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Chapter 1: Pre-War Times

Everything that led up to the human civilization and

the world ending through the eyes of a man named Jake
Spade who was arrested for murder. It was October 20th,
2013 Jake Spade was hunting close to Tillamook, Oregon
and he accidentally shot another hunter that he thought
was a deer. That hunter’s hunting partner had Jake
arrested for murder. Jake was going to jail for two years.
He was only in jail for two weeks before World War Three
Happened. WW3 started when Russia launched a dozen
nuclear missiles toward the U.S., The U.S. thought China
launched the missile so we destroyed China. Russia
launched more missiles toward Europe and accused the
U.S. of forcing them to do it. Europe attacked the U.S. and
the U.S. retaliated with our own missiles and other
countries joined the war.
CHAPTER 2: The War
Jake and all the other prisoners with lesser
sentences were released.
When Jake got freed he met a woman named Cindy
Smitts. She told him that she was on her way to a shelter
that Bush created off the coast of Seaside, Oregon, he
asked if it would be alright if he tagged along with her. The
shelter was really a new type of submersible that had
been created just in case WW3 or any other type of
nuclear war started and it was originally for the president
but as he was already dead it was decided to be given to
the people. The shelter had enough supplies to last eight
people for seven years and a ragtag team of middle
schoolers was given the decision of who would get to
survive while the world ended in a nuclear winter. The
team was made up of only eighth Graders from a school
named West Orient Middle School, they would ultimately
get to decide who got to live in the shelter and survive.
Jake told Cindy, “ isn't it strange that a bunch of middle
schoolers get to decide who lives and who dies” she
nodded and he continued to say “ it must be a lot of
pressure for a bunch of teens having to pick who gets to
live and die" Cindy agreed with him but said, “If I were one
of those kids I would feel Stressed out and anxious".
When Jake and Cindy finally reached Seaside they
spotted a crowd of people on the beach in front of a huge
tunnel with a big door on the end of it, the door had a big
lock on it. In front of the tunnel was a small stage with a
bunch of teenagers and in front of them was a teen telling
the crowd “write your names and details about what you
would be able to bring to the world after the war; write this
down on a piece of paper then put it in one of the locked
boxes.” Everybody rushed over to the stations that had
been set up for them to write down their information. Jake
and Cindy went and waited to write down their information
and put it in the box, while they were waiting in line, the
leader of the group who had told the crowd his name
before, Jake, and Cindy arrived, the teen re-introduced
himself and a few of the other student that would be
helping with the choice of who got to live in the shelter, he
said "I'm Sean, This is Scott, Albert, Ayesha, Jake,
Madison, and Yulieth, and also none of us will accept
bribes to influence our decisions. After everybody was
done writing down their names and info, Sean told
everybody "while all of you were writing down your info me
and everybody from West Orient had a meeting, and we
decided that we are we going to send a group of students
into the shelter along with the four other people to better
guide the ones going as we are the only one properly
trained on the mechanics of the shelter. Sean told
everybody "please go home or wherever you are staying
we will decide who is going into the shelter overnight and
tell you the results in the morning, please gather here
around six o'clock and we will announce the names of the
people who get to live in the shelter". Later that night while
the group of teenagers was deciding, Jake and Cindy
were walking around town when they saw an arcade
called Funland Arcade they went inside and bought two
gaming cards loaded with dollars to spend on games, the
first thing they did was Dirty Drivin’ Jake beat Cindy, then
they played Dance, Dance Revolution a few times, they
also played Fruit Ninja, Skeeball, Guitar Hero, Fascination
and won three times, Jake won a stuffed bear from one of
the animal cranes he gave the bear to Cindy, after playing
a few other games they went and turned their tickets in
they had a little over a thousand tickets they got few board
games and some candy. After the arcade they got pizza
they headed to a local hotel and got separate rooms. The
next morning Jake got himself up at five-thirty and went
and knocked on Cindy's door when she answered she was
already awake and dressed, so they headed down to the
beach when they got there they saw that everybody else
was there the teenagers stood on the small stage and
again Sean was the one talking he said "ok we have made
our final decision, the six people that get to go into the
shelter are Rock Stone, Jake Spade, Cindy Smitts, Wanda
good, and the two people from our group that we decided
to send into the shelter are Shelby Hogan, and Sean
Henderson, will the people I called please come up to the
stage now. When Jake heard his name called he was
really excited and so was Cindy she said “I can’t believe
our names were called”. After the people that had gotten
called were up on the stage, Sean told a kid named Scott
to lock the door once all eight of us were inside, Scott said
“ok, and goodbye”.

CHAPTER 3: The Shelter

Jake was excited and kind of nervous because he
was afraid that something might happen while they were
inside the shelter, but it was too late for him to change his
mind cause the door had been closed and locked from the
outside. Jake and Cindy had decided to bring the board
games they had won at the arcade, Jake felt his ears pop
as the walkway started to slope downward Sean was
guiding them to the shelter he said: "the reason the floor is
sloping downward is we are going really deep down, the
shelter is sort of like a submarine and isn't traceable by
sonar, the shelter will sort of float around the ocean, but
we will be able to know where we are while floating
around, because of the big computer somewhere inside
and yes there will be some windows don't worry cause the
glass is twenty-five inches thick, after seven years of
floating around the ocean the shelter will surface and
guide itself toward land isn't that awesome". Jake thought
was going to be sick when Sean said "they would be
floating around the ocean for seven years", Cindy asked
Jake if he was ok, and told him that he looked a little
green. When they reached the shelter Sean required help
to open the door to the shelter and after they were inside
he required help close and lock the door. After the door
was closed, Sean went over to a computer screen next to
the door and pushed a few buttons that must have
released the shelter from the walkway because all of a
sudden the shelter was moving, everybody but Shelby,
and Sean panicked Sean said: "the shelter is moving away
from the shore, now follow me I will give a tour of the
shelter”. Everybody followed Sean while he told them
where everything was, that included little rooms for them
to live in, the bathrooms and where they could make food,
then he showed them where the food was and also told
them that the sinks will not work until he found the control
panel that turned on the water, also there were activities
there was chess, checkers, and a few other board games,
Jake put the games from the arcade with the rest of the
games. Sean then showed them where the computer that
showed them where they were in the world. Later that
night Jake and Cindy were playing a board game, while
they were playing, Cindy said “I’m happy to have you as a
friend Jake” Jake said he was also happy to have Cindy
as a friend. After they were done playing they went to bed,
the next morning jake got up and got dressed then he
decided to take a walk around the shelter while he was
walking he realized how big the shelter was when he was
done with his walk he went the bathroom to take a shower,
when he was done he went to the kitchen to make himself
something to eat he found some cereal but no milk so he
ate dry cereal for breakfast when Jake was done eating he
went over to the navigation computer to see where they
floated to while they were sleeping, his was surprised to
see they were near Hawaii when he was done with that he
went to find Cindy when he found her, he informed her
that they were near Hawaii she said: “wow this thing
moves quickly”.

Chapter 4: Seven years later

Seven years later Cindy and jake had one child, and
when they all found out that the shelter would be surfacing
the next morning they all got super excited they celebrated
that night. The next morning they all got up early to see
where they were closest to they found out that they were
close to Hawaii, that got them really excited.
When the shelter finally surfaced they had to figure
where they were they found out that they were less a
quarter of a mile off the coast of Hawaii. They were upset
that they didn’t get to go home but they were happy that
they would be able to live on what would hopefully still be
a tropical island.

They decided that some would have to go to shore

and try to find a way to get everyone ashore land and
Sean said he would go first. While Sean was swimming to
shore, a shark swam up behind him and bit off his leg but
he kept swimming and distracted the shark so jake could
when jake got to shore sean was gone. Jake started in
search of a boat or something and

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