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1) The first step is to: A) Take care of the worst looking victim first B) Start where you stand

C) Stop, look, listen and think D) Conduct voice triage 2) Triage which victim first? A) The worst looking victim B) The worst sounding victim C) The closest victim D) The youngest victim 3) An example of check mental status is: A) Do I remember how to do triage? B) Does the victim know who they are, where they are, what day/time it is, what happened to them, the name of the last team to win the World Series? C) Does the victim appear to have been drinking? D) Can the victim squeeze my hand if I ask him to? E) Can the victim counts backwards from 100 by threes? 4) A victim appears quite still when you get to them. You shake the victim and shout. They do not respond. What do you do next? A) Go to the next person B) Open their airway C) Shout again D) Tag them red

5) A victim is moaning. What do you do next? A) Count respirations for 15 seconds B) Open their airway C) Ask them why they are moaning D) Check their capillary refill 6) A victim fails to follow a simple command. What do you do next? A) Open their airway B) Tag immediate and treat for shock C) Count respirations for 15 seconds D) Control their bleeding 7) A victim has heavy bleeding. How can you control it? A) Ask them to put their hand on the bleeding and squeeze B) Ask their spouse sitting by them to put their hand on the bleeding and squeeze C) Ask a walking wounded victim to control the bleeding D) Any of the above 8) A victim has a capillary refill of 4 seconds. What do you do next? A) Open their airway B) Check capillary refill again C) Tag immediate and treat for shock D) Tag delayed and treat for shock 9) Which is most important?

A) Your safety B) The safety of the team C) The victim's safety D) Whether the victim lives or not 10) When you perform a capillary refill test, the victim passes if A) They refill within one second B) They refill within two seconds C) They refill within five seconds D) They think their refill is half full instead of half empty 11) When you check the victim's rate of breathing, they don't pass if A) They are breathing really fast B) Their breathing is labored C) Their breathing is raspy D) Their breathing is syncopated 12) You checked a victim's breathing and they are breathing at a rate of more than 30 times per minute. What do you do next? A) Check circulation and control bleeding B) Check capillary refill and open their airway C) Check capillary refill and treat for shock D) Treat for shock 13) You opened a victim's airway and they were not breathing. What do you do next? A) Try opening their airway again

B) Check capillary refill C) Tag immediate and treat for shock D) Tag delayed 14) Which do you not do during triage? A) Control severe bleeding B) Comfort the victim C) If possible, lift the victim's legs up to treat for shock D) Get the victim out from under heavy debris 15) How can you treat for, or help lessen shock? A) Elevate the victim's legs B) Control bleeding C) Open the airway D) A and B 16) Which is a part of dealing with bleeding during triage? A) Control heavy bleeding B) Rinse a minor wound C) Apply bandaging D) B and C 17) Which do you not do during triage or treatment? A) Control bleeding B) Remove an impaled object C) Clean out tiny fragments of glass from the bottom of feet D) Apply bandaging

E) Use Super-glue on a wound F) B and E 18) Which is a part of dealing with bleeding during treatment? A) Control bleeding B) Rinse a minor wound C) Apply bandaging D) A, B and C 19) Which is a part of dealing with broken bones during triage? A) Splint the affected part B) Remove jewelry before swelling starts C) A and B D) None of the above 20) In the memorization rhyme, what does 30 relate to? A) Respiration B) Perfusion C) Capillary refill D) Public health considerations 21) You conduct voice triage: A) To separate out the victims who can at least respond to your questions B) To separate out the victims who are able to walk on their own C) To separate the loud victims from the rest of the group so others can get rest D) To separate the first sopranos from the tenors 22) Which do you not do during triage?

A) CPR B) Cool a burn C) Treat hypothermia D) All of the above 23) Elevate___________ higher than the heart A) Burned extremities B) The legs of a lying down victim, to treat for shock C) The legs of a lying down victim, to treat for shock, but only if you do not suspect that they are broken. D) A and C 24) In the memorization rhyme, what does two relate to? A) Respiration B) Voice triage C) Capillary refill D) Public health considerations 25) In the memorization rhyme, what does can do relate to? A) Team spirit B) Adapt, improvise, overcome C) Mental status D) Public health considerations 26) If someone fails the mental status test, you should tag them: A) Red, for immediate B) Yellow, for immediate C) Green, for immediate

D) Periwinkle, for immediate E) Plaid, for I'm not sure 27) The pitfalls of triage include: A) Inadequate medical size-up B) No team plan, organization or goal C) Indecisive leadership D) All of the above 28) Control bleeding in this order: A) Place a clean dressing, apply direct pressure, peek under the dressing B) Place a clean dressing, apply direct pressure, after ten minutes you can peek under the dressing C) Glove up, place a clean dressing, apply direct pressure. D) There is no exact order of the steps. 29) To splint a broken bone you can use: A) A wire splint B) A piece of cardboard C) part of the Sunday section of the newspaper D) only FEMA approved splints should be used E) A, B, or C 30) You should always get the permission of a sane, sober, conscious adult before you conduct a head-to-toe assessment. To do this you should: A) Identify yourself B) State your level of training C) Explain what you think is wrong

D) Explain what you want to do E) All of the above F) Almost all of the above if you are in a hurry 31) To reduce anxiety of a victim you can: A) Talk with them as you do a head-to-toe assessment B) Pay careful attention to what they say to you C) Tell them an ambulance is coming, even if it is a disaster situation where there won't be one arriving D) A and B 32) To protect yourself: A) Always wear your helmet, goggles, mask, gloves and boots B) Always wear your helmet, mask, snorkel and fins (okay, that's a lifeguard instructor joke) C) Have a partner witness if you need to remove jewelry before swelling starts on an unconscious victim or look for their wallet to ID them D) You and your partner should always size-up a situation/building before entering E) Drink lots of water, use an over 15 sun-protection-factor sunscreen and when it's cold, wear non-cotton longjohns (like polypropylene, wool or silk). F) A, C, D and E 33) Victims in the treatment area should be positioned in a head-to-toe configuration, with two to three feet between victims: A) As often as practical, to provide effective use of the space B) As often as practical, to provide effective use of available personnel C) Only during a final exam to impress the administrators D) A and B 34) In regards to disposable gloves, which is not true?

A) Only wear gloves you have inspected for tears, holes B) Remove jewelry that could damage gloves C) A victim may be allergic to latex gloves D) Change gloves between each victim, or under extreme field conditions, use rubber gloves, sterilizing them between victims by washing in a bleach and water solution of one part bleach to ten parts water E) If you wear gloves you won't have to wash your hands afterwards F) Nitrile is generally most expensive, latex and vinyl less expensive 35) You are triaging victims in a building after an earthquake. You come upon a victim partially trapped under heavy debris. They are unconscious, but when you open their airway they start breathing. You can't roll them into the recovery position because their hips are trapped. What do you do next? A) Stop triage and get them out from under the debris B) Ignore them and go on to someone you really can help C) Have a volunteer walking wounded keep their airway open D) Take their shoes off them and put them under their neck so as to keep their head tilted and their airway open. E) C or D 36) Mark Twain could have been the first to invent a 'triage' for managing multiple casualty incidents when he described rescuing people from a burning boarding house. "In assisting at a fire in a boarding house, the true gentleman will always save the young ladies firstmaking no distinction in favor of personal attractions, or social eminence, or pecuniary predominancebut taking them as they come, and firing out with as much celerity as shall be consistent with decorum. There are exceptions, of course, to all rules; the exceptions to this one are: Partiality, in the matter of rescue, to be shown to: A) Fiancees B) Persons to whom the rescuer feels a tender sentiment, but has not yet declared himself.

C) Babies D) Mothers-in-law

1) C 2) C 3) D 4) B 5) D 6) B 7) D 8) C 9) A 10) B 11) A 12) D 13) A 14) D 15) D 16) A 17) F 18) D 19) D 20) A

21) B 22) D 23) D 24) C 25) C 26) A 27) D 28) C 29) E 30) E 31) D 32) F 33) D 34) E 35) E 36) A

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