Area Parallelogram Mcqs

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Chap 9 : Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles


File Revision Date : 20 September 2019
Objective Questions
CLASS : 9 th
SUB : Maths
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Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

1. OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 5. D and E are the mid points of the sides AB and AC
of a triangle ABC respectively. Then the area of the
triangles ADE and ABC are in the ratio
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 3
1. Area of an isosceles triangle, the measure of one of its
(c) 1 : 4 (d) 2 : 3
equal side being 5 cm and the third side 4 cm is
(a) 2 21 cm2 (b) 21 2 cm2 Ans : (c) 1 : 4
(c) 22 3 cm2 (d) 23 3 cm2
Ans : (a) 2 21 cm2 6. In TABC if D is a point on BC and divides it in the
ratio 3 : 5 i.e. if BD : DC = 3 : 5 , then
Let, a = 5 cm , b = 4 cm area (TADC) : ar (TABC) =
Therefore area of an isosceles triangle (a) 3 : 5 (b) 3 : 8
= b # 4a2 - b2 (c) 5 : 8 (d) 8 : 3
Ans : (c) 5 : 8
= 4 4 # 25 - 16 sq. cm
7. The area of a rhombus is 20 cm2 . If one of its diagonals
= 84 cm = 2 21 sq. cm is 5 cm, the other diagonal is
(a) 5 cm (b) 6 cm
2. In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram, then (c) 8 cm (d) 10 cm
area (TAFB) is
Ans : (c) 8 cm

Area of rhombus = 1 # d1 # d2 ; where d1 , d2 are

lengths of diagonals.
20 = 1 # 5 # d2 [Since, d1 = 5 ]
d2 = 8 cm

(a) 16 cm2 (b) 8 cm2 8. The area of trapezium PQRS in the adjoining figure
(c) 4 cm2 (d) 6 cm2 is
Ans : (b) 8 cm2

area (TAFB) = 1 area (z gm ABCD)


= 1 # 4 # 4 = 8 cm2

3. X and Y are respectively two points on the sides DC

and AD of the parallelogram ABCD . The area of (a) 112 cm2 (b) 120 cm2
TABX is equal to :
(c) 160 cm2 (d) 180 cm2
(a) 1/3 # area of TBYC (b) area of TBYC
(c) 1/2 # area of TBYC (d) 2 # area of TBYC Ans : (d) 180 cm2
Ans : (b) area of TBYC area (trap. PQRS) = area (rect.PSRT) + area (TQRT)
= PT # RT + 1 (QT # RT)
4. BD is a median of a triangle ABC . F is a point on 2
AB such that CE intersects BD at E and BE = ED. = 8 # RT + 1 (8 # RT) ...(1)
If BF = 5 cm , BA is equal to: 2
(a) 10 (b) 12 = 12 # RT
(c) 15 (d) 17 Now, in TQRT ,
Ans : (c) 15 RT 2 = QR2 - QT 2

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= 172 - 82
RT = 15 cm (c) (d) All of these
Substitute the value of RT in (1), we get
area (trap.PQRS) = 12 # 15 cm2 = 180 cm2 Ans : (b)

9. In the figure, ABCD is a quadrilateral BD = 20 cm . If Common base = DC and two parallels are AB and DC
AL = BD and CM = BD such that AL = 10 cm and
CM = 5 cm, find the area of quad. ABCD . 13. The area of a trapezium whose parallel sides are 9
cm & 16 cm and the distance between these sides is
8 cm, is
(a) 60 cm2 (b) 72 cm2
(c) 56 cm 2
(d) 100 cm2
Ans : (d) 100 cm2
Area of trapezium ABCD
(a) 150 cm2 (b) 180 cm2 = 1 [AB + CD] # AE
(c) 100 cm2 (d) 140 cm2
Ans : (a) 150 cm2 = 1 [16 + 9] # 8 cm2
Area of quad. ABCD = area (TABD) + area (TBCD) = 1 # 25 # 8 cm2 = 100 cm2
= 1 # BD # AL + 1 # BD # CM
2 2

= 1 # 20 # 10 + 1 # 20 # 5
2 2
= 100 + 50 = 150 cm2

10. The area of a rhombus if the lengths of whose diagonals

are 16 cm and 24 cm, is
(a) 180 cm2 (b) 184 cm2 14. In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a quadrilateral
in which diagonal BD = 14 cm . If AL = BD and
(c) 198 cm2 (d) 192 cm2 CM = BD such that AL = 8 cm and CM = 6 cm ,
Ans : (d) 192 cm2 then area of quadrilateral ABCD is

Area of rhombus = 1 # d1 # d2

= 1 # 16 # 24 cm2 = 192 cm2


11. In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a parallelogram.

Then its area is equal to (a) 60 cm2 (b) 72 cm2
(c) 84 cm2 (d) 98 cm2
Ans : (d) 98 cm2
Area of quadrilateral ABCD
= area (TABD) + (TBCD)
= 1 # BD # AL + 1 # BD # CM
2 2
(a) 9 cm2 (b) 12 cm2
(c) 15 cm2 (d) 36 cm2 = :1 # 14 # 8 + 1 # 14 # 6D cm2
2 2
Ans : (b) 12 cm2 = 98 cm2
Area of parallelogram = Base # Height
= AB # BD = 4 # 3 cm2 15. If P and Q are any two points lying on the sides DC
and AD respectively of a parallelogram ABCD , then
= 12 cm2 ar(TBQC) is equal to
(a) area (TAPB) (b) area (TPBC)
12. Which of the following figures lie on the same base (c) area (TAPD) (d) None of these
and between the same parallels?
Ans : (a) area (TAPB)
Since, TBQC and z gm ABCD are on same base BC
(a) (b) and between same parallels BC and AD

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In TAXD , AD2 = AX 2 - XD 2
AD2 = 102 - 62 = 100 - 36 = 64
AD = 8 cm
Area of z ABCX = AB # AD
= 10 # 8 = 80 cm2

Hence, area (TBQC) = 1 area (z gm ABCD) ...(1) 18. In fig. ABCD and FECG are parallelograms equal
in area.
Similarly TAPB and z gm ABCD are on same base
If area (AQE) = 12 cm2 , then area (TAQE) = 12 cm2
AB and between same parallels AB and CD .
then area (| | gm FGBQ) is equal to
Hence, area (TAPB) = 1 area (z gm ABCD) ...(2)
From (1) and (2),
area (TBQC) = area (TAPB)

16. In a parallelogram ABCD , AB = 12 cm and the

altitude corresponding to AB is 8 cm . If AD = 10 cm,
then the altitude corresponding to AD is equal to
(a) 8.5 cm (b) 9 cm (a) 12 cm2 (b) 20 cm2
(c) 9.6 cm (d) 10.8 cm (c) 24 cm2 (d) 36 cm2
Ans : (c) 9.6 cm Ans : (c) 24 cm2

Area of parallelogram = Base # Height area (z gm ABCD) = area (z gm FECG)

Area (< ABCD ) = AB # DM area (z gm ABCD) - area (z gm BQEC)
= (12 # 8) cm2 ...(1) = area (z gm FECG) - area (z gm BQEC)
Also, area of (< ABCD ) = AD # BN area (z gm ADEQ) = area (z gm FGBQ)

= BN # 10 ...(2) Now, area (z gm AQED)

From (1) and (2), we get = area (TADE) + area (TAQE)
12 # 8 = BN # 10 = 12 + 12 = 24 cm2
12 # 8 = BN So, area (z gm FGBQ) = 24 cm2
BN = 9.6 cm 19. In the adjoining figure, the area of quadrilateral

(a) 148 cm2 (b) 144 cm2

17. In the given figure, +BAD = +ADC = 90c and (c) 120 cm2 (d) 122 cm2
AX z BC . If AB = BC = 10 cm and DC = 16 cm ,
then the area of ABCX is Ans : (b) 144 cm2
In TBCD by Pythagoras theorem,
BD2 + BC2 = CD2
(BD) 2 + (24) 2 = 262
BD2 = (10) 2
BD = 10 cm
(a) 80 cm2 (b) 40 cm2 In TABD by Pythagoras theorem
(c) 20 cm2 (d) 42 cm2 AB2 = BD2 - AD2 = (10) 2 - (6) 2
Ans : (a) 80 cm = 100 - 36 = 64
Since, AX z BC and +BAD = +ADC = 90c AB = 8 cm
AB z CD or AB z CX
Area of quadrilateral = area (TABD) + area (TBCD)
Hence, AXCB is a parallelogram
Now, AX = BC = 10 cm = :1 # 6 # 8 + 1 # 24 # 10D cm2
2 2
and AB = CX = 10 cm = 144 cm2
Hence, XD = CD - CX = 16 - 10 = 6 cm
20. In figure, ABCD is a parallelogram, AE = DC and
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CF = AD . If AD = 12 cm, AE = 8 cm and CF = 10 Find the length of DC.

cm. Find CD .

(a) 17 cm (b) 11 cm
(a) 17 cm (b) 12 cm (c) 13 cm (d) 15 cm
(c) 10 cm (d) 15 cm Ans : (c) 13 cm
Ans : (d) 15 cm
AL = BM = 4 cm
We have, AD = 12 cm AD = BC = 5 cm
AE = 8 cm AB = ML = 7 cm
CF = 10 cm In right TALD , DL2 = AD2 - AL2 = 52 - 42 = 9
We know that,
DL = 3 cm
Area of parallelogram = base # height
Similarly, CM = 3 cm
= AD # CF
Now, CD = CM + ML + DL
= 12 # 10 = 120 cm2
= 3 + 7 + 3 = 13 cm
Again area of parallelogram = Base # height
= CD # AE 23. Calculate the area of quad. ABCD .
= CD # 8
120 = CD # 8
CD = 15 cm

21. ABC is a triangle in which D is the mid-point of BC

and E is the mid-point of AD , such that the area of
(a) 102 cm2 (b) 154 cm2
TBED = K area of TABC . Find K .
(c) 132 cm2 (d) 114 cm2
Ans : (d) 114 cm2
In right TDBC ,
DB2 = DC 2 - BC 2 = 172 - 82 = 225
DB = 15 cm
and inright TDAB ,
(a) 2 (b) 1/4
AB2 = DB2 - AD2 = 152 - 122
(c) 4 (d) 1/2
= 81
Ans : (b) 1/4
AB = 9 cm
Median of a triangle divides it into two triangles of Now, Area of quad.
equal area.
AD is a median of TABC . ABCD = area (TDAB) + area (TDBC)
area (TABD) = area (TADC) = 1 # AB # AD + 1 # BC # DB
2 2
= 1 area (TABC) ...(1)
2 = 1 # 9 # 12 + 1 # 8 # 15
2 2
Again, BE is a median of TABD ,
area (TBEA) = area (TBED) = 54 + 60 = 114 cm2

= 1 area (TABD) 24. In the given figure, AB = AD , BC = BD and

AD = 9 cm , BC = 8 cm and CD = 17 cm . Find AB .
= 1 $ 1 area (TABC)(From (1))
2 2

= 1 area (TABC)
= K area (TABC)
Hence, K =1 (a) 14 cm (b) 12 cm
(c) 9 cm (d) 17 cm
22. In figure, ABCD is a trapezium in which AB z DC . Ans : (b) 12 cm

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In TDBC , OB = 24 cm
area (TAOB) = 1 (OA # OB)
2 2 2
BD = DC - BC
= 172 - 82 = 225
BD = 15 cm = 1 (10 # 24) cm2
In TABD , AB2 = BD2 - AD2 = 152 - 92 = 144 = 120 cm2
AB = 12 cm
27. PQRS is an isosceles trapezium in which PS = 10 cm ,
25. ABCD is a parallelogram. E is a point on BA such PQ = SR = 13 cm and the distance between PS and
that BE = 2EA and F is a point on DC such that QR is 12 cm. Find the area of the trapezium.
DF = 2FC . If area (AECF) = k [area (ABCD)] then k (a) 180 cm2 (b) 160 cm2
equals (c) 176 cm2
(d) 194 cm2
(a) 1/3 (b) 2/3
Ans : (a) 180 cm2
(c) 4/3 (d) 3/4
In right TPQT ,
Ans : (a) 1/3
QT 2 = PQ2 - PT 2 = 132 - 122 = 25
We have, BE = 2EA
and DF = 2FC
AB - AE = 2AE
and DC - FC = 2FC
AB = 3AE
and DC = 3FC
AE = 1 AB
QT = 5 cm
and FC = 1 DC
3 Similarly, UR = 5 cm
AE = FC [AB = DC [ Hence, QR = QT + TU + UR
Thus, AE z FC such that AE = FC . = 5 + 10 + 5 = 20 cm
Hence, AECF is a parallelogram. Now, area of trapezium PQRS
Clearly, parallelograms ABCD and AECF have the
same altitude and = 1 # (PS + QR) # PT
AE = 1 AB = 1 # (10 + 20) # 12
3 2
area (z gm AECF) = 1 area (z gm ABCD) = 180 cm2

26. In the adjoining figure, +AOB = 90c, AC = BC , 28. Parallelograms on the same base and between the
OA = 10 cm and OC = 13 cm . The area of TAOB is same parallels are equal in
(a) perimeter (b) volume
(c) area (d) weight
Ans : (c) area

29. Which of the following figures lie on the same base

and between the same parallels?
(a) 120 cm2 (b) 135 cm2
(c) 140 cm2 (d) 148 cm2 (a) (b)
Ans : (a) 120 cm
Since the mid-point of the hypotenuse of a right
triangle is equidistant from the vertices.
Hence, CA = CB = OC (c) (d) Both (a) and (c)
CA = CB = 13 cm
AB = CA + CB = 26 cm
Now, in right TOAB , Ans : (d)
AB 2 = OB2 + OA2
262 = OB2 + 102 30. If PS is median of the triangle PQR , then area (TPQS)

OB2 = 676 - 100 = 576

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: area (TQRP) is SM = 72 = 9 cm

34. In the parallelogram ABCD , the side AB is produced

to point X , so that BX = AB . The line DX cuts BC
at E . Area of TAED =
(a) 2 # area (TCEX) (b) 1/2 # area (TCEX)
(c) area (TCEX) (d) 1/3 # area (TCEX)
Ans : (a) 2 # area (TCEX)
Ans :
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 2 : 1
35. Which of the following figures lie on the same base
(c) 1 : 2 (d) Can’t be determined and between the same parallels?
Ans : (c) 1 : 2
PS is median of TPQR
Hence, area (TPQS) = area (TPSR) = 1 area (QRP) (a)
(Since, Median of a triangle divides it into two
triangles of equal area)
area (TPQS) = 1 area (TQRP)
area (TPQS)
area (TQRP) 2
Hence, area (TPQS) : area (TQRP) = 1: 2

31. Sides AB and AC of triangle ABC are trisected at D

and E then TADE and trapezium DECB have their
areas in the ratio of
(a) 1 : 4 (b) 1 : 8
(c) 1 : 9 (d) 1 : 2
Ans : (a) 1 : 4 (c)

32. The base BC of triangle ABC is divided at D so that

ED = 1 DC . Area of TABD =
(a) 1/3 of the area of TABC
(b) 1/2 of the area of TABC
(c) 1/4 of the area of TABC
(d) 1/6 of the area of TABC
Ans : (a) 1/3 of the area of TABC

33. In parallelogram PQRS , find SM.

Ans : (b)
Common base = DC and two parallels are AB and
DC .
Thus, DEDC and parallelogram ABCD are on same
base DC and between same parallel lines AB and
DC .

(a) 9 cm (b) 7 cm 36. ABCD is a trapezium with parallel sides AB = a cm

(c) 5 cm (d) 12 cm and DC = b cm . E and F are the mid-points of the
non-parallel sides. The ratio of ar(ABFE) and ar
Ans : (a) 9 cm
(EFCD) is
Area of parallelogram
PQRS = PQ # SL or QR # SM
PQ # SL = QR # SM
12 # 6 = SP # SM
(Since, Opposite sides of a z gm )
72 = 8 # SM

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(a) a : b (b) (3a + b) : (a + 3b) (a) 1 : 4 (b) 1 : 3

(c) (a + 3b) : (3a + b) (d) (2a + b) : (3a + b) (c) 1 : 2 (d) 1 : 1
Ans : (c) (a + 3b) : (3a + b) Ans : (d) 1 : 1
Since E and F are mid-points of the sides AD and In triangles PEA and QFD , we have
BC , therefore height of both of the trapezium ABFE +APE = +DQF (Corresponding angles)
and EFCD will be same.
AE = DF (Opposite sides of z gm AEFD )
1 (EF + CD) h
area of trapezium ABFE # +AEP = +DEQ (Corresponding angles)
= 2
area of trapezium EFCD 1 (EF + AB) h
2 # Hence, TPEA , TQFD
(ASA congruence criterion)
= EF + b
EF + a As congruent triangles have equal area,

EF is parallel to both AB and CD and EF Hence, area (TPEA) = area (TQFD)

area (TPEA)
=a+b Hence, = 1 = 1:1
2 area (TQFD) 1
area of ABFE = 2 + b 2. FILL IN THE BLANK
area of EFCD a+b +a
a + 3b DIRECTION : Complete the following statements with an
= appropriate word/term to be filled in the blank space(s).
3a + b

37. In parallelogram PQRS , PQ = 10 cm . The altitudes 1. The area of parallelogram is the .......... of its base and
corresponding to the sides PQ and SP are 6 cm and the corresponding altitude.
8 cm respectively, then SP is. Ans : product
(a) 2.5 cm (b) 5 cm
(c) 7.5 cm (d) 10 cm
2. A .......... of a triangle divides it into two triangles of
Ans : (c) 7.5 cm equal area.
Area of parallelogram = base # height Ans : median

3. A diagonal of a parallelogram divides it into two

triangles of equal .......... .
Ans : area

4. The area of a parallelogram is the product of its base

and the corresponding .......... .
Ans : altitude

Hence, area (z gm PQRS) = PQ # SM

5. Two triangles having the same base and equal area lie
= 10 # 6 between the same .......... .
= 60 cm2 ...(1) Ans : parallels
Also, area (z gm PQRS) = SP # QN

From (1) and (2), we have

= SP # 8 ...(2)
60 = SP # 8 DIRECTION : Read the following statements and write your
SP = 60 = 7.5 cm answer as true or false.

38. In figure ABCD and AEFD are two parallelograms, 1. Parallelograms on the same base and between the
then the ratio of ar(TPEA) to the ar(TQFD). same parallels are different in area.
Ans : False

2. The length of the line segment which is perpendicular

to the base from the opposite vertex is called the
altitude of the parallelogram corresponding to the
given base.
Ans : True

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3. The base of a triangle is 13 cm and height is 6 cm, so Hence, area (TLMB) = area (TLMC)
its area is 78 sq cm.
Ans : False

4. If two triangles have a common vertex and their bases

lie on the same line, then their areas are proportional
to the lengths of their bases. (Q) Triangles LBC and MBC are on the same base
Ans : True BC and lie between the parallels LM and BC
Hence, area (TLBC) = area (TMBC)
5. A median of a triangle divides it into two triangles of (R) Adding area (TALM) on both sides in (1), we get
equal areas. area (TLMB) + area (TALM)
Ans : True = area (TLMC) + area (TALM)
area (TABM) = area (TACL)
6. The area of a parallelogram ABCD is equal to (S) We have,
AB # CE , where CE is the altitude from C to AD .
area (TLBC) = area (TMBC)
Ans : False Subtracting area (TBOC) from both sides, we get
area (TLBC) - area (TBOC)
7. The area of a triangle = 2 # base # height
= area (TMBC) - area (TBOC)
Ans : False
area (TLOB) = area (TMOC)

8. The area of a trapezium is half of the product of its 2. ABCD is parallelogram. G is the point on AB such
height and the sum of parallel sides. that AG = 2GB , E is a point on DC such that
Ans : True CE = 2DE and F is the point on BC such that
BF = 2FC . Then match equal areas in both lists.
9. Any side of a parallelogram can be said its base. Column-I Column-II
Ans : True
(P) area (ADEG) (1) 1 area (ABCD)
4. MATCHING QUESTIONS (Q) area (TEGB) (2) area (TCBG)
DIRECTION : In the section, each question has two matching (R) area (TEFC) (3) area (GBCE)
lists. Choices for the correct combination of elements from (S) area (TADE) (4) 1 area (TEBF)
Column-I and Column-II are given as options (a), (b), (c) and 2
(d) out of which one is correct.

1. In TABC , If L and M are points on AB and AC
respectively such that LM z BC . Then match equal (a) 4 2 1 3
areas in both lists. (b) 1 2 3 4
Column-I Column-II (c) 2 3 1 4
(P) area (TLCM) (1) area (TACL) (d) 3 1 4 2
(Q) area (TLBC) (2) area (TLBM) Ans : (d) P - 3, Q - 1, R - 4, S - 2
(R) area (TABM) (3) area (TMOC)
(S) area (TLOB) (4) area (TMBC) 3. Match of following

Column-I Column-II
(P) The area of a rhombus if (1) 9.6 cm
(a) 4 2 3 1 the lengths of diagonals are
(b) 2 4 1 3 16 cm and 24 cm, is

(c) 3 2 4 1 (Q) The area of a trapezium (2) 8 cm

whose parallel sides are
(d) 1 2 3 4 9 cm & 16 cm and the
Ans : (b) P - 2, Q - 4, R - 1, S - 3 distance between these
sides is 8 cm, is
(P) Clearly, triangles LMB and LMC are on the same
base LM and between the same parallels LM and
BC .

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(R) The area of a rhombus (3) (b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is
192 cm2
is 20 cm2 . If one of its not the correct explanation of assertion.
diagonals is 5 cm, the other (c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
diagonal is (d) Assertion is false but reason is true.
(S) In a parallelogram ABCD (4) 100 cm2
, AB = 12 cm and the 1. Assertion : A triangle and a rhombus are on the same
altitude corresponding to base and between the same parallels. The ratio of the
AB is 8 cm. If AD = 10 cm areas of the triangle and the rhombus is 1 : 2.
, then the altitude Reason : The area of a triangle is half of the area of a
corresponding to AD is parallelogram on the same base and between the same
equal to parallels.
Ans : (a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and
Ans : P - 3, Q - 4, R - 2, S - 1
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(P) Area of rhombus = 1 # d1 # d2
2 Assertion: Area of T = 1 area of rhombus
= 1 # 16 # 24 = 192 cm2 Area of T
2 = 1 / 1:2
Area of rhombus 2
(Q) Area of trapezium ABCD
= 1 [AB + CD] # AE
2 2. Assertion : A quadrilateral ABCD is such that
diagonal BD divides its area in two equal parts. Then
= 1 (16 + 9) # 8 BD bisects AC .
Reason : AAS criterion of congruency is used.
= 100 cm2
Ans : (a) Both assertion and reason are true and
reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
Given : A quadrilateral ABCD in which diagonal BD
bisects it i.e., area (TABD) = area (TBDC)
Construction : Join AC . Suppose AC and BD
intersect at O . Draw AL = BD and CM = BD .
To prove : AO = OC
(R) Area of rhombus = 1 # d1 # d2 Proof : We have, area (TABD) = area (TBDC)
Thus, Ts ABD and BDC are on the same base AB
20 = 1 # 5 # d2 and have equal area. Therefore, their corresponding
2 altitudes are equal i.e., AL = CM .
d2 = 8 cm Now, in TALO and TCMO , we have
(S) Area of parallelogram= Base # Height +1 = +2 [Vertically opposite angles]
Hence, Area of ABCD = (12 # 8) cm2 ...(1) +ALO = +CMO [Each equal to 90c]
Also, area of ABCD = AD # BN and AL = CM [Proved above]
= BN # 10 ...(2) TALO , TCMO [AAS congruency]
From (1) and (2), we get
AO = CO [C.P.C.T.]
12 # 8 = BN # 10
BN = 9.6 cm 3. Assertion : The area of an equilateral triangle is
16 3 cm2 whose each side is 8 cm.
Reason : Area of an equilateral triangle is given by
3 (side) 2 .
Ans : (a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.

Area of triangle = 3 (8) 2 cm2

5. ASSERTION AND REASON = 3 8 8 = 16 3 cm2
4 # #
DIRECTION : In each of the following questions, a statement 4. Assertion : If the diagonals of a rhombus are 8 cm and
of Assertion is given followed by a corresponding statement 12 cm, then the area of rhombus is given by 96 cm2.
of Reason just below it. Of the statements, mark the correct
Reason : Area of rhombus is 1 # d1 # d2 , where d1
answer as 2
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is and d2 are lengths of the diagonals.
the correct explanation of assertion. Ans : (d) Assertion is false but reason is true.

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Area of rhombus = 1 # d1 # d2 1 : 1.
2 Reason : Two parallelograms on the same base (or
equal bases) and between the same parallel lines are
= 1 # 8 # 12 cm2 = 48 cm2
2 equal in area.
Ans : (a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and
5. Assertion : In a parallelogram PQRS , QS is one of Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
the diagonals then area (TPQS) = (areaTQRS)
Reason : If a planar region formed by a figure R is made
up of two non-overlapping planar regions formed by NO NEED TO PURCHASE ANY BOOKS
figures R1 and R2 , then area (R) = area (R1) + area (R2) .
For session 2019-2020 free pdf will be available at
Ans : (b) Both assertion and reason are true but for
reason is not the correct explanation of assertion. 1. Previous 15 Years Exams Chapter-wise Question
In TPQS and TQRS Bank
We have, PQ = SR 2. Previous Ten Years Exam Paper (Paper-wise).
3. 20 Model Paper (All Solved).
PS = RQ [PQRS is a parallelogram] 4. NCERT Solutions
and QS = SQ [Common side] All material will be solved and free pdf.
Disclaimer : is not affiliated to Central
TPQS , TRSQ [By SSS congruency]
Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi in any manner.
Hence, area (TPQS) = area (TRSQ) is a private organization which provide
free study material pdfs to students. At
6. Assertion : If area of TABD is equal to 24 cm2 then CBSE stands for Canny Books For School Education.
area of parallelogram ABCD is 24 cm2 .

Reason : If a triangle and a parallelogram are on the

same base and between same parallels, then area of
the triangle is equal to half of the parallelogram.
Ans : (d) Assertion is false but reason is true.

Area of (TABD) = 1 area (paralle log ram ABCD)

Area of parallelogram ABCD = 2 # Area of (TABD)
= 2 # 24 = 48 cm2

7. Assertion : In the given figure, the point D divides the

side BC of TABC in the ratio m : n.

area (TABD)
Then =m
area (TADC) n
Reason : Area of triangle
= 1 # Base # Height
Ans : (a) Both assertion and reason are true and
reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
area (TABD) (1/2) # BD # AL
area (TADC) (1/2) # DC # AL

= BD = m
DC n

8. Assertion : Two parallelograms are on equal bases and

between the same parallels. The ratio of their areas is

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