending three consective lectures we got a free period. One of my class fellows took me to the college
library. It is housed in a grand imposing building. It is well furnished and it has thousands of books on different
subject. After that we went to college canteen to have some refreshment. at last we got free at 2o’clock and
.returned home fully satisfied .It was indeed the best day of my life

A college is a place of

Light, liberty and learning

First Day At College


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