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Creating a presentation on a Dry Sorbent Injection (DSI) System is a great way to inform

your audience about this technology. Below is an outline for your presentation, including
key points and ideas for each slide.

**Slide 1: Title**
- Title: "Dry Sorbent Injection (DSI) System: An Overview"
- Subtitle: "Capturing Emissions for Cleaner Air"

**Slide 2: Introduction**
- Briefly introduce the topic and its significance.
- Mention the increasing importance of emission control in industries.
- Highlight the role of DSI in mitigating air pollution.

**Slide 3: What is Dry Sorbent Injection?**

- Define DSI as a technology used to control emissions of acid gases and particulate matter.
- Explain how DSI works to capture pollutants from industrial flue gases.

**Slide 4: Key Components of DSI**

- Discuss the main components of a DSI system:
- Sorbent Injection System
- Reactor or Reaction Chamber
- Hopper and Conveyor System
- Monitoring and Control System

**Slide 5: Sorbent Materials**

- Explain the types of sorbent materials used in DSI:
- Lime
- Sodium bicarbonate
- Trona
- Discuss the selection of sorbents based on specific pollutants and process conditions.

**Slide 6: How DSI Works**

- Describe the operational process of DSI:
- Sorbent injection into flue gas stream
- Reaction with acid gases (e.g., SO2, HCl)
- Formation of solid particles for collection

**Slide 7: Benefits of DSI**

- Highlight the advantages of using DSI:
- Effective control of acid gas emissions
- Reduced particulate matter emissions
- Improved air quality compliance
- Potential for byproduct utilization (e.g., gypsum)

**Slide 8: Applications of DSI**

- Provide examples of industries and applications where DSI is commonly used:
- Coal-fired power plants
- Cement manufacturing
- Waste-to-energy facilities

**Slide 9: Environmental Impact**

- Discuss the positive environmental impact of DSI systems:
- Reduction in acid rain precursors
- Minimized health risks associated with air pollution
- Reduced contribution to climate change

**Slide 10: Challenges and Considerations**

- Acknowledge the challenges associated with DSI:
- Sorbent handling and storage
- Sorbent replenishment and disposal
- Operational costs

**Slide 11: Case Study**

- Present a real-world case study showcasing the successful implementation of DSI

**Slide 12: Future Trends**

- Discuss emerging trends and innovations in DSI technology, such as continuous monitoring
and advanced sorbents.

**Slide 13: Conclusion**

- Summarize the key points of the presentation.
- Reinforce the importance of DSI in reducing emissions and promoting cleaner air.

**Slide 14: Q&A**

- Open the floor for questions and discussions from the audience.

**Slide 15: Thank You**

- Thank your audience for their attention and participation.
- Provide contact information for further inquiries.

**Slide 16: Additional Resources**

- Include a slide with recommended readings, websites, or resources for those interested in
learning more about DSI technology.

Remember to use visuals, graphics, and clear, concise language in your presentation to
enhance understanding and engagement. Additionally, practice your presentation to ensure
a smooth delivery and be prepared to answer questions from your audience.

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