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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines


Name of Teacher : RHOANNE CLIFF T. SALES School Year : 2022-2023
Learning Area : MATHEMATICS Grade Level : 10
Teaching Date : May 4-5, 2023 Time :7:30 A.M – 4:00 P.M. Day/ taught : 2 Days

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of Key concepts of measures of
B. Performance The learner is able to conduct systematically a mini-research applying the
Standards different statistical methods.

C. Learning Illustrates the following measures of position: quartiles, deciles, and

Competencies percentiles. (M10SP-Iva-1)
with LC Code
II. CONTENT Measures of Position of Ungrouped Data
A. Reference
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Mathematics Learning Materials 10, Q3 – Module 233
Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Dep-Ed TV
Materials from
LR Portal
B. Other Learning SLM’s activity sheets/worksheet
A. Review previous How do we calculate to get the Mean of an ungrouped
lesson or data?
presenting the new
lesson We calculate with the use of the formula

Mean= ( ∑ of Variables
Number of Varietes )
Mean= ( x + x + xn +...+ x )
1 2 3 n


Ex i
n ( )
The score of the students in Math test are 5, 9, 4, 7, 8, 6, 3, 5, 5, and 6.
Calculate the mean.

n( )
Ex i

Mean= (
5+ 9+4 +7+8+ 6+3+5+5+6
10 )
Mean= ( n5810 )

B. Establishing a Showing students 2-min video about Measures of Position

purpose for the
C. Presenting Presenting the topic, Learning Competency, Group activity
for the new lesson

D. Discussing new Median divides data set into two equal parts.
concepts and
practicing new Quartiles divide the data set into four equal parts.
skills no. 1 Three quartiles are denoted as Q1 , Q2 , ∧Q3.

Deciles divide data into ten equal parts.

Nine Deciles are denoted as D1 , D2 , … D9.

Percentiles divide the data into one hundred equal parts.

Ninety-nine percentiles are denoted as P1 , P2 , … P99.

E. Discussing new Steps in Illustrating Measures of Position: Quartiles, Deciles, and Percentiles.
concepts and
practicing new Step 1: Arrange the data in ascending or descending depending on the
skills no. 2 variable under study.
Step 2: Locate the position.
F. Developing Illustrating Quartile:
mastery ( Leads to
formative “Chinese zodiac legend”
assessment )
According to this legend, the Jade Emperor made an order to designate
animals as calendar signs. The twelve animals that arrive first in the banquet
shall be selected. On that day, the rat got up early and rushed to the banquet.
On his way, he met the ox and asked the ox to carry him on his back. As the
two were approaching the site, the rat slid in front of the ox, and became the
first lucky animal of the Chinese zodiac.

Following rat and ox are tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey,
rooster, dog, and pig.


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th


1. Which of the following represents median?

2. Which of the following belongs to the first 50% that arrived earlier
than the rest of the group?
3. Which of the following belongs to the first 25% that arrived earlier
than the rest of the group?
4. How many percent of animals arrived than the tiger?

Illustrating Decile:

“Bang Bang”

During the Mobile Legends tournament, ranked 1 as the most used hero is
Melissa followed by Aamon, Carmilla, Atlas, and Aulus, last on the rank is
Moskov. Following the 5th Hero are Layla, Fanny, Harith and Cecilion.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th


1. Which of the following represents median?

2. Which of the following Heroes belongs to the 20% that ranked high than the
rest of the group.
3. Which of the following Heroes belongs to the 70% from the lowest.
4. How many percent of Heroes ranked lower than the Melissa?
Illustrating Percentile:

“Finding One Piece”

There was a race in finding “One Piece” between the pirates in the West blue
sea. The first in line was the Straw Hat pirates, followed by Red hair pirates
then the Kid Pirates, close to the Kid pirates is the Heart pirates followed by
the Blackbeard pirate. Last on the race was the Fire tank pirates, second to the
last is the Big Mom pirates, third to the last is the Beast pirates, in front of
them was the Sun pirates, and following the ship that’s in the middle is the
Barto Pirates.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

1. Which of the following represents median?
2. Which of the following belongs to the 30% leading the race?
3. Which of the following belongs to the 70% leading the race?
4. How many percent of Pirate ship behind Heart Pirates?


Illustrating Quartile

1. Which of the following represents median?
Answer: The Snake represents the median

2. Which of the following belongs to the first 50% that arrived earlier than the
rest of the group?
Answer: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Draggon, and Snake.

3. Which of the following belongs to the first 25% that arrived earlier than the
rest of the group?
Answer: Rat, Ox, and Tiger.

4. How many percent of animals arrived later than the tiger?

Answer: 75%

Illustrating Decile
1. Which of the following represents median?
Answer: Aulus

2. Which of the following Heroes belongs to the 20% that ranked high than the
rest of the group.
Answer: Melissa and Aamon

3. Which of the following Heroes belongs to the 70% from the lowest.
Answer: Moskov, Cecilion, Harith, Fanny, Layla, Aulus, and Atlas.

4. How many percent of Heroes ranked lower than Melissa?

Answer: 90%

Illustrating Percentile

1. Which of the following represents median?
Answer: Black Beard Pirates

2. Which of the following belongs to the 30% leading the race?

Answer: Straw Hat, Red Hair, and Kid Pirates

3. Which of the following belongs to the 70% leading the race?

Answer: Straw Hat, Red Hair, Kid, Heart, Black Beard, Barto, and Sun Pirates

4. How many percent of Pirate ships are behind Heart Pirates?

Answer: 60%
G. Finding practical Lorenz is saving money, he listed the amount of money he saved for 8 days
applications of { 30 , 15 ,50 , 35 , 45 , 20 , 60 ,55 , }. Find the quartile (Q1), second Quartile (Q2),
concepts and skills and the third Quartile (Q3).
in daily living ( real
life situation ) Answer:

H. Making Guide the students to generalize the concepts learned by asking the question:
generalizations and How will you Illustrate measures of position?
abstractions about
the lesson Answerable with: Arrange the data in ascending or descending depending on
the variable under study then locate the position.

I. Evaluating learning The table below shows the ungrouped scores (out of 100) for exam takers:

84 57 58 60 61 81 69 76
48 80

65 50 73 66 78 49 82 55
75 92

Using the information presented in the table, illustrate it in Quartile, Decile,

and Percentile then locate the following.

1. Scores in Quartile 1

2. Scores in Decile 2

3. Score in Percentile 50


Scores in Quartile 1: 48, 49, 50, 55, 57

Scores in Decile 2: 48, 49, 50, 55
Scores in Percentile 50: 48, 49, 50, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 65, 66
J. Additional Write your answer in ½ crosswise. Maximum of 5 sentences.
Activities for
application for What do you think is the use of learning Measures of positions of ungrouped
remediation data in our daily lives?

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

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