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→ Preventing further complications from an illness;

bringing back to optimal state of wellness or
FRAMEWORK OF MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING helping client to accept inevitable death.
• Obstetrics: Greek word means ostare, which means “to ▪ The United Nations Millennium Declaration, signed in
keep watch” September 2000, commits world leaders to combat poverty,
• Pediatrics: Greek word pais, meaning child hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and
PRIMARY GOAL discrimination against women.
“Promotion and maintenance of optimal family health to ensure
cycles of optimal child bearing and child rearing”

The range of practice includes:

• Preconception health care
• Care of woman during three trimesters of pregnancy and
the puerperium.
• Care of children during the perinatal period (6 weeks
before conception to 6 weeks after birth.
PHILOSOPHY OF MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING ▪ Goal #4 target of reducing under-five mortality. Still,
• Care of children from birth through adolescent. some 40,000 Filipino newborns die every year. Half of
• Care in settings as varied as the birthing room, pediatric these die in the first two days of life.
intensive care unit, and the home. ▪ To dramatically reduce the number of fatalities, The
• Maternal and child health nursing is family centered, Department of Health implemented the Essential
assessment data include a family and individual Newborn Care Protocol (ENC) on December 7, 2009 under
assessment. Administrative Order 2009-0025.
• Maternal and child health nursing is community ▪ Immediate drying, Uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact,
centered; the health of families depends on and Proper cord clamping and cutting and non-separation of
influences the health of communities. the newborn from the mother for early breastfeeding
• Maternal and child health nursing is research oriented, initiation and rooming-in has the potential to avoid
because research is the means whereby critical knowledge approximately 70% of newborn deaths due to preventable
increases. causes.
• A maternal and child health nurse serves as an advocate
to protect the rights of all family members, including the
• A maternal and child health nursing includes a high
degree of independent nursing functions, because
teaching and counselling are needed.
• Promoting the health is an important nursing role this
protects the health of the next generation.
• Pregnancy can be stressful and can alter family life in
both subtle and extensive ways.
• Personal, cultural and religious attitudes and beliefs
influences the meaning of illness and its impact to the
• Maternal and child health nursing is a challenging role for
a nurse and its major factor in promoting high-level
wellness in families.
Maternal and child Health Nursing can be visualized within a WHO 17 SUSTAINABLE GOALS
framework in which nurses can:
• Use nursing process
• Nursing theory
• Evidence-based practice
• Care for families during child bearing and child rearing
• Health promotion
→ Educating clients to be aware of good health
teaching and role modelling.
• Health Maintenance
→ Intervening to health when risk of illness is present.
• Health Restoration → The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are also known as
→ Intervening to health when risk of illness is present. the Global Goals. The SDGs are new, universal set of goals,
• Health Rehabilitation targets and indicators that UN member states will be

expected to use to frame country agendas and policies over
the next 15 years.
→ LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND. This is what guided world leaders of
193 countries to solving the globe’s most pressing problems of
→ Targets:
• Reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than
70 per 100,000 live births
• End preventable deaths of newborns and children
under 5 years of age, with all countries aiming to ⎯ Orchidopexy is a surgery to move a testicle that has
reduce neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 per not descended or moved down to its proper place in
1,000 live births and under-5 mortality to at least as the scrotum
low as 25 per 1,000 live births
• Serves as the outlet for both the urinary and the
reproductive tract in men
• Composed of 3 cylindrical masses of erectile tissue in
• Includes the penis, scrotum, testes
penis shaft: 2 corpus cavernosa, corpus spongiosum.
• The urethra passes through the layers of erectile tissue
➢ Corpus cavernosa
➢ Corpus spongiosum
➢ Urethra

• Rugated, skin-covered, muscular pouch suspended from
the perineum
• Supports the testes and help regulate the temperature
of the testes to promote the production and viability
of the sperm.
• During very cold weather, the scrotal muscle contract
to bring the testes closer to the body, in very hot
weather or in the presence of fever, the muscle relaxes,
allowing the testes to fall away from the body. ISCHIOCAVERNOSUS MUSCLE
• helps stabilize the erect penis and (in females) tense
TESTES the vagina during orgasm.
• Two ovoid glands, 2-3 cm wide, that lie in the scrotum • Ischiocavernosus compresses the penis, and retards the
• Each testes is composed of a number of Leydig’s cells return of the blood through the veins, and thus serves
and seminiferous tubule. to maintain the organ erect.
• Leydig’s cell are responsible for production of the male
hormone testosterone
• Seminiferous tubules produce spermatozoa.
• Within each lobe are 3 to 10 coiled tubules, called
seminiferous tubules, which produce the sperm cells.
• Testis is slightly larger than the other and slightly
lower in the scrotum than the other (slide pass each
other on sitting or muscular activity

• Spermatozoa does not survive in temperature as high

as that of the body.
• Testes in fetus first form in the pelvic cavity, then
descend late in the intrauterine life (34th and 38th)
into the scrotal sac
• Male preterm may have undescended testes

• Epididymis
• Vas deferens (Ductus deferens)
• Seminal vesicles
• Ejaculatory ducts
• Prostate gland
• Bulbourethral glands
• Urethra

➢ enlargement of the veins within the scrotum.
➢ a surgery performed to remove those enlarged veins.
➢ is a surgical procedure for male sterilization or
permanent contraception.
➢ vasa deferentia are cut and tied or sealed so as to
prevent sperm from entering into the urethra and
EPIDIDYMIS thereby prevent fertilization of a female through sexual
• is responsible for conducting sperm from testis to vas intercourse.
• Narrow tightly coiled tube, approximately 2o ft long • are two pouches that lie along the lower portion of the
• It takes at least 12-20 days for the sperm to travel the posterior surface of bladder and empty into the
length of the epididymis, 64 days to mature urethra by way of the ejaculatory ducts.
• These glands secrete a viscous portion of the semen,
⎯ Because the epididymis is so narrow, an infection can which has a high content of a basic sugar, protein and
easily led to scarring of lumen that prevent passage is alkaline.
way of the sperm. It takes 12-20 days for sperm to • Sperm become increasingly motile with added fluid and
travel and 64 days to mature, this is one reason why nutrient and more favorable ph.
decrease in sperm is problem that does not respond EJACULATORY DUCTS
immediately to therapy but rather only after two • The two ejaculatory ducts pass through the prostate and
months. join in the seminal vesicles to the urethra
• Sperm is immobile and incapable of fertilization as • Is a chestnut sized gland that lies below the bladder.
they pass or are stored at the epididymis level • Secretes a thin alkaline fluid, this alkaline fluid further
➢ Aspermia protects the sperm from being immobilized by the
➢ Oligospermia (20 million sperm/mL) naturally low ph level of the urethra.
• The two bulbourethral glands lie beside the prostate
gland and empty by a short duct into urethra.
• Like seminal vesicles, and prostate gland, they secrete
an alkaline fluid that helps counteract the acid
secretion of urethra, and ensure safe passage of

Semen is derived from the prostate gland (60%), seminal vesicles

(30%), epididymis (5%), and the bulbourethral glands (5%);
alkaline and contains basic sugar and mucin (protein)
➢ Normal amount of semen per ejaculation: averages
2.5ml= 1 tsp
VAS DEFERENS (DUCTUS DEFERENS) ➢ Number of sperms in an ejaculate: 50-200 million/cc or
• Additional hallow tube surrounded by arteries and 400 million per ejaculation
veins and protected by a thick fibrous coating. ➢ Sperms are capable of being fertilizing even for 3-4
days after ejaculation.
• Vas deferens and blood vessels together are referred to
➢ Sperms, once deposited in the vagina, will generally
as the spermatic cord.
reach the cervix 80 seconds and the outer end of
• Carries the sperm from epididymis through the inguinal
fallopian tube within 5 after deposition.
canal into abdominal cavity, where it ends at the
seminal vesicles and the ejaculatory ducts.
• Hallow tube leading from the base of the bladder, to
the outside through shaft and glans penis
• Approximately 8 in (18-20 cm) long.

EXTERNAL STRUCTURES • Are located just lateral to the vaginal opening
• Mons Veneris • Ducts open in the distal vagina
• Labia Minora
• Labia Majora
• Vestibule
• Urethra
• Vagina
• Clitoris
• Skene’s glands (paraurethral glands)
• Bartholin’s Glands (Vulvovaginal glands)
• Perineal muscle/ body GLAND
• Hymen • Secretions from both of these glands help to lubricate
the external genitalia during coitus
• Alkaline ph of their secretion helps improve sperm
survival in the vagina.
• Both may become infected and produce a discharge and
local pain



• pad of fat which lies over the symphysis pubis,
• Covered by triangle of course, curly hair
• Protects the junction of pubic bone from trauma
• Two folds of adipose tissue, covered by pubic hair FOURCHETTE
• Serves as protection for the external genitalia, the • Is the ridge of tissue formed by the posterior joining of
distal urethra and vagina two labia minora and the labia majora
• They are fused anteriorly but separated posteriorly • This is the structure that is sometimes cut during child
LABIA MINORA birth to enlarge vaginal opening
• Two hairless folds of connective tissue;
• Before menarche, fold are fairly small, child bearing
age becomes firm and full, after menopause they
atrophy and become much smaller again
• Pink in color
• Internal structure is covered with mucous membrane
and external surface is covered with skin
• Abundant sebaceous gland, sebaceous cyst may occur
• Is a small (1-2cm), rounded organ of erectile tissue at PERINEUM
the forward junction of the labia minora. • Posterior to the fourchette is the perineal muscle
• Sensitive to touch and temperature, the center of • Muscular area, easily stretched during childbirth to
arousal and orgasm in female. allow passage of fetal head
• Comparable to penis for being sensitive to sexual • Contains muscles which support the pelvic organs, the
manipulation. pudendal artery that supply blood, and pudendal
• during sexual arousal, arterial blood supply increases, nerves which are important during delivery under
and venous outflow is blocked, leading to clitoral anesthesia
erection. • Episiotomy – is performed during the second stage of
TWO SKENE’S GLANDS (PARAURETHRAL GLANDS) labor by making an enlarged opening so that baby can
• Located just lateral to the urinary meatus, one on each pass out easily.
side • Exercises to make perineal muscles flexible to allow the
• Ducts open in the urethra optimal expansion during birth to prevent tearing of
➢ Kegel exercise
➢ Squatting
➢ Tailor sitting

• Pudendal artery and a portion of the inferior rectus
artery– blood supply of the external genitalia
• PUDENDAL VEIN – venous return
• VARICOSITIES – pressure of the pudendal vein by the
fetal head that cause extensive back-pressure
• Easily cause large hematomas and rapid healing of any
tears in the areas following birth
• VESTIBULE - Is flattened smooth surface inside the
• URETHRAL MEATUS - External opening of the urethra Functions:
1. Produce mature and discharge ova
• VAGINAL ORIFICE - External opening of the vagina,
2. Produce estrogen and progesterone and initiate and
covered by a thin membrane(hymen) in children
regulate menstrual cycles.
• is often called the hormone of pregnancy
• Estrogen responsible for the maturation and
maintenance of secondary sexual characteristics of
• Estrogen prevents osteoporosis, or weakness of bone due
INTERNAL STRUCTURES to withdrawal of calcium from the bones
• Fallopian tubes • Estrogen tends to reduce cholesterol level because it is
• Ovaries incorporated in the production of estrogen.
• Uterus ➢ Estrogen also prescribed in menopausal women to
• Ovaries prevent osteoporosis.
• Fallopian tubes ➢ Long term estrogen therapy, may contribute to
• Uterus breast cancer.
OVARY • Estrogen prevents bone breakdown
• Approx. 4 cm long by 2 cm in diameter and 1.5cm thick, • Osteoporosis: loss of bone density, bones become, brittle
size or shape of an almonds and fragile, may lead to fracture,
• Located close to and on both sides of the uterus in the • Estrogen decreases cholesterol level, thus preventing
lower abdomen atherosclerosis, plaque formation in the artery causing
• The ovaries of girls are small but become larger after occlusion of the artery.
puberty. • One risk factor in devt of breast cancer is exposure to
• They also change in appearance from smooth surface, estrogen due to menstruation, early menarche and late
dull white organ, to pitted grayish dull organ to pitted menopausal contribute
gray organs.
• This pitting is caused by scarring due to ovulation DIVISION OF REPRODUCTIVE CELLS
• On the surface you can see ovum that is about to be
discharge, and the low corpus luteum or the structure • Oocyte is surrounded by a protective sac of cells—
left after the ovum has been discharge. follicles; immature ova
➢ since this is located on lower portion of abdomen it • Under develop follicle-premordial follicle.
is difficult to identify its location. If an • One definition of menopause “no functioning oocytes
abnormality is present such as ovarian cyst, the remain in the ovaries”
resulting tenderness, may be evident on the lower • Underdeveloped state—primordial follicle
left or lower right
• The ovaries are held suspended and in close contact
with the end of the fallopian tubes.
• They are unique among pelvic structure, in that they are
not covered by peritoneum
➢ Because they are suspended rather than being
firmly fixed in place, abnormal tumor growing on
them can enlarge to a size twice the ovary before it
leads to symptoms of compression. This is why
ovarian cancer continues to be one of the leading FALLOPIAN TUBE
causes of death in women.
• Arise from each upper corner of the uterine body

• it opens at the distal end next to an ovary • Fundus- points of attachment of the fallopian
• Approx 10 cm in length in mature women tube
• Fallopian tube is open at their distal ends, that makes ➢ During pregnancy, the body of uterus is the
conception possible, however can lead to infection of portion of the structure that expands to
peritoneum if germs spread from uterus to peritoneum contain the growing fetus
➢ Fundus is the area palpated to determine the
uterine growth occurring during pregnancy, to
Function: convey the ovum from the uterus and to provide a measure the uterine contractions during labor,
place for fertilization of the ovum by the sperm and if uterus s returning to its pre pregnant
state after child birth
• Interstitial portion – most proximal portion and lies
within the uterine wall, 1 cm in length, 1mm in diameter
• Isthmus – next distal part, extremely narrow, 2cm 2. Isthmus
length; part of the tube that is cut or sealed in a tubal • short segment between the body & the cervix
• 2 mm in length
• Ampulla – 3rd and longest portion, 5 cm; Fertilization
• Also enlarges to accommodate the growing fetus
• Most commonly cut during CS delivery
• Infundibulum – most distal part, 2 cm, funnel-shaped;
3. Cervix
The rim of the funnel is covered by fimbria (small hair)
• lowest portion of the uterus,
that helps to guide the ovum into the fallopian tube
• approximately 2-5 cm long
LINING THE FALLOPIAN TUBE: • Central Canal: central cavity
• Inner Mucous Membrane (mucus secreting and ciliated • Internal Cervix: at the junction of isthmus
cells) • External Cervix: the distal opening to the vagina.
➢ Ciliated cells (hair covered)
➢ Peristaltic motion helps the help conduct the LININGS OF THE UTERUS:
ovum the length to the tube. This migration is • Endometrium
aided by the action of ciliated lining and the ➢ inner layer; menstrual function and childbirth
mucus, which act as lubricant and nourishment ➢ 2 layers
(water, protein and salts.) ⎯ Basal layer- closest to the uterine wall, not
• Connective Tissue and Circular Muscle Layer – produce influenced by hormones
peristaltic motion ⎯ Glandular layer – inner layer, greatly
UTERUS influenced by estrogen and progesterone;
• Hollow muscular, pear-shaped organ located in the grows and become thick—shed if no
lower pelvis, posterior to the bladder and anterior to pregnancy occurs
the rectum • Endocervix
• At childhood- olive-size ➢ Mucous membrane that lines the cervix cervical
• 8 years of age, increase in size of uterus begins lining secretes mucus, to provide a lubricated a
• Maximum increase in size at 17 yrs. old lubricated surface so that the spermatozoa can
• Mature: 5 to 7 cm long, 5 cm wide, widest upper part is readily pass the cervix, mucus is an alkaline, this
2.5cm deep, weighs 60 grams helps decrease the acidity of the vagina, aiding
sperm survival secretes mucus depends on the
stimulation of the hormones.
➢ At the point in the in the menstrual cycle when
estrogen level is peak, 700ml of mucus is produced
per day. When estrogen level is low, few milliliters is
• Myometrium
➢ Muscle layer of the uterus
➢ 3 interwoven muscles functions:
⎯ Constrict the tubal junction, thus prevent the
regurgitation of menstrual blood to the tube
⎯ Hold the cervical os during pregnancy
⎯ Uterine contraction to expel fetus during
⎯ Constrict blood vessel after birth
• Receive the ovum from the fallopian tube provide a
• Perimetrium
place for implantation nourishment during fetal
➢ outer one of connective tissue
growth protection to growing fetus & at maturity of the
➢ Provides additional support and strength to the
fetus, expel it from the woman’s body.
1. Body/ corpus
• uppermost part forming the bulk of the uterus

DEVIATION IN SHAPE and push milk forward into the ducts that lead to the
• Bicornuate – oddly shape “horns” at the junction of nipple.
the fallopian tube. • Milk is produced in the acinar cell and deliver it to the
• Septum dividing uterus nipple by lactiferous duct
• Double uterus • Nipple is surrounded dark pigmented are approximately
• Any of these may result to decrease ability to conceive 4 cm in diameter, areola
• Montgomery’s tubercle – sebaceous glands surrounding
the areola
• Blood supply is profuse because it is formed by thoracic
branches of the axillary, internal mammary, and
intercostal arteries
• Nipples appears rough on the surface because of
Montgomery tubercle
• Increase blood supply is important in bringing the
nutrients to the milk glands, and makes it possible to
produce plentiful supply of milk during breast feeding
• However, it also aids in spread of breast cancer. Self-
breast examination is no longer advise but a yearly
breast examination by the professional.
• Anteversion- fundus is tipped forward
• Retroversion – fundus is tipped back
• Anteflexion – body of the uterus is bent supply forward
at the junction with the cervix
• Retroflexion – body is bent sharply back just above the

• a hallow, Musculo membranous canal located posterior
to the bladder and anterior to the rectum
• conveys sperm to the cervix so that the sperm can meet
with the ovum in the fallopian tube
• Contains folds or rugae, it expands at the end of
pregnancy to allow passage of baby
• Folds or rugae makes vagina elastic to enable the
passage of full-term baby without tearing
• Women is instructed not to use douche or spray on a
regular basis because it alters the ph, may result to
• After menopause the ph becomes alkaline resulting to
frequent infection
• Ph is acidic, detrimental to the growth of pathologic
• Mucus produced in the by vaginal lining has a rich
glycogen content, when glycogen is broken down by
lactose fermenting bacteria Doderlein’s bacillus, lactic
acid if form
Mammary glands
• Located anterior to the pectoral muscle
• Nipple is composed of erectile tissue, on stimulation, it
transmits sensation to the posterior pituitary gland to
release oxytocin which acts to constrict milk gland cells


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