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Guidelines for Student Council

QMS/PIETech/PSLC/Bylaws 1.0 – Rev 1.0

Table of Content

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1.1 Introduction 1
2.1 Article I: Name and Purpose 2
2.1.1 Section 1: Name of the Student Council 2
2.1.2 Section 2: Statement of Purpose and Objectives 2 Vision 2 Mission 2 Responsibilities of Student Council 2
2.2.1 Structure of Student Council 3
3.1 Article II: Membership 3
3.1.1 Section 1: Eligibility for Membership 3
3.1.2 Section 2: Resignation and Removal of Members 4 Section 2.1 Voluntary Resignation 4 Section 2.2 Notification 4 Section 2.3 Removal 5
3.1.3 Initiation of Removal Process 5 Investigation and Due Process 5 Decision 5 Appeal 6 Vacancy Filling 6
4.1 Article III: Officers 6
4.1.1 Section 3.1: Positions and Titles 6
5.1 5.1 Article IV: Meetings 7
5.1.1 5.1.1 Monthly Meetings 7
6.1 6.1 Article V: Finance 9
6.1.1 6.1.1 Financial Reporting and Accountability 9
1.1 Introduction

The bylaws of a student council are critically important for several reasons:

Governance and Structure: Bylaws establish the framework and structure of the student
council, defining its roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes. They provide a
clear organizational structure that helps the council function effectively and efficiently.

Accountability: Bylaws outline the duties and responsibilities of council members,

including officers. This clarity ensures that everyone understands their roles and is held
accountable for their actions and decisions. It helps prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.

Fairness and Equity: Bylaws often include rules for elections, appointments, and decision-
making procedures. These rules promote fairness and equity, ensuring that all students have
equal opportunities to participate and that decisions are made transparently and

Consistency: Bylaws provide consistency in how the student council operates from year to
year. This consistency helps maintain continuity and ensures that the council's mission and
objectives are not subject to abrupt changes with each new group of members.

Legal Compliance: Bylaws help ensure that the student council operates within the bounds
of college or university policies and relevant laws. This legal compliance is essential for the
council's legitimacy and continued existence.

Conflict Resolution: Bylaws often include procedures for resolving conflicts within the
council. Having established procedures in place can help prevent disputes from escalating
and provide a mechanism for addressing issues in a structured manner.

Transparency: Bylaws make the council's operations transparent to its members and the
wider student body. Students can refer to the bylaws to understand how the council operates,
what its goals are, and how decisions are made.

Efficient Decision-Making: Bylaws can include guidelines for meeting procedures,

quorum requirements, and voting mechanisms. These guidelines promote efficient decision-
making during council meetings, ensuring that discussions are orderly and decisions are
reached effectively.

2.1 Article I: Name and Purpose

2.1.1 Section 1: Name of the Student Council

The student council of Pollachi Institute of Engineering and Technology is formally known
as 'PIETech Student Leadership Council’.

2.1.2 Section 2: Statement of Purpose and Objectives Vision:
 To encourage quality, innovation, and inclusivity while empowering and bringing
together the engineering student community for a better future. Mission:
 To celebrate and embrace the diversity of our student body by organizing cultural
events, awareness campaigns, and initiatives that promote inclusion.
 To ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all students, irrespective of their
 To organize networking events, career fairs, and workshops that enhances
employability. Responsibilities of Student Council

 Smooth Conduction of the Institute Annual Day every year.

 Smooth conduction of Institute flagship event “TechnoMeet”.
 Conducting Fresher’s day every year.
 Steps to take eradication of ragging in the campus through senior students,
helping the administration whenever necessary.
 Requesting the administration to upgrade the facilities for students in order to
help them develop their careers.
 By planning seminars, symposium, workshops, and other events, you may help
junior and underprivileged students develop their technical, management, and
organizational abilities.
 Maintenance of the peace and harmony among campus community in General and
student community in particular.

2.2 Structure of Student Council
There shall be a student’s council for every academic year consisting of:

i) President
ii) Vice President
iii) Secretary
iv) Joint Secretary-I (Boy)
v) Joint Secretary-II (Girl)
vi) Treasurer
vii) Executive Member-I
viii) Executive Member-II
ix) Executive Member-III
x) Executive Member-IV (Girls)
xi) Executive Member-V (Girls)
xii) Executive Member-VI (Girls)

3.1 Article II: Membership

3.1.1 Section 1: Eligibility for Membership.

In the quest to create an educational institution that thrives on student-driven initiatives,

PIETech has taken a significant stride by establishing the PIETech Student Leadership
Council (PSLC). This dynamic council is on a mission to transform the four-year
college experience into an unforgettable and enriching journey for every student.

The PSLC members are at the heart of this transformation, taking charge of various
critical aspects of the institution's functioning. From NSS, Branding, Sports, and
beyond, these dedicated student leaders oversee a diverse array of verticals. Their role
extends to Tamil Mandram, Higher Education, Entrepreneurship, Cafeteria, Learning
Centre, Technical Clubs, Departmental affairs, Hostels, Women's Cell, Discipline &
Grooming and Mentoring.

Each of these verticals is led by a President and Vice President, supported by a team of
passionate individuals who shoulder end-to-end responsibility for their respective areas.
What's truly remarkable is that these verticals collaborate seamlessly, extending
voluntary support to each other's events, fostering a sense of unity among the student

The selection process for PSLC members is marked by transparency and rigor.
Nominated students are evaluated not only for their leadership potential but also for
their attitude, communication skills, and presentation abilities. Once chosen, these
student leaders hold office for one year, during which they craft comprehensive action
plans for their respective verticals, complete with target dates and allocated budgets.

This approach not only empowers students but also provides them with invaluable
exposure to various facets of leadership—ranging from planning and execution to
financial management and reporting. The commitment to excellence is evident in the
fact that the PSLC often invites celebrities to various events.

Crucially, the PSLC maintains an open channel of communication with students. Their
initiatives are thoughtfully designed to meet and exceed student expectations,
consistently delighting the student body. As a result, Sri Eshwar has successfully
positioned itself as a student-driven institution, with the majority of student-related
activities being managed by students themselves.

The PIETech Student Leadership Council embodies the institution's commitment to

nurturing leaders, fostering collaboration, and ensuring that every student's college
experience is nothing short of exceptional. Through the dedication and enthusiasm of
these student leaders, PIETech continues to set the bar high for student-driven
education, enriching the lives of its students and leaving an indelible mark on the
landscape of higher education.

3.1.2 Section 2: Resignation and Removal of Members. Section 2.1 Voluntary Resignation:

Any member of the student council may submit a written resignation letter to the head
of the institution. The resignation shall take effect upon receipt by the head of the institution,
unless a later date is specified in the resignation letter. Section 2.2 Notification:

Upon receiving a resignation letter, the head of the instituion shall promptly notify the
council members of the vacancy and make arrangements for filling the position in accordance
with the bylaws.

4 Section 2.3 Removal:

Grounds for Removal: A member of the student council may be removed from their
position for the following reasons:

a. Non-Performance: If a member consistently fails to fulfill their duties and

responsibilities as outlined in these bylaws or demonstrates a lack of commitment to the
council's objectives.

b. Misconduct: In cases of misconduct, including but not limited to violations of the

student code of conduct, ethical breaches, or actions that bring disrepute to the council or
the institution.

c. Attendance: If a member accumulates an excessive number of unexcused absences from

council meetings or events, hindering the council's ability to conduct its business

d. Conflicts of Interest: If a member is found to have conflicts of interest that compromise

their ability to act in the best interests of the student body.

3.1.3. Initiation of Removal Process:

Removal proceedings may be initiated by any member of the student council

or the Head of the Institution. A written notice outlining the reasons for removal shall be
submitted to the Head of the Institution. Investigation and Due Process:

The Principal may form enquiry commission shall conduct an investigation to

determine the validity of the removal request. The member facing removal shall have the
opportunity to present their defense and provide evidence in their favor. The enquiry
commission shall consider all relevant information before making a decision. Decision:

The Principal of the instituion has been taken a decision on the report of commission
enquiry outcomes but removal shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the general council present
during a meeting called specifically for this purpose. The member facing removal shall not
participate in the vote.

5 Appeal:

The member subject to removal may appeal the decision to the general council
membership during the next regularly scheduled meeting following the decision. The appeal shall
require a two-thirds majority vote of the council members present to overturn the removal. Vacancy Filling:

The principal may nominate a candidate directly to fill a specific vacant position during
the Head of the Department meeting. However, the term of the nominated member shall either be
for the remaining days of the council's current term or until the end of the academic year.

4.1 Article III: Officers

4.1.1 Section 3.1: Positions and Titles.


 Preside over student council meetings.

 Provide leadership and direction to the council.
 Act as the primary spokesperson and representative of the student body.
 Collaborate with other council members to set goals and objectives.
 Make important decisions when necessary.
 Foster a sense of unity and cooperation among council members.

Vice President:

 Assist the President in their duties and responsibilities.

 Assume the President's role in their absence.
 Oversee specific projects or initiatives as assigned.
 Collaborate with other council members on various tasks.
 Support the President in achieving the council's goals.


 Keep accurate records of council meetings, including minutes.

 Maintain an organized archive of meeting minutes and important documents.
 Handle communication and correspondence for the council.

 Assist in scheduling meetings and events.
 Help disseminate information to council members and the student body.

Joint Secretary:

 Assist the Secretary and Vice President in their duties.

 Support with administrative tasks, communication, and event planning.
 Collaborate on initiatives and projects as needed.


 Manage the council's budget and financial transactions.

 Keep records of income and expenditures.
 Assist in fundraising efforts and financial planning.
 Provide financial reports to the council as needed.

Executive Members

 Act as general council members and provide input on various matters.

 Participate in committees or subgroups related to specific projects or events.
 Represent the interests and concerns of the student body.

These roles and responsibilities are a general guideline, and the specifics may vary depending
on the circumstance.

5.1 Article IV: Meetings

5.1.1 Monthly Meetings:

General Meetings: Student councils often hold regular general meetings once a month
during the academic year. These meetings serve as a forum for discussing important matters,
sharing updates, and making decisions that impact the student body.

Executive Board Meetings: In addition to general meetings, the student council's

executive board (which may include the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer,
etc.) may meet separately to address administrative and planning matters. Executive
board meetings might occur more frequently, such as biweekly or as needed.

Agenda for Regular Meetings:

Regular meetings typically follow a structured agenda, which may include the following

Call to Order: The meeting begins with the presiding officer (often the president or chair)
calling the meeting to order.

Roll Call: Members confirm their attendance, and a record is kept of who is present and

Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting are reviewed and
approved, with any necessary corrections made.

Reports: Officers and committee chairs present reports on their respective areas of
responsibility, including updates on ongoing projects and initiatives.

Old Business: Any unfinished business or matters carried over from previous meetings are
discussed and resolved.

New Business: New proposals, projects, or concerns are presented and discussed. This is
where decisions are made, and motions are passed.

Announcements: Any upcoming events, deadlines, or announcements relevant to the

student body are shared.

Open Floor/Forum: A designated time for members to bring up issues, ask questions, or
provide feedback.

Adjournment: The meeting is formally closed by the presiding officer.

Meeting Frequency Variations:

The frequency of meetings can vary depending on the council's specific needs. Some
councils may opt for:

Biweekly Meetings: Held every two weeks during the academic year for more frequent
updates and quicker decision-making.

Quarterly Meetings: Held once every quarter (every three months) for councils with less
frequent business.

Emergency Meetings: Called as needed to address urgent matters that cannot wait until the
next scheduled meeting.

Special Meetings: Held for specific purposes or events, such as planning a major event
or addressing a particular issue.

6.1 Article V: Finance

6.1.1 Financial Reporting and Accountability

Financial Reporting: The Treasurer, in consultation with the Board members, shall provide
regular financial reports to the council. These reports shall include income and expenditure
statements, account balances, and a summary of financial activities.

Audit Procedures: At the end of each fiscal year, the council's financial records shall be
subject to an independent audit. The audit shall be conducted by a faculty members or
committee appointed by the management. The audit results shall be presented to the council
for review.

Accountability Measures: The Treasurer and the Finance Committee shall ensure that
all financial transactions are conducted transparently and in accordance with the approved
budget. Any discrepancies or irregularities shall be reported to the council immediately.

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