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0 15 Feb 2011
- Improved UAC support for Windows Vista and Windows 7.
- About Dialog updated with Facebook info: http://www.facebook.com/esbcalc
- About Calcs updated with details about ESBFinCalc Pro - our Financial Calculator
and ESBDateCalc Pro - our Date Calculator.
- Various updates to underlying Library.

v7.2.0 14 May 2010

- Improvements for Portable Version.
- HTML Colours (140 of them) are now available when customising the User Interface.
- Calculator should now initially appear on top when run from a Microsoft Keyboard
Calculator Button or similar.
- Better handling of larger fonts in Paper Trail.
- Various updates to underlying Library.

v7.1.0 18 June 2009

- Calculator now optionally "remembers" its last position.
- Various updates to underlying Library.

v7.0.2 22 December 2008

- Fixed problem with Tool Tips (Hints).

v7.0.1 19 December 2008

- Fixed a bug that occurred sometimes with the squared button.
- Various updates to underlying Library.

v7.0.0 27 November 2008

- Major Restructuring of the underlying Calculator Engine.
- Improved Paper Trail Layout when Operators are on the Same Line.
- Portable Version available for Removable / USB Drives.
- Saving of the configuration is now partially buffered until the program exits, as
this improves performance especially on some Removable/Portable Devices.
- Add Option to turn off the Paper Button.
- Fixed Caption when using Tray Icon.
- Minor UI Improvements.
- Various updates to underlying Library.

v6.2.3 5 December 2007

- Minor UI improvements.
- Add Option to turn off the Paper Button.

v6.2.2 28 November 2007

- Fixed a problem with Prefix functions following an Equals.
- Minor improvements in Calculator Engine and UI.
- Initial positioning now depends on Windows rather than Screen Centre.

v6.2.1 19 July 2007

- Option to toggle Paper Visibility added to Preferences.
- If running under Windows Vista, the Paper Button is no longer displayed so that
the Glass Effect can appear.

v6.2.0 25 June 2007

- Further Improvements for Windows Vista.
- Initial Focus of Calculator fixed.
- Executable and Setup are now Digitally Signed under "Crowning Star Holding Pty
Ltd Trading as ESB Consultancy".

v6.1.0 16 April 2007

- Improvements for Windows Vista.
- Now built with CodeGear Delphi 2007.

v6.0.0 25 January 2007

- Can now change '%' from working as a Binary Operator (ie 5 % 10 = 0.5) to working
like: 5 + 10% = 5.5, and by default Binary Percent has been turned off.
- Prefix Functions are now on by default (assuming you haven't previously run
- Fixed problem with Paper Trail when selected Font Size is large.
- Paper Trail Height now adjusts properly depending on the FontSize and the Paper
- Added "Operator Same Line" option which allows operators to be on the same line
as the following operand in the Paper Trail.
- Added an Option to control what states are displayed in the Paper Trail when you
- Minor improvements to the underlying Calculator Engine.
- Other Minor improvements to the User Interface.
- Other Improvements for Windows Vista.

v5.1.1 7 March 2006

- Fixed problem where erroneous equations were not handled properly.
- Minor User Interface Improvements.
- Various updates to underlying Library.

v5.1 1 February 2006

- Added option to turn Precedence off if you would prefer 5 + 2 * 3 = 21 rather
than 11.
- When starting Paper Trial shows state of Prefix Functions and Precedence.
- Changed look of Tabs in About and Options.
- Fixed a Memory Recall Bug.
- Fixed a History problem when reporting Inv and Hyp of Functions.
- Various updates to underlying Library.

v5.0.1a 28-May-2005
- Fixed Image on Paste Button.

v5.0.1 26-May-2005
- Fixed URL Links and updated Copyright Messages

v5.0 19-May-2005
- Added the option of turning on Prefix functions so that to compute Log (25) you
can now enter log 25 rather than the traditional way of 25 log.
- 'x' key can now also be used for multiply.
- Fixed bug in Memory Recall when used in the middle of an expression and equals
not pressed after it.
- Fixed problem with unary minus when a leading zero involved.
- Fixed problem with unary minus next to a bracket.
- Fixes to hints and other minor improvements.
- Changed to using LMD Page Controls.
- Various updates to underlying Library.
- Improved Windows XP Compatibility
- Underlying Library Update.

v4.5 2-Jan-2004
- Change Sign ("_") toggles sign without logging up until an operation has been
- Fixed Coloring of BackSpace
- More improvements to the underlying Calculator Engine
- Fixed the use of "@" for inv power (ie root).
- "I" can be used for Invert (1/x) Button.
- "R" can be used for Square Root Button.
- "P" can be used for Pi Button.
- <Delete> Key now works like the "Clear" Button.
- Thousands Separators now do appear if entered from the keyboard if you are
displaying them.
- Enhanced Default for Focus (And Hot Tracking) Colour now set to Lemon.
- Improvements to Windows XP Support.
- Major Library Updates and Major underlying structural changes in User Interface.
- Minor Improvements to Calculator Engine.
- Synchronised version number with Commercial version.

v4.2 22-Jan-2003
- Feature and underlying engine synchronised with ESBCalc Pro v4.2
- Fixed bug where Paper Trail didn't always reflect the current decimal places
- Removed reliance on Symbol Font that was causing problems for Eastern European &
Asian users.
- fixed Hint Delay for Paper Button in Caption Bar.
- Better choices for Hint Options when "plain" settings chosen.
- Viewing of What's New (this file) from the Info Button.
- Improved Windows XP Theme support.
- Major Library Updates.
- Minor Improvements to Calculator Engine.
- Now using Borland Delphi 7.
- Synchronised version number with Commercial version.

v4.0.1 Limited Release

- Decimal on the Number Pad should now always work as a Decimal Separator,
regardless of the regional settings

v4.0 21-Aug-2002

- default font is now 8 rather than 10 to ensure everything "fits" in default

- updated Hint labels to emphasise the clipboard copying and History list are of
"displayed" values.
- updated Readme to note the difference between displayed and internal values.
- improved labelling and hints for fields in Options.
- info button now displays menu - which includes Display Readme and About.
- Error reason no longer displayed - under info button there is a "Reason for
Error" option.
- XP Style Buttons can now be turned off (for those using WinXP) if you would
prefer the Coloured buttons.
- Fixed changing BackPanel Colour.
- Sunken Font on the Buttons can now be toggled.
- Gamma, Speed of Light and Gravity moved to Constant Menu (Options Btn).
- Now utilising a completely rewritten calculator engine.
- Calculator is now centred on the Screen not the Desktop.
- Improved Calculator Display when entering, formatting doesn't occur until number
is fully entered.
- Some improvements handling of unary '+'.
- Some Keyboard handling improvements.
- M+ and M- now work as though Equals was pressed prior to Memory adjustments as
this confirms with common calculator usage.
- Exit removed from About Dialog.
- Improved Hint Management.
- Maximize Button removed from About Dialog.
- Better Centring of Dialogs.
- Pressing Underscore has the same effect as Change Sign Button.
- Exit Button removed, and options button moved to that position.
- Options dialogs combined and redesigned.
- Configuration Data now stored in Application Data Directory for Windows 2000/XP
and in the Application's Directory for Windows 9X/NT4 - Registry no longer used.
- Redesigned the Optional Tray Icon support.
- ESB URL's updated.
- ESBCalc Pro Suite Info added to the Info Button Menu.
- Some more optimisation to underlying code.

v3.1.2 - 11-Feb-2002
- Improved handling of unary '-' and '+'.

v3.1.1 - 7-Feb-2002
- Value now also displayed on Paper Trail when pasting.

v3.1 - 5-Feb-2002
- Some users were experiencing problems with the Paper Trail and Buttons not
appearing in the correct place. So we have redesigned things and this should no
longer happen.
- Users with "Larger" System Fonts should find that things behave better.
- Can now also customise the Font Size not just the Font. Note that not all fonts
and sizes look good. Calculator Font Size is not applied to the buttons only the
Value and Memory.
- More improvements to Look'n'Feel.
- Focus Colour for the Decimal Spin Edit and Edits in the Options can now be set.
- Improved Hint (ToolTip) Display.

v3.0 - 28-Jan-2002
- WinXP Look'n'Feel when run under Windows XP
- No longer uses a ToolWindow so that it will look better under Windows XP
- Numeric Keys to support Repeat when held down with mouse
- Paper not shown by default when using 640x480 (Calculator is really designed for
800x600 or better)
- Commercial Glyphs and other products are now used in the development of ESBCalc -
as such the Source is no longer available. Delphi/BCB can get similar functionality
from the Calculator Components inside ESBPCS.
- Now requires 16-bit or better Colour now required.

v2.1 - 25-June-2001
- Now compiled in Borland Delphi 6
- Now uses ESBPCS v2 (Beta)
- Now uses LMD-Tools 5.0.5
- Buttons made a bit wider, and thus the Calculator is a bit wider
- Calculator Font can now be customised - Verdana is the factory setting, Arial is
the Plain.
- Decimal Places now defaults to 2 on first run.

v2.0.2 - 1-June-2001
- Fixed 1/X not appearing on Paper Trail
- Fixed a couple of spelling mistakes in Hints.

v2.0.1 - 22-Mar-2001
- Fixed bug with Paper Trail toggling
- Paper Trail status now stored in Registry

v2.00 - 21-Mar-2001
- Log 2 and Power of 2 (Inv Log 2) Added
- Hyperbolic Sin, Cos & Tan (and their inverses) added
- Constants moved from Menu to Buttons
- Copy Memory to Clipboard Btn Added
- Paper Trail Added
- Improved Hint Methodology
- Improved Colour Selections
- Enhanced About Box
- Button Layout improved
- Fixed Equal Key on Keyboard processing
- Fixed Inv X^2 and Inv Sqrt
- Pressing '^' on Keyboard is the same as pressing the Power Btn
- Better use of our ESBPCS Controls & Routines

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