Chronic Migraine Lab Method

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Current Pain and Headache Reports (2018) 22:44


Animal Models of Chronic Migraine

Tse-Ming Chou 1,2 & Shih-Pin Chen 1,3,4,5,6

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018

Purpose of Review Chronic migraine (CM) is a recalcitrant subtype of migraine which causes high degrees of disability, poor
treatment responses, and frequent recurrences in sufferers. However, the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the devel-
opment and chronification of migraine attacks remain incompletely understood. A validated animal model could help to decipher
the pathogenic mechanism of the disease, facilitating the development of possible therapeutic strategies for CM. In this review,
we aimed to summarize current animal models of CM and discuss the validity of these models.
Recent Findings Several methods have been available to induce recurrent headache-like behaviors or biochemical changes in
rodents, including repeated dural application of inflammatory soup, chronic systemic infusion of nitroglycerin, repeated admin-
istration of acute migraine abortive treatment to simulate medication overuse headache, or genetic modification. These models
exhibit some features that are believed to be associated with migraine; however, none of the model can recapitulate all the clinical
phenotypes found in humans and each has its own weakness.
Summary The complex features of CM increase the difficulty of constructing a proper animal model. Nonetheless, currently
available models are valid to certain degrees. Future directions might consider simulating the spontaneity and chronicity of
migraine by combining known genetic substrates and allostatic loads into the same model.

Keywords Cortical spreading depression . Chronic migraine . Medication overuse headache . Sensitization . Trigeminovascular

Introduction edition, (ICHD-3) defined CM as headache at a frequency of

≥ 15 days per month for ≥ 3 months, of which ≥ 8 attacks are
Chronic migraine (CM) is a highly disabling subtype of mi- migraine or are responsive to migraine-specific treatment [3].
graine, with a global prevalence of around 2–4% [1, 2]. The CM usually develops from episodic migraine, with a conver-
International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd sion rate of about 3% a year [4, 5••]. The pathophysiology of
migraine chronification is elusive. Some possible pathophys-
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Chronic Daily Headache iological mechanisms of CM have been proposed, including
(1) dysfunction of the descending pain-modulating network
* Shih-Pin Chen [6, 7], (2) altered trigeminal and cranial autonomic system
function [8–10], (3) thalamic contribution to central sensitiza-
1 tion [11–13], and (4) medication-associated central sensitiza-
Institute of Neuroscience, National Yang-Ming University,
Taipei, Taiwan tion [14–18]. Along with the sensitization of the
2 trigeminovascular system, some nuclei in pain modulation
Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program, Taiwan International
Graduate Program, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan circuits, especially those in the brainstem (e.g., periaqueductal
3 gray, locus coeruleus, raphe nucleus, and rostroventral medul-
Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Yang-Ming University,
Taipei, Taiwan la) and diencephalon (including the hypothalamus and thala-
4 mus), might be sensitized [6, 19–23]. Nevertheless, the exact
Division of Translational Research, Department of Medical
Research, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan pathophysiological mechanisms of CM remain to be clarified.
5 Animal models have been employed widely to study the
Department of Neurology, Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans
General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan pathogeneses of multiple medical disorders. Experimental
6 models of migraine have been developed and explored in past
Brain Research Center, National Yang-Ming University,
Taipei, Taiwan decades, leading to significant advances in the understanding
44 Page 2 of 8 Curr Pain Headache Rep (2018) 22:44

of the potential mechanisms of the disorder and facilitating the comorbidities, such as anxiety and depression, which are
development of antimigraine treatments [24–29]. Although much worse in patients with CM [47–50]. Comorbidity with
none of these experimental animal models can reflect all of depression and anxiety may increase headache frequency in
the features of migraine, discoveries made with them have migraineurs [50–53]. In addition, a substantial proportion of
been successfully translated into migraine therapeutics, such patients with CM is comorbid with medication overuse head-
as triptans [30–33] and drugs targeting the calcitonin gene- ache (MOH) [54–56]. Thus, the phenotypes of a valid CM
related peptide (CGRP) and its receptor [34–36] (e.g., model should mimic at least some of these clinical features
CGRP receptor antagonists [37–39] and monoclonal antibod- and comorbidities. In recent preclinical studies, various ap-
ies against CGRP and its receptor [40–45••]). Thus, the con- proaches have achieved the portrayal of clinical traits similar
struction of animal models addressing distinct aspects of the to those of migraine, including cutaneous allodynia and me-
possible mechanisms of CM not only could advance our un- chanical hyperalgesia [57–62], photophobia [63], MOH
derstanding of the disease, but might also contribute to the [14–16, 18], and depression and anxiety [64]. However, the
development of therapeutic approaches to tackle this recalci- demonstration of all of these sub-phenotypes with a single
trant subtype of migraine. However, many fewer models have experimental paradigm is difficult. In addition, concern exists
specifically targeted CM compared with migraine in general. about whether animals can experience “spontaneous”
In this review, we aim to summarize the currently available migraine-like episodes as patients do, although behavioral
animal models of CM; analyze their validity, advantages, and studies in mice carrying the human familial hemiplegic mi-
disadvantages from various perspectives; and propose direc- graine type 1 (FHM1) mutation have produced evidence sug-
tions for further research. gestive of spontaneous head pain upon subjection to novelty
or restraint stress [65]. In one study, a subset of a colony of
Sprague-Dawley rats also showed spontaneous episodic tri-
Key Determinants for the Construction of an geminal allodynia [59]. Although far from ideal, the currently
Effective Animal Model for CM available animal models of CM have at least in part mimicked
migraine phenomenology. Nevertheless, much remains to be
A valid animal model acting as a surrogate for human disease done to refine these models or create new models using novel
should have five features: similarity of symptoms, observabil- neuroscience or bioengineering techniques.
ity and measurability of behavioral phenotypes, inter-observer
reliability of assessment results, similarity of response to treat- Representation of the Chronicity of the Disorder
ment, and reproducibility of the system [46]. Thus, an ideal
animal model of CM should reasonably mimic clinical fea- Pain chronicity is associated with peripheral reorganization of
tures in patients, exhibit the chronicity of the disorder, respond afferent signaling and changes in the sensitivity of nociceptors
to the pharmacological interventions that are known to be and, perhaps, tactile afferents [66]. Chronification of the dis-
effective for CM, and involve mechanisms similar to those ease is accompanied by sensitization of the central nervous
identified in patients. system, causing further cortical reorganization in the brain
Because of the complexity of migraine and the intrinsic [66, 67]. A similar pathogenesis has been proposed for CM
differences between animals and humans, fulfillment of all [68–70]. The activation and sensitization of the
of these criteria is difficult. The chronification and transfor- trigeminovascular system are considered to play central roles
mation of migraine are particularly enigmatic, despite the in the pathogenesis of individual migraine attacks. Activation
characterization of risk factors. Furthermore, whether animals of the trigeminal nociceptive nerve endings innervating the
can actually experience “migraine” is another concern. These cranial vasculature could lead to the release of vasoactive neu-
obstacles exemplify some of the challenges in constructing an ropeptides, such as substance P and CGRP, which results in
animal model for CM, which must be overcome to facilitate neurogenic inflammation at the cortico-meningeal level and
the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic ap- subsequent sensitization of the trigeminal nociceptors [71].
proaches for CM. The following are the key determinants that Sensitized trigeminal nociceptive nerve endings increase input
we consider to be critical for the establishment of an effective to the trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC) via the trigeminal
animal model of CM. ganglion (TG), causing activation of the brain regions in-
volved in pain processing. The superior salivatory nucleus is
Recapitulation of the Clinical Features of Migraine also activated when the TNC is sensitized, leading to the di-
latation of meningeal arteries via parasympathetic innervation,
Migraine is a complex neurological disorder characterized by which further augments perivascular trigeminal nociceptive
typical throbbing and unilateral headache, accompanied by inputs [72–76]. In CM, the activation and sensitization of
nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and phonophobia [3]. the trigeminovascular system and related pain circuits recur
Patients with migraine are more likely to have psychiatric frequently and become persistent with disease chronification,
Curr Pain Headache Rep (2018) 22:44 Page 3 of 8 44

leading to the structural and functional reorganization of pain- [14–16, 18, 87] (Table 1). These models exhibit some features that
related circuits. Evidence for the brain signatures of are believed to be associated (strongly) with migraine, including
chronification remains scarce in currently available models. periorbital, perimasseter, or hindpaw mechanical hyperalgesia [58,
In addition, the criteria for CM, especially headache frequency 62, 64, 82, 83]; photophobia [63, 88]; reduced locomotor activity
(i.e., ≥ 15 headache days per month, of which ≥ 8 are migraine [10, 63, 82, 88]; nociceptive behaviors [10]; unilateral hindpaw
attacks) and duration (≥ 3 months), are defined arbitrarily. It facial grooming [10]; facial expressions of pain [63, 88]; anxiety-
remains to be explored which attack frequency and duration and depression-like behaviors [64]; bioelectrical alterations related
are sufficient for CM modeling, and how long “headache sur- to cortical spreading depression (CSD) [16, 18, 87, 89]; activation
rogates” should last when exogenously administered stimuli of inflammatory markers in the TG [14, 15, 87], increased Fos [16,
(e.g., inflammatory soup, nitroglycerin, or pain medicine) are 18, 90] or extracellular glutamate expression [62] in the TNC; and
discontinued. To reproduce the chronicity of the disorder in alteration of CGRP-related genes in the TG and TNC [82]
future models, all of these factors should be taken into (Table 1). These models are considered to be valid to certain
consideration. degrees. For example, a mouse model of chronic nitroglycerin-
induced hyperalgesia was responsive to the preventive migraine
Reproduction of the Effects of Pharmacological therapies topiramate [84•] and propranolol [58], fulfilling the “pre-
Interventions dictive validity” requirement of an eligible model. However, the
same model failed to demonstrate the effectiveness of valproic
As migraine progresses toward a chronic state, it becomes acid, another migraine preventive drug [58]. Rats receiving epidu-
more refractory to acute and chronic pharmacological treat- ral inflammatory soup stimulation exhibited a cutaneous
ments. This relative refractoriness to treatment is a great allodynia-like response and hyperresponsiveness to nitroglycerin
challenge in the modeling of CM. In addition, the lack of [62] as well as increased nociceptive behaviors and unilateral
knowledge about the pathophysiological mechanism and the hindpaw facial grooming [10], fulfilling the “face validity” (i.e.,
generalized nature of functional and structural brain abnor- analogy of symptoms) of the model, although whether this model
malities pose challenges in the search for potential treatments. could also fulfill construct validity (i.e., comparable etiology) is not
Currently, the only indicated acute migraine-specific therapies without doubt.
are triptans and ergots, and the efficacy of both is limited for The major critiques of these models are that they are not
CM. In fact, the effect of sumatriptan was found to differ naturally occurring and that the stimuli causing head pain (if
across models. In one mouse model in which chronic inter- any) are supraphysiological. For example, one might argue
mittent nitroglycerin administration was used as a migraine that the consequence of the repetitive epidural application of
trigger, sumatriptan failed to abolish mechanical hyperalgesia inflammatory soup is likely chemical pachymeningitis, in-
[58]. In a rat model involving similar intermittent nitroglycer- stead of migraine; the behavioral changes observed after re-
in administration, sumatriptan attenuated hypoactivity and re- peated administration of high-dose nitroglycerin might not be
duced facial expressions of pain [63]. Overuse of these acute due solely to its nitric oxide donor effect, but could also be
treatments could contribute to the chronification of migraine, attributable to its vehicles [88]; and MOH models might not
which might be taken as an advantage in the construction of a be equivalent to CM models, as migraine rarely develops after
CM model [14, 15, 61, 77], but could also complicate the medication overuse in patients with no pre-existing headache
system by introducing an effect that not all patients will expe- (although we cannot know for sure whether drug-naïve wild-
rience. Thus, a reliable model of CM should be predictively type rodents have pre-existing headache). In addition, respon-
validated with pharmacodynamic treatments that have been siveness to triptans is not consistent across models. In a mouse
proven to be effective in patients [26, 27], such as topiramate model of chronic intermittent nitroglycerin-evoked
[78] and the newly developed CGRP-targeting therapies hyperalgesia, sumatriptan was ineffective in inhibiting me-
[45••], serving as positive controls [79–81]. chanical hyperalgesia, but instead aggravated the headache
surrogate hindpaw hyperalgesia [58], similar to the triptan-
induced latent sensitization MOH model in rats [14].
Current Animal Models of CM However, sumatriptan inhibited hypoactivity and grimace
scale scores evoked by chronic nitroglycerin infusion in rats
Currently, several methods are available to induce recurrent [63]. In addition, zolmitriptan was found to effectively inhibit
headache-like behaviors or biochemical changes in experimental headache-like behaviors in rats treated with epidural inflam-
animals, including repeated dural stimulation via epidural applica- matory soup [10]. Chronic administration of sumatriptan [16,
tion of inflammatory soup [10, 61, 62, 64, 82, 83], chronic sys- 89] or paracetamol [18, 87] increased susceptibility to CSD in
temic infusion of the nitric oxide donor nitroglycerin [58, 63, 84•, rats, suggesting the development of cortical hyperexcitability
85, 86], and repeated administration of acute migraine abortive in these MOH models. However, chronic daily CSD (without
treatment (e.g., sumatriptan or paracetamol) to simulate MOH repeated use of acute medication) did not increase, but
44 Page 4 of 8 Curr Pain Headache Rep (2018) 22:44

Table 1 Currently available models of chronic migraine

Models Animals Route and Endpoints Response to migraine treatment Validity Shortcomings Reference
duration of no.

Repeated Rat Epiural Mechanical Zolmitriptan reduced nociceptive Face Supraphysiological [10, 61, 62,
inflamma- cannulation; hyperalgesia behaviors validi- inflammation 64, 82,
tory soup 4, 7, ≧ 21, Reduced Ketorolac reduced the nociceptive ty: +++ Allodynia is not equivalent 83]
30 days locomotor behavior and ipsilateral hindpaw Predictive to spontaneous head pain
activities facial grooming validi-
Nociceptive Amitriptyline reversed the allodynia ty: ++
behavior and decreased depression- and Construct
Unilateral anxiety-like behaviors validi-
hindpaw facial ty: ?
Anxiety- and
expression in
the TNC
genes in the TG
and TNC
Nitroglycerin Rat, Intraperitoneal; Mechanical Propranolol, topiramate, and amiloride Face Effect of vehicle [58, 63,
mouse 11, hyperalgesia inhibited mechanical hyperalgesia; validi- Possibility of hypotension 84••, 85,
> 14 days Photophobia valproic acid and memantine were ty: ++ Inconsistent response to 86]
Reduced ineffective Predictive migraine treatment
locomotor Sumatriptan inhibited hypoactivity and validi- across models
activities grimace scale scores in rats but ty: +/− Allodynia is not equivalent
Facial expressions resulted in hyperalgesia in mice Construct to spontaneous head pain
of pain validi-
ty: +
MOH Rat Intraperitoneal; Mechanical Topiramate blocked the enhanced Fos Face No de novo headache prior [14–16, 18,
(sumatrip- 7–30 days hyperalgesia expression in the TNC and inhibited validi- to MOH 87]
tan and CSD-related cutaneous allodynia ty: ++ Allodynia is not equivalent
paraceta- bioelectrical Predictive to spontaneous head pain
mol) alterations validi-
Activation of ty: +
inflammatory Construct
markers in the validi-
TG ty: ?
Increased Fos
expression in
the TNC
Spontaneous Rat – Spontaneous Valproic acid prevented the Face Allodynia is not equivalent [59]
trigeminal episodic spontaneous changes in trigeminal validi- to spontaneous head pain
allodynia trigeminal allodynia ty: ++ Chronicity needs to be
allodynia Predictive defined
ty: +
ty: +
Monogenic FHM1 – Photophobia Rizatriptan reduced head grooming Face Monogenic form of [65]
migraine R192Q Unilateral head validi- migraine is not
mutation trans- grooming ty: ++ completely the same as
genic Lateralized Predictive common polygenic
mice winking/- validi- migraine
blinking ty: + Chronicity needs to be
Construct defined
ty: +++

Construct validity denotes comparable etiology. Face validity denotes analogy of symptoms. Predictive validity denotes responsiveness to migraine
treatment. Strong: +++, moderate: ++, mild: +, inconsistent: +/−, uncertain: ?
CGRP calcitonin gene-related peptide, MOH medication overuse headache, TG trigeminal ganglion, TNC trigeminal nucleus caudalis
Curr Pain Headache Rep (2018) 22:44 Page 5 of 8 44

suppressed, CSD susceptibility in mice [91]. Differences techniques to introduce multiple genetic variants identified through
among models, including those in animal species, kindling genome-wide association studies [98, 99]. Of course, the genesis
method, and pain surrogate, might contribute to the discrep- and chronification of migraine are not purely genetic; multiple
ancy of findings; however, the heterogeneity also suggests an factors should be considered simultaneously. Whether increased
imminent need for an ideal model of CM. Spontaneous tri- allostatic loads via the introduction of one or more migraine risk
geminal allodynia in rats [59] and transgenic mouse models of factors [100] increase the frequency of spontaneous attacks would
monogenic migraine [92] with spontaneous headache-like be- be of interest. An alternative approach might be to interrogate
haviors (such as those of mice carrying the human FHM1 specific nuclei or cellular groups via more physiological ap-
R192Q missense mutation in the Cacna1a gene [65]) is prob- proaches, such as optogenetics or chemogenetics, to see whether
ably more phenomenologically and pathophysiologically sim- the perturbation of neural circuits via these techniques could reca-
ilar to migraine. However, operational definitions of the fre- pitulate migraine phenomenology and whether repeated stimuli
quency and duration of spontaneous headache-like events could replicate specific features of CM.
might be required to characterize the extent to which these
models can represent the recalcitrant subtype of migraine.
Unsolved Problems and Future Directions This review raises critical points for the construction of an
for Animal Models of CM animal model of CM. We propose essential components for
a validated animal model of CM, describe the major contribu-
Drivers of Migraine Chronification tions and shortcomings of currently available models, and
highlight future directions for CM modeling in animal studies.
Sensitization of the central trigeminothalamic pathways may be The construction of a reliable animal model of CM is one step
an important cause of CM [5••, 93]. Such sensitization might toward the ultimate goal of developing preventive therapies to
occur during repeated migraine attacks through impaired de- halt progression from the episodic to the chronic state in
scending inhibition and/or enhanced descending facilitation of humans, as these models provide a platform for testing of
nociception [94, 95]. In addition, affective pain regions, such as the efficacy of potentially useful medications.
the insula and amygdala [11] or hypothalamus [96], might also
be important mediators in the chronification of migraine. Funding Acknowledgment This work was supported by Taipei
Elucidation of the roles of these structures during and following Veterans General Hospital (V106C-117 to S.P.C) and the Ministry
repetitive sensitization at the molecular, cellular, and circuit of Science and Technology of Taiwan (MOST 104-2314-B-075 -
levels might enable the construction of more ideal CM models 006 -MY3, 106-2321-B-010-009, and 107-2321-B-010-001 to
and generation of novel disease-modifying therapies. Given the S.P.C). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection
complex pathogenesis of CM, this disorder can be modeled and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
practically with a single phenotype or endophenotype serving
as a surrogate (as in most current models), as opposed to model- Compliance with Ethical Standards
ing of the entire phenotypic spectrum. Recently, two animal
models of MOH suggested a possible role of the amygdala in Conflict of Interest Tse-Ming Chou and Shih-Pin Chen declare no con-
the chronification of headache [90, 97]; these models are good flict of interest.
examples for further advancement of our knowledge.
Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does not
Nevertheless, given the shortcomings mentioned above, direct-
contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any of
ly inferring MOH models as CM models might not be correct. the authors.
Before the genesis of an ideal CM model, it is mandatory to
validate the findings using different model systems.
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