Ford 1914

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To be presented at the 3lst Annual Convention of

the American Institute of Electrical Engineers,

Detroit, Mich., June 2 3 , 1914, under the aus­
pices of the Committee on Use of Electricity in
Marine Work.

C o p y r i g h t 1914 B y A . I . E . E .
Subject to final revision for the Transactions.)





T h e gyroscope when continuously driven b y electric power may

be used for various purposes, many of its applications having es­
pecial value in marine work.
Small gyroscopes are used to establish base lines for the meas­
urement or control of angular motion. T h e gyro-compass makes
use of the earth's daily rotation and consequent changing direc­
tion of gravity to secure a directive force a hundredfold greater
and more accurate than that of the magnetic compass.
A general description is given of the gyro-compass as adopted
by the United States N a v y for use on all the battleships and sub­
marine vessels. M a n y electrical and mechanical devices have
been developed to perform the various functions whereby an in­
strument of great precision has been secured.
Large gyroscopes are made which are capable of counteract­
ing enormous wave forces and completely stabilizing any ship
against rolling in the heaviest seas.

U N T I L a few years ago the gyroscope was little known or heard

of except as a child's toy, although as far back as 1852
its action was investigated by the French scientist Foucault,
who published the results of his experiments in which he laid
down very clearly the laws of its action.
His first law states that any gyro or spinning body possessed of
three degrees of freedom, i.e., free to rotate about a spinning
axis and two other axes all normal to each other, will tend to
maintain its axis of spinning fixed in space and may therefore
be used to show the rotation of the earth. He also demonstrated
that when a gyro was given a forced motion of rotation about
one of the axes, the gyro would powerfully resist such force while
at the same time tending to place its -axis of spin in line with or
parallel to the axis of the impressed force. This motion which
takes place about an axis at right angles to that of the impressed
force is known as gyroscopic precession and always occurs in
such a manner as to bring the direction of spinning the same
as that of the impressed force, and by the shortest path. In

other words, if the spinning axis were horizontal and the axis
of precession vertical, then the gyro, by virtue of the impressed
force of the earth's rotation, would turn about in aximuth and
place its axis of spin as far as possible in line with the earth's
axis {ix. upon the meridian) after the manner of a true compass.
This strange resisting force with its unexpected motion of pre­
cession at a different angle and apparently unrelated to the im­
pressed force, is in reality a simple and logical result of the
inertia of the moving mass. Its explanation is well known
and follows directly the application of Newton's laws.
It is not, however, the purpose of the writer to go into abstruse
theoretical considerations. Suffice it to say that the law of
precession explains fully the observed facts with regard to paral­
lelism of the two axes, and is well illustrated in the accompanying
figures. Nos. 1, 2 and 3, which show an ordinary gyroscopic
top A mounted in a Cardan ring Β by pivots a, the outer pivots
h being supported upon a fork C rigidly mounted upon the base
D, Suppose the wheel with all parts symmetrical, as in Fig. 1,
is rotating clockwise, viewed from above, and we grasp the
Cardan ring and depress it on axis h to position shown in Fig. 2.
First it will be found that the Cardan ring is possessed .of a quite
remarkable amount of rigidity and opposes the forces tending to
tilt it. However, as these forces are applied, and though the
ring Β is moved only slightly, yet the gyroscope is seen to im­
mediately swing vigorously through a wide angle upon its
axis a to the position also shown in Fig. 2. Upon lifting the
Cardan ring the gyro will again be seen to swing vigorously in
the opposite direction until arrested by the stop as shown in
Fig. 3.
For nearly half a century after Foucault had demonstrated
its action, the gyroscope was put to no practical use. The late
American author and scientist Hopkins, whose writings were
published for many years in the Scientific American, was the
first to drive a gyroscope electrically. He was able to enlarge
on Foucault's experiments and obtain much more persistent
results with his continuously driven wheel.
The first serious application of the gyroscope in engineering
work was by Obrey, an Austrian naval officer, who made use
of the gyroscope to steer torpedoes. About 1903 Dr. SchUck,
a German engineer, proposed the use of the gyroscope for stabil­
izing ships against rolling and built a number of experimental
plants which were tried out with some little success. At about

tlie same time Lewis Brennan brougfit general public attention to

the gyroscope by his announcement of a railroad car that would
maintain its equihbrium on a single rail. A car of this type was
exhibited in this country in 1910 and the subject of monofail
traction was much discussed in the press at the time in con­
nection with the possibilities for high speeds which were claimed
for this invention.
Practically all of the serious applications of the gyroscope, and
by far the most important of its u^es at the present time, have
developed in marine work. These are, the steering of torpedoes,
the use as a compass and the use for stabilizing and controlhng
the motions of ships, the last two of which will be discussed more
Several minor apphcations have been made, such as (1)
stabihzing of various instruments, telescopes, etc. against os­
cillations when mounted on a rolling ship; (2) stabihzing of a
pendulum carrying a pen for recording the angles of roll and
pitch of a ship; and, (3) stabilizing a horizontal mirror for use
as an artificial horizon in taking observations at sea. Some
very valuable results have been accomplished along these
lines, but the limits of the present paper will not permit of more
than a brief mention. Various attempts have also been made
to stabilize a body with three degrees- of freedom for use in
the direct determination of latitude and longitude, but so far
as is known, without practical success.
Fig. 4 shows a form of telescope used on board ship for ob­
taining bearings of distant objects, which has been stabilized by
means of gyroscopes so that it is entirely unaffected by motions
of the ship in any direction.
Fig. 5 shows one of several types of apparatus which^ have
been constructed for recording the rolling and pitching motion
of a ship upon a moving sheet. In the instrument here shown,
records of the azimuth as well as various time markings are
made simultaneously upon the same record sheet.
Errors are frequently introduced in navigation when measuring
the altitude of a heavenly body above a false horizon caused by
mist or by the mirage effect of the heated air on a tropical sea.
Very frequent observations of the sun or heavenly bodies could
be taken were it not that the horizon is obscured by low-lying
banks of fog or darkness.
Fig. 6 illustrates a gyroscopic artificial horizon which pro­
vides a means for eliminating these errors in observation and

makes it possible to measure accurately the altitude of any

heavenly body that can be seen, whether or not the horizon is
The automobile torpedo, as is well known, depends upon a
gyro steering gear for its directive power and would in fact
be utterly ineffective for its purpose without such a device.
The importance of the torpedo in warfare is of course recognized,
so that the great value of this apphcation of the gyro needs no
further comment.
The gyro compass shown in Fig. 7 is now being installed upon
all of the battleships and submarines of the United States Navy,
where it is depended upon absolutely for use under battle con­
ditions where the magnetic compass could not possibly be em­
ployed, due to the large masses of magnetic material constantly
being moved about in proximity to the compass. As an instru­
ment of navigation the gryo compass has also proved of great
accuracy and value in enabling the ship to be held steadily
upon its course irrespective of wind, sky or sea. The foreign
navies are also rapidly adopting the gyro compass and it seems
certain that its use on all of the larger steamships and ocean
liners will be found in a few years when its great advantages
have become more widely known.
The very high development of the gyro compass during the
past few years has been largely due to the efforts of a pioneer
in the electrical art, Mr. Elmer A . Sperry, whose long and in­
teresting experience with gyroscopic phenomona and belief in
their engineering possibihties led him to devote practicahy ah of
his time to its development.
It has been the privilege of the writer to be associated with
Mr. Sperry for several years past in this work, during which
time a plant has been organized and equipped for the design and
manufacture of many forms of gyroscopic apparatus.
A number of workers abroad have also been laboring with
great persistence and some degree of success to solve the many
physical problems involved in translating the idea of Foucault
into concrete terms of steel and bronze which will function
under the extremely severe conditions on shipboard.
The nature of the problem is indicated when one realizes that
the gyro compass is so sensitive that it responds instantly and
with the highest degree of accuracy to the very slowly im­
pressed angular motion in space about the earth's axis four thou­
sand miles distant, while at the same time it remains indifferent
Α. L Ε. Ε.

FIG. 1 [I-ORD] FIG. 2 [FORD]

Gardan-Mounted Gyro for Demonstrating P r e c e s s i o n C a r r y i n g the U i ) p e r E n d of Shaft t o
Gyroscopic Precession. the Left b y T i l t i n g the Cardan R i n g D o w n w a r d l y .


Precession Carrying the Upper End of

Shaft to the R i g h t b y T i l t i n g the C a r d a n R i n g


Telescope Stabilized by Gyros.

FIG. ,5 [FORD]

Instrument for Recording the Rolling,

P i t c h i n g a n d Y a w i n g of V e s s e l s .
Α . I. Ε . Ε .

FIG. 6
Gyroscopic Artificial Horizon.

Master Compass with Covers R e m o v e d .

FIG. 10 [KORD]

C o m p l e t e E q u i p m e n t ff)r a G y r o C o m p a s s
Installation on a Battleship.

to the angular movements of the ship several hundred times

greater in intensity.
In view of the extensive use of the gyro compass and the
nature of the problems involved in its development, it may be
of interest to look into the theory of its action somewhat briefly
and then to note some of the many special construction details
and various electrical devices employed in this highly organized
Fig. 8 shows a small device which may be used to demonstrate
the action of precession in the gyro compass. In this device
we have a small disk marked with the cardinal points to represent
a compass card and mounted upon a ring swiveled to rotate on
a vertical axis within a hand-supporting frame. The ring
carries a wheel which spins upon a horizontal axis fixed in the
ring parallel to the NS line of the compass card. If the device
is held extended in the h^nd while the demonstrator turns slowly
on his heel toward the left, we may consider his body as the
axis of an imaginary earth and his head as the virtual north
pole, since his rotation would always be easterly.
If the device is extended with the axis of the card perpen­
dicular to the body at the waist line, the compass may be con­
sidered as located approximately at the equator. If held op­
posite the shoulder, with the axis of the compass card or handle
making an angle of 45 deg. with the body, the compass would
be represented in operation at latitude 45 deg. north.
Now when the wheel has been made to spin in a clockwise
direction viewed from the south side of the card, if the device
is carried about in the hand as above, the card will immediately
orientate or turn on its axis to bring the north side toward the
virtual north pole.
If the demonstrator should reverse his direction of rotation
and turn toward the right, which would now represent east,
we should have to consider that the north pole had been shifted
to his feet, and if the Httle model is a true compass it should
also reverse its direction and point to the new pole. This is
what actually occurs, for the gyro compass not only holds to
the meridian when placed thereon, but is actually possessed of
a powerful north-seeking tendency many times greater than that
of the magnetic needle.
The above demonstrates the elementary action of the gyro
compass on an imaginary earth, the length of whose day is about
twenty-four seconds. Under such conditions this little compass
is ideal in its simplicity.

When, however, we are eonsidermg an instrument of precision,

for actual use on a ship rolhng, pitching and yawing in a heavy
sea, or manoeuvering at various speeds in every possible direction,
the matter of picking out this demonstrator who wih keep his
body paraUel to the earth's axis under such conditions and rescue
a strugghng directive force from the waves, is a somewhat larger
As a matter of fact, many and serious are the mechanical
and theoretical problems which had to be solved in producing a
practical compass for navigation. For example, when mounted
on a ship steaming rapidly north, say, the gyro axis does not point
true north, but has a certain deflection, for the reason that the
actual motion in space is no longer due easterly, but is about a
resultant axis somewhat to the westward of the earth's axis.
The amount of this deflection, which is a variable, depending
upon the speed, course and latitude of the ship, has been exactly
determined for all conditions.
In the Sperry compass a device is employed which corrects
for the above factors and automatically introduces this correction
into the compass readings, which are therefore always made ac­
curately upon the meridian. Other special mechanical devices
are employed for the following purposes, among others:
a. To provide a substantial mounting for the gyro element with
the highest degree of sensitiveness.
b. To damp oscillations in azimuth.
c. To compensate various acceleration pressures.
d. To prevent errors caused by retardation of the wheel.
e. To set the compass quickly on the meridian even when
the direction is unknown.
f. To prevent errors due to persistent oscillations in certain
oblique planes.
g. T o admit of determining the speed of the wheel by observa­
Space will not permit of a further study of the many theoretical
problems involved nor of a detailed description of all the me­
chanical devices employed in this solution.
The general arrangement of parts constituting the Sperry
gyro compass is shown in Fig. 9, which for greater clearness
in illustrating the various functions has been simplified by the
omission of electrical circuits and minor details.
The gyroscope wheel is mounted to rotate on a horizontal
shaft A within the casing B, which is pivoted on the horizontal

axis C tlirough its center of gravity and carried by the frame

or vertical ring-2^.
The ring D is suspended by a torsionless strand Ε and guided
by bearings F and to allow a free oscillation of limited
amount about its vertical axis
within the frame or " phan­
tom " G, so called because of
its characteristic action as a
"shadow" in following ' up
each motion of the ring D.
The phantom G has a hollow
stem Η to which the strand Ε
is attached at its upper end,
and the stem forms a journal
for rotation in azimuth with
respect to the supporting base
frame / .
The frame J is mounted to
swing in the binnacle by the
F I G . 9 — M E T H O D OF M O U N T I N G T H E usual Cardan suspension,
DIRECTIVE ELEMENT consisting of the ring Κ and
suitable bearings L I L2, L3 and L4, the last not shown.
The frame / carries a " follow-up " motor M, driving a master
gear iV, forming a rigid part of the phantom G, whereby the
latter is positively driven in azimuth to respond to any move­
ment of ring D,
The ring D, which with the wheel casing is termed the ele­
ment," carries a pair of electrical contacts in the form of trolley
wheels, which cooperate with stationary contacts mounted upon
the phantom G for the purpose of controlling the follow-up
motor M, the electrical connections not being shown in the
The power-driven phantom G is thus automatically controlled
so as to respond instantly to all movements of the sensitive
element, and in fact to all relative movement in azimuth be­
tween the ship and the gyro.
This characteristic of the phantom enables it to be used for
various important functions, namely, to carry the scale or card
0 and a cam Ρ forming part of the automatic correcting device.
The power drive is also utilized in operating the transmitter for
the repeater instruments, and in overcoming friction of the slip
rings needed to carry current to the gyro.

Since the phantom G, though at all times rigidly anchored

to the binnacle, stands in practically constant relation to the
sensitive element as regard motion about the vertical axis, but
is nevertheless entirely separate therefrom, it serves as an an­
chorage for producing stresses to restrain and correct the move­
ments of the sensitive element. This is accomplished by means
of a yielding connection between the phantom G and the gyro
case in the form of a pendulum or bail R, supported by and
forming a part of the phantom. The point of attachment S
to the gyro casing is located in a certain position eccentric to
both the vertical and horizontal axes of the gyro. By this means
several most important results are obtained, including positive
orientation and the prevention of oscillation.
The complete electrical equipment of the compass system
which will now be considered comprises:
1. A voltage regulator of special design.
2. A three-phase a-c. generating set.
3. A 20-volt d-c. generating set.
4. A d-c. emergency service.
5. An alarm system.
6. An automatic control and protective system.
7. Specially designed controlling switches.
8. The gyro motor.
9. A servo motor or follow-up system.
10. A secondary transmitting and receiving system.
Fig. 10 illustrates the various parts of the Sperry gyro compass
system for use on a battleship. The master compass and con­
trolling apparatus are installed in a protected portion of the
ship behind heavy armor. The repeater compasses are mounted
at various points about the ship at the different steering stations.
On a battleship, for instance, repeaters are supplied at the main
steering platform, others on the bridge for taking bearings, one
in the conning tower for steering during battle, one in the steering
engine room at the stern of the ship, and in some cases one or
more additional repeaters in ships provided with additional steer­
ing stations.
The compass is also used in connection with various other in­
struments for obtaining and recording various data.
A most important use of the gyro compass is on submarine
boats which derive their power, when submerged, from storage
batteries, the voltage of which varies at times from as high as 160
volts down to 100 volts at the end of a long run. An economical
form of voltage regulator has been devised for such service.
Α. I. Ε . Ε.

FIG. 11 [FORD]

R o t o r a n d S t a t o r of the G y r o Motor.

FIG. 13 [FORD]

Automatic Correction Dials, Setting 15

k n o t s , lO d e g . N o r t h Latitude.

FIG. 12 [FORD]

Power-Driven Frame or " Phantom " ar­

r a n g e d t o S h i e l d the D i r e c t i v e E l e m e n t from
External Disturbances.

FIG. 14 [FORD]
Azimuth M o t o r for D r i v i n g the Phantom.

The problem of accelerating and driving the heavy balance

wheel (the compass wheel weighs about 45 lb. or 20.4 kg.)
at a velocity of about 8600 rev. per min. required the design of
a special form of generator, three-phase current at 90 volts being
used. The characteristics of the generator allow of the wheel
being thrown directly upon the line and brought up to full speed
automatically in about thirty minutes without attention on the
part of the operator and without the use of excessive current.
This machine, shown in the background of Fig. 10, has a capacity
of three amperes per phase, but is ordinarily run under a load of
0.9 amperes.
The 20-volt d-c. dynamotor also shown in Fig. 10 is used in
supplying energy to the servo motor follow-up system and for
operating the secondary or repeater compass system. No
special features of design were necessary other than to meet
the usual requirements on ship board as to commutation, rating,
accessibility, etc. In battleship equipments, both of the above
generating units are ordinarily supplied in duplicate.
An emergency direct-current service is provided by the employ­
ment of a 20-volt storage battery which is kept floating upon the
line at all times. This provides energy for operating the follow-
up system of the compass whenever the ship's service has failed.
During such times the gyro wheel, on account of its great inertia
and ease of operation in vacuum, will remain spinning and will
give ample directive power for an hour or more after the power
has been shut off, so that the compass is rendered fully effective
under all such conditions. This constitutes a unique and ex­
tremely valuable feature of the Sperry compass.
An independent six-volt battery and alarm bell are employed
to notify the attendant promptly of any interruption of current
or failure in operation of various parts of the system which
would be likely to cause errors in the compass readings, so
that the same may be corrected without delay. A trip relay
is provided which keeps the bell ringing until the attendant
has corrected the difficulty and reset the trip.
A reverse current relay is provided for disconnecting the
direct-current dynamotor from the storage battery and line
upon failure, or any material reduction in voltage of the gen­
erator or ship's supply line, and for connecting the generator
in again when voltage has been restored to normal. This
of course prevents the rapid discharge of the storage battery
in driving the generator.

Especially designed switches and controlling apparatus are

provided, which include a small and compact switch for throwing
both the voltmeter and ammeter at once upon any one of a
number of different circuits or phases: These switches are of
the rotary or controller type and are enclosed in gas-tight cases
to prevent danger of explosions when used in submarines.
The gyro motor is of the three-phase induction type, the
squirrel-cage secondary forming a rigid part of the inner rim of
the revolving wheel shown in Fig. 11.
On account of the high speed of the rotation, wheels have to
be given a very careful running balance, which is accomplished
by the use of various size studs threaded into holes at the per­
iphery of the wheel on each side.
The S t a t o r also shown in Fig. 11 is mounted on one side of
the main vacuum casing containing the wheel. A spiral line is
painted on the wheel which, when observed through a window
in the casing by means of a stroboscope, enables one quickly to
determine the speed of rotation.
The servo motor or follow-up system forms an important
part of the gyro compass and performs three functions, of which
the first is to shield the gyro from all external forces and friction.
This is accomplished by the method of carrying the supporting
filament, and all guiding bearing shaving to do with the sensitive
element, within an outer frame known as the phantom (Fig. 12),
which completely shields the element from all disturbing external
The suspended mass of the sensitive element, which, including
the wheel casing and the vertical supporting ring, weighs
about seventy-five pounds, is by the above means rendered
actively sensitive to a force couple of 1/4500 in-lb,, which
represents a force of less than one-fourth-millionth part of
its own weight acting at a radius of one foot. This degree of
sensitiveness is actually measurable in the operation of the com­
pass, which is thought to be somewhat remarkable in this re­
A second function of the servo motor, which in the gyro com­
pass is known as the azimuth motor," is to operate the trans­
mitter for sending out indications to any number of repeater
compasses located at distant parts of the ship. The main
azimuth scale of the compass is also carried on the power-driven
The third function of the azimuth motor is to operate the

correction device before mentioned, which by means of cams

solves a trigonometric equation involving the factors of speed,
latitude and heading of the ship, and automatically introduces
the proper correction into the compass readings, which are
therefore maintained accurately upon the meridian. Fig. 13
shows the front of the correction device and dials which are
set at the proper speed and latitude.
The azimuth motor with its reduction gearing is shown
in Fig. 14, and is provided with ball bearings throughout. An
inertia brake consisting of a balance wheel mounted and driven
by friction on the armature shaft serves to damp the oscillations
or hunting of the azimuth motor, while offering no resistance to
continuous motion.
The secondary transmission system comprises a contact mak­
ing transmitter and six-pole step-by-step motor connected by
three circuits having a common return wire. The transmitter
(Fig. 1 5 ) is provided with three pairs of tungsten make-and-
break contacts which are operated by cams. The construction
of the repeater system is such that the motor may be driven
at speeds as high as 1000 rev. per min., or 100 cycles per second,
without getting out of step.
The repeater motor is geared to give six steps for each indicated
degree in azimuth and the repeater compass instantly follows
all changes of the master compass for every movement of the
ship. The repeaters are provided with compass cards made of
translucent material to permit of illumination from within.
A manually operated transmitter, or synchronizer, is used for
setting the distant repeaters into agreement with the master
compass in connection with a magnetic stop for each motor
by means of which the repeaters are first collected upon a com­
mon reading and then brought at once to read with the master
which is then thrown into circuit.
The exceptionally fine results obtained with the gyro compass
here described have fully justified the long and painstaking
eftorts that have been expended in its design and in the practical
solution of the many problems met at various stages of its de­
velopment and in actual use at sea.
When subjected to the most drastic tests, far greater in severity
than any actual conditions found on ship board, the compass
continues to hold to the meridian within a fraction of a degree.
In fact, every compass before being accepted by our Government
has to pass through a series of such tests lasting several weeks,

during which time the maximum error must not exceed \ deg.
in azimuth when swung continuously for six days at a time
under conditions of rolling, pitching and yawing of an artificial
It should of course be understood that under similar con­
ditions on board a battleship or submarine the magnetic com­
pass would be almost if not entirely useless. Even under the
best of conditions, navigation of a steel ship by magnetic com­
pass entails a large amount of extra work with considerable
liabihty of error in applying variation and deviation corrections
of various amounts, plus or minus. With the gyro compass
described, all readings are made exactly upon the meridian and
the navigator is always sailing on true courses. The quick
and accurate indications of the compass for the slightest devia­
tion or yawing of the ship has enabled much straighter courses
to be steered, with a resulting saving in fuel and increased speed.
For intricate manoeuvering in battle practise, the vship may be
controlled perfectly from various protected steering stations
and the master compass is completely shielded from the fire of
the enemy and from the shock of gun fire.
In submarines the gyro compass enables an accurate course
to be laid when running submerged so that after obtaining the
bearing of the target from a great distance the submarine may
approach, submerged, to within a short distance and fire its
torpedoes accurately.
From an instrument having a degree of sensitiveness to force
couples measured by one-four-millionth part of its own weight
it is rather a long jump to consider another type of gyro pos­
sessed of many tons of stored energy which may be harnessed
and made to work not only to hold a mammoth ship against
rolling in high seas but actually to roll the ship for the purpose of
sliding off a sand bar or breaking through an ice floe.
Gyros of this type have already been built, tested and thor­
oughly investigated and a gyro of thirty tons weight capable of
exerting a force couple of over four million pound-feet is now
under construction for stabilizing the S. S. Ashtabula used as a
car ferry on Lake Erie.
In two papers read before the Institute of Naval Architects
and Marine Engineers in November 1912 and December 1913,
Mr. Sperry has treated very ably and comprehensively the
subject of stabihzing ships and has made some striking com­
parisons which show his valuable contribution to the art in the

active " type of gyro. In the last paper referred to are shown
characteristic rolling and damping curves for ships equipped
with active gyros when subjected to various wave impulses and
frequencies. These curves, some of which are here reproduced in
Fig. 16, were obtained from a model ship pendulum, the dimen­
sions of which were adjusted to correspond to a 19,000-ton ship
at the linear ratio of 1:30.
The stabilization is practically complete, as indicated by the
curves in Fig. 16. Early in this work observations were made
indicating that the stabilization was complete even when the
wave increments received from the sea were,greater than the
theoretical power of the gyros mounted in'the ship.
The work with the stabilizer has shown that it is perfectly
easy to stabilize against all wave increments received by the
ship from the sea which are equal or less than the stabilizing
capacity of the gyro equipment. Stabilization is so complete
under these conditions that interest in this part of the per­
formance has been transferred to investigations of the region
where the wave increments are actually in excess of the
stabilizing capacity.
The curves in Fig. 16 are among the results obtained in this
connection and it will be seen by carefully scrutinizing the cards
that none of the curves are taken where the wave increments are
not larger than the roll-quenching increment, and even under
these conditions the stabiHzing is practically complete for prac­
tically all the wave periods.
Practical data of great value were obtained from the construc­
tion of an active gyro plant which was tested out repeatedly on
the U. S. S. Worden during the summer of 1912. This plant
was the largest gyro installation ever built and consisted of
two gyros weighing about three tons each which were operated
actively by use of a precession engine.
The gyros were automatically controlled so that they responded
instantly to all wave increments encountered, whether in
harmony with the period of the ship or not.
Fig. 17 shows one of the Wordenes gyros bolted on a heavy
base plate while under test at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The
base was loaded with pig iron, which, with the load of the gyro
and precession engine, brought the total weight up to over thirty
tons. The gyro very effectively demonstrated its power by
actually lifting this heavy load, tilting the whole base plate
up on edge and rocking it back and forth as the gyro was pre-

Period Wave.J.Z sec.

" Pendulum-2.9'sec.
Wave Increment =! 03
Period Wave ~ 2.325 sec. R=4200 ex = 2° Period Wove =2.575sec. R =4800 QuenChin9.} =4.68
20 II Pendulum =2.9 sec. ct'= 2°
" Pendulum =2.9 sec. Incremenl .
ValueofWoyeIncrement: 2.79
15 Va lue of Wave Increment » 2;~5 x 1f a· 2.52 0 (}uenchinq Increment-i: 6/ 0 Ct'=3°
fO " ()uenchinq tncremen I (For close quenching )=2.285 R~4.300
~ 5
\!) ~
~ 5 I I a
I I I ~
6yro in ---*"---- 6yro out I I :
20 Gyro in --->r----------Gyro out
~- (jyros in - *- Gyros ouf- ~ ~
Synchronous Wave CX=2° Synchronous Waves a:: 2 ~ Ro).I ~n'3'j'J'oenfS Period Wove II: 3.26 Ouenchin~ Increment=J.2/o c;J
Wave lncrement» 3./4° Pendulum =2.9 Wove " =3./-2°
Quenchinq Incremenl=3. 04 0 Wove /ncremerrr» 3:/4 ° R=5900
20 (ForCiose (tuenching), Quenching /ncremen I (Tor Close r)",enchin9) a:: 2° ~
=3.1° .- a
15 R= 5600 Qtiench inq Increment (for Imp" lslve ": J.93
" "on Basis =3.7°
l[ a
'05 R=.f700 Q max. =3.82 t;tj

~J~~-------- --I~i!\I\I\III\ rVVVvvvvvvvv- - -. -£]~. i:

15 I IHH1' I
20 . 6yro fly-ro I
6yrtJ In----...louf~· in -~ k--..----------- G{lroin-------------~G6~~ ~-Gyro in--i----------- Gyro out -------.
A . I. E . E.

FIG. 15 [FORD] FIG. 18

T r a n s m i t t e r f o r O p e r a t i n g S e c o n d a r y or T h e Precession Engine.
Repeater Compasses.

FIG. 17 [FORD]
O n e of t h e T w o L a r g e G y r o s of t h e U . S.S. W o r d e n w h i l e u n d e r P r e l i m i n a r y T e s t s
at t h e N a v y Y a r d , N e w Y o r k .
Α . I. Ε . Ε,

FIG. 19 [FORD]

The υ.S.S. Worden at Dock.


Fig. 18 shows the preeession engine, and Fig. 19 shows the

gyro equipment mounted aboard the Worden ready for the sea
The results prove conclusively that the active type of gyroscope
as applied the control of a ship's rolling motion is of vastly greater
eificiency and economy than any other form of stabilizer yet
proposed. The eificiency is demonstrated by the action of
carefully calculated scale models and is completely verified by
the long-continued performance at sea of the gyro plant on the
Worden. The economy is evident from a comparison of the
space and weight required in an installation of the active gyro
relative to that required by the most effective form of water
damping tanks or other stabilizing means.
Careful calculations show that an active gyro plant for
stabilizing the S. S. Ashtabula will require less than one-tenth
the space and weight which would be necessary for equivalent
stabilizing with the best-designed water pendulum.
The results further show that it is now possible to completely
stabilize any ship against rolhng by means of an active gyro­
scope, requiring a very small percentage of the weight and
space available in the ship. This work has opened up a wide
field of usefulness in the application of the gyroscope.

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