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Name: Justh Yosef Octavion Y.

Course: BSCPE – I
Schedule: Saturday 1:30 – 4:30 PM

Reflection Paper

Last meeting, we were told to write our paper with our names because there was
an activity. The teacher showed a cartolina with some of the many characteristics a
person has. We were tasked to write some characteristics that was shown in the
cartolina on our paper, the characteristics that we were told to write on our paper were
the characteristics that we feel like we have. We were also tasked to pair up since in the
activity we would switch papers along the way. I felt confident and wrote all of the
characteristics that I feel like I have. If I could remember, these were some of the
characteristics that I wrote, independent, brave, loving, kind, witty and so on. I also felt
happy and proud that I can say I have those characteristics and qualities as a human

As the activity went on, we were told to exchange papers with our partner, and the
task was to write the characteristics that we feel like our partners have on their paper.
Then after we were told to give the papers back to the original owners, we were told to
divide the paper into 4 parts, one should be named open, beside it is named hidden,
below hidden is unknown, and beside unknown is blind. On the open part, we were told
to write the characteristics that we know that we have that to ourselves, as well as the
people that surrounds us. On the blind part, was the section where we don’t know we
have those characteristics, but people who surround us do. On the hidden were the
characteristics that we know we have but keep it hidden to others. Lasty for the
unknown where the characteristics that we don’t have and were not known to us. These
4 parts are within the Johari window. The Johari Window, a model that helps people to
better understand themselves and other people. These were the learnings that I got
from this meeting. I learned about the Johari Window, what characteristics I have, the
characteristics that I only know, the characteristics that others know but I don’t, and the
characteristics that I don’t have. I learned a lot from last meeting, especially my
characteristics and qualities as a human being.

I promise myself next time to always be aware of the characteristics I show off to my
surroundings, especially to friends who are newly acquainted with me. I promise to be
aware also of the characteristics that I have as human being and the characteristics I
develop as I grow.

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