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Developer Tips Ron Fybish

Easy Steps
Developer Tips Ron Fybish

An API is a set of functions that allow

developers to access the features or
data of an application.
Developer Tips Ron Fybish

It acts as a bridge between applications,

allowing them to communicate with
each other without having to write code.

Developer Tips Ron Fybish

For example, an API could help two

applications share data without the
need to write code.

Send a WhatsApp
message to client 2

Client 1

WhatsApp API

I received the message

Client 2
Developer Tips Ron Fybish

An SDK (Software Development Kit)

is a set of tools and libraries that
allow developers to create software
applications for a specific platform.
Developer Tips Ron Fybish

It usually includes many pre-built

components, such as APIs and
libraries, which makes it easier for
developers to get started quickly.
Developer Tips Ron Fybish

Unlike an API, an SDK provides

more than just access to the
features or data of an application
Developer Tips Ron Fybish

SDK also provides tools and libraries

that make developing applications
much faster and easier.
Developer Tips Ron Fybish

In summary, an API allows applications to

communicate with each other while an SDK
helps developers create applications with
the help of pre-built components.
Developer Tips Ron Fybish

Ron Fybish
Developer Advocate

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