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MATHEMATICS 4. It takes Q minutes for tap A to fill a tank

and 7 minutes for tap B to fill the same
1. The diameter of a wheel of a car is 42 tank if they operate seperately. When
cm. If the car covers 396 m in one both taps are opened at the same time,
minute, how many revolutions does it takes 2 11 minutes to fill the tank.
the wheel of the car makes in one 12
22 Calculate Q?
second? (π= )
Itahitajika dakika Q kwa bomba A kuwe-
Kipenyo cha gurudumu la gari ni sm 42.
za kulijaza tenki na dakika 7 kwa bomba
Ikiwa gari litatembea masafa ya m 396
B kuweza kulijaza tenki hilo hilo. Ikiwa
kwa dakika moja, je ni mizunguko min-
mabomba yote mawili yatatumika kwa
gapi gurudumu hili litafanya kwa se- wakati mmoja basi yatatumia dakika 2
22 12
kunde moja? (π= ) kujaza tenki hilo.
A) 300 B) 30 C) 25 D) 5 E) 3 Kokotoa Q
A) 36 B) 17 C) 8 D) 5 E) 3
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5. Three workers were employed to do a

2. Ayman ran from the 1st
pole to the 100th job for 10 days. If one worker fell sick
pole and back to first. If the poles are and could not attend the work, how
placed at equal intervals of 50m, what many more days will they take to
distance he covered? complete the job?

Aymani alikimbia kutoka nguzo ya Wafanyakazi watatu waliajiriwa kufan-

kwanza hadi nguzo ya 100 na kurejea ya kazi kwa siku 10. Ikiwa mmoja wa
kwenye nguzo ya kwanza. Ikiwa nguzo wafanyakazi hao ataugua na kushindwa
zimesimikwa kwa umbali ulio sawa kuhudhuria kazini, je ni siku ngapi za
wa m 50, je alikimbia umbali gani? ziada watatumia kukamilisha kazi
A) 4950 B) 5000 C) 10,000
A) 3 days B) 5 days C) 6 days
D) 9900 E) 9950
D) 7 days E) 15 days

6. Mr. Albert sold a suit for 480,000 sh

3. The perimeter of a rectangle is 72m. If making a loss of 10%. At how much
the length is three times its width, could he have sold it to make a 20%
find the area of the rectangle. profit?
Mzingo wa mstatili ni m 72. Ikiwa urefu Bwana Albert aliuza suti kwa sh 480,000
wake ni mara 3 zaidi ya upana, tafuta akipata hasara ya 10%. Je angeiuza
eneo la mstatili. kwa shilingi ngapi ili aweze kupata
faida ya 20%?
A) 243m2 B) 270m2 C) 288m2
A) 640,000sh B) 528,000sh
D) 343m2 E) 360m2 C) 624,000sh D) 576,000sh
E) 440,000sh


7. Kenenega borrowed 50,000 Tsh from 9. A solid cube has a total surface area of
QYZ bank for 18 months. The bank 384 cm2. Calculate its volume.
charged interest at the rate of 12% per
annum. How much should he pay Eneno lote la nyuso za mche mraba ni
back? sm2 384. Kokotoa ujazo wake.
Kenenega alikopa sh. 50,000 kutoka
benki ya QYZ kwa muda wa miezi 18. A) 300cm3 B) 360cm3
Benki inachukua 12% kama malipo ya C) 480cm3 D) 512cm3
riba kwa mwaka. Ni kiasi gani cha fed- E) 640cm3
ha anatakiwa kulipa kama marejesho?
A) 9,000 Tsh B) 51,000 Tsh
C) 108,000 Tsh D) 59,000 Tsh
E) 56,000 Tsh
10. The capacity of a cylindrical container is
27m3. What is its` capacity in cm3.
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Ujazo wa chombo chenye umbo la mche

duara ni m3 27. Tafuta ujazo wake kwa
8. Mayra went to the market to buy the
following commodities: kizio cha sm3.
0.8 kg meat @7,500 sh
6 kg fish @9,000 sh A) 27,000 cm3 B) 2700 cm3
12 kg rice @2,500 sh C) 270 cm3 D) 0.027 cm3
2.5 liters of milk @2,800 sh E) 27,000,000 cm3
6 kg flour @1,200 sh
4 kg onions @2,800 sh
2 kg tomatoes @2,300 sh.
Find how many 5,000 sh notes did
she spend?
11. A cylindrical container has a
radius of 14 cm and height
Mayra alienda sokoni ili kununua mahi- of 2 m.
taji yafuatayo:
Kg 0.8 ya nyama @sh 7,500 Determine its capacity in
Kg 6 za samaki @sh 9,000 liters. (π= 22 )
Kg 12 za mchele @sh 2,500
Lita 2.5 za maziwa @sh 2,800 Chombo chenye umbo la mche duara
kina nusu kipenyo cha sm 14 na kimo
Kg 6 za unga @sh 1,200 cha m 2.
Kg 4 za vitunguu @sh 2,800 22
Tafuta ujazo wake kwa lita. (π= )
Kg 2 za nyanya @sh 2,300
Tafuta idadi ya noti za 5000 alizotu- A) 123 L B) 123.2 L
C) 246.4 L D) 12320 L
E) 1.232 L
A) 24 B) 25 C) 26 D) 28 E) 32


12. Solve the equation:

15. Simplify : 6abc - 2ab =
Tafuta thamani ya k. 1 - 3c
4+2k 3 - k 41
- = 6abc - 2ab
4 2 8 Rahisisha: =
1 - 3c
3 5 1
A) 9 B) 5 C) 7
8 8 2
3 3 A) -3c B) 3c - 1 C) 2ab
D) 6 E) 7
4 8
D) -2ab E) 6ac

13. The father`s age is thrice that of his

daughter. The sum of their ages five 16. Find the sum of the highest number
years from now will be 58 years. What which can divide 28, 42 and 70 and the
is the current age of the daughter? lowest number that can be divided by
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Umri wa baba ni mara tatu ya umri wa 6,8 and 10.

binti yake. Jumla ya umri wao miaka
Tafuta jumla ya nambari kubwa
mitano ijayo kutoka sasa itakuwa ni mi-
inayoweza kuzigawa 28, 42, na 70 na
aka 58. Tafuta umri wa sasa wa binti
nambari ndogo kabisa inayogawanyi-
ka kwa 6, 8, na 10.
A) 24 B) 18 C) 16 D) 15 E) 12
A) 120 B) 128 C) 134
D) 210 E) 420

14. Three bells rang together at 4:30 p.m.

Bell A rings at every 12 minutes, bell
B rings at every 15 minutes and bell C SLEEP
rings at every 18 minutes. At what time
17. 120o
they last rang together before they SCHOOL
90o 40o CHORES
rang at 4:30 p.m.? 30o 40o
A) 7:30 p.m. B) 6:30 p.m.
C) 3:48 p.m. D) 4:12 p.m. CLEANING
E) 1:30 p.m.
The pie chart shows the distribution of 24
hours of a day for a student. How much
Kengele tatu zililia pamoja saa 10:30 jio-
time is spent on cleaning?
ni. Kengele A hulia kila baada ya dakika
12, kengele B hulia kila baada ya dakika Grafu ya duara inaonesha mgawanyo
15 na kengele C hulia kila baada ya da- wa masaa 24 ya siku kwa mwanafunzi.
kika 18. Je ni wakati gani kengele hizo Tafuta muda ambao utatumika kwa
mara ya mwisho zililia pamoja kabla kufanya usafi (CLEANING).
ya kulia tena saa 10:30 jioni?
A) 4 hours B) 3 hours 30 minutes
A) 1:30 jioni B) 12:30 jioni
C) 9:48 jioni D) 10:12 jioni C) 2 hours D) 2 hours 40 minutes
E) 7:30 jioni. E) 3 hours


18. Find the area of the shaded region: 20. Find the surface area of the triangu-
lar prism below?
Tafuta eneo lililowekwa kivuli.
Tafuta eneno la nyuso la prizimu ya
A B ABCD is a square
pembe tatu.
A and C are
centers of circle

ABCD ni mraba
10 cm 10 cm
A na C ni katikati
ya duara
22 m
7 30 c
14 cm 16 cm
A) 696 cm2 B) 1440 cm2
A) 84 cm2 B) 56 cm2
C) 1176 cm2 D) 5040 cm2
C) 116 cm2 D) 840 cm2
E) 720 cm2
E) 112 cm2
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21. Fundi Mussa need to paint the sol-

19. Find the area of the figure below? id shape below. Help Mussa to find the
(ABC is a right-angle triangle and O is surface area of the shape so that he can
22 supply enough paint. (π=3.14)
the center of a semi-circle, π= )

Tafuta eneo la umbo hapo chini. Fundi Mussa alitaka kupaka rangi umbo
la hapo chini. Msaidie Mussa kupata
(ABC ni umbo la pembe tatu yenye jumla ya eneo la umbo hilo ili aweze
pembe mraba na O ni katikati ya nusu- kutumia rangi ya kutosha. (π=3.14)
duara, π= )
20 cm
A 24 cm B

25 O
A) 3454 cm2 B) 2884 cm2

C C) 1727 cm2 D) 3140 cm2

E) 1442 cm2
2 2
A) 19.25 cm B) 84 cm
C) 103.25 cm2 D) 42 cm2
E) 338.5 cm2


4 1 3 7 25. Calculate: 1 2
22. Find the value of : + - ÷ 9-3÷ +2
5 2 4 8 3

4 1 3 7 1 2
Tafuta thamani ya: Kokotoa: 9-3÷ +2
+ - ÷ 3
5 2 4 8

7 1 2 5 31 A) 2 B) 4 C) 9 D) 10 E) 20
A) 1 40 B) 20 C) 35 D) 72 E) 70

23. How much did Namelok have if she

used 3 of her money to pay exam fee
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and half of the remaining for passport

size picture and she is left with 3,000
shillings only.

26. In the figure below ABE is an isosceles

Kiasi gani cha fedha Namelok ali- triangle. Angle BCD = 47o, angle EDC =
kuwanacho ikiwa alitumia 3 ya pesa 82o. What is the measure of the angle
zake kulipia ada ya mtihani na nusu
ya kilichobakia kwa kulipia picha
za pasipoti na kubakiwa na shilingi Kwenye mchoro huu ABE ni umbo la
3,000 tu. pembe tatu isosilesi. Pembe BCD =
470, na pembe EDC = 820
A) 1,000 sh B) 2,000 sh Tafuta ukubwa wa pembe CBE.
C) 3,000 sh D) 6,000 sh
E) 9,000 sh A B C

1 E 82o
24. Express 8 % as a fraction.
Badilisha 8 % kuwa sehemu.
1 800 8
A) 8 B) C) A) 128⁰ B) 102⁰ C) 98⁰
3 3 300
1 1 D) 78⁰ E) 51⁰
D) E)
24 12


27. In the figure below, angle XYZ=110o, 29.

angle VZY=60o, angle UVZ=35o. Line 6no 42o
WUZ is parallel to line VYX. What is the
measure of angle WUV?

3no 58o
Kwenye mchoro hapo chini , pembe
XYZ = 110o, pembe VZY = 60o, pembe
UVZ = 35o. Mstari WUV upo sambam-
Find the value of n in the given figure
ba na mstari VYX. Tafuta ukubwa wa
pembe WUV. Tafuta thamani ya n kwenye umbo
W U Z A) 20⁰ B) 25⁰ C) 30⁰ D) 35⁰ E) 40⁰
? o
60 @ All Rights Reserved - Feza Schools


A) 50⁰ B) 70⁰ C) 85⁰

30. ...
D) 95⁰ E) 100⁰

56 m

28. A plot of land is in the shape of a

4x-30o semi-circle and its diameter is 56 me-
x+10o ters as shown in the figure. Poles were
110-xo erected all round the plot at intervals of 4
meters. How many poles were used?
Eneo la ardhi lina umbo la nusu duara
lenye kipenyo cha meta 56 kama li-
Find the value of x. navyoonekana kwenye mchoro. Nguzo
zilisimikwa kuzunguka shamba lote kwa
umbali wa meta 4. Je nguzo ngapi
Tafuta thamani ya x. zilitumika?

A) 33⁰ B) 35⁰ C) 45⁰ D) 48⁰ E) 50⁰ A) 36 B) 37 C) 38 D) 44 E) 46


31. The area of a square shape garden in 33. Evaluate 4.8 ÷ 0.0016 + 54.6 − 36.76
Feza Nursery School is 29.16 m2. The
headmistress wanted to fence it using Thaminisha :
5 strands of barbed wire. How many 4.8 ÷ 0.0016 + 54.6 − 36.76
meters of wire she used if she left a
2 meter gate not wired on one side of
the garden. A) 3017.84 B) 332.14
C) 2,908.63 D) -91.36
Eneo la bustani lenye umbo la mraba E) 3091.37
pale Shule ya awali Feza ni m2 29.16.
Mwalimu mkuu alitaka kuweka uzio wa
nyaya 5 za senyenge. Je ni meta ngapi
za waya alitumia ikiwa aliwacha ki-
pande cha urefu wa meta 2 ambacho
hakikuwekewa waya?
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A) 98 B) 106 C) 108
D) 110 E) 135

34. Kombo used a ladder to climb to the top

of a wall. He placed the bottom of the
ladder 10 meter away from the wall. The
32. The coordinates of a certain rectangular ladder is 26 meter. Find the height of
figure: (3,2) , (3,−2) , (−2,−2) , (m,2) the wall that Kombo has climbed?
Find the value of m.

Kombo alitumia ngazi kupanda juu ya

Majira ya nukta ya mstatili ni (3,2), (3,- ukuta. Aliisimamisha ngazi hiyo meta 10
2), (-2,-2), (m, 2). kutoka ulipo ukuta. Urefu wa ngazi ni
meta 26. Tafuta kimo cha ukuta alio-
Tafuta thamani ya m.
panda Kombo.

A) 3 B) −3 C) 2 D) −2 E) 4
A) 12 m B) 16 m C) 24 m
D) 26 m E) 36 m


35. SYSHOO bus left Mbinga for Arusha at 37. In a stadium the ratio of men to wom-
06:00 a.m. After one hour, BAKWI bus en is 5:7 while the ratio of women to
left Arusha for Mbinga. The distance children is 3:4. If there were 390 more
between Arusha and Mbinga is 965 km. children than men, how many people
were in the stadium?
If speed of Syshoo bus is 90 km/h and
Bakwi bus is 85 km/h. At what time this
two buses meet each other.
Kwenye uwanja, uwiano wa wanaume
kwa wanawake ni 5:7 wakati uwiano wa
Basi la SYSHOO liliondoka Mbinga saa wanawake kwa watoto ni 3:4. Ikiwa idadi
12:00 asubuhi kuelekea Arusha. Baada ya watoto ni 390 kuzidi idadi ya wana-
ya saa moja kupita, basi la BAKWI lilion- ume, je kulikuwa na watu wangapi
doka Arusha kuelekea Mbinga. Umbali uwanjani?
kati ya Arusha na Mbinga ni km 875.
Ikiwa basi la SYSHOO lilisafiri kwa A) 690 B) 840 C) 1920
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mwendo kasi wa km 90 kwa saa na basi

la BAKWI ni km 85 kwa saa. Muda gani D) 1960 E) 2560
ambao mabasi haya yatakutana?

A) 5 hours B) 10:00 a.m.

C) 11:00 a.m. D) 1600 hours
E) 12:00 p.m. 38. Kangaroo Joe is playing a game: It
jumps in a series of 1m, 1.5m , 2m ,
2.5m , 1m , 1.5m , 2m , 2.5m , 1m etc.

Find the total length it covered after

70th jump?

Kangaroo Joe alikuwa anacheza

36. The sum of three consecutive odd num- mchezo: Aliruka kwa kufuatanisha 1m,
1.5m , 2m , 2.5m , 1m , 1.5m , 2m ,
ber is 177. Find the largest number
2.5m , 1m , ...
among them.
Je aliruka umbali wa meta ngapi
baada ya mruko wa 70.
Jumla ya nambari tatu za witiri zilizo
fuatana ni 177. Tafuta nambari kubwa
kati ya hizi tatu.
1m 1.5 m 2m 2.5 m

A) 59 B) 61 C) 63 D) 69 E) 173
A) 120m B) 121m C) 121.5m
D) 122m E) 122.5m


39. Find the area of the shaded part.

Tafuta eneo lililowekewa kivuli.
40 cm

70 cm
40 cm 50 cm

A) 600 cm2 B) 1800 cm2

C) 2400 cm2 D) 3900 cm2
E) 6300 cm2
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40. The figure below represents a solid

object in the form of a rectangular
block with a semi-circular groove.
Find the volume of the solid in cm3.

Mchoro uliopo hapo chini unawakilisha

umbo la mche mraba wenye mfereji wa
nusu duara kama unavyoonekana.
Tafuta ujazo wa umbo hili kwa sm3.

20 cm

40 c 22 Please control your answers and

28 cm 7
continue to next page.

A) 24640 B) 22400 C) 12320 Tafadhali hakiki majibu yako kisha

endelea ukurasa unaofata.
D) 11200 E) 10080


SCIENCE Kielelezo hapo chini kinawasilisha

tairi. Kashata husaidia kufanya yote
1. Which of the following is a benefit yafuatayo ISIPOKUWA:
that many flowering plants get from
animals:- A) Kuongeza msuguano baina ya tairi
na barabara.
A) oxygen to use in photosynthesis
B) Kukiweka chombo kwenye barabara
B) moisture to prevent wilting C) Kupunguza msuguano baina ya tairi
C) seeds are carried to new places na barabara.
D) shelter from direct sunlight D) Kukiweka chombo vema barabarani
pale kinapobadilisha mwelekeo.
E) Protection of the young plants
E) Kukifanya chombo kuendelea na
Ipi kati ya hizi ni faida ambayo mimea
mingi yenye maua inapata kutoka
kwa wanyama
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A) Oksijeni inayotumika kutengeneza

B) Unyevunyevu kuzuia kunyauka kwa 3. Urea is produced in one organ, filtered
jani from the blood by a second organ and
C) Mbegu husafirishwa kwenda sehemu stored inside a third organ before being
expelled from the body. Which organs
carry out these functions?
D) Kukingwa na mwanga wa jua
E) Kuilinda mimea ambayo haijakomaa. Production Filtration Storage
A) Kidney Liver Bladder
B) Liver Kidney Bladder
2. The diagram below represents a tyre.
C) Liver Bladder Kidney
D) Kidney Bladder Liver
E) Kidney Kidney Liver
Urea huzalishwa kwenya ogani moja,
huchujwa kutoka kwenye damu na ogani
ya pili na kuhifadhiwa ndani ya ogani ya
The treads help to do all the follow- tatu kabla ya kutolewa mwilini.
ing EXCEPT:- Ni ogani zipi hufanya kazi hizi.
A) Increase friction between the tyre and
the road Uzalishaji Kuchuja kuhifadhi
B) Keep the vehicle on the road A) Figo Ini Kibofu
B) Ini Figo Kibofu
C) Reduce friction between the tyre and
the road C) Ini Kibofu Figo
D) Keep the vehicle steady when it D) Figo Kibofu Ini
changes direction E) Figo Figo Ini
E) Keep the vehicle going


4. A see-saw is 8m long and is balanced 6. In order to separate a sugar-sand

on the fulcrum in somewhere. A box mixture to obtain pure sugar, in which
weighing 10N is at one end. Another box order are the following process to be
of 30N is at the other end to balance the followed:-
first box.
i. Evaporation
What is the effort arm if they are in
balance? ii. Dissolution
iii. Filtration

Wenzo yenye urefu wa m8 imewekwa Ili kuweza kutenganisha mchanga-

kwenye egemeo sehemu fulani. Kasha nyiko wa sukari na mchanga kupata
lenye uzito wa N10 likawekwa upande sukari safi, je ni mpangilio upi itabidi
mwengine. Halafu kasha lingine lenye kufatwa?
uzito wa N30 likaweka upande wa pili i) Kuvukiza
ili kuweka mlinganyo sawa na kasha la
ii) Kuyeyusha
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iii) Kuchuja
Tafuta urefu wa mkono wa jitihada
kama makasha yapo kwenye mlinga- A) iii, i, ii B) i, iii, ii
nyo sawa. C) ii, iii, i D) iii, ii, i
E) ii, i, iii
A) 6m B) 8/3m C) 4m
D) 2m E) 4/3m

7. Which of the following statements is

FALSE about prohibitions signs?
5. Consider the diagram A) Most have a circular shape
for a pulley system.
B) Some have a red diagonal line
If the effort and through them
load are 50N and
150N respectively,
? C) The image is black
calculate the D) All have yellow background
efficiency of the
E) Some have white background
machine. Effort

Zingatia kielelezo hiki

? Ipi kati ya maelezo yafuatayo si SAHI-
hapa chini. HI kuhusu alama katazo za barabara-
Load ni?
Ikiwa jitihada na
mzigo ni N50 na N150 A) Nyingi zina umbo la duara
kwa kufatana, kokotoa ufanisi wa B) Baadhi zina mstari mwekundu ulioka-
mashine. ta kati
C) Taswira hua ni nyeusi
D) Zote zina rangi ya njano kwa nyuma
A) 75% B) 100% C) 50%
E) Baadhi zina rangi nyeupe kwa nyu-
D) 90% E) 65% ma.


8. Class A fire is caused by the burning of Muwaridi una miba mikali inayosaidia
solid materials such as wood, paper and kukuwa bila ya kuliwa na wanyama
cloth. Why this class of fire is not ex- wakubwa. Mmea huwa na harufu nzuri
tinguished by using carbon dioxide kuwavutia wasambaza mbegu za uza-
gas? zi za mmea. Kama ni hivi kwa nini
A) Carbon dioxide helps photosynthesis baadhi ya mimea ina majani madogo-
in plants madogo?

B) The gas is chemical A) Yaweze kudondoka wakati wa baridi

C) It requires extra knowledge to use it to
B) Kutengeneza mbegu
extinguish fire
C) Ili iweze kurefuka
D) It is available in small amount only
D) Kutumia eneo dogo
E) It is not capable of lowering tempera- E) Kupunguza matumizi ya maji.
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Moto wa daraja A husababishwa kwa

10. Three resistors 2Ω, 1Ω and 6Ω are
kuungua kwa vitu yabisi kama vile
connected so that the equivalent
mbao, karatasi na nguo. Kwanini aina
resistance is 2Ω. The resistors are
hii ya moto huwa hauzimwi kwa ku-
tumia hewa ya kabondayoksaidi?
A) all in series
A) Kabondayoksaidi husaidia utengen-
ezaji wa chakula cha mimea. B) 2Ω and 1Ω in series and the
B) Hewa ni ya kemikali combination in parallel to 6Ω
C) Inahitajika elimu ya ziada kuweza C) all in parallel
kuitumia kuzimia moto. D) 2Ω and 1Ω in parallel and the
D) Hupatikana kwa kiwango kidogo sana combination in series to 6Ω
E) Haiwezi kushusha jotoridi la kitu kin- E) 2Ω and 6Ω in parallel and the
achoungua. combination in series to 1Ω

Kinzani tatu za 2Ω, 1 Ω na 6 Ω ziliun-

ganishwa na kufanya ukinzani jumuishi
9. A rose has sharp thorns to help them
kuwa 2 Ω. Kinzani hizo ziliungwa:-
grow without being eaten by large ani-
mals. A plant has a nice smell to attract A) Kwa mfuatano
pollinators. If so, why do some plants B) 2 Ω na 1 Ω kwa mfuatano na baadae
have small leaves? kuungwa sambamba na 6 Ω
A) To fall off in winter C) Zote ziliungwa sambamba
B) To make seed D) 2 Ω na 1 Ω sambamba na baadae
kuungwa kwa mfuatano na 6 Ω.
C) To grow tall
E) 2 Ω na 6 Ω kuungwa sambamba na
D) To fit limited space baadae kwa pamoja kuungwa kwa
E) To save water mfuatano na 1 Ω.


11. A large system in a machine like Mtu anaposhindwa kuhisi harufu, ladha
bicycle shows that:- na sauti kutokana na tatizo kwenye
A) large wheel and small wheel rotate ubongo wake, je ni sehemu ipi ya
equally ubongo unadhani haifanyi kazi?

B) The smaller the size of the wheels A) Serebrumu

used the higher the speed is obtained B) Medula oblongata
C) The large the size of the wheels used C) Mafikio ya hisia
the higher the speed is obtained D) Serebelamu
D) When a small wheel rotates once, the E) Hepothelamusi.
bigger rotates more
E) When the big wheel rotates once, the
small rotates more 13. As someone moves from low altitudes
like sea level to high altitudes like
mountains, the rate of breathing
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Mfumo mkubwa kwenye mashine

increases. This is because:-
kama baiskeli huonesha kwamba:-
A) At lower altitudes air has more
A) Gurudumu kubwa na dogo huzungu- pressure
ka kwa kasi sawa.
B) Unapotumia magurudumu madogo B) At higher altitudes air contains less
mwendo kasi utaongezeka. oxygen
C) Kila magurudumu makubwa yanap- C) At higher altitudes air contains more
otumika basi mwendo kasi huongeze- oxygen
ka. D) There is no difference in the
D) Wakati gurudumu dogo likizunguka composition of air
mara moja basi gurudumu kubwa E) The increase of breathing is caused
huzunguka mara nyingi zaidi by fear and excitement
E) Wakati gurudumu kubwa likizungu-
ka mara moja basi gurudumu dogo
huzunguka mara nyingi zaidi. Mtu anaposafiri kutoka mwinuko wa
chini kama kutoka usawa wa bahari
kwenda wa juu kama milimani, hali ya
upumuaji huongezeka.
12. When a person fail to sense smell, taste Hii husababishwa na:-
and sound due to a problem in his brain.
Which part of the brain do you think A) Kwenye mwinuko wa chini hewa
is not functioning? huwa na mkandamizo mkubwa
A) Cerebrum B) Kwenye mwinuko wa juu hewa huwa
na oksijeni kidogo
B) Medulla oblongata
C) Kwenye mwinuko wa juu hewa huwa
C) Sensory reception na oksijeni nyingi
D) Cerebellum D) Hakuna utofauti wa mchanganyiko
E) Hypothalamus unaotengeneza hewa.
E) Kuongezeka kwa upumuaji kunatoka-
na na hofu na hamasa


14. Soil 1 Soil 2 Soil 3 16. In the magnetization method shown

below, name the poles marked 1 and
2 respectively.
Katika njia ya kutengeneza sumaku
hapo chini , taja ncha zilizoainishwa 1
Water Water Water na 2 kwa kufatana

The diagram above shows drainage of

water in each funnel system with different
soils (soil 1, 2 and 3) in it.
1 2
Which of the following soil type is
expected to be in measuring cylinder
system marked as soil 1?
A) sandy B) clay C) loam
A) S and N B) S and S
D) silt E) loam-sandy
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C) N and N D) N and S
E) W and E
Kielelezo hapo juu kinaonesha upitishaji
wa maji kwenye kila mrija ukiwa na aina
tofauti za udongo(udongo 1, 2 na 3)
Ipi kati ya aina hizi za udongo inapati-
kana kwenye silinda yenye udongo 1?
A) Mchanga B) Mfinyanzi
C) Tifutifu D) Changarawe
E) Tifutifu-mchanga.

17. Calculate the value of R¹ when the

switch is closed.
Kokotoa thamani ya R1 wakati swichi
15. Find the value of “M” in the diagram itakapowashwa.
below:- (g=9.8 m/s2)
Tafuta thamani ya M kwenye kielelezo switch
hapo chini: (g=9.8 m/s2) voltmeter
10 cm 5 cm M cm 15V
R1 2
20 kg 20 N 10 N
A) 0.2Ω B) 2Ω C) 2.5Ω
A) 181m B) 181cm C) 10cm
D) 3Ω E) 45Ω
D) 10m E) 186cm


18. Why soda bottles are not filled to the 20. Objects inserted in the uterus for the
top? condition of birth control are called:-
A) For gaseous space A) Implant B) Condom
B) Helps to close the bottle easily C) Hormonal patch D) Diaphragm
C) To prevent soda from spilling on E) Intra uterine devices
D) To reduce cost
Vitu vinavyoingizwa kwenye mji wa
E) To allow expansion during cold mimba kwa ajili ya kupanga uzazi
weather vinaitwa:-
A) Implanti B) Kondomu
Kwa nini chupa za soda hazijazwi C) Kihasho cha homoni D) Rizimu
hadi mwisho?
E) Kifuniko cha uzazi
A) Kuacha nafasi ya hewa
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B) Husaidia kufunga chupa kirahisi

C) Kuruhusu kutanuka wakati wa majira 21. Find the total resistance in the circuit
ya baridi below:-
D) Kupunguza gharama Tafuta jumla ya ukinzani katika saketi
E) Kuzuia soda isiwamwagikie wanywaji. hapo chini.
19. Miss Anna was in the laboratory. She
measured 200cm³ of acid and mix with 6
200 cm³ of alkali. What will be the
product of the reacting mixture?
A) salt and acid
B) salt and gas A) 0.92Ω B) 4.92Ω C) 14.92Ω
C) water and salt D) 23Ω E) 16.5Ω
D) water and base
E) salt and sugar 22. Mzee Kambana had a cut on his finger.
The blood coming out could not clot for
a period of time. Which vitamin do you
Anna alikuwa maabara, alipima sm3 think Mzee Kambana’s body lacks?
200 za asidi na kuchanganya na sm3
200 za alkali. Kipi kitapatikana kutoka- Mzee Kambana alipata jeraha kwenye
na na mchanganyiko huu? kidole chake. Damu iliyotoka ilichelewa
kuganda kuliko kawaida. Ni vitamini
A) Chumvi na asidi
gani unadhani Mzee Kambana anako-
B) Chumvi na gesi sa mwilini mwake?
C) Maji na chumvi A) Vitamin A B) Vitamin K
D) Maji na alkali C) Vitamin D D) Vitamin C
E) Chumvi na sukari E) Vitamin B


23. Calculate the work done by a 55kg 25. For the quickest calculations of data
boy who climbed 6m stairs in 4 sec- in your computer, the best application
onds. (g=9.8m/s²) to rely on is:-
Kokotoa kazi iliyofanywa na mvulana A) Internet B) MS Excel
mwenye uzito wa kg 55 ambaye alik-
C) MS word D) Power point
wea m 6 za ngazi kwa sekunde 4.
(g = 9.8 m/s²) E) Computer games
A) 3234 Joules B) 330 Joules
C) 3300 Joules D) 3230 Joules Kwa ukokotoaji wa haraka wa data
kwenye kompyuta yako njia bora
E) 539 Joules
zaidi ni:-
A) Mtandao B) Ekseli
C) Wedi D) Pawa pointi
E) Michezo ya kompyuta.
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24. A constant resistor is connected to an

electric circuit.
What happens if the voltage is
decreased? 26. Which of these is a function of leaf?
A) current increases A) carrying nutrients throughout the
B) current do not change
B) Transporting water to other parts of
C) current decreases
the plant
D) current increases at first then become
C) Absorbing water from the ground
D) Converting solar energy into chemical
E) voltage decreases automatically
E) creating shade for the plant
Ukinzani usiobadilika uliunganishwa
kwenye saketi.
Ipi kati ya hizi ni kazi ya jani?
Kipi kitatokea ikiwa volti zitapun-
guwa. A) Kusambaza virutubisho sehemu zote
za mmea
A) Mkondo wa umeme utaongezeka
B) Kusafirisha maji sehemu nyingine za
B) Mkondo wa umeme hautobadilika
C) Mkondo wa umeme utapungua
C) Kusharabu maji kutoka ardhini
D) Mkondo wa umeme kwanza utapun-
D) Kubadili nguvu za juwa kuwa za
gua na baadae kubaki bila kubadilika
E) Volti zitapungua wenyewe.
E) Kutengeneza kivuli kwa ajili ya


27. The ______ produces enzymes that 29. If the authority of the forest commanded
digest proteins, carbohydrates and that all animals which eat meat must be
fats. killed. What do you think will happen
to the forest after many years?
A) Duodenum B) Large intestine
A) Plants will grow in large quantity
C) Pancreas D) Stomach
B) The number of insects will not change
E) Gullet
C) Plants will decrease
D) Animal eating plants will decrease
_______ huzalisha vimengenyo
vinavyomengenya protini, wanga na E) The environment will remain in a good
mafuta and attractive condition
A) Duodeni B) Utumbo mpana
C) Kongosho D) Tumbo Ikiwa mamlaka ya msitu itaamuru kwam-
ba wanyama wote walao nyama lazima
E) Umio
wauawe. Kipi unadhani kitatokea msi-
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tuni baada ya miaka mingi kupita?

A) Mimea itaota kwa wingi sana
28. To prevent hazards caused by B) Idadi ya wadudu haitabadilika
science and technological inventions, C) Mimea itapungua
every nation should:- D) Wanyama walao majani watapungua
A) cooperate with scientists E) Mazingira yatabakia katika hali nzuri
B) have a Ministry of Science and na ya kuvutia.
C) do away with science and technology
inventions 30. Which of the following is not the right
D) acquire technological inventions from way of maintaining soil fertility in a
developed nations farm?
E) formulate policies that guide the use A) Crop rotation
of science and technology B) Growing leguminous plants
C) Leaving the land uncultivated
Ili kuzuia hatari zinazosababishwa na D) Applying fertilizer
uvumbuzi wa sayansi na teknolojia, E) Growing the same crop consecutively
kila taifa linapaswa
A) Kushirikiana na wanasayansi
Ipi kati ya zifuatazo sio njia sahihi ya
B) Kuwa na Wizara ya Sayansi na Tek- kuhifadhi hali ya rutuba ya udongo
nolojia. shambani?
C) Kuondokana na uvumbuzi wa sayan- A) Kubadilisha mazao
si na teknolojia
B) Kupanda mimea jamii ya kunde
D) Kuchukuwa uvumbuzi wa kiteknolojia
C) Kupumzisha shamba
toka nchi zinazoendelea.
D) Kutumia mbolea
E) Kuweka sera zinazosimamia matumi-
zi ya sayansi na teknolojia. E) Kupanda zao la aina moja mfululizo.


31. The best way to avoid Kwashiorkor is:- 33. In the light spectrum, the colour
A) to use protective medicine frequently which bends the most is:-
B) to educate the society on the best use A) Red B) Yellow
of balance diet C) Indigo D) Violet
C) to eat a lot of green vegetables E) Blue
D) To use medicine which increase
E) To increase number of daily meals Katika upinde wa mwanga, rangi in-
ayopinda zaidi ya nyengine ni:-
A) Nyekundu B) Njano
Njia bora ya kuzuia ugonjwa wa
kwashiako ni:- C) Indigo D) Urujuani
A) Kutumia madawa kinga mara kwa E) Buluu
B) Kuielimisha jamii njia bora ya kutumia
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lishe bora
C) Kula mbogamboga kwa wingi
D) Kutumia madawa yanayoongeza
virutubisho 34. When John was asked a question on
E) Kuongeza idadi ya milo ya siku. how solar eclipse occurs, he thought for a
while before giving the correct response
to the teacher.
Which part of the brain did he use to
32. Which of the following is a charac-
answer the question?
teristic of clean and safe water.
A) fetched from a modern well A) The front brain

B) stored and cooled in a fridge B) The hind brain

C) filtered and stored in clean container C) The mid brain
D) Boiled, filtered and stored in a clean D) The front and hind brain
container E) The hind and mid brain
E) fetched from a river

Ipi kati ya hizi ni sifa za maji safi na Wakati John alipoulizwa ni vipi kupatwa
salama kwa jua hutokea, alitafakari kidogo kabla
ya kutoa jibu sahihi kwa mwalimu.
A) Yawe yamechotwa kutoka kwenye
visima vya kisasa Je ni sehemu gani ya ubongo aliitu-
B) Kuhifadhiwa na kupozwa kwenye mia kutoa jibu.
jokovu A) Ubongo wa mbele
C) Kuchujwa na kuhifadhiwa kwenye B) Ubongo wa chini
chombo kilicho safi C) Ubongo wa kati
D) Kuchemshwa, kuchujwa na kuhifad- D) Ubongo wa mbele na ubongo wa
hiwa kwenye chombo kilicho safi chini
E) Yawe yamechotwa kutoka kwenye E) Ubongo wa chini na ubongo wa kati.


35. Asha used 50 newtons to push a wall 37. The inside walls of thermos flask
from morning to evening unsuccessfully. have silver coating in order to avoid
Which of the following is correct with loss of heat through:-
regards to the action?
A) conduction B) reflection
A) She was dodging the work
C) convection D) refraction
B) She used a lot of force
E) radiation
C) She didn’t do any work
D) She did a good work
Kuta za ndani za flaski ya themosi
E) She used a little force zinapakwa rangi ya fedha ili kuzuia
kupotea joto kwa njia ya :-
Asha alitumia nyutoni 50 kusukuma uku- A) Mpitisho B) Kuakisi
ta kuanzia asubuhi hadi jioni bila mafani- C) Msafara D) Kupinda
kio. Ipi kati ya hizi ni sahihi kutokana
na hali hii? E) Mnunurisho
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A) Alitega kazi
B) Alitumia kani kubwa sana
C) Hakufanya kazi yoyote
D) Alifanya kazi nzuri
E) Alitumia kani ndogo

38. Which of the following is not the

function of roots of a plant:-
36. A person who does not eat fruits
and green vegetables is likely to face A) Absorption of mineral salt
which of the following problems?
B) Absorption of water
A) Suffer frequent illness
C) Anchoring of the plant
B) Decrease in body weight
D) Help plant to make its own food
C) Increased appetite to eat meat
E) To store plant food
D) Colour of the skin become yellow
E) Increase body weight
Ipi kati ya zifuatazo si kazi ya mizizi
kwenye mimea
Mtu ambaye hali matunda na mboga
za majani ana uwezekano wa kupata A) Kusharabu madini ya chumvi
matatizo yafuatayo:- B) Kusharabu maji
A) Kuugua mara kwa mara C) Kushikilia mimea
B) Kupungua uzito wa mwili
D) Kutengeneza chakula cha mmea
C) Kuongezeka kwa hamu ya kula nya-
ma E) Kutunza chakula cha mmea
D) Rangi ya ngozi huwa ya njano
E) Kuongezeka uzito wa mwili


39. What will you do if the clothes worn 40.

by your friend catch fire?
A) smear with oil
B) put water on the wound
C) cover him with blanket or heavy cloth
D) Blowing him with oxygen gas
What will happen if the glass filled
E) Remove the burned clothes with water and covered with a piece
of glass lid will be placed upside
Je, nini utakachokifanya ikiwa utaona
nguo alizovaa rafiki yako zinaungua A) water will be poured out
na moto?
B) glass lid will drop
A) Kumpaka mafuta
C) the glass will break up
B) Kumwekea maji kwenye jeraha
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D) water will not be poured out

C) Kumfunika kwa blanketi au nguo
nzito E) water will be dropping out
D) Kumpulizia hewa ya oksijeni
E) Kumvua nguo zilizokwisha kuungua.
Nini kitatokea ikiwa bilauri iliyojaa
maji na kufunikwa na mfuniko wa
kioo itageuzwa juu chini?
A) Maji yatamwagika
B) Mfuniko utadondoka
C) Bilauri itapasuka
D) Maji hayatamwagika
E) Maji yatachuruzika


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