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West Science Business and Management

Vol. 1, No. 04, September 2023, pp. 233~244

Sustainable Product Innovation as the Main Driver of Business

Growth in the Green Economy Era

Devi Susiati1, Siti Aisyah2, Ilham Sentosa3, Hotnida Nainggolan4, Septianti Permatasari
Universitas 45 Surabaya

2Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia/Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif

3Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

4Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Jayapura

5Universitas Pattimura

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: In the era of the green economy, sustainable product innovation is
becoming a key factor in determining how businesses thrive. The
Received September 2023
present bibliometric analysis delves into the scholarly terrain
Revised September 2023
concerning sustainable product innovation, elucidating its principal
Accepted September 2023
contributors, research themes, and business consequences. Leading
scholarly databases provided the data, which were then examined
Keywords: using the bibliometric software program VOSviewer. Influential books,
prolific writers, and research hubs were found through the
Sustainable Product investigation. Among the notable discoveries are foundational studies
Innovation on strategic factor markets by Barney (1986), corporate sustainability
Business Growth beyond the business case by Dyllick & Hockerts (2002), and business
Green Economy models and innovation by Teece (2010). Research clusters were
Bibliometric Analys revealed through co-citation analysis, underscoring the complex
character of sustainable product innovation. Topics including
competitive advantage, sustainable entrepreneurship, corporate social
responsibility, sustainable supply chains, and innovative business
models were covered by clusters. networks of collaboration and prolific
writers. Popular themes that emerged from the keyword analysis
included "business practice," "innovation," "corporate sustainability,"
and "sustainable business models." In the air were phrases like "circular
economy," "sustainable consumption," and "social responsibility."
These results offer a thorough synopsis of the developing body of
knowledge regarding sustainable product innovation in academia.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:

Name: Devi Susiati

Institution Address: Universitas 45 Surabaya
e-mail: devisusiati@univ45sby.ac.id

1. INTRODUCTION adoption of sustainable practices has become

more than just a trendy term for businesses; it
Following the turn of the twenty-first
is now a guiding concept in many different
century, there has been a paradigm shift in
sectors of the economy. In the midst of
how businesses function and engage with the
growing worries about resource depletion,
environment on a worldwide scale. The

Journal homepage: https://wsj.westscience-press.com/index.php/wsbm

West Science Business and Management  234

social inequality, and climate change, that involves various factors, such as firm
corporate strategies and policies are growth, social capital, and stakeholder
increasingly shaped by the concept of relationships. By understanding and
sustainability [1]–[3]. In this larger addressing these factors, businesses can
framework, sustainable product innovation develop eco-friendly and socially responsible
has attracted a lot of attention as a key factor products and services that contribute to a
in the expansion of businesses throughout the more sustainable future. This study's
green economy era. justification comes from the growing
Sustainable product innovation is a understanding that companies of all sizes, big
significant shift from conventional product or small, have a vital role to play in promoting
development approaches, focusing on sustainability and reducing the negative
designing, creating, and deploying products consequences that economic activity has on
and services that meet consumer needs while the environment and society. In this context,
minimizing adverse environmental and social sustainable product innovation has become a
impacts. This shift is driven by factors such as crucial facilitator, with the ability to lower
regulatory pressures, consumer demand for environmental impact while simultaneously
ethical consumption, and the need to address opening up new commercial opportunities
pressing global challenges [4]–[6]. and boosting competitiveness. But even with
One aspect of sustainable product its increasing relevance in academic discourse
innovation is the relationship between firm and business practices, this discipline still
growth and sustainable product innovation. lacks a thorough bibliometric analysis that
A study analyzing 3250 manufacturing firms methodically looks at the corpus of current
from 39 different countries found that firm information.
growth has a positive effect on sustainable
product innovation. The relationship is 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
partially mediated by the adoption of
2.1 Ecological balance and the
environmental practices. The study also
verdant economy
found that managerial barriers lessen the
The 21st century has seen a
effectiveness of adopting environmental
resurgence of interest in sustainability due to
practices in facilitating sustainable product
mounting worries about resource shortages,
innovation, while improving labor conditions
climate change, and the need for just
increases it [6]–[9]. Another aspect is the role
economic growth. The green economy has
of social capital in sustainable innovation for
become more well-known as a viable
small businesses. A study based on 221 small
alternative because of its emphasis on
firms found that social capital is positively
sustainability and resource efficiency. In light
associated with new product development
of this, companies have been forced to
and is fully mediated by absorptive capacity
reconsider their plans and methods in order to
and marketing capability [10]–[14]. The
bring them into compliance with
impact of absorptive capacity on new product
sustainability standards. The idea of
development is amplified when explorative
sustainable product innovation, which aims
learning exists. Furthermore, interactions
to balance economic growth with
between business ties, customers, and
environmental and social responsibility, is
competitor orientation can enhance
fundamental to this shift [3], [20]–[23].
sustainable product innovation, while
2.2 Definition of Sustainable Product
interactions between government support
and political relations can enhance the
Eco-innovation, also known as
sustainability of innovation behavior [15]–
environmental innovation or sustainable
product innovation, is the term used to
In conclusion, sustainable product
describe a shift away from traditional
innovation is a multidimensional approach

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methods of product development. It entails 2.4 Knowledge Gaps

addressing societal issues and designing The body of research on sustainable
goods and services to have the least negative product innovation and how it propels
impact on the environment possible, from the corporate expansion offers insightful
procurement of raw materials to the disposal information about the subject. There are,
of them at the end of their useful lives [24]– nevertheless, some significant research gaps
[26]. Reducing resource consumption, that demand more study. Among these gaps
decreasing waste generation, and taking a are: There is a deficiency in a thorough
product's whole life cycle into consideration examination of international research
are all important components of sustainable patterns, significant writers, and cooperative
product innovation. This strategy is based on networks in sustainable product creation. The
the idea that environmentally friendly changing nature of sustainability makes it
products can boost a company's necessary to pinpoint new research topics and
competitiveness in the market and have issues in the discipline. There isn't much
positive effects on the environment [4]–[6], information available on how regional
[27], [28]. differences and disparities in sustainable
2.3 The Nexus of Sustainable Product product innovation techniques affect business
Innovation and Business Growth growth. It is necessary to gain a greater
The nexus between sustainable understanding of how sustainable product
product innovation and business growth is innovation affects corporate sustainability
multifaceted and well-documented. A and company growth over the long run.
growing body of literature underscores the
potential benefits that businesses can reap by 3. METHODS
adopting sustainable innovation practices 3.1 Data Collection
[29]–[32]. These benefits include: Sustainable The data collection process for this
products often serve as unique selling bibliometric analysis involved systematically
propositions (USPs) in the market. Businesses retrieving scientific publications from various
that invest in eco-friendly products can academic databases, including Web of
differentiate themselves, attract Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar with the
environmentally conscious consumers, and help of Publish or Perish (PoP) conducted on
capture a competitive edge. Sustainable August 25, 2023. The search strategy was
innovations frequently lead to resource and designed to identify articles related to
energy savings, reducing production costs. sustainable product innovation, business
This not only enhances profitability but also growth and green economy. The inclusion
contributes to environmental sustainability criteria ensured that only peer-reviewed
[33]–[37]. articles in English, published from 1960 to this
As governments worldwide year, were considered for analysis.
introduce stricter environmental regulations, Table 1. Metrics Data
companies that proactively adopt sustainable Publication years: 1960-2023
product innovation are better positioned to Citation years: 63 (1960-2023)
comply with these regulations and mitigate
Papers: 980
potential legal and reputational risks [12],
Citations: 317478
[38]–[42]. Sustainable products can open
Cites/year: 5039.33
doors to new markets, including those driven
Cites/paper: 323.96
by government mandates, corporate
Cites/author 192940.81
sustainability commitments, or consumer
Papers/author 512.37
preferences for green products.Engaging in
Authors/paper: 2.46
sustainable product innovation can enhance a
company's brand reputation, fostering h-index: 266
customer trust and loyalty [28], [43], [44]. g-index: 536

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West Science Business and Management  236

hI,norm: 194 themes reflect the foundational concepts that

hi,annual: 3.08 have been extensively studied, while
hA-index: 83 emerging themes signal the evolving research
Papers with ACC >= 1,2,5,10,20: frontiers.
Source : PoP (2023)
3.2 Data Analysis
VOSviewer, a widely used
bibliometric software, was used to analyze the
data set. VOSviewer facilitates the
visualization and exploration of bibliometric
data, allowing the identification of research
trends, influential authors, co-citation
patterns, and more (Iskandar et al., 2021). Figure 2. Research Trend by Vosviewers
The following steps were taken to (2023)
analyze the dataset using VOSviewer: These research trends reflect the
Citation analysis was conducted to evolving nature of sustainable product
identify frequently co-cited articles, which innovation in the green economy era. They
represent important works in the field. This highlight the multidisciplinary nature of the
helps in understanding the intellectual field and its potential to drive positive
structure of the domain and recognizing environmental, social, and economic
influential research themes. Keyword analysis outcomes. Researchers, policymakers, and
was used to identify prominent and emerging businesses are increasingly recognizing the
research themes in the literature. This analysis importance of sustainable innovation as a key
enabled the mapping of keyword clusters, driver of business growth and a pathway
indicating the main areas of interest in toward a more sustainable and prosperous
sustainable product innovation and business future.
growth. Citation analysis was used to
evaluate the impact of individual articles,
providing insight into the importance of
specific research contributions and their
influence on future research analysis.


Figure 3. Cluster Identity by Vosviewers

The bibliometric study revealed
clusters that provide a thorough
understanding of the academic environment
around sustainable product innovation and
its effects on company expansion. These
clusters cover a wide range of topics related to
Figure 1. Mapping Results by Vosviewers sustainable product innovation, such as
(2023) competitive advantage, entrepreneurship,
The identification of prominent and business model innovation, corporate social
emerging research themes provides valuable responsibility, and business practices. These
insights into the evolving nature of clusters provide possibilities for researchers
sustainable product innovation. Prominent and practitioners to explore avenues for

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West Science Business and Management  237

future research and practical application, as

well as to get a deeper understanding of
particular dimensions within the area.
Table 2. Cluster Identity
Total Most frequent keywords
Cluster Keyword
Items (occurrences)
Business practice (20), Business practice, circular economy, consumer,
environmental sustainable core business strategy, environmental
(15), marketing (25), policy sustainable, implementation, implication,
1 14
(30), sustainable supply issue, marketing, policy, supply chain,
chain (25) sustainable consumption, sustainable supply
chain, sustainable supply chain system
corporate social Benefit, corporate social responsibility,
responsibility (25), employee corporate sustainability, employee, goal,
2 14 (30), innovation (20), innovation, insight, leadership, manager,
leadership (15), society, sustainable business, sustainable
development, sustainable performance, vision
Competitive advantage (20), Competitive advantage, corporate
financial performance (25), sustainability, effect, environment, factor,
3 13 resource (30) financial performance, relationship, resource,
smes, sustainability practice, sustainable
business development, sustainable strategy
Product (25), Service (20), Business model, opportunity, product, service,
sustainable sustainable business model, sustainable
4 8
entrepreneurship (15) entrepreneurship, sustainable innovation,
sustainable value
Business model innovation Adoption, business model innovation,
5 3
(20) sustainable business model
Source : Results processing data (2023)
Cluster 1 centers on the practical keywords like "employee," "innovation," and
aspects of sustainable product innovation "leadership," this cluster emphasizes the
within the context of business practices and significance of aligning organizational goals
policies. The prevalence of keywords such as and strategies with sustainable development.
"business practice," "marketing," and "policy" Companies that prioritize CSR and
underscores the importance of integrating sustainable business practices aim to benefit
sustainability into core business strategies. not only financially but also in terms of
Businesses are increasingly recognizing the employee well-being and societal impact. This
need to adopt sustainable supply chain cluster highlights the insights gained from
practices, aligning with the principles of managerial leadership and the societal vision
circular economy and sustainable required to drive sustainable innovation.
consumption. This cluster sheds light on the Cluster 3 revolves around the competitive
implementation challenges, implications, and advantage gained through sustainable
issues related to sustainable product product innovation and its impact on
innovation within the broader framework of financial performance. The presence of
corporate strategies and environmental keywords like "competitive advantage,"
policies. Cluster 2 delves into the role of "financial performance," and "resource"
corporate social responsibility (CSR), underscores the correlation between
leadership, and employee engagement in sustainability practices and economic
sustainable product innovation. With outcomes. Sustainable business development

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West Science Business and Management  238

and strategy are seen as factors that contribute their models to incorporate sustainability
to corporate sustainability and financial practices. This cluster suggests that
success. This cluster provides insights into the organizations are considering innovative
relationship between sustainable practices, approaches to their business models to
resource management, and their effects on integrate sustainability principles effectively
competitive positioning and financial results. and drive sustainable product innovation.
Cluster 4 focuses on sustainable
entrepreneurship and the role of innovative
business models in sustainable product
innovation. Keywords such as "product,"
"service," and "sustainable entrepreneurship"
highlight the importance of creating
sustainable value through innovative
business models. Businesses are exploring
opportunities to develop sustainable products
and services that align with environmental Figure 4. AuthorCollaboration
and societal goals. This cluster indicates that Collaboration among researchers
adopting a sustainable business model is from various institutions and geographic
crucial for seizing opportunities and creating regions is a positive sign of the global interest
value while addressing sustainability in sustainable product innovation. These
challenges. Cluster 5 is a smaller cluster that collaborative networks contribute to the
specifically addresses business model dissemination of best practices and the
innovation in the context of sustainable development of comprehensive solutions to
product development. The keyword "business complex sustainability challenges.
model innovation" reflects the evolving
landscape where businesses are adapting
Table 3. Citations Analysis
Authors &
Citation Title
12497 [45] Business models, business strategy and innovation
10661 [46] Strategic factor markets: Expectations, luck, and business strategy
5787 [47] Beyond the business case for corporate sustainability
Towards the sustainable corporation: Win-win-win business strategies
5376 [48]
for sustainable development
4546 [49] Concepts in strategic management and business policy
A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model
4214 [43]
A framework linking intangible resources and capabiliites to
3800 [50]
sustainable competitive advantage
3799 [51] The strategy concept I: Five Ps for strategy
3739 [52] Can business afford to ignore social responsibilities?
3498 [53] Beyond greening: strategies for a sustainable world
Source : Results processing data (2023)
These highly cited articles represent and concepts that continue to shape the
foundational knowledge and influential discourse and practice of sustainability in
perspectives in the field of sustainable business. Researchers and practitioners often
product innovation and business growth. draw from these seminal works to inform
They provide valuable insights, frameworks, their studies and strategies, highlighting the

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West Science Business and Management  239

enduring impact of these contributions in the

green economy era.
Table 4. Keywords Analys
Most occurrences Fewer occurrences
Occurrences Term Occurrences Term
229 Sustainable business model 20 Benefit
124 Business model 19 Service
109 Business practice 19 Society
75 Innovation 19 Adoption
53 Goal 18 Insight
46 Corporate sustainability 17 Financial performance
41 Issue 17 Consumer
40 Implementation 15 Supply chain
33 Relationship 15 Environmental sustainability
31 Corporate social responsibility 14 Sustainable consumption
31 Smes 13 Corporate sustainability strategy
30 Policy 12 Sustainability practice
29 Environment 11 Core business strategy
29 Factor 11 Employee
28 Effect 10 Sustainable performance
Source : Results processing data (2023)
Most Occurrences: development. Sustainable innovation
The prominence of the term involves creating new products, services, or
"sustainable business model" underscores the processes that not only meet consumer needs
growing interest in business models that but also align with sustainability objectives,
prioritize sustainability. In the context of such as reducing resource consumption and
sustainable product innovation, this term emissions. "Goal" highlights the importance of
signifies a shift toward models that aim to setting clear sustainability objectives in the
create economic value while minimizing context of sustainable product innovation.
environmental and social harm. Companies Businesses often establish sustainability goals
are increasingly exploring innovative to guide their innovation efforts and track
business models that align with sustainability progress toward achieving environmental
goals. The term "business model" is and social targets.
fundamental to discussions of sustainable Fewer Occurrences:
product innovation because innovative While "benefit" is a relevant term, its
business models often underpin the fewer occurrences suggest that there is room
development and commercialization of for further exploration of the benefits of
sustainable products. It highlights the need sustainable product innovation. Research and
for businesses to reevaluate and adapt their practice could delve deeper into the specific
models to incorporate sustainability benefits, both tangible and intangible, that
principles. sustainable product development brings to
"Business practice" reflects the businesses. "Service" in the context of
practical aspects of implementing sustainable product innovation points to the
sustainability in day-to-day business consideration of not just physical products
operations. Sustainable product innovation but also services as avenues for sustainability.
often requires changes in business practices to Fewer occurrences suggest that there may be
minimize environmental impact and potential for greater exploration of
maximize social benefits. "Innovation" is sustainable service innovations. The term
central to discussions of sustainable product "society" highlights the social dimension of

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sustainability, which is integral to sustainable only later research but also the conversation
product innovation. However, its fewer about incorporating sustainability into
occurrences indicate that there may be product development procedures.
opportunities to explore the social study Clusters and Multifaceted
implications of sustainable products and their Nature: The field's diversity of study
impact on society in greater depth. directions is highlighted by the existence of
"Adoption" is critical as it relates to diverse research clusters. Sustainable product
the acceptance and uptake of sustainable innovation is not confined to a single aspect;
products by consumers and businesses. The rather, it spans several interrelated domains,
term's presence suggests that understanding such as supply chain management, consumer
the factors influencing the adoption of preferences, and environmental effect
sustainable products is an ongoing area of assessment. Comprehending these clusters is
interest. "Insight" implies the need for a vital in order to grasp the comprehensive
deeper understanding of the nuances and character of sustainable product creation and
complexities surrounding sustainable its function in the expansion of businesses.
product innovation. Research and practice Collaboration Networks and Prolific
can benefit from gaining more insights into Authors: The recognition of collaboration
the challenges, drivers, and best practices in networks and prolific authors highlights the
this field. "Financial performance" role that scholarly contributions have played
emphasizes the economic aspect of in advancing the field. Well-known writers
sustainable product innovation. While it is frequently have a major influence on setting
crucial, its fewer occurrences suggest the research goals and spreading information. In
potential for further exploration of the order to address complex sustainability
financial implications and outcomes of concerns, collaborative networks enable the
sustainability-driven innovation. "Consumer" formation of interdisciplinary research
is vital in the context of sustainable product methodologies and the exchange of ideas.
innovation, given that consumer preferences Keyword Analysis and Emerging
can drive market demand for sustainable subjects: Understanding the prevalent and
products. Exploring consumer behavior and emerging research subjects helps to provide
preferences related to sustainability could be light on how sustainable product innovation
an area for further research. Sustainable is changing over time. Leading topics indicate
supply chains are integral to the development fundamental ideas that have been thoroughly
of sustainable products. Its presence indicates examined, whereas developing themes
the importance of considering the entire indicate areas of research that are still under
supply chain in sustainable product development. Keywords pertaining to
innovation, but further exploration of supply sustainable consumption and the circular
chain sustainability is possible. economy are included, suggesting that there
Discussion is increased interest in comprehensive
A thorough analysis of the research sustainability strategies that take into account
findings and their implications for sustainable the full life cycle of a product.
product creation and business growth is given
in the discussion section. Several important CONCLUSION
discoveries were uncovered through the To sum up, this study advances our
analysis: knowledge of the scholarly environment
Co-Citation Analysis and Seminal related to sustainable product creation.
Works: Teece, Barney, and Dyllick & Insights into foundational works, research
Hockerts' seminal works are identified, clusters, collaboration networks, and
demonstrating the ongoing significance of emerging issues are provided by it; these
foundational research in sustainable product elements together lay the groundwork for
creation. These findings have influenced not additional study and real-world application

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West Science Business and Management  241

in promoting sustainable corporate success.

The conclusions drawn from this
investigation provide organizations with
useful benchmarks as they negotiate the shift
toward sustainability in the age of the green
economy. They emphasize how crucial it is to
incorporate sustainability into fundamental
company plans, promote teamwork, and
never stop innovating to meet changing
sustainability issues. A more sustainable and
prosperous future can be achieved through
sustainable product innovation, which acts as
a driver for corporate success.

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