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Result no.

Participant age: 68

Age-related diseases experienced by participant 5 are diabetes and highblood pressure and both can be
associated with CVD. According to her, she doesn't take any vitamin D supplements and her only source
of vitamin D for most of her active life is from the sun's vitamin D3. She mentioned that the daily dosage
of vitamin D she gets from the sun helps her relieve stress and keep her physically active for her age.

The participant in the research study had diabetes and high blood pressure, both of which can be
associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Vitamin D may potentially help with these conditions, as
some studies suggest it could improve insulin sensitivity, regulate blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of
type 2 diabetes, promote healthy blood vessel function, and regulate blood pressure levels. The
participant primarily obtained vitamin D from sun exposure, which helps the body produce vitamin D3.
Adequate sun exposure can maintain sufficient vitamin D levels, but it's important to balance it with skin
protection from harmful UV radiation. The participant also mentioned that their sun-derived vitamin D
helped relieve stress and stay physically active, although the exact mechanisms are not fully understood.
Individual experiences may vary, so consulting healthcare professionals is recommended for personalized
advice on managing age-related diseases and potential vitamin D supplementation.

Result no. 6

Participant age:

Participant 6 has arthritis and highblood pressure. Arthritis can be linked with bone fracture whereas
highblood pressure with CVD. She doesn't take vitamin D supplementation but gets vitamin D
alternatively from sunlight and fatty fishes consumed 2-3 times a week on average. According to her,
vitamin D from the sun helps her cope with dizziness. Moreover, she agrees that it had contributed on
positively relieving her stress and maintaining good health at her age.

Participant 6 has arthritis and high blood pressure. Arthritis causes joint inflammation, pain, stiffness,
and reduced mobility. High blood pressure refers to consistently high blood force against artery walls.
The participant obtains vitamin D from sunlight and fatty fishes, which has positive effects on their
health. Vitamin D helps maintain bone health, reducing the risk of fractures associated with arthritis. It
may also regulate blood pressure, improve blood vessel function, and reduce inflammation. The
participant claims that vitamin D from sunlight helps cope with dizziness. Vitamin D deficiency has been
linked to dizziness. Optimal vitamin D levels may contribute to stress relief, good mental health, and
overall well-being. The participant obtains vitamin D naturally and should consult a healthcare
professional for personalized advice. Vitamin D from sunlight and fatty fish may benefit arthritis, blood
pressure, dizziness, stress relief, and overall health, but professional guidance is important.
Result no. 7

Participant age:

Age-related diseases that participant 7 has includes Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis which can be
both associated with bone problems. She also experiences constant dizziness. Her sources of vitamin D
are sunlight containig vitamin D3 which she have been engaging with most of her active life, fatty fishes
consumed 1-3 times a week on average, and multivitamins which she started taking 1 year ago. As per
she, vitamin D in general helped her mainly on relieving fatigue. One side effect she got particularly from
her multivitamin intake include trouble sleeping at night. The change she noticed after taking vitamin D
lies on her now infrequent dizziness.

Participant 7 has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, age-related diseases
associated with bone problems. They also experience constant dizziness. Vitamin D, obtained through
sunlight, fatty fish, and multivitamins, is crucial for maintaining bone health and regulating calcium
levels. Vitamin D deficiency can contribute to bone-related issues. The participant finds relief from
fatigue with vitamin D, likely due to its role in energy metabolism and reducing muscle weakness.
However, they experience trouble sleeping as a side effect of multivitamin intake. While improved
vitamin D status may have indirectly reduced dizziness, it's important to consult a healthcare
professional to investigate its cause. Overall, vitamin D may aid in managing the participant's conditions,
but the sleep issue and dizziness require further examination.

Result no. 8

Participant age:

Participant 8 has tuberculosis and arthritis----associated with falls. She doesn't take any form of
medication or supplementation but acquires vitamin D mainly from the sun's vitamin D3 and sometimes
from other foods, mainly fatty fishes. Favorable effect that she had from taking vitamin D is improved
health and fitness. She agrees that vitamin D had positive impacts on her over all well-being.

Participant 8 in the research had tuberculosis and arthritis, which are serious medical conditions
affecting the lungs and joints, respectively. The participant did not take medication or supplements but
obtained vitamin D from sunlight and fatty fishes. Vitamin D is essential for bone health, immune
function, and overall well-being. Taking vitamin D had positive effects on Participant 8's health and
fitness, as reported by the participant. However, it's important to note that vitamin D supplementation
should not replace prescribed medications for tuberculosis or arthritis. Vitamin D promotes calcium
absorption, maintains bone health, and may have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce joint
pain and stiffness in arthritis. It also plays a crucial role in immune function, and deficiency can increase
the risk of infections and autoimmune disorders. Individual responses to vitamin D may vary, so
consulting healthcare professionals is important for personalized advice and treatment plans, including
appropriate dosages and potential interactions with other medications.

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