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World Order

>2 kindes of world order

-Normal word order
-Inverted world order

>Normal Word Order

- the subject precedes the verb and the direct object
Sir Bryce is very gorgeous teacher ever

>Inverted world order

- the verb comes before the subject
Does she believe……
Can you be so dumb?!
Was she too smart?

- conditions that allow the use of inverted words

● Sentence that use adverb of negative meaning
- Adverb of negation + modal + subject
No Barely
Not Hardly
Never Only
Neither Rarely
Seldom Scarcely
● Gerund
- Any word that ends with “ing”
Farming Floating
Smoking Eating
Flaming Smelling
5 basic sentence patters

>First Pattern
- S = subject
- LV = Linking Verb
- PA = Predicate Adjective
Mariane looks good in a red dress

>Second Pattern
-S = subject
- LV = Linking verb
- PN = Predicate Nominative
Angel is her kind daughter

.>Third Pattern
● S+IV
-S = subject
- IV = Interactive verb
Grade-9 stannum Learn very well

>Fourth Pattern
● S+tV+DO
-S = subject
- TV = Transitive verb
- DO = Direct Object–answers what and who
Lara studies her assignment everyday

>Fifth Pattern
-S = subject
- LV = Transitive Verb
- IO = Indirect object–to whom or to what
- DO = Direct object
Word formation

1) Derivation (Affixation)
- Prefix – beginning(dis[agree], un[clear], in[competent])
- Suffix – end([national)al, [impress]ion, [emotion]al)

2) Conversion -words with the same spelling but different meaning

Ex: Read 1. I read this book everyday – read is a Verb here
2. This book is a good read – read is a Noun here

3) Compounding – combination of 2 or more words

- Open – washing machine, electric fan
- Closed – notebook,
- Hyphenated – brotherinlaw. Eye to eye, make-up

4) Eponym (words with origin)

- Product – (hoover = vacuum cleaner)
- Literary – (Harry-Potter)
- History –
- Mythological – (Midas Touch,Pandora’s box)
- Science – (Ohm’s Law, Hertz, Newton's Law)

5) Clipping –(shortens word)

Ex: Gym →gymnasium Ex → example
Ad → advertisements Sec → second

6) Blending – combination of 2 or more words

Ex: Brunch → breakfast and lunch
Spork → spoon and fork
Romcom → romance and comedy

7) Acronym – take the initial letter of the words

– Initialism

● Period (.)
– indicate a full stop to mark the end of declarative sentence

● Question mark (?)

– interrogative sentence

● Exclamation mark (!)

– excitement or strong emphasis

● Coma (,)
– introductory word, phrases, clauses
–2 clauses:dependant{coordinating conjunctions] and independent clauses{stand alone]
the/thee/ the/da/
– vowels next –constant next

–comas are also used to avoid confusion

Ex: eat children! / eat , children!

● Semi-colon (;)
– signals a phrase, longer or stronger than a comma but shorter and weaker than a
– used to separate to independent clauses when not using coordinating conjunctions
She used her strategy; it worked
– Oxford coma (oks/ford)
Ex: i have a pen, papers, scissors and a bag

● Colons (:)
– used to separate parts or to signal some related words explanation and examples
That man is known as a notorious gangster: the way he talks, the way he
walks, and bosses around his group gives people that notion
● Apostrophe (‘)
–show possession, contractors, pluralize
-There are three MP3’s
-Jona’s Yard is big ey that Andrei’s
-‘Its mine
-How many i’s in the word mississippi

● Ellipsis (...)
–replace words that have been left out
Ex: you mean its…
– trailing of silence or to add more

● Hyphen (-)
– used to join words

● Dash (–)
– longer than a hyphen (range or pause)

–en dash - super hyphen meant to give you extra glue when you have a
compound modifier that includes a multi-word
Ex: 10:00am – 11:00am

–em dash - draw special attention to parenthetical information

–ad explanatory of amplify information

Ex: i opened that door and there she stood — my long lost sister

–interrupt or stop
Ex:’’ wait! — iforgot to tell you — ‘’

● Brackets ([ ])
– explain further, corrector comment with a direct quotation
– alter a part of word
– replace parenthesis

● Parenthesis (( ))
– indicate supplemental information with a sentence
– enclose letters or numbers when listing
Ex: the grade-9 subjects(math, robotics, science)are dificult

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