Mid-Term Review Questions

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Mid-term Review Questions

1. Explain supply chain process using upstream and downstream linkage theories.
2. Globalization and technology developments have led to some significant changes in the
global economy. What is the impact upon supply chains?
3. Why is information so important in supply chains? What are the challenges to the successful
development and implementation of effective information? What is the role of technology
and information management?
4. Explain sourcing strategy using outsourcing and offshoring strategies with concise examples.
5. Explain supplier strategy with concise examples.
6. How can you identify your customer’s needs? Explain with examples.
7. Explain forecasting methods with concise examples.
8. Why is simulation method more appropriate for long-term supply chain forecasting? Give
examples to support your explanation.
9. Explain levels of forecasting. How are they different?
10. How can you optimize your supply chain forecast?
11. How can you identify your supply chains are the best practice?
12. How do logistics drivers function in supply chain performance?
13. How do cross-functional drive work throughout supply chains?
14. How can transportation management affect supply chain management?
15. How do inventory deployment affect supply chain management?

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