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Dear Mr. Luanan:

As of this date, you have been absent from work since 21 April 2014. Because your
absence has not been approved and we have not heard from you, we have assumed
that you have abandoned your post as Marketing Representative of the Company.

You were scheduled to return to work on April 21, 2014, immediately after the Holy
Week break. However, you failed to so and neither did you inform any of your
immediate supervisors nor the office that you would be unable to return to work. Your
absence has placed unfair burden on your co-workers and negatively impacted on the
company’s business operations.

Please submit a written explanation for such action within five (5) calendar days from
date of receipt of this notice. Should you fail to respond, we shall consider your action
as a waiver on your part to present your side on this matter. Please direct your
response to the undersigned.


Received by:

Print name & Signature
Date: ___________________

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