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PARAGRAPH 1: PASSAGE #1 Page 145: Opening of Act One to Page 147: VOYNITSKY: “.. hat’s no good!” COMPARE WITH MCPHERSON AND RICKSON SCENE #1 From 1:03 (start of credits) to 10:38 Chekhov's play ‘uncle Vanya’ eoqooses Hx stenuous fension duty and. — responsibility places on tre tnolinclvot in ther _liferame. In Ack Gne scene one, opeang the play, Ashov enters tre scene where the Stage duechons indwate Marina (s_ sitting Knitting A stocking rear the Samovar setting the contest of (9th Century Russia _ and inrttally —ertebishing the tradchonal house hole roles” given the _ historical and social Context of te play applicable to the Moscovite Theatre audience, that apply to_both and Attrovs household oluhes. Mannas conversational non- Sequitur, “Do you wont something to ot?” ascertains Chekhovs attempt to portray the pressure upon. Marina +o fulfill her _nuturg ‘mothetty’ oluhes as she _comports Astrov_ using the vice of food, consistant wit, the ‘carer’ pole she plays at te estate. Chekhov likemse suggests that this fensicn dems Pom a religous perspective partciidy given the tradchonal bussian Orthoolor faith popular at the time, doing so through —Manno's compos to hstrov, “Man __ May not remember, but God will that emphasises that -eonforming to ones duty arch responsibr (uy — will be honered not by man but bod providing supfseste mohvehon to olo so. Chelehov uses Astroy_ + similarly Pertray how accepting anc following ones dures 1s “an unavoidable fate." ancl respecting tise _ebligertions, (© neintable gwen soeehys ese pectenonse through Astrovs sombre fore _enot_sebereot monolagee te Aepict the pressure ht fiels from ottees te meet He _ grueling excpestecnens a2 bt begins te fron “berg catted ut yo _pehent. Chetchow - Ashngushes. to fenguing effect abicting by ese COMM eens prestent where Aitrev cletiwers) 3 -morolonue Mier arinculeving to Moring sepppeeeees erp hee he, “Swortceet atl atoryins cone, het fe fine no nest." tothe POInt where oh sulp tern fies a “eecentre”, ths language cheice contributes + fhe clesponolance. Ebehov attaches 4. following these avhes. Homeuec McPherson — anc Rickson took thy nthal concept of fle 80h thodoluiy .ownet responsibility hove. ano —franiptlotest_it tte fhe _aplapteel BEC recording elle wang Chelrovs ongimas concep te be farrier —Slelelehtel one modeung. the ongiral sempt peretrable ea poolem. 21st century ewolrence to. eeaphosis® tht Strain loeteeen the _tomfreehons op fallowing — Secietl expectehons in the for 66 proche! Hebligahens.|introcleeins the. reemling ity a clase — pent errokes fenchire that transitions fee long shot of the enhre. stage Je te sombre ht te Hee. seme _follonect through by the dwecternt -chetce te stage Morinn ent Astov in Porthos thet —pactrouy trate houehslor oles, Morinan wy seen Lo URCOMT a _premo _cmel veise oo plategrepn depehay sha copa te aN Mga t2spaceny sup. ecel clown The leagta op tht sree _physoolly ae tee bens out The stat op tt ~ plea, Extircring upon bherkhov's concept, MePharson Aro Rickeron we _sesturme be portray both Astor AOA Moving ot the mpical [Ath ceatuny_ - Russian > Amol Vie. weteling — Chenge fer —Astrovs pasnolagee to “ne naonnent (Mie clown Ia Up Ark out le SomPener dean ber tye Aepiet Chetehevs eregunoel_nctention to. re _recoreting ewer. MePhisen ard © Reteson Soleoktey Chekchous Ort guno concept 4 explenny the shan 9F olutry and weiporsilor (try, fa EEPOMAT “pen WS omginal concen te clemonttae tle ongncu sonpy. Star fe Con PARAGRAPH 2: PASSAGE #2 Page 184: VOYNITSKY: “Wait...| think” To Page 186: MARIYA VASILYEVNA [sternly]: “Listen to Aleksandr!” COMPARE WITH MCPHERSON AND RICKSON SCENE #2 From 1:41:20 to 1:49:20 Chekhov Cringves the concept of —limitahons art —appotenities amoungs t dhe tension crterreet leecher them in ho pla _Unele Vanyo'. During het thee when Gertbryakey announces his iden to 221 the _estete _Voynitsiny 3 depicteck os a SekP - rence sing Chowercty whe yemmices on hot he Might here been" using a _ceanstentty Aesponclant fe represent the forliry tn hus ttt pis #o_creote, & valvalole ewnot gusteunedele _ “ifn te enter eattenee ae ene vee aaa ORS Gags a via mung to the _realsechon this 18 life thet he deeply Aes pises. Chekirev _renclers Voy nitsieys —clieloguse in Haut Seer. te asset on heat __ Rr _ingenvous insight —1Atn tat, _wvorleung. cleuses. impotence fe _effectvally impoet thew fate ie the _limufenons classes impose upon these (x __ tt proleranar lass ducing the (th century — Russia _renctenny trem ine(eeuwe bo. wise + ass, OneK hovs passionate _erchqve og tease constraints _theluce Serelonpcov$ react on +2 Veyriiskgs outimurst as be _olezer he oleseri bes _ peels ast s_preatont—eama|acstt not" * uncterstenct(ine] ee Supe ttre _suplur.—. £ =a _colectue ‘splenolot’ vse by. Vosyatkslen eae _olesenbe Sere bry ator The BBC recordeol ocloptahan op By MoPrwson and Rickson tacknols upon Chere hers cahque of the knsicn bebreen the lnctahons cusef —placeet upen_ the dleclcomhon of ores [ie tr aaa af oppochkathes, sumuletly —Steplaring cet (at conveying dhs conap ttn x _facen _msve_ easily upderstood by Tre cleme greyahic_ Fa Woden avotcerce, [+ 18 Toby domes _depichon of Veynitstee, evithie thy scere _ thok _olemenstates a consinckeot (fe with canureol —Opporuaaes he ee vbyusig As _& desley ch lpos ee i the Scene from a frantie chose of Sembrmyatcon fe thn sitting oleere pte ine chee — Symooolising 4 reduce. angers Eicon fle prt op Appar hinsve share Gray bout The strony ime dletieery from each actor su a ease arol_comaroting ragister arck dichon _“ 1S pelenttess in urs depretion Of Me Shon Abe puvsvit of Ones derires brings —cindoelelig scene _Urtchovs onginal espe conse ther by assaciahry tht com Pra mury -e(fects eee eppacbeu tis) produce path ny a + sense 9¢ _Aekene OM OA PARAGRAPH 3: PASSAGE #3 Page 198: MARINA: “So you're going without having tea?” to Page 200: [The curtain slowly falls] COMPARE WITH MCPHERSON AND RICKSON SCENE #3 From 2:17:27 to 2:25:33 Chee hovs play “Uncle Vonya' emphasises tre Prosiac virtves of evrerqolary _lyR__amiolst a —Sowehnes neglectful _ ottihole thot comes cu & vel op this with chovackyrs often -dleslicamng _ few les +o abstrehon. At tre ent of Act Pury os Astrov leaves fe estate the Consstant je dwechans of farevatl movemintr, “bows low" portrays —G_vetunn fo Cverydlod events dune nstetve of the fohuty te vise cbove Ae _tmundounity of (Ye as te fares both Seaya erok Varqncsiey fy return 49 ON lAle munctret a3 they — —coAnnue be pelentless ley pursue _unfrurtful wor, __ —Chelchovs ust of co monologve for Soayt AS aunch Sete the _munclau thy — OP [yfe O89 ut serrer as a monf for He oS ie the life fe the avolence err ou fine_steuwt of the play S F “Urele Ua reeeus euch ofthe sane depichon of how o quohclton life pressures _ a tnviol minclset ot chettnav, howe Uses _ Molirn theatre crapt leasing ty a much’r closer Ono __pere _funchonal _reprereatern of 90 thar th funetions 4s © entigre of the play os tr as an oolaptrhroa. The close up on —Vonyo_wettan Sonyas selileguey Apaws _ 2 Y4mpotiy anal lolentrfreanan from The _ouplenct ta clepick the loner class oecvratty 5% Class bosest agraman community mei nthe _reolism mene of. the plesy.

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