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Syphilis EMTCT

-antenatal: repeat vdrl/rpr monthly for positive mother

-repeat at 1, 2, 3, 6, 12m post treatment, then 6 monthly until titer <1:8
-if checklist fulfilled probable congenital syphilis refer
-high risk mother with booking screening negative
-rescreening at 28-32w, aim for treatment 1m before deliver
-high risk mother with screening remain negative or unbooked unscreened mother
-test during delivery
-mother with positive syphilis
-monthly RPR until 4-fold reduction or nonreactive then 2 monthly (consider monthly in
high-risk mother)
-test during delivery for comparison with baby titer

-for such situation with rapid test +ve, give first dose on same day while waiting confirmation
-2nd and 3rd dose if RPR +ve on late latent phase/ last treatment >2y/ no previous
treatment/ no proper documentation of previous treatment
-TPHA positive refer O+G/ dermatology/ ID (combined clinic)
-baby with syphilis mother need to follow up for 2y under pediatric clinic

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