Bioethics in Nursing Practice Set 1 Questions

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Prepared By: Robbie Liabres, RN

1. Patient C.G. has brain cancer with poor prognosis. She has been admitted to
the hospital for over two months now. Her condition is deteriorating. She
already meets the brain-death criteria. Which nursing intervention is the most
appropriate at this time?
a. Make the decision to withdraw the life support.
b. Sedate the client.
c. Approach the patient’s family for possible organ donation.
d. Talk to the staff about their feelings.
2. Nurse Warren works with a colleague who consistently fails to use standard
precautions or wear gloves when caring for patients. Nurse Warren calls the
attention of the colleague but the colleague insisted that standard
precautions and the use of gloves are not necessary until the patient is
known to have tested positive for HIV. What is the most appropriate action
Nurse Warren would take?
a. Instruct the patients to remind this colleague to wear gloves.
b. Document the problem in writing for the manager.
c. Discuss the issue with other staff members.
d. Ignore the problem; Nurse Warren has done his job in reminding his
3. Nurse Jenny accidentally administers two capsules of phenytoin (Dilantin)
instead of one capsule. The patient exhibits no adverse reactions to that
larger dose. What is the appropriate action Nurse Jenny should take?
a. Call the hospital’s lawyer.
b. Do nothing because the patient’s condition is stable.
c. Document that she has given a capsule of phenytoin (Dilantin).
d. Accomplish a complete incident report.
4. Nurse Paulo suspects that Nurse Gilbert has been drinking alcohol before
their night shift. He smells alcohol on Gilbert’s breath and notes slurred
speech. What is the best course of action Nurse Paulo should take?
a. Immediately notify the nursing supervisor.
b. Cover up for Nurse Gilbert because the profession depends on loyalty
from colleagues.
c. Tell Nurse Gilbert that he has one last chance, but if he drinks before
another shift, he will be reported.
d. Call the security and have Nurse Gilbert arrested because he
endangers the lives of the patients.
5. During her coffee break, Nurse Abby overheard a group of residents passing
by that a celebrity patient with syphilis is admitted at the hospital last night.
Having heard this, Nurse Abby went to her friend Nurse Kate who was an avid
fan of the celebrity. What ethical principle was violated by Nurse Abby?
a. Justice
b. Confidentiality
c. Informed Consent
d. Beneficence
6. Nurse Flor is waiting for the admission orders from the admissions
department. After a few minutes the runner of the admissions department
handed the order inside a folder. When Nurse Flor opened the folder, she was
surprised to see a caricature of their hated hospital director with derogatory
statements about her inserted together with the orders. What is her most
appropriate nursing action?
a. Call the nursing supervisor and report the incident.
b. Call the runner back and ask for his name and the name of the person
who sent the admission orders.
c. Call the security and have the runner arrested.
d. Shred the photograph and keep it to her self for fun.
7. Dr. Bailey ordered a bronchoscopy for Patient R.S. who has a chronic cough.
Nurse Camille brings the informed consent to Patient R.S. for his signature.
She then asks Nurse Camille to explain why the informed consent is
necessary. Nurse Camille responds properly when she tells him that:
a. The patient agrees to the procedure ordered by the physician, even if
he does not understand what the outcome will be.
b. The physician must give the patient and his significant others enough
information to make health-care judgments consistent with their values
and goals.
c. The family of the patient will make decision against the patient’s will.
d. The patient releases the physician from all responsibility for the
8. Nurse Suzette works in a prenatal clinic. She was informed by her patient who
is pregnant that her live-in partner (the father of the infant) has hit her in the
past. The patient also told her that he is short tempered and that she is
worried about what might happen if the new infant has colic and he gets
upset. She begs to Nurse Suzette not to report the problem because she is
afraid that he will beat her. Nurse Suzette should:
a. Record the incident in the nurse’s notes but do not report for she did
not actually witness the beating and she should keep a promise to gain
the trust of the patient.
b. Record the incident in the nurse’s notes but do not report for she will
place the mother and the infant in greater risk of harm.
c. Record the incident in the nurse’s notes and report it as reasonable
suspicion of child and woman abuse.
d. Divert the mother’s attention and teach her to breastfeed her baby to
reduce the possibility of colic.
9. Nurse Ryan is assigned to provide postoperative care for Patient F.L. who has
diabetes mellitus. During the assessment interview, the patient reports that
he is impotent and is much concerned about its effects on his marriage. In
planning for his care, the most appropriate nursing intervention would be:
a. Encourage the patient to ask questions about personal sexuality.
b. Provide time for privacy, the patient needs to examine his thoughts.
c. Provide support for the spouse or significant other.
d. Suggest referral to sex counselor or appropriate professional.
10.Nurse Lorraine is caring for Mang Tiburcio, a homeless patient who has active
tuberculosis. The patient is almost ready for discharge. However, Nurse
Lorraine is concerned of Mang Tiburcio’s ability to follow the medical
treatment regimen. Which intervention will best ensure that the client
complies with treatment?
a. Provide highly individualized patient education.
b. Refer Mang Tiburcio to a social worker for discharge planning.
c. Having the client attend a formal education session.
d. Carefully look for a member of Mang Tiburcio’s family and ask for
11.Patient B.D.L. is admitted to the medical unit with a diagnosis of hepatitis B.
Hospitals are mandated by accrediting bodies to demonstrate respect for the
patient’s confidentiality. Which of the following is a common violation to
patient confidentiality?
a. Keeping the medical records in the view and care of healthcare
providers directly involved with the patient.
b. Placing a sign on the patient’s door stating “Isolation for Hepatitis B”
for others’ safety.
c. Nurse making sure that the patient’s chart is secured at the rack in the
nurses’ station
d. Providing the patient a copy of hospital policies and procedures that
address patient confidentiality at each unit.
12.Patient R.Q. who was rushed to the emergency room two hours ago is now
declared brain dead. Nurse Raffy has been with the patient since admission.
Now, he must talk to the family about organ donation. Which of the following
should be done by Nurse Raffy?
a. Take the family to the chapel.
b. Discuss life support systems.
c. When discussing organ donation, include as many family members as
d. Clarify the family’s understanding and perception about brain death.
13.Nurse Giselle is caring for a woman who is pregnant and is terminally ill with
inoperable cancer. The woman has not been informed about her status by the
physician. The woman states to Nurse Giselle: “I know I am terribly sick. I
think you know what it is. I want you to tell me right now.” Which of the
following is the appropriate thing for Nurse Giselle to do?
a. Give a detailed explanation on the disease of the patient. The patient
needs to know.
b. Deny knowledge about the patient’s condition and do not give the
patient any further information.
c. Make the patient’s chart available to her because after all, she is
entitled to see it.
d. Discuss the situation with the physician.

14. Leslie is a 27 year-old patient with lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding. She
is a Jehovah’s Witness. The physician ordered 2 units of packed RBC to be
administered over 2 hours each. Upon knowing this, Leslie strongly refused
and tells Nurse Kim she won’t have it. Which of the following is the most
appropriate response of Nurse Kim?

a. Ma’am the physician’s order overrides your decision. We have to do

b. Ma’am, are you crazy? You’ll die if you won’t have this
c. Kim approaches her supervisor and wishes to change patient
d. Ma’am I understand your concern, I’ll inform your physician about this.
15.In an emergency case, wherein the physician consents if the patient is
unconscious, which of the following is the belief that is upheld which states
that another person knows what is best for another individual?
a. Autonomy
b. Freedom
c. Paternalism
d. Concern
16.Cynthia has been the patient assigned to Nurse Jeff for one week now. She
reveals to Nurse Jeff that she is planning to commit suicide and asked him to
keep this as a secret. Which of the following statements can guide you in
making a decision in response to Cynthia’s plead?
a. Information may be revealed with the permission of the patient.
b. It is improper to reveal this type of information because it will destroy
the trust which is important in any nurse-patient relationship
c. Confidentiality should never be violated at all times.
d. Confidential information may be revealed in serious harm is deemed to
17. Nurse Gian carefully assesses his 83 year-old patient. He gently
assesses the patient so to prevent injuring or hurting the patient. This
practice follows which of the following principles?
a. Beneficence
b. Non-maleficence
c. Confidentiality
d. Double Effect
18.Nurse Mabelle works in a health center. She gives a patient placebo drug for
a patient. Which of the following principles is being violated by Mabelle?
a. Double effect
b. Autonomy
c. Veracity
d. Confidentiality
19.Mary Jane is a 20 year-old patient who is scheduled for exploratory
laparotomy tomorrow at 9 in the morning. During the morning of the surgery,
which of the following should the nurse do?
1. Assess the patient’s readiness for the surgery
2. Give written and oral preoperative teachings
3. Ask the patient’s relatives to sign the consent if the patient is asleep.
4. Obtain and accomplish the preoperative checklist
a. 1,2,3
b. 1,2,4
c. 1,3,4
d. All of the above
20.Nurse Minnie upholds the principle of social justice at all times. Which of the
following precepts guide Nurse Minnie in doing this?
a. Uphold universal access to healthcare and healthcare facilities
b. Collaborate efficiently with the members of the health team
c. Defend for the patient’s rights
d. Do no harm to the patient.
21.Nurse Paul knows that a well-informed consent does not include coercion.
Which of the following statements depicts coercion or manipulation?
1. “Your family needs you with them.”
2. “I’ll give you time to decide.”
3. “Your wife will die without this surgery.”
4. “You’ve waited so long for a donor.”
a. 1 and 3
b. 1,2,3
c. 2,3,4
d. 1,3,4
22.Eva was rushed to the hospital after being found lying unconscious in the
beach. Evidences show that she was raped. Treatment of rape victims is one
of the most ethically challenged because it involves sexuality and life. Eva
may opt to undergo a procedure that could prevent conception but may also
be abortifacient if fertilization has already occurred. Which of the following is
violated by this?
a. Beneficence
b. Non-maleficence
c. Human Dignity
d. Veracity
23.Mrs. Patricia De Castro is brought to the operating room for her scheduled
caesarean section because the baby is in breech position. Nurse Laura should
remember that which of the following is the most important intervention
before Mrs. De Castro receives anesthesia?
a. Proper skin preparation of the operative area
b. Insertion of the indwelling catheter
c. Obtain an informed consent from Mrs. De Castro
d. Start and intravenous (IV) line
24. Ashley, 10 years old, is scheduled for tonsillectomy at 7 in the morning.
Nurse Gelo is the operating room nurse who will bring Ashley in the operating
room. Ashley asks Gelo is she can pray first before they leave the room.
Which of the following is the appropriate response of Nurse Gelo?
a. “I’m sorry Ashley we might be late for your surgery. We are strictly
following the time.”
b. “It’s alright. Will I stay here and pray with you or will I go out for a
c. “Just pray by yourself on our way to the operating room.”
d. “You should have prayed earlier. There are a lot of patient scheduled
for operation today.”
25.Proper disclosure of all needed information to the patient about his condition
and treatment alternatives is embedded in which of the following principle?
a. Double Effect
b. Totality
c. Autonomy
d. Privacy
26.An unconscious 27 year old male patient is rushed in the emergency room
after a vehicular accident. He has a closed head injury. Which of the following
legal documents will most likely be used to make a medical decision for the
a. Special Power of Attorney
b. Holographic Will
c. Advance Directive
d. Durable Power of Attorney
27.Nurse Rupert knows that an informed consent is important because it
protects both the patient and the hospital for potential lawsuit. Which of the
following are exceptions to informed consent?
1. Compulsory treatment is mandated by a court order
2. If patient relinquishes the right to consent
3. Emergency cases
4. The patient is an emancipated minor
a. 1 and 3
b. 1,2,3
c. 2,3,4
d. 1,3,4
28.Which of the following patients are capable of giving an informed consent
1. Married emancipated minor
2. Blind adult
3. A manic-depressive patient
4. 25 year old mute patient
a. 1,2,3
b. 1,2,4
c. 1 only
d. None of the above.
29.Which of the following situations exhibits the application of the principle of
1. Asking the poor people to become subjects in research for drugs
2. Providing quality health care equally to all patients
3. Delivery of the minimum health care to all according to individual
4. Properly disclosing of information regarding the procedure and
maintaining anonymity of research subjects on abortion
a. 1,2,3
b. 1,2,4
c. 2,3,4
d. All of the above.
30.Nurse Kristine receives an order from Dr. Velasco to give her patient, Sammy
Cruz two tablets Ciprofloxacin (Ciprobay) for urinary tract infection. Nurse
Kristine knows that Sammy has no urinary tract infection and that the drug
should be given to another patient who has urinary tract infection. Which of
the following should Nurse Kristine do?
a. Give the drug because it is the order of the doctor
b. Give the drug to the patient with urinary tract infection
c. Call the attending physician and clarify the order.
d. Write a report give it to the hospital lawyer.
31.Dr. Paredes ordered a medication to be given intramuscularly on the left
deltoid of Mrs. Toledo. Nurse Percy knows that Mrs. Nolasco is post left MRM.
Which of the following should Nurse Percy do?
a. Give the medication on the right deltoid.
b. Give the medication on the right deltoid and document it on the
patient’s chart.
c. Follow the order. It is not contraindicated.
d. Inform Dr. Paredes that Mrs. Toledo is post right MRM and clarify the
32.Ms. Tanjuatco is scheduled for proctosigmoidoscopy. She needs to sign an
informed consent before the procedure. Which of the following is true about
informed consent?
1. The patient has no ability to refuse the procedure after the consent is
2. An informed consent should exclude an explanation of alternative
treatments and procedures
3. When a patient refuses to give consent, the husband or any significant
other can sign.
4. The doctor will decide what is best for the patient.
a. 1,2,3
b. 1,2,4
c. 2,3,4
d. None of the above
33.Before being hired as staff nurses, qualified applicants are subjected to
mandatory HIV testing. This practice of hospitals shows which of the following
ethical principles?
a. Beneficence
b. Non-maleficence
c. Totality
d. Double Effect
34.Nurse Lea has been asked to witness an informed consent for surgery. Nurse
Lea understands that what she is witnessing is that the
a. Informed consent took place.
b. Patient was fully informed about the procedure
c. Patient signs the consent form
d. Family consented to the procedure.
35.Nurse Mylene works on the postpartum unit and is giving medications at 9:00
am. She enters the room of a patient, calls the patient by name, checks the
name band for accuracy and administers an oral vitamin. After the patient
swallows the pill, she states that another nurse has also given her this same
pill an hour ago. Mylene checks the medication record and finds that another
nurse has signed off on the drug entry. The most appropriate action by the
nurse is to:
a. Do nothing, because the patient was not harmed by the second
b. Report the first nurse to the nurse manager for not informing the
medication nurse that a drug had been given.
c. Submit an incident report describing the circumstances of the
medication error.
d. Notify the patient’s physician and ask for advice.
36.Nurse Francis works in a hospice. Which of the following is a characteristic of
hospice care?
a. Most of the patients have 6 months or less to live.
b. Care ceases when the patient dies.
c. Licensed personnel provide all of the care and comfort
d. Service is available at specified times
37.Jason Ballesteros, RN, MBA is a nurse manager in St. Isidore Medical Center.
Caring for patient with non-medical problems, he calls for the service of a
social worker in order to address some of these problems of some patients.
Which of the following patients in Jason’s list requires assistance first?
a. Gertrudes Salvacion, 61 years old, post stroke, lives alone.
b. Danilo Masangkay, 54 years old, with a history of recent myocardial
infarction (MI), in a midst of a divorce
c. Artemio Romero, 72 years old, with heart failure, no insurance
d. Mayumi Yamsuan, 29 years old, homeless and newly diagnosed with
diabetes mellitus
38.Nurse Celine is reviewing the medications in the physician’s order and notes
a medication with a dose that is two times greater than the usual dose. Which
of the following is the most appropriate nursing action of Nurse Celine?
a. Understand that there may be special circumstances in which
additional medication is needed and give the medication as ordered.
b. Discuss the question about the drug with the physician who ordered it
and record the results of the discussion.
c. Check with the nurses from the previous shift to see if the medication
was given as ordered.
d. Ask the patient if he or she has been receiving the dose of medication
as ordered.
39.Nurse Gabriel received his patient assignments for the shift. Which of the
following patients is Gabriels priority in an acute care situation?
a. Delia who is newly admitted with chest pain
b. Hope who is complaining of pain following surgery for hip pinning.
c. Lulu with diabetes who has a glucose reading of 180.
d. Mary who is three (3) days postoperative with left calf pain.
40.Nurse William cares for a patient with Hepatitis B. The patient calls him and
says “Come here. There is something I want to tell you but you have to keep
it a secret.” The most appropriate reply of William would be:
a. “Sure, you can tell me. Our code of ethics prevents me from telling
b. “Why not. You can tell me anything, you know.”
c. “I am responsible for the health of other people as well. I’m sorry but I
can’t keep anyone’s secrets.”
d. “I will not tell anyone who does not need to know. But if it is important
to your health or to someone else’s health, I may have to tell another
person. “
41.A nurse is morally opposed to abortion at any time during pregnancy. Which
statement best describes the nurse’s responsibility related to this belief?
a. The nurse must make this position known before being employed at an
agency that provides abortions.
b. The nurse may decline to participate in abortions, but must care for
women after the procedure.
c. The nurse cannot accept employment in any agency that may provide
abortion services.
d. The nurse must provide the same care for women undergoing abortion
procedures as for any other woman.
42.Shortly arriving for the evening shift, the triage nurse evaluates several
patients who have come into the emergency department. Which of the
following patients should receive highest priority?
a. Jeff, a basketball player, limping and complaining of pain and swelling
on his right ankle.
b. Martin, a middle-aged man, diaphoretic and complaining of severe
chest pain radiating to his jaw.
c. Celeste, with her 5-year-old son, who has been complaining of nausea
and has vomited once since noon.
d. Pacita, an elderly who is complaining of a loss of appetite and fatigue
for the past week.
43.Nurse Olivia joins a team who will respond in a calamity area. To prevent
mass hysteria during a disaster, Nurse Olivia would care first for which of the
following patients.
a. Manolo who is a drug addict
b. Yolly who is depressed.
c. Perry who is euphoric
d. Sisa who is panicking
44.Nurse Nedy cares for a patient who wishes to donate his liver to his brother.
What should be included in Nedy’s response when the patient asks for factual
information about becoming an organ donor?
a. A donor can be of any age.
b. Verbal consent would be enough.
c. Family members must also give their consent.
d. There are some contraindications for being an organ donor.
45.It is important to consider the cultural and religious beliefs of patient in
providing healthcare. What is the best reason to include favorite or culturally
required food in the diets of patients from cultures other than the dominant
a. To prevent the patient from becoming agitated.
b. To prevent malnutrition
c. To convey acceptance of the patient’s beliefs and identity
d. To ensure the patient’s cooperation with scientifically based treatment
46.Mr. Rajiv Singh is a 48-year-old Hindu with a severe necrotizing ulcer of the
lower left leg refuses to undergo surgery because of religious beliefs
regarding reincarnation. The physician wants to schedule a below knee
amputation of the left leg. What is the role of the nurse in this situation?
a. Encourage the patient to have the surgery.
b. Discuss the religious beliefs with the physician.
c. Call a family meeting.
d. Inform the patient of the other options available.
47.Nurse April is a staff at the Newborn unit. On a particular shift, two of the
regularly assigned staff members are on sick leave and no new staff is
available for assistance. She is with a charge nurse and no other bedside
nurse. Which of the following should Nurse April do?
a. Bring the infants out to their mothers to take care of them, this is
mandated by the law anyway.
b. Provide quality nursing care only to those patients regularly assigned
to her.
c. Coordinate with the charge nurse and prioritize patient care so that all
patients receive reasonably safe quality care.
d. Refuse the nursing assignment because the increased number of
patients makes it unsafe not just to the patients but to the nurse as
48.Mr. Ventura is in the final stages of lung cancer. He tells Nurse Judy, “I wish I
could just be allowed to die. I’m tired of fighting this illness. I’ve lived a good
life. I continue my chemotherapy and radiation treatment only because of my
family wants me to.” What is Nurse Judy’s best response?
a. “Would you like to talk to a psychologist about your thoughts and
b. “Would you like to talk to your minister about the significance of
c. “Would you like to meet with your family and your physician about this
d. “I know you are tired of fighting this illness, but death will come in due
49.One of the patients is dissatisfied with his hospitalization. He decides to leave
against medical advice and refuses to sign the paperwork. Which of the
following is the nurse’s next course of action?
a. Detain him until he signs the paperwork.
b. Detain him until his physician arrives.
c. Call the security for assistance
d. Let him leave.
50.Mr. Clifford Jones, 92 years old with prostate cancer and multiple metastases,
is in respiratory distress and is admitted to a medical unit from a skilled
nursing facility. His advance directive states that he doesn’t want to be places
on a ventilator or receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Based on the
patient’s advance directive, which of the following nursing intervention
should the nursing care plan include?
a. Check Mr. Jones’ status once per shift.
b. Provide mouth and skin care only if Mr. Jones’ family requests it.
c. Turn the patient only if he’s uncomfortable.
d. Provide emotional support and pain relief.
51.Mrs. David became seriously ill after a nurse gave her the wrong medication.
When Mrs. David recovered, she filed a lawsuit. Who is most likely to be held
1. The attending physician
2. The hospital
3. The nurse who administered the wrong medication
4. The chaplain
a. 1,2,3
b. 1 and 2
c. 2 and 3
d. 1 and 3
52.A patient with end-stage liver cancer tells the nurse he doesn’t want
extraordinary measures used to prolong his life. He asks what he must do to
make these wishes known and legally binding. How should the nurse respond
to the patient?
a. Discuss documenting his wishes in an advance directive.
b. Tell the patient that it is a legal question and is beyond the scope of
nursing practice
c. Provide a copy of the patient’s bill of rights
d. Give information on active euthanasia
53.Max Perido, a 21 year-old call center agent, is admitted to the psychiatric unit
because of severe depression. Few days after his admission, the employer of
Max calls the nursing station inquiring about the patient’s progress. The
nurse doesn’t know if the patient has given consent to allow the staff to give
information out to callers on the phone. The best response of the nurse on
the line is:
a. “I’m sorry he is not here. I’ll just tell him to call you back.”
b. “I’m sorry I can not confirm whether your employee is a patient here.”
c. “I’m sorry sir. I am not in the position to discuss her progress.”
d. “For a while ma’am, his attending physician is Dr. Mallen and his
number is +639235932056.”
54.Ms. Lulu Yatco wishes to be discharged from the health care facility against
medical advice. What should the nurse do?
a. Call the security to help detain Ms. Yatco
b. Notify the physician of Ms. Yatco.
c. Take measures to prevent the Ms. Yatco from leaving
d. Request Ms. Yatco to sign a DAMA form.
55.Nurse Rachelle works in the pediatric unit of a tertiary hospital. As she goes
back to the nurses’ station, she hears two family members arguing in a
child’s room. They start to hit each other and the child is crying. Which of the
following should Nurse Rachelle do?
a. Call the security to come and intervene.
b. Remove the child from the room
c. Ask one of the family members to leave the room
d. Try to reason with both family members.
56.Nurse Jerome needed assistance in transferring Lola Carmela who is
confused, to bed. Nurse Jerome leaves Lola Carmela to find someone to assist
him with the transfer. While Nurse Jerome is gone, Lola Carmela falls and
hurts herself. Nurse Jerome is at fault because he hasn’t:
a. Restrained Lola Carmela before leaving her alone
b. Properly instructed Lola Carmela about the safety measures.
c. Arranged for continual care of Lola Carmela.
d. Properly documented that he has left Lola Carmela.
57.A nurse in an ambulatory care clinic is performing an admission assessment
for a patient scheduled for a cataract removal with an intraocular lens
implant. Which of the following questions would be the least important for the
nurse to ask on an initial assessment?
a. “Do you have frequent episodes of headache?”
b. “Do you have any difficulty in breathing?”
c. “Do you ever experience chest pain?”
d. “Do you have a close relationship with your family?”
58.Mrs. Tanya Manzano is diagnosed with cancer and is told that surgery
followed by chemotherapy will be necessary. She tells Nurse Cathy, “I have
read a lot about complementary therapies. Do you think I should try it?”
Cathy responds by making which most appropriate statement?
a. ‘No, because it will interact with the chemotherapy.”
b. “You need to ask your physician about it.”
c. “I would try anything that I could if I had cancer.”
d. “There are many different forms of complementary therapies. Let’s talk
about these therapies.”
59.Nurse Amanda hears a patient calling for help. She hurries down the corridor
and enters the patient’s room where she found the patient face down on the
floor. Nurse Amanda performs a thorough assessment and assists the patient
back to bed. The nurse notifies Dr. Olalia, the attending physician of the
incident and completes and incident report. Which of the following would
Amanda document in the incident report?
a. Patient F.R. slipped from his bed.
b. Patient J.G. woke up from sleep terror and accidentally jumped from his
c. Patient N.J. was found on the floor face down
d. Patient M.L. moved three (3) inches from the last seen position and
jumped five (5) inches from the bed surface.
60.As Nurse Sheila accurately and legibly in the patient’s chart, she upholds
which of the following ethical principle?
a. Beneficence
b. Double Effect
c. Totality
d. Veracity
61.As Nurse Glenn takes beneficent actions when he performs oral and skin care
to the patient and provide emotional support to those anxious or downed
patients, he shows an application of which of the following?
a. Beneficence
b. Non-maleficence
c. Totality
d. Double Effect
62.It is emphasized that cautiousness during medication administration is
important to avoid errors which results to adverse reactions of the
medication. Lack of cautiousness in drug administration violates which of the
following ideas?
a. “I will be faithful to the patient’s care.”
b. “I will be honest in my patient care.”
c. “I will avoid doing good to the patient.”
d. “I will avoid anything harmful to the patient.”
63.When Nurse Kenny reports to the proper authority that Dr. Ku is practicing
drug abuse, he is upholding which of the following?
a. Double Effect
b. Non-maleficence
c. Totality
d. Privacy
64.As the nurse face ethical dilemmas, the principle of beneficence should be
remembered for it means:
a. Do no harm
b. Do good
c. Be truthful
d. Be discreet
65.Which of the following professionals can declare the death of a potential
organ donor?
a. Transplant Surgeon
b. The family lawyer
c. Attending Physician
d. Medico-legal
66.Which of the following are the qualities of a fully mature and responsible
1. Free
2. Certain
3. Callous
4. Clear
a. 1,2,3
b. 1,2,4
c. 1,3,4
d. All of the above
67.The nurse can augment his or her ethical practice by doing the following,
a. Join in ethics committee and their forums
b. Elucidate their own sets of values in life
c. Be familiar with the Medical Code of Ethics
d. Considering the values in life of other members of the health team
68.The Holy Scriptures provides basis for Human Dignity through which of the
a. Easter
b. Pentecost
c. Salvation History
d. Annunciation
69.Which of the following are the conditions that should be present for the
application of the Principle of Totality?
1. That such member, by its deterioration in function, may cause damage
to the whole organism or at least pose a serious threat to it.
2. That it is proven that the patient might be exposed to grave medical
3. That there is no other way than taking the indicated action against it of
obtaining the desired good result.
4. That the damage being avoided to the whole be proportional to that
which is caused by the mutilation of the part.
a. 1,2,3
b. 1,2,4
c. 1,3,4
d. All of the above
70.If the surgery did not push through as stated in the consent, which of the
following should be done?
a. Obtain another consent for another day
b. Put a line across the date and time of the signed consent of the
postponed surgery, right the new date and time and affix your
c. Report the surgeon to the hospital legal counsel
d. Use the same consent form. It lasts until the procedure is done.
71.Mrs. Delgado refuses to take her medications and consume her food. She
feels that she has no more reason to live since her husband died last year.
This situation is a direct violation to which principle?
a. Totality
b. Stewardship and Creativity
c. Privacy
d. Informed Consent
72.Nurse Samantha cares for a male celebrity who is admitted for
hemorrhoidectomy tomorrow at 8 am. When she was asked by the staff
nurses from the neighboring ward what the actor was in for and she refuses
to spill out the information, Nurse Samantha is applying which of the
following ethical principles?
a. Stewardship and Creativity
b. Informed Consent
c. Beneficence
d. Non-maleficence
73.Mr. Samonte was recently diagnosed to have abdominal aortic aneurysm
(AAA) and is recommended for admission and surgery. He refuses to be
admitted to a first-class hospital and opts to be admitted in a tertiary hospital
due to financial constraints. Which of the following principles should guide
Nurse Henry in making a response?
a. Justice
b. Totality
c. Autonomy
d. Beneficence
74. Nurse Valerie is working in a surgical unit and is assigned to post-operative
patients. One of the responsibilities given to her is to collect post-operative
secretions either from the surgical site or from the drainage collection. If one
of the patients refuses and Nurse Valerie still continues with the procedure,
she is liable with which of the following?
a. Battery
b. Assault
c. Negligence
d. Abandonment
75.Upon returning to the Nurses’ station, Nurse Billy notices that a personnel
from the dietary department is looking through the chart of a patient with
hepatitis B. Which of the following nursing action would be the most
a. Inform the supervisor about the incident.
b. Shout at the personnel telling him that he is being inappropriate
c. Approach the personnel and tell him that it is not allowed for those
who are not directly involved in the patient care to browse through the
patient’s record.
d. Do nothing because the person is part of the interdisciplinary team
caring for the patient.
76. Nurse Joshua is a newly hired staff nurse in the surgical wing of a hospital in
Connecticut. One of his American co-staff approached him and said: “We
white nurses have more superior intellect that you Asian Nurses.” Which of
the following is the most appropriate response of Nurse Joshua?
a. “Yes, I agree.” So that there would be no commotion.
b. “Honestly, I think you are a pathetic racist. But if that’s what you think,
there is nothing I can do. It’s your opinion.”
c. “I believe that we Asian nurses are far better than you white nurses.
Accept the fact that your country needs us because we are skilled and
d. “I really don’t think that intellectual capacity and performance is
related to race or color.”
77.Which of the following is the ultimate destiny of human beings?
a. Utopia
b. Preservation of life at all cost
c. Be in union with the Creator
d. Attain the self-actualization stage according to Maslow
78.Which of the following is/are violations against the Principle of Stewardship?
1. Habitual induced abortion of sex workers
2. Below knee amputation (BKA) of a gangrenous leg
3. Unauthorized deforestation
4. Fishing with the use of TNT and explosives
a. 1,2,3
b. 1,2,4
c. 1,3,4
d. All of the above
79.Nurse Kelly is caring for a comatose patient. One afternoon the patient coded
and no relatives were around. The patient does not have any advance
directive. Which of the following professionals will decide in behalf?
a. Patient’s Lawyer
b. Nursing Supervisor
c. Hospital Chaplain
d. Attending Physician
80.Dr. Vera Cruz requested Nurse Camille to accompany him to secure a written
consent from her patient who is for pelvic laparotomy tomorrow afternoon.
Which of the following requirement should be present so that written consent
can be considered valid and legal?
1. The patient should not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs
2. The consent is secured with duress and coercion.
3. The patient is in the legal age of 18.
4. The patient has received pre-operative medications.
a. 1,2,3
b. 1,2,4
c. 1 and 3
d. All of the above
81.Nurse Portia received a call from the operating room and from the surgeon
that the hypophysectomy scheduled for the patient tomorrow at 10 am is
moved the next day at the same time. Which of the following should Nurse
Portia do?
a. Put a line across the date written in the consent and replace it with the
new date.
b. Secure a new written consent from the patient.
c. Act as a patient advocate and air complaint against the doctor.
d. Do nothing because the consent is good up to seventy-two (72) hours.
82.Mrs. Vergel de Dios is three (3) days post modified radical mastectomy (MRM)
of the right breast. Nurse Glen accurately and legibly documents his care
given to Mrs. Vergel de Dios. Which of the following is being observed by
Nurse Glenn?
a. Confidentiality
b. Privacy
c. Justice
d. Veracity
83.One of the patients assigned to Nurse Farah is a terminally ill patient who
experiences severe pain. Nurse Farah knows that if she gives the patient
analgesics, it may shorten the life of the patient. Which of the following
principles apply to this situation?
a. Justice
b. Double Effect
c. Totality
d. Autonomy
84.Nurse Rebecca saw Dr. Ho sniffing marijuana in the on-call room of
physicians. Nurse Rebecca immediately reported this to the nursing
supervisor. This action of Nurse Rebecca shows application of which of the
following principles?
a. Beneficence
b. Non-maleficence
c. Privacy
d. Double Effect
85. Practicing basic handwashing and aseptic technique in doing procedures to
patients shows exhibits which of the following?
a. Beneficence
b. Confidentiality
c. Double Effect
d. Non-maleficence
86.When Nurse Lulu arrived for the evening shift, her supervisor informed her
that she will be pulled from the ward and will be assigned to the understaffed
emergency room. Nurse Lulu has no experience but the special area rotation
back in the nursing school. Which of the following is the best action Nurse
Lulu would do?
a. Politely refuse to relieve in the emergency room.
b. Make an incident report and give it to the Chief Nurse.
c. Report to the emergency room and identify the tasks she can safely
d. Report to the emergency room and perform the tasks that she saw the
nurses do back in her rotation in nursing school.
87.Ms. Matilde Coronado, a 91 year old maiden is rushed to the emergency room
due to elbow fracture. As Nurse Robert assesses Ms. Coronado, he notes old
and new bruises on her arms and back. When asked how she acquired those,
Ms. Coronado told Nurse Robert that her nephew hits her whenever she wets
her clothes due to incontinence. But then she cried and told her that she has
no family and nobody takes care of her other that her nephew. Which of the
following is the most appropriate response of Nurse Robert?
a. I’ll instruct you with simple ways on how to control your urinary urge so
that you won’t wet your clothes.
b. I’ll try to look for some other relatives so that you can leave your
c. I would like to talk to your

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