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I. Introduction to Islam.
• Concept of Islam. (2011[2])
• Importance of Din in Human Life. (2016[3], 2012[9])
• Difference between Din and Religion. (2016[3])
• Distinctive Aspects of Islam.
• Islamic Beliefs & its Impact on Individual & Society and the Fundamental of Islam
 Tawhid (2019[2], 2013[4])
 Adl
 Nubuwwah (2015[4])
 Imamah
 Day of Judgement and Akhirat (2012[2])
 Islamic Worships: Spiritual, Moral and Social Impact.
 Salat (2016[5], 2012[3])
 Zakat (2017[2], 2018[6], 2015[5])
 Haj (2019[6])
 Roza (2013[3])
II. Study of Sirah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as Role Model for:-
• Individual
• Diplomat
• Educator
• Military Strategist (2019[3], 2016[4])
• Peace Maker (2018[8], 2017[5])

III. Human Rights & Status of Woman in Islam.

 Human Rights and (2012[7], 2011[6])
 Status of Woman in Islam (2019[4], 2017[3], 2014[7], 2013[8], 2011[4]) •
Dignity of Men and Women (2013[2])

IV. Islamic Civilization and Culture: (2016[2], 2011[3])

 Meanings and the Vital Elements
 Role of Civilization in Development of Human Personality and Community •
Characteristics of Islamic Civilization (2019[5] , 2018[7]) (
 Tawhid,
 Self-purification, (2018[3], 2017[6])
 Dignity of Man, (2013[2])
 Equality,
 Social Justice, (2012[9])
 Moral Values,
 Tolerance,
 Rule of Law)
 Ehsan (2018[3])

V. Islam and the World.

• Impact of Islamic Civilization on the West and ViceVersa (2015[8], *2014[5], 2012[5])
• The Role of Islam in the Modern World.
• Muslim World and the Contemporary Challenges. (2019[7], 2016[8]) • Rise of
Extremism. (2019[7], 2018[4], 2017[7])
VI. Public Administration and Governance in Islam
• Concept of Public Administration in Islam (2016[6])
• Quranic Guidance on Good Governance
• Concept of Governance and its Applications in the light of Qur’an, Sunnah and Fiqh. •
Governance Structure in Islam (
o Shura,
o Legislation, (2015[6], 2013[9])
o Sources of Islamic Law)
• Governance under Pious Khilafat (2017[4], 2016[7])
• Particular letters of Hazrat Umar (R.A) and Hazrat Ali (R.A) to different Authority. •
Responsibilities of Civil Servants (2018[5], 2016[6])
• System of Accountability(hisbah) in Islam

VII. Islamic Code of Life.

• Salient Features of Islamic System,
o Social System,
o Political System, (2019[8], (2017[4], 2016[7], 2014[2], 2013[6], 2012[4]) o
Economic System, (2017[3], 2014[9], 2012[9], 2011[8])
o Judicial System, (2013[6], 2012[10], 2011[5])
o Administrative System,
• Procedure of (2015[6], 2014[8])
o Ijma and (2017[8])
o Ijtihad (2018[2], 2011[7])

VIII. Others
• Open Ended
o Sunnah (2015[6])
o Quran (2013[9])
o Islam (2012[6])

IX. Not in New Syllabus

• Muslim Ummah (2015[2], 2014[6], 2013[7], 2011[9])
• Jihad (2015[3], 2013[5])
• Fisaad (2015[3])
• Wahi (2015[7], 2014[4])
• Peace (2014[3])
• Collection and Compilation of Quran (2012[11])


 Historical
1. Historical aspects:
• Muslim rule in the Sub-Continent,
• its downfall and
• efforts for Renaissance and Hindu-Muslim Separatism. (2018[3], 2016[3], 2015[3], 2014[2],
2014[2], 2013[5], 2012[2], 2011[4])
• Movements for reforms— (2014[2], *2013[3], 2011[2])
• Shaikh Ahmad Sarhindi,
• Shah Waliullah, (2016[2])
• Sayyid Ahmad Shaheed, (2015[2], 2014[3], 2012[3])
• Aligarh, (2016[3])
• Deoband,
• Nadwah, and
• other educational institutions-------Sindh Madrassah and Islamia College Peshawar.
• Khilafat Movement (2015[4])
• Muslim Press (2013[4])
• Congress Ministries of 1937 (2019[2])
• Pakistan/Lahore Resolution (2012[4], 2011[5])
2. Ideology of Pakistan-----definition and elucidation,
3. Ideology of Pakistan in the light of Speeches and statements of (2013[8])
• Allama Iqbal and (Muslim Separatism) (2018[2])
• Quaid- i Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. (2016[5])
Internal Issues (2011[8])
4. Land and people of Pakistan------- with reference to characteristics, trends and problems.
• Geography,
• Society,
• Natural resources, (2019[8], 2014[8])
• Agriculture,
• Industry and
• education
5. Civil-Military Relations inPakistan
6. Economic Challenges inPakistan (2019[4])
7. Political Evolution Since 1971 (2011[6])
• Political System of Pak, which form more suitable (2018[4])
• Democratic evolution (2017[8])
8. Foreign Policy of Pakistan Post 9/11 (2016[6], 2012[7])
9. Evolution of Democratic System in Pakistan
10. Ethnic Issues and National Integration (2018[8], 2017[2], 2015[6], 2011[3])
11. Pakistan’s National Interest
12. Pakistan’s Energy Problems and their Effects (2019[6], (2017[7])
13. Economic Conditions of Pakistan,
• the Most Recent Economic Survey,
• the Previous and Current Budgets, and the
• Problems and Performance of Major Sectors of Economy.
14. The Recent Constitutional and Legal Debates,
• the Latest Constitutional Amendments and
• Important Legislations,
• Legal Cases and the
• Role of Higher Courts.

15. The Prevailing Social Problems of Pakistan and the Strategies to Deal with Them,
• Poverty,
• Education, (2017[6])
• Health and
• Sanitation.
• Population Growth (2019[5], 2014[7])
16. Center Province Relations and Changes due to Various Amendments (2019[3], 2018[6], 2011[7])
17. Role of Judiciary in Constitutional Development (2017[3])
18. Separation of East Pakistan (2015[5])
19. Islamization and establishment of Muslim Order (2015[7], 2014[6], 2013[6])
20. Objective Resolution 1949 (2012[5])
21. Bureaucracy (2012[6])

Combined Issues (National + International)

22. Nuclear Program of Pakistan,
• its Safety and Security;
• International Concerns
23. Non-Traditional Security Threats in Pakistan: Role of Non-State Actors (2018[4])
24. Changing Security Dynamics for Pakistan Challenges to National Security of Pakistan. (2012[7])
25. Hydro Politics ; Water Issues in Domestic and Regional Context (2019[7], 2013[7])
26. Challenges to Sovereignty

External Issues (2011[8])

27. Pakistan and Changing Regional Apparatus

28. Regional Cooperation Organizations and the Role of Pakistan
• ECO,
• SCO (2017[5])
29. Pakistan’s Role in the Region
30. The Palestine Issue
31. Pakistan and US War onTerror (2018[7], 2015[8])
32. Pakistan’s Relations with Neighbors excluding India
33. Pakistan and India Relations Since 1947
34. The Kashmir Issue (2016[7])
35. The war in Afghanistan since 1979 and its impact on, and challenges to Pakistan in the Post
2014 era. (2016[8])
36. Proxy Wars: Role of External Element.
37. CPEC and OBOR (2017[4])
38. Geo-Strategic Importance (2012[8])


I. General Sociology

1. Individual: Sociability or the sociality of man.

2. Culture: (2016[4])
o Meaning and Characteristics (Culture is variable, learnt, social, shared, transmissive,
dynamic and adaptive),
o types (Material, Non –material), (2019[2])
o functions (transfer of knowledge, define situation, provide behaviour pattern, moulds
personality) and (2017[7])
o elements of culture (norms, values, beliefs, sanctions, customs).
o Culture and Socialization;
 formal and non-formal socialization,
 transmission of culture,
 cultural relativism.
o Sub-cultures.
o Ethnocentrism and xenocentrism, (2019[4], 2018[2])
o Cultural lag, (2019[2])
o High culture and popular culture.
o Multiculturalism, assimilation, and acculturation.
3. Society:
o Meaning and characteristics.
o Community; meaning and characteristics. (2015[5])
o Individual and society.
• Relationship between individual and society.
• Two main theories regarding the relationship of man and society
(i). the social contact theory and
(ii). the organismic theory. (2018[3])
o Social and cultural evolution of society (Hunting and Gathering Society, Herding and
Advance Herding Society, Horticultural, Society, Agrarian Society, Industrial Society,
Post modern Society).
4. Social Interaction:
a) Caste and classes, (2013[5], 2010[4])
b) Forms of social classes, (2016[3])
c) Feudal system in Pakistan, (2013[5])
d) Social Mobility-nature of social mobility and its determinants in Pakistani society,
(2017[8b], 2015[3], 2013[8ii])
e) Culture of poverty.
5. Social Control:
a) Mechanisms of social control-formal and informal means of social control,
b) Anomie, (2017[5], 2012[6])
c) Alienation and (2017[5])
d) social Integration-Means of social integration in Pakistani Society. (2019[8b],
6. Social and Cultural Change and Social Policy: (2019[6], 2017[4], *2013[2])
a) Processes of Social and Cultural Change-discovery, (2015[6], 2012[2], (2011[2]))
b) Inhibitions to social and cultural change in Pakistan,
c) Social planning and directed social and cultural change, (2013[8iv], *2010[5])
d) Effect of Industrialization, Urbanization, Modernization and Modern Means of
Communication on Social Change. (2018[4])
7. Public Opinion:
a) Formation of public opinion, (2014[7])
b) concept of opinion leader,
c) characteristics of opinion leadership.
8. Community:
a) The rural community,
b) Traditional Characteristics of rural life,
c) The urban community, Rural – Urban convergence,
d) Urbanism, Future of cities in Pakistan. (2018[5], 2011[4], 2010[6]) 9. Social
a) The nature and genesis of institutions,
b) The process of institutionalization,
c) Functions of Social Institutions: Family, Religion, Education, Economy and Politics.
(2018[6], 2014[4], 2013[7], 2012[8iii])
10.Social Problems in Pakistan: (2015[7], 2011[3])
a) High population growth rate,
b) Rural –urban migration. (2012[7])
c) Issues of technical/vocational training,
d) Deviance and street crime, (2018[8ii], 2012[7])
e) Unemployment, (2014[6])
f) illiteracy and School drop out,
g) Smuggling,
h) Prostitution,
i) Poverty (2012[8iv], 2010[8a])
j) Drug Addiction, (2011[3], 2010[8b])
k) Child Labour and Abuse,
l) Bonded Labour,
m) Social customs and Traditions affecting Women in Pakistan,
n) Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence,
o) Issues concerning the Elderly in Pakistan. (2011[8])
II. Sociological Theory:

a) Three sociological perspectives:

∙ Structural Functionalism,
∙ Symbolic interactions and
∙ Conflict.
b) Theorists: (2017[2], 2016[5])
∙ Ibn-i-Khaldun, (2018[7], 2015[8], 2011[5])
∙ Spencer,
∙ August Comte, (2019[5], 2018[7], 2016[8a])
∙ Emile Dukheim, (2019[3], 2017[5], 2016[8b], 2013[3], 2012[6])
∙ Max Weber, (2017[5], 2015[2], 2013[3], 2010[2])
∙ Karl Marx, (2019[7], 2017[5,6], 2015[4], 2013[8i], 2012[3], 2011[6]) ∙ Parson.
III. Methods of Sociological Research: (2017[3], 2016[7], 2011[7])

a) Scientific Method, (2013[4], 2010[3])

b) Steps in research, (2018[8i])
c) Types of Questionnaire Research Design,
d) Surveys,
e) Observation and Case Studies.
IV. Current and Other
1. Afghan War Syndrome (2019[8a])
2. Role of Religious Leaders in Integration of Pak Society(2019[8b])
3. Water and Food Security, Terrorism, Extremism (2018[5])
4. Future of Pakistani Family system (2018[6], 2010[7])
5. Capitalism Vs Socialism (2017[6])
6. Cultural Patterns (2017[7])
7. Political Economy of globalization (2017[8a])
8. Regional Migration (2017[8b], 2015[3])
9. Application of Sociology (2016[2])
10.Youth of Pakistan (2016[5])
11. Robert King Merton (2016[6])
12. Crime as Social Problem (2015[7])
13.Attribution Theory, (2014[2])
14. Mind construction (2014[3])
15. Trained Incapacity (2015[6])
16. Culture Invasion (2012[2])

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