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Plot-10/1, South Salna, Joydebpur, Gazipur.

Title kvw¯Íg~jK e¨e¯’vi c×wZ

Disciplinary Procedure
Ref: CT-IMS/HR/Policy-05 First Issue: January, 2018 Version: 03 Effective Date: January, 2018
Last Review: August, 2022

bxwZ :
K‡jv‡U· G¨vcv‡ij wjwg‡UW 100% ißvwbgyLx Kgcøv‡qÝ †mv‡qUvi KviLvbv| D³
KviLvbv myôzfv‡e cwiPvjbv Kivi Rb¨ KviLvbvi KZ…©cÿ evsjv‡`k kÖg AvBb-
2006, kÖg wewagvjv-2015 (ms‡kvabx) Ges evqv‡ii bxwZgvjv Abymv‡i kvw¯Íg~jK
e¨e¯’vi bxwZgvjv cÖYqb K‡i‡Q|
Colotex Apparel Limited is a 100% export-oriented compliance sweater factory. In order to run the
factory properly, the factory authorities have formulated a policy of disciplinary action as per
Bangladesh Labor Act-2006, Labor Rules -2015 (Amendments) and Bayer COC.

‡Kvb Kg©x‡K kvw¯Í cÖ`vbB GB bxwZgvjvi gyL¨ D‡Ïk¨ bq eis GKRb Kg©xi
Kv‡Ri Dbœqb I cwi‡ek iÿv, GKZv, wek¦¯ÍZv, Drcv`bkxj gvbwmKZv Ges kÖwgK-
Kg©Pvix I Kg©KZ©vi fyj ms‡kva‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ KviLvbvi wbqg k„sLjv eRvq ivLvB
n‡”Q GB bxwZgvjvi D‡Ïk¨| kvw¯Í g~jK e¨e¯’v GKRb Kg©xi AvPiY‡K mshZ
ch©v‡q ivL‡Z mnvqZv K‡i Ges m¤¢ve¨ wk¶v cÖ`vb K‡i| kvw¯Í g~jK e¨e¯’v
wbgœwjwLZ avc mg~n Abymib Ki‡e|
The main objectives of this policy is not to punish any worker but to maintain order in the factory
for the purpose of improving the work of a worker and protecting the environment, unity, loyalty,
productive mentality and correcting the mistakes of workers and officials. Disciplinary measures
help to moderate an employee's behavior and provide possible learning. The disciplinary action will
follow the following steps.


cÖ_g ¯Íi: Kvh© m¤úv`‡bi wfwˇZ|

1st Level: Based on performance

 ‡MŠY Aciva t
 ‡Kvb Kgx©i Kv‡Ri gvb I AvPiY hw` KZ©„c‡ÿi wbKU m‡šÍvlRbK bv nq, Z‡e
Zv‡K Zvi DaŸ©Zb Kg©KZv© Zvi mv‡_ Av‡jvPbv Ki‡eb Ges ¯^í mg‡qi g‡a¨
AvPiY I Kv‡Ri gvb DbœwZi Rb¨ ZvwM` Ges †cÖlbv w`‡eb | hw` GLv‡b cÖgvY

Page 1 of 10
Plot-10/1, South Salna, Joydebpur, Gazipur.

Title kvw¯Íg~jK e¨e¯’vi c×wZ

Disciplinary Procedure
Ref: CT-IMS/HR/Policy-05 First Issue: January, 2018 Version: 03 Effective Date: January, 2018
Last Review: August, 2022

cÖ‡qvRb c‡o, Z‡e Zvi D×Z©b Kg©KZv© wefvMxq cÖav‡bi mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM
K‡i Kg©xi wei‡× GKwU civgk© cÎ Bmy¨ Ki‡Z cv‡ib| D³ civgk© c‡Î Kgx©
wKfv‡e Zvi Kv‡Ri gvb m‡šÍvlRbK ch©v‡q wb‡Z cv‡ib Zv D‡jøL _vK‡e|

 Minor Offence:
If the quality of work and behavior of an employee is not satisfactory to the authorities, The
superior officer will discuss & argue and send to improve the behavior and work quality within a
short period of time. If proof is required here, the Senior officer may approach the Head of
Department and issue an advisory letter against the employee. The advice letter will mention how
the employee can take the quality of his work to a satisfactory level.

 ‡MŠY Aciva `g‡bi cÖwµqv t

 GKRb Kgx©i cÖ_g Aciv‡ai Rb¨ Zv‡K GKwU mZK©xKiY cÎ cÖ`vb Kiv n‡e
†hLv‡b Aciva D‡jøL c~e©K GKwU wbw`ó mg‡qi g‡a¨ Zv ms‡kvab Kivi ZvwM`
†`qv n‡e|
 hw` wbw`ó mgq AwZevwnZ nIqvi c‡iI †m Zvi Aciva ms‡kvab Ki‡Z e¨_© nq Z‡e
Zv‡K GKwU ÒPzovšÍ mZK©xKiY cÎÓ cÖ`vb Kiv n‡e|
 ÒPzovšÍ mZK©xKiY cÎÓ MÖn‡bi ci hw` Aciva cybtNwUZ nq Z‡e Zvi weiæ‡×
AvBb Abyhvqx cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖnb Kiv hv‡e|
 gvbe m¤ú` wefv‡Mi cÖavb cÖ‡qvRbxq †ÿ‡Î AvBb Abymv‡i mZK©xKiY cÎ
Bmy¨ Ki‡Z cv‡ib|
 cÖ‡Z¨KwU Kg©xB †h †Kvb wmØvšÍ m‡šÍvlRbK bv n‡j wjwLZ AvKv‡i Zv
e¨e¯’vcbv KZ©„c‡ÿi wbKU Rvbv‡bvi AwaKvi Av‡Q|

Preventive Procedure of Minor Offence:

 For the first offense of an employee he will be issued a warning letter stating the offense
and motivation him to rectify the same within a specified period.
 If he fails to rectify his offense after the expiry of the specified time, he will be issued a
“Final Warning Letter”.
 After receipt of “Final Warning Letter” if the offense is repeated then necessary action
can be taken against him as per law.

Page 2 of 10
Plot-10/1, South Salna, Joydebpur, Gazipur.

Title kvw¯Íg~jK e¨e¯’vi c×wZ

Disciplinary Procedure
Ref: CT-IMS/HR/Policy-05 First Issue: January, 2018 Version: 03 Effective Date: January, 2018
Last Review: August, 2022

 Head of Human Resource Department can issue warning letter as per law in necessary
 Every employee has the right to inform the management authority in writing if any
decision is not satisfactory.
wØZxq ¯Íi : Am`vPi‡Yi wfwˇZ|
 Dci‡¯’i †Kvb AvBbmsMZ ev hyw³msMZ Av‡`k gvbvi †ÿ‡Î GKKfv‡e ev
A‡b¨i m‡½ msNe× n‡q B”QvK…Zfv‡e Aeva¨Zv|
 †Kv¤úvbxi gvwj‡Ki e¨emv ev m¤úwË m¤ú‡K© Pzwi, AvZ¥mvr, cÖZviYv ev
 gvwj‡Ki Aaxb Zvi ev Ab¨ †Kvb kªwg‡Ki PvKix msµvšÍ e¨vcv‡i Nyl MÖnY ev
 webv QywU‡Z Af¨vmMZ Abycw¯’wZ ev QzwU bv wb‡q GK m‡½ 10 w`‡bi
AwaK mgq Abycw¯’wZ |
 Af¨vmMZ wej‡¤^ Dcw¯’wZ|
 †Kv¤úvbxi cÖ‡hvR¨ †Kvb AvBb, wewa ev cÖweav‡bi Af¨vmMZ j•Nb|
 KviLvbv‡Z D”Q…sLjZv, `vsMv-nvsMvgv, AwMœms‡hvM ev fvsPzi|
 Kv‡R-K‡g© Af¨vmMZ MvwdjvwZ|
 cÖavb cwi`k©b KZ©„K Aby‡gvw`Z PvKix msµvšÍ, k„s•Ljv ev AvPiYmn †h
†Kvb wewai Af¨vmMZ j•Nb|
 gvwj‡Ki Awdwmqvj †iK‡W©i i`e`j, RvjKiY, Ab¨vq cwieZ©b, Dnvi ÿwZKiY
ev Dnv nvwi‡q †djv|
2nd Level: Based on misconduct
 Willful disobedience, singly or in association with others, to comply with any of the above
lawful or reasonable orders.
 Theft, embezzlement, fraud or dishonesty in relation to the business or property of the
company owner.
 Accepting or paying bribes in connection with his or any other worker's employment
under the owner.
 Habitual absence without leave or absence for more than 10 consecutive days without
taking leave.
 Presence of habitual lateness.
 Habitual violation of any laws, rules or regulations applicable to the Company.
 Disturbances, riots, arson or vandalism in factories.

Page 3 of 10
Plot-10/1, South Salna, Joydebpur, Gazipur.

Title kvw¯Íg~jK e¨e¯’vi c×wZ

Disciplinary Procedure
Ref: CT-IMS/HR/Policy-05 First Issue: January, 2018 Version: 03 Effective Date: January, 2018
Last Review: August, 2022

 Habitual neglect of work.

 Habitual violation of any rule of employment, discipline or conduct as approved by the
Chief Inspector.
 Alteration, falsification, wrongful alteration, damage or loss of official records of the
Z…Zxq ¯Íi : Am`vPi‡bi kvw¯Í cÖ`v‡bi c×wZ|
wØZxq ¯Íi Gi Awa‡b ‡Kvb kÖwgK-Kg©Pvix ev Kg©KZ©vi weiæ‡× kvw¯Íi Av‡`k
cÖ`vb Kiv hv‡e bv, hw` bv -
 Zvi weiæ‡× Awf‡hvM wjwLZfv‡e Kiv nq|
 Awf‡hv‡Mi GKwU Kwc Zv‡K ‡`qv nq Dnvi Reve †`qvi Rb¨ AšÍZ mvZw`b mgq
†`qv nq|
 Zv‡K ïbvbxi my‡hvM ‡`qv nq|
 Z`‡šÍi ci Zv‡K †`vlx mve¨¯Í Kiv nq|
 KviLvbvi gvwjK ev e¨e¯’vcK kvw¯Íi Av‡`k Aby‡gv`b K‡ib|

wØZxq ¯Íi Gi Awa‡b ewY©Z Am`vPi‡Yi `v‡q †`vlx mve¨¯Í n‡j Z…Zxq ¯Íi Gi
kZ©vbyhvqx ‡Kvb kÖwgK-Kg©Pvix ev Kg©KZ©v‡K PvKwi n‡Z eiLv¯Í Kiv hv‡e|
Z‡e PvKix n‡Z eiLv‡¯Íi cwie‡Z©, we‡kl Ae¯’vi cwi‡cÖwÿ‡Z, wb¤œ wjwLZ †h
†Kvb kvw¯Í cÖ`vb Kiv hv‡e|
 AcmviY|
 bx‡Pi c‡`, †MÖ‡W ev †eZb †¯‹‡j AbwaK GK ermi Avbqb|
 AbwaK GK erm‡ii Rb¨ c‡`vbœwZ eÜ|
 AbwaK GK erm‡ii Rb¨ gRywi e„w× eÜ|
 Rwigvbv| Z‡e G‡ÿ‡Î Rwigvbvi cwigvY gRywii GK `kgvs‡ki AwaK n‡e bv|
 AbwaK mvZ w`b ch©šÍ webv gRywi‡Z ev webv †LvivKx‡Z mvgqxK eiLv¯Í|
 frmbv I mZKx©KiY|
3rd Level: Procedure for punishing misconduct
No order of punishment shall be passed against any workman or officer under the second stage,
unless -
 The complaint against him is made in writing.
 A copy of the complaint is given to him and he is given at least seven days to reply.
 He is given an opportunity to be heard.
 He was found guilty after investigation.
 The owner or manager of the factory approves the penalty order.

Page 4 of 10
Plot-10/1, South Salna, Joydebpur, Gazipur.

Title kvw¯Íg~jK e¨e¯’vi c×wZ

Disciplinary Procedure
Ref: CT-IMS/HR/Policy-05 First Issue: January, 2018 Version: 03 Effective Date: January, 2018
Last Review: August, 2022

An employee or officer may be dismissed from service under the terms of the third degree if he is
found guilty of misconduct under the second degree. However, in lieu of dismissal from service, in
view of special circumstances, any of the following punishments may be imposed.
 Removal.
 Bringing more than one year in the lower post, grade or pay scale.
 Promotion withheld for more than one year.
 Wage hike stopped for more than one year.
 Penalty. However, in this case the amount of penalty shall not exceed one tenth of the
 Temporary dismissal without wages or food for a maximum of seven days.
 Reprimands and warnings.

Am`vPi‡Yi Rb¨ kvw¯Íi avc mg~n t

Awf‡hvM MÖnY
(Complaint received)

cÖv_wgK Z`šÍ
(Preliminary Investigation)

‰KwdqvZ Zje
(Apologetic summons)


m‡šÍvlRbK Am‡šÍvlRbK
(Satisfactory) unsatisfying

Page 5 of 10
Plot-10/1, South Salna, Joydebpur, Gazipur.

Title kvw¯Íg~jK e¨e¯’vi c×wZ

Disciplinary Procedure
Ref: CT-IMS/HR/Policy-05 First Issue: January, 2018 Version: 03 Effective Date: January, 2018
Last Review: August, 2022

Disposal Z`šÍKvjxb mg‡q eiLv¯Í AbwaK 60
Z`šÍ (AbwaK 60 w`b)
w`b (cÖ‡hvR¨ †ÿ‡Î)
Investigation (more than 60
Suspension during investigation
period not more than 60 days (where

‡`vlx wb‡`©vlx
(Guilty) (Innocent)

eiLv¯Í/ kvw¯Í wb®úwË

Dismissal/ Punishment (Disposal)

PZz_© ¯Íi : Z`šÍ Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv|

NUbv / Am`vPvib msNwVZ nIqvi mv‡_ mv‡_ Zv wjwLZ AvKv‡i gvbe m¤ú`
cÖav‡bi wbKU Rvbv‡Z n‡e Ges GKwU Kwc e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU †cÖiY
Ki‡Z n‡e| GKRb DשZb Kg©KZv© cÖ‡qvR‡b NUbvi cÖv_wgK Z`šÍ Ki‡eb|
4th Level: Conducting investigative activities.
As soon as the incident/misconduct occurs, it should be reported in writing to the Head of Human
Resources and a copy sent to the Authorities. A senior officer will conduct a preliminary
investigation of the incident if necessary.
e¨vL¨v cÖ`vb t
cÖ‡Z¨KwU Kg©xB DwPr †Kv¤úvbxi bxwZgvjv †gvZv‡eK Zvi Dci Awc©Z
`vwqZ¡ I KZ©e¨ †g‡b Pjv| Zvic‡iI hw` †Kvb Kg©x †Kvb Am`vPvib K‡ib Z‡e gvbe
m¤ú` wefv‡Mi cÖavb Zv‡K Kvib `k©v‡bvi †bvwUk cÖ`vb Ki‡eb|
KviY `k©v‡bv †bvwUk D‡jøL Kiv _vK‡e Ò‡Kb Avcbvi weiæ‡× kvw¯Íg~jK e¨e¯’v
MÖnb Kiv n‡e bvÓ| KviY `k©v‡bv †bvwU‡k Aciva, Aciva msNwUZ nIqvi mgq Ges
Kvib `k©v‡bvi me©‡kl mgq D‡jøL _vK‡e|

Page 6 of 10
Plot-10/1, South Salna, Joydebpur, Gazipur.

Title kvw¯Íg~jK e¨e¯’vi c×wZ

Disciplinary Procedure
Ref: CT-IMS/HR/Policy-05 First Issue: January, 2018 Version: 03 Effective Date: January, 2018
Last Review: August, 2022

Every employee should follow the responsibilities and duties assigned to him as per company
policy. Even then, if any employee commits any misconduct, the Head of Human Resource
Department will issue a show cause notice to him.

The show cause notice will state “why disciplinary action should not be taken against you”. The
show cause notice shall mention the offence, the time of commission of the offense and the last
date for showing cause.
mvgwqK eiLv¯Í Kvjxb mg‡qi Z`šÍ:
 Awfhy³ Kg©x‡K Z`šÍ Pjv Kvjxb mg‡q mvgwqK eiLv¯Í Kiv hv‡e, Z‡e Zv m‡ev©”P
60 w`‡bi †ekx n‡e bv|
 Z`šÍ KwgwU MwVZ n‡e AbwaK 6 Rb m`‡m¨i mgš^‡q| m`m¨ msL¨v Dfq c‡ÿi
mgvb n‡e|
 Z`šÍ KwgwU Dc-KwgwU MVb Ki‡Z cvi‡e|
 Dc-KwgwUi wi‡cvU© PzovšÍKi‡Yi Rb¨ Z`šÍ KwgwUi wbKU †ck Ki‡e|
 Z`šÍ KwgwU‡Z kÖwgK c‡ÿi cÖwZwbwa, Awfhyy³ kÖwg‡Ki wjwLZ cÖ¯Íveµ‡g
K‡jv‡U· G¨vcv‡ij wjwg‡UW G Kg©iZ kÖwg‡`i g‡a¨ n‡Z g‡bvbxZ n‡e|
Z‡e kZ© _v‡K †h, Awfhy³ e¨w³i wb¤œ c‡`i KvD‡K cÖwZwbwa g‡bvbqb Kiv
hv‡e bv|
Avi I kZ© _v‡K †h, Awfhy³ Kg©x B”Qv Ki‡j Zvi cÖwZwbwa wnmv‡e K‡jv‡U·
G¨vcv‡ij wjwg‡UW Gi AskMÖnYKvix KwgwUi †Kvb kÖwgK cÖwZwbwa‡K
Zvi cÖwZwbwa wnmv‡e g‡bvbqb Ki‡Z cvi‡e|
 Z`šÍKvjxb eiLv‡¯Íi mgq †Kvb Kgx© c~e© Aby‡gv`b e¨ZxZ wVKvbv cwieZ©b
Ki‡eb bv ev cwieZ©b Ki‡jI Zv cÖkvmb wefvM‡K AeMZ Ki‡eb|
 Z`šÍKvjxb eiLv‡¯Íi mgq Awfhy³ Kg©x †LvivKx fvZv wnmv‡e Zvi gvwmK g~j
gRyixi A‡a©K cÖvc¨ n‡eb|
 mvgwqK eiLv‡¯Íi Av‡`k wjwLZfv‡e w`‡Z n‡e, Awfhy³ Kgx©‡K cÎ cÖ`v‡bi
mv‡_ mv‡_ Zv Kvh©Ki n‡e|
 hw` Z`‡šÍi gva¨‡g Kg©xi weiæ‡× AvbxZ Awf‡hvM mZ¨ e‡j cÖgvwbZ nq Zvn‡j
mvgwqK eiLv¯Í Kvjxb mg‡q D³ Kgx© †Kvb fvZv ev gRywi cvIqvi AwaKvix n‡e
bv| Z‡e †LvivKx fvZv cvIqvi AwaKvix n‡e|
 hw` Z`‡šÍi gva¨‡g Kg©xi weiæ‡× AvbxZ Awf‡hvM mZ¨ e‡j cÖgvwbZ bv nq,
Zvn‡j Z`šÍKvjxb mg‡q mvgwqK eiLv‡¯Íi w`b¸wj Dcw¯’wZ wnmv‡e MY¨ n‡e
Ges D³ Kgx© fvZv ev gRywi cvIqvi AwaKvix n‡e, Z‡e †LvivKx fvZv wnmv‡e hv
†`qv n‡qwQj Zv Zvi cÖvc¨ †eZb †_‡K ev` hv‡e|

Page 7 of 10
Plot-10/1, South Salna, Joydebpur, Gazipur.

Title kvw¯Íg~jK e¨e¯’vi c×wZ

Disciplinary Procedure
Ref: CT-IMS/HR/Policy-05 First Issue: January, 2018 Version: 03 Effective Date: January, 2018
Last Review: August, 2022

 hw` †Kvb Kg©x‡K kvw¯Í †`qv nq Zvn‡j Av‡ivcK…Z kvw¯Íi wjwLZ Av‡`‡ki
GK Kwc Awfhy³ Kg©x‡K cÖ`vb Ki‡Z n‡e Ges Abyiæc GK Kwc Zvi wefvMxq
cÖav‡bi wbKU †cÖiY Ki‡Z n‡e|
 hw` †Kvb Kg©x Zvi weiæ‡× AvbxZ Awf‡hvM cÎ, kvw¯Íi Av‡`k, †bvwUk ev Ab¨
†Kvb `jxj MÖnY Ki‡Z A¯^xKvi K‡i Zvn‡j Zvi me©‡kl ÁvZ wVKvbvq
†iwRw÷ªK…Z WvK‡hv‡M †cÖib Kiv n‡e Ges cÖgvY ¯^iƒc Abyiæc GK Kwc
†bvwUk †ev‡W© cÖ`k©b Kiv n‡e|
 ‡Kvb Kg©x‡K kvw¯Í cÖ`v‡bi e¨vcv‡i KviLvbvi gvwjK ev e¨e¯’vcK mswkøô
Kg©xi c~e©Zb bw_-cÎ, Aciv‡ai ¸iæZ¡, PvKixKvjxb K…wZZ¡ I Ae`vb Ges
we`¨gvb Ab¨ †Kvb we‡kl Ae¯’v we‡ePbvq Avwb‡eb|
Investigation During Temporary Suspention:
 The accused employee may be suspended during the pendency of the investigation, but not
exceeding a maximum of 60 days.
 The inquiry committee will consist of not more than 6 members. The number of members
will be equal on both sides.
 The inquiry committee may form sub-committees.
 Submit the report of the sub-committee to the inquiry committee for finalization.
 The representative of the workers in the investigation committee will be nominated from
among the workers working in Colotex Apparel Limited on the written proposal of the
concerned worker.
Provided that, no person inferior to the accused shall be nominated as representative.
Provided further that the accused workman may, if he so desires, nominate any worker
representative of the participating committee of Colotex Apparel Limited as his representative.
 During investigation suspension, no employee shall change his address without prior
approval or if he changes, he shall inform the Administration Department.
 During investigation suspension the accused workman shall be entitled to half of his
monthly basic wages as food allowance.
 The order of suspension shall be in writing, effective as soon as the letter is served on the
accused employee.
 If the allegation against the employee is proved to be true through investigation then the
said employee shall not be entitled to any allowance or wages during the period of
suspension. But will be entitled to food allowance.
 If the allegation against the workman is not proved to be true through investigation, the
days of suspension during the investigation period shall be counted as attendance and the
said workman shall be entitled to allowance or wages, provided that the food allowance
paid to him shall be deducted from his due salary.

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Plot-10/1, South Salna, Joydebpur, Gazipur.

Title kvw¯Íg~jK e¨e¯’vi c×wZ

Disciplinary Procedure
Ref: CT-IMS/HR/Policy-05 First Issue: January, 2018 Version: 03 Effective Date: January, 2018
Last Review: August, 2022

 If an employee is punished then a copy of the written order of punishment imposed shall be
given to the accused employee and a similar copy shall be forwarded to his Head of
 If an employee refuses to accept a charge sheet, penalty order, notice or any other
document brought against him, it shall be sent by registered post to his last known address
and a copy of the same shall be displayed on the notice board as evidence.
 In punishing an employee, the owner or manager of the factory shall take into account the
previous record of the employee concerned, the seriousness of the offence, achievements
and contributions during the service and any other special circumstances existing.
5g ¯Íi : Avwcj|
KviLvbv ev cÖwZôv‡b Kg©iZ †Kvb kÖwgK ev †Kvb gvwjK KZ…©K Amr kÖg
AvPiY msNU‡bi wel‡q Dnv msNwUZ nBevi 55 (cÂvbœ) w`‡bi g‡a¨ cÖwZKvi †P‡q
kÖg cwiPvjK ev ZrKZ©„K ÿgZvcÖvß Kg©KZ©vi wbKU Av‡e`b Kwi‡Z nB‡e Ges
GBiƒc Av‡e`b cÖvwßi 55 (cÂvbœ) Kg©w`e‡mi g‡a¨ kÖg cwiPvjK ev ZrKZ©„K
¶gZvcÖvß Kg©KZ©v Dnv wb®úwË Kwi‡eb|
5th Level: Appeal
Regarding the occurrence of unfair labor behavior by any worker or any owner working in a factory
or establishment, an application shall be made to the Director of Labor or his authorized officer
within 55 (fifty-five) days of its occurrence and within 55 (fifty-five) working days of the receipt of
such application, the Director of Labor or his authorized officer will dispose of it.
gRywi cwi‡kv‡ai †gqv` t Aemi MÖn‡bi Kvi‡Y A_ev gvwjK KZ©„K kÖwg‡Ki
QuvUvB, wWmPvR©, AcmviY, eiLv¯Í A_ev kÖwgK KZ©„K Ae¨vnwZ MÖn‡Yi
Kvi‡Y A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb Kvi‡Y hw` †Kvb kÖwg‡Ki PvKwii †Q` N‡U, ‡mB ‡ÿ‡Î D³
kÖwg‡Ki ïaygvÎ cÖvc¨ e‡Kqv gRywi kÖwg‡Ki PvKwii †Q` NwUevi ZvwiL nB‡Z
cieZ©x 07 (mvZ) Kg©w`e‡mi g‡a¨ Ges ÿwZc~iY I Ab¨vb¨ cvIbv PvKwi †Q`
NwUevi ZvwiL nB‡Z cieZ©x AbwaK 30 (wÎk) Kg©w`e‡mi g‡a¨ cwi‡kva Kiv n‡e|

Time frame for Payment:

In case of termination of employment of a worker due to retirement or due to retrenchment,
discharge, removal, dismissal of the worker by the employer or acceptance of exemption by the
worker or for any other reason, only the arrears of wages due to the said worker shall be the next

Page 9 of 10
Plot-10/1, South Salna, Joydebpur, Gazipur.

Title kvw¯Íg~jK e¨e¯’vi c×wZ

Disciplinary Procedure
Ref: CT-IMS/HR/Policy-05 First Issue: January, 2018 Version: 03 Effective Date: January, 2018
Last Review: August, 2022

07 (seven) from the date of termination of the worker's employment. within working days and
compensation and other dues shall be paid not later than 30 (thirty) working days from the date of
termination of employment.
†idv‡iÝ ev m~Î :
 evsjv‡`k kªg AvBb 2006 (A`¨ewa ms‡kvwaZ)|
 kÖg wewagvjv 2015|
 †Kv¤úvbx I evqv‡ii Code of Conduct
 Bangladesh Labor Act 2006 (as amended).
 Labor Rules 2015.
 Company and buyer CoC
cÖ‡hvR¨ (Applicable)t
GB bxwZgvjv K‡jv‡U· G¨vcv‡ij wjwg‡UW-G Kg©iZ mKj kÖwgK-Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨
cÖ‡hvR¨ nB‡e| ‡Kv¤úvwb †h †Kvb mgq cÖ‡qvR‡b evsjv‡`k kªg AvBb-2006
(A`¨ewa ms‡kvwaZ) Ges kÖg wewagvjv-2015 ev evqv‡ii bxwZgvjv Abymv‡i GB
bxwZgvjv cwieZ©b, ms‡hvRb Ges we‡qvRb Ki‡Z cvi‡e|
This policy shall be applicable to all the employees working in Colotex Apparel Limited. The
Company may at any time modify, add or subtract from this policy as per Bangladesh Labor Act-
2006 (as amended) and Labor Rules-2015 or Bayer's policy.

The company will take full responsibility and action in case of any kind of
mismanagement or discrepancy of this procedure. Also, it will be considered in
future if we get anything to adding for further smoothly functioning of the above

Approved By-

Wilson Young
Managing Director

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