MTH101 Lec#2

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MTH 101

Lecture # 2

Calculus 1
Dr. Tanvir Akbar Kiyani
Arithmetic operations on functions
Given functions f and g , we define

( f + g )( x) = f ( x) + g ( x)
( f − g )( x) = f ( x) − g ( x)
( fg )( x) = f ( x) g ( x)
( f / g )( x) = f ( x) / g ( x)

For the functions f + g , f − gand fg we define the domain to be the

intersection of the domains of f and g, and for the function f / g we
define the domain to be the intersection of the domains of f and g
but with the points where g ( x) = 0 excluded ( to avoid division by
Arithmetic operations on functions
Example 1: Let f ( x) = 1 + x − 2 and g ( x) = x − 3 .Find the domains and
formulas for the functions f + g , f − g , fg , f / g and 7 f .
Example 2: Show that if f ( x) = x , g ( x) = x and h( x) = x , then the
domain of fg is not the same as the natural domain of h .
• Example 3: Let f ( x) = x + 1. Find

• 2
(a) f (t ) (b) f  (c) f ( x + h)
Composition of functions
Given functions f andg , the composition of f with g , denoted by f  g ,
is defined by
( f  g )( x) = f ( g ( x))

The domain of f  g is defined to consist of all x in the domain of g for

which g (x) is in the domain of f .
Example 4. Let f ( x) = x 2 + 3 and g ( x) = x . Find
(a) ( f  g )(x) (b) (g  f )(x) and state the domains of the
Composition of functions
Composition can be defined for three or more functions: for
example ( f  g  h)( x) is computed as
( f  g  h)( x) = f ( g (h( x)))
Example 5. Find ( f  g  h)(x) if f ( x) = x , g ( x ) = , h( x ) = x 3
Expressing a function as a composition

Consider h( x) = ( x + 1) 2
Let g ( x) = x + 1, f ( x) = x then h in terms of
f and g can be
written as

h( x) = ( x + 1) =  g ( x) = f ( g ( x))
2 2

Example 6. Express h( x) = ( x − 4) 5 as a composition of two

Functions: Translation
(i) Adding a positive constant c to a function y=f(x) ,adds c to each y-coordinate of
its graph, thereby shifting the graph of f up by c units.

Upward shift
Functions: Translation
(ii) Subtracting a positive constant c from the function
y=f(x) shifts the graph down by c units.

Down ward shift

Functions: Translation
(iii) If a positive constant c is added to x , then the
graph of f is shifted left by c units.

Left shift
Functions: Translation
(iii) If a positive constant c is subtracted from x ,
then the graph of f is shifted right by c units.

Right shift

Example 7. Sketch the graph of

(a) y = x−3 (b) y = x−3 +2

Functions: Reflection
(i) The graph of y=f(-x) is the reflection of the graph
of y=f(x) about the y-axis because the point (x,y)
on the graph of f(x) is replaced by (-x,y).

Reflection about y-axis

Functions: Reflection
(ii) The graph of y=-f(x) is the reflection of the graph of
y=f(x) about the x-axis because the point (x,y) on
the graph of f(x) is replaced by (x,-y).

Reflection about x-axis

Functions: Stretches and Compressions
Multiplying f(x) by a positive constant c has the geometric
effect of stretching the graph of f in the y-direction by a factor
of c if c >1 and compressing it in the y-direction by a factor of
1/c if 0< c <1

Stretches vertically
Functions: Stretches and Compressions

Compresses vertically
Functions: Stretches and Compressions
Multiplying x by a positive constant c has the geometric effect
of compressing the graph of f(x) by a factor of c in the x-
direction if c > 1 and stretching it by a factor of 1/c if 0< c <1.

Horizontal compression
Functions: Stretches and Compressions

Horizontal stretch

Symmetry tests:
• A plane curve is symmetric about the y-axis if and
only if replacing x by –x in its equation produces
an equivalent equation.
• A plane curve is symmetric about the x-axis if and
only if replacing y by –y in its equation produces an
equivalent equation.
• A plane curve is symmetric about the origin if and
only if replacing both x by –x and y by –y in its
equation produces an equivalent equation.
Example 8: Determine whether the graph has symmetric
about x-axis, the y-axis, or the origin.

(a) x = 5y + 9
(b) xy = 5
Even and Odd function
A function f is said to be an even function if
And is said to be an odd function if
Even and Odd function

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