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Nama of Dusun Berasan RT01/RW03, Desa Kemlagilor

1)vilage and hamlets


Location Subdistrict turi, Regency Lamongan Province Jawa Timur

Total of populaton In the village where I live there are approximately one hundred and
fourty families

Total of hasalaand

Total of neighborhood (rt and rw) The environment around my house is very clean, there are many
kinds of trees around such as banana trees, cassava, chilies and
many other plants around.

Region Jawa timur

Total of mosque or prayer room There is one main mosque in my hamlet and there are also several
prayer rooms, one of which is close to my house which can be
reached on foot

Farm animal Most of the livestock that are cared for by local residents are
chickens and goats

Traditional cremony One of the traditions that has been passed down from generation to
generation in our hamlet is "Sedakah Bumi" or customary
commemoration by local residents as their gratitude for the
abundant harvest.

Description of vilage/homled My hamlet is one of the hamlets in kemlagilor village, my hamlet is

still very well preserved in nature because there are still lots of
plants or trees that are often found around my hamlet so that the air
there is still clean and well maintained

Nby do you live it Yes of course

Thank you for Attention



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