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Suggestive Questions for OB HSMCCSE401

Long Questions Suggestions

1) Classical theories (Scientific management Theory, bureaucratic approach to management,

administrative theory)
2) Theory given by Elton Mayo
3) Group Behaviour, Group Decision Making
4) Group Stages
5) Types & Process of communication
6) Different theories of leadership
7) Theories of Motivation (Maslow, Herzberg, Theory X & Y, McClelland, Alderfer, Vroom’s
8) Big Five Model of Personality
9) Errors of Perception
10) Classical & Operant Conditioning Theory with example
11) Workplace Stress
12) Reasons for Stress and how to overcome
13) Managerial Skills
14) Challenges faced by today’s Managers
15) Techniques of group-decision making

Short Questions Suggestions:

1) Workplace behaviour
2) Functional foremanship
3) Organizational Structure
4) Chain of command
5) Span of Control
6) Contribution of Disciplines to OB
7) Functions of management
8) Teams v/s Groups
9) Qualities of a good leader
10) Types of conflict and meaning

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