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At the end of the lesson the students can:
1. To introduce senior high school students to various baking tools and their uses.
2. To provide hands-on experience in handling and using mg baking equipment.
3. Identify the safety uses of different tools and equipment.
Topic: Baking tools and equipment their types, and specific uses
Skills: Listening, Observing, Teamwork
Reference: Teacher’s Guide page 7
Instructional Materials: PowerPoint, Visual Aids, laptop, Projector


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparation:
Begin with a brief prayer and
Set the tone for the class by
establishing classroom
management rules.
Check the attendance to
ensure all students are present
Start with an energizer activity
to engage students and set a
positive atmosphere.
Review previous lessons
related to baking

What was our topic last meeting? Our topic last meeting was all about the history of bread

Everyone can you give me idea or short Ma,am, I remembered that bread baking began in Ancient
history about bread baking that you have Greece around 600 BC.
learned yesterday?

Very Good!

How about the simple ingredients of • Flour

making bread? • Water
• Salt
• Yeast

Very Good!

What are the significance of bread in Ma,am bread is one of the oldest human-made foods, having
different cultures? been of significance since the dawn of agriculture, and plays
an essential role in both religious rituals and secular culture.

Any questions? Nothing ma,am

B. Motivation:

I will show some pictures and guess what

is it , and explain the importance in terms Instructions:
of baking. • The person who raises their hand first will be the one
to respond after carefully examining the pictures.

Ma’am that is electric mixer, used for different baking

procedure for beating, stirring and blending.

Who can guess this picture ad explain?

Ma,am that is pastry brush, used in greasing pans or surface

of pastries and breads.

Ma’am that is rolling pin that used to flatten or roll the dough.

Nice one! Already have idea.

How about this one?

Ma,am I think that is wire whisk is used to beat or whip egg
whites or cream.

Very Good!

Next One.

Very good!

How about this one? Ma’am I think, our topic today is about tools and equipment
of baking.

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
Good job everyone, already have idea • To introduce senior high school students to various
about lesson today! baking tools and their uses.
• To provide hands-on experience in handling and using
What do you think is our lesson for today? mg baking equipment.
(Give the possible answer.)
Definition of terms:
Yes it’s all about the baking tools and • Baking - the process of cooking food by indirect heat
equipment and their uses or dry heat in a confined space as in heated oven using
gas, electricity, charcoal, wood, or oil at a temperature
Everybody read our learning objectives. from 250F- 450F
• Discard - to get rid of as of being no further use
• Dough - a flour mixture that can be rolled or kneaded
• Mixing – to bring together into uniform mass
• Pre-heat – to heat (an oven, for example) before hand
• Sift – separating course particles in the ingredient by
passing through a sieve or sifter

Before we dive into our discussion , we

will familiarize ourselves with the key
terms of bread baking.
(Raised the hand if the students want
Sounds good, safety first!

Got it Ma,am , I'll make sure everything is secure

secureeverything is secure.

Thank You!

C. Activity: I'll be careful w I'll be careful with the knives.

1st Activity
Teacher’s Demonstration ith the knives.

Alright class, today we're going to learn

how to use a handle tool safely. This is I'll keep that in mind Ma,am.
important, so pay close attention.
he knives.
First, make sure to wear your apron and
tie back any loose clothing or hair. This
helps prevent any accidents while
working in the kitchen. hOk Ma,am, I'll double-check the tools before using
Excellent. Next, when using knives or
other sharp tools, always cut away from knives.
yourself and use a cutting board. Keep
your fingers tucked in to avoid accidents.
I'll be sure to clean up right away Ma,am.
Good. Now, when handling hot items
from the oven or stovetop, always use Thanks for the reminders Ma,am, I'll be extra
oven mitts or gloves. And remember to knives.
turn pot and pan handles inward to
prevent spills.
Thanks for the reminders Ma,am, I'll be extra

Excellent. And when working with
mixing and blending tools, make sure to
follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Use the right tool for the job to prevent
any mishaps.
Group Task: The specific baking task related to the tools
Lastly, keep your workspace clean. provided:
Group 1: Prepare the cookie dough using the electric mixer.
Great! Always remember, safety is the Group 2: Preheat the oven to the specified temperature and
most important ingredient in any kitchen. place the cookies inside to bake.
If you ever have any q Thanks for the Group 3: Measure out the ingredients for the recipe and assist
reminders Ma,am, I'll be extra careful. in other tasks as needed.
uestions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask.
2nd Activity • Show how to safely use the electric mixer,
Hands on Demonstration emphasizing the proper speed settings.
• Explain the correct way to use the pastry brush to coat
Instructions: Students will have a the cookies evenly.
practical experience in using various • Demonstrate effective whisking techniques using the
baking tools safely and effectively. wire
Students will divide into three small
groups, ensuring an even distribution of Criteria for Evaluation:
members and skill levels and assign
baking tasks. 1. Safety (35):
• Strict adherence to safety protocols, ensuring the
Materials Needed: Baking tools well-being of all members while using the tools
• Electric mixer 2. Skill and Technique (35):
• Oven • Demonstrates proficiency in using the tools ,
• Measuring spoons/cup effectively adjusting speed settings and employing
• Mixing bowl appropriate techniques.
• Spatulas 3. Task Completion (30):
• Whisk • Task completed with significant errors or incomplete.
• Baking sheets • Task executed accurately and efficiently, achieving
the desired outcome.

It went really well Ma,am! The electric mixer made the

process much quicker, and we got a really smooth dough.

D. Analysis:

Instructions: It went smoothly. The cookies came out golden brown and
The students will discuss their hands-on just the right level of crispiness.
practice, sharing both their positive
experiences and any difficulties they
encountered during the activity.
It was a team effort. We made sure all the measurements were
Alright, class, let's take a moment to accurate, and we helped out wherever needed. Everything
discuss our hands-on practice. Each group seemed to come together nicely.
had a specific task. Group 1, you were in
charge of preparing the cookie dough
using the electric mixer. How did it go?

That's great to hear. Now, Group 2, your

task was to preheat the oven to the
specified temperature and bake the
cookies. How did that go?

And Group 3, you were responsible for INSTRUCTIONS:

measuring out the ingredients and • Introduced and explain each baking tool and it’s
assisting in other tasks. How did your purpose.
group manage? • Provide examples of baked foods that utilize each tool.
(e.g., cake pans for cake, muffin pans for muffins)
I'm glad to hear that. It sounds like each
group played a crucial role in the process.
Remember, working together and Criteria:
communicating effectively is key in any
kitchen activity. Well done, everyone! 1. Introduction of Baking Tools (25 points)
• Clear and concise explanation of each baking tool.
D. Application: • Demonstrates a good understanding of the purpose of
each tool.
Individual presentation. 2. Clarity of Instructions (25 points)
(Presentation of Baking Tools) • Instructions are presented in a clear and organized
• Each tool's purpose is explained effectively.
3. Examples of Baked Foods (25 points)
Before anything else, everybody please • Provides relevant examples of baked goods associated
read the criteria. with each tool.
• Demonstrates a strong connection between the tool
and the resulting bake product.
4. Knowledge and Expertise (25points)
• Displays a deep understanding of the baking tools and
their applications.
• Addresses any potential questions with confidence
and accuracy.

The total is 100%

It was such an enlightening experience, really. I

appreciated how we started by understanding each tool's

Good job everyone most of you had a

great performance!
E. Abstraction:

Alright, class, let's take a moment to

reflect on our recent activity. We delved
into the world of pastry baking and got
hands-on experience with some essential
tools. Now, I'd love to hear your thoughts
and insights.

I'm glad to hear that! It's crucial to know

your tools inside out.

Criteria:1. Introduction of Baking Tools (25 points)
• Clear and concise explanation of each baking tool.
• Demonstrates a good understanding of the purpose of each tool.
2. Clarity of Instructions (25 points)
• Instructions are presented in a clear and organized manner.
• Each tool's purpose is explained effectively.
3. Examples of Baked Foods (25 points)
Provides relevant examples of baked goods associated with each tool.
• Demonstrates a strong connection between the tool and the resulting bake product.
4. Knowledge and Expertise (25points)
• Displays a deep understanding of the baking tools and their applications.
• Addresses any potential questions with confidence and accuracy.
The total is 100%

In 1 whole paper make an essay about what you have learned in our topic/discussion.

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