Developmental Disabilities .PPT Lecture 2

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Dr Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal
MPhil: Special Education
Semester: 2nd

The environment can affect development

before conception by influencing the sperm
or ova.
Once conception takes place, the embryo
and (later) the fetus are susceptible to a
number of factors including drugs,
 Chemical toxicants, infections, and
physical factors, such as radiation, that
influence developmental out- comes.
 Even after a child is born, infection,
chemical, and physical factors can
influence developmental outcomes.


 Over 1,000 chemicals that have been

identified as potential neuro toxicants that
are common causes of neurotoxicity.
 Lead
 Lead is one of the most studied neuro
toxicants, with the Greeks and Romans
first describing the toxicity of lead in
 Despite these improvements, lead
poisoning remains a significant problem,
primarily because of lead dust in the home
 The degree and type of damage from lead
is a function of the timing of exposure.
For example, lead exposure causes
peripheral neuropathy (damage to
nerves in the arms and legs) in adults,
whereas it results in damage to the CNS in
young children
 Mercury
 Mercury is neuro toxic in the form of
elemental mercury (primarily when it
enters the body via inhalation of mercury
vapor) and as inorganic or organic
compounds, particularly methyl mercury.
 Mercury vapor exposure can occur
through breakage of mercury containing
devices such as thermometers,
barometers, and fluorescent light fixtures
 Prenatal exposure to extremely high doses
of MeHg results in severe brain damage
with micro cephaly, seizures, and severe
cognitive and motor deficits
 High doses adversely affect mitosis,
cellular migration, and organization of
neurons in the cortex.

 Arsenic in high doses can be fatal, and

chronic arsenic exposure can lead to
neurotoxicity and cancer.
 Exposure of children usually occurs
through ingestion of naturally
contaminated drinking water or through
contact with contaminated industrial sites.

 Maternal ingestion of alcoholic beverages

during pregnancy can lead to fetal alcohol
spectrum disorder (FASD), a wide range
of physical, behavioral, and cognitive
problems in the child; damage depends on
the amount, timing, and duration of the
 More severe manifestations of FASD are
termed fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), and
more subtle manifestations are termed
partial fetal alcohol syndrome (pFAS).
 Another term used to describe FASD
manifestation is alcohol-related neuro
developmental disorder.
 Ethanol exposure can manifest itself as
microcephaly, behavior problems, ADHD,
executive function deficits, and learning
Polychlorinated Biphenyls

 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a

group of industrial chemicals that they
were used in the electronics, plastics,
paint, and pesticide industries
 Outcomes associated with low-dose
exposure to PCBs in utero and after birth
indicate small deficits in neuromotor
development and IQ, along with problems
with attention and impulse control.
 These range from elements such as sulfur
to complex organic molecules. In 2001,
over 1.2 billion pounds of pesticides (e.g.,
herbicides, insecticides, fungicides) were
 Prenatal exposure to the organophosphate
chlorpyrifos has been associated with an
increased risk of developmental delay,
ADHD, and autism at 3 years of age.
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

 EDC as “an exogenous agent that

interferes with synthesis, secretion,
transport, metabolism, binding action, or
elimination of natural blood-borne
hormones that are present in the body and
are responsible for homeostasis,
reproduction, and developmental process”
 A very diverse group of chemicals have
endocrine disrupting properties including
 PCBs,
 polychlorinated dibenzodioxins,
brominated flame retardants,
 dioxins,
 organochlorine pesticides,
 bisphenol.
Mixed Toxicants

 Children are usually exposed to multiple

 In areas where there are metal smelters,
children can be exposed to
 lead,
 arsenic, and other metals that are being
recovered for commercial purposes or
which co-occur in the raw ore.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke

 Prenatal exposure can occur if the mother

smokes or if she is exposed to
environmental tobacco smoke.
 Studies of children exposed prenatally to
tobacco smoke revealed deficits in speech
and language skills, visual/spatial
abilities, behavior, and IQ.

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