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Othello Order of Events

- Act 1
o Scene 1
 Iago and Roderigo arguing/ discussing
 Waking brabantio
o Scene 2
 Othello and desd just married
 Iago informs that Brabantio is coming for him
 Requested by duke
 Brabantio comes
o Scene 3
 Discussion about Cyprus
 Brab accuse Othello
 Ask desd
 Send Othello to cyprus
 More iago and Roderigo conversing (suicide, what
to do next)
 Iago starts to plan
- Act 2
o Scene 1
 Storm
 Desd worried
 Iago sexism
 Desd x othello reunion
 Iago and Roderigo discussion and plan
o Scene 2
 Announcement of celebration
o Scene 3
 Brawl scene
 Roderigo upset cos beaten and nearly broke
- Act 3
o Scene 1
 Clown making fun of musicians
 Cassio asks to see emilia to ask to see desd
o Scene 2
 Othello in a professional setting
o Scene 3
 Cassio asking for help
 Temptation scene
o Scene 4
 Desd and clown
 Othello being weird to desd
 Cassio gives bianca the hanky
- Act 4
o Scene 1
 Eavesdropping scene
 Scene when Othello is furious at desd and he is told
to return to Venice
o Scene 2
 Othello insulting desd and emilia
 Roderigo demands reparations from Iago. He says
he will make himself known, and ask for his jewels
back, if he gets them or she knows of them, if not,
he will seek satisfaction from Iago.
 Lie about Mauritania
o Scene 3
 Willow scene
 Emilia being feminist
- Act 5
o Scene 1
 Iago tells rod again to kill cassio
 Roderigo and cassio kerfuffle, iago wounds cassio
as he flees
 Iago stabs rod
 Iago accuses bianca
o Scene 2
 Lowkey Othello still naqa undecided
 Othello and desd interaction b4 she die
 Emilia uncovers everything
 Iago kills Emilia
 Othello wounds iago
 Iago imprisoned
 Cassio now rules cyprus
 Othello commits suicide

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