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Nucleic Acid

5.1 Distinguish between

deoxyribonucleic acids
and ribonucleic acids in
terms of biochemical
functions and in terms
of where they are found
5.1 Types of Nucleic Acids

• Cells in an organism are capable of replicating

• Cells possess information on how to make new
• Molecules responsible for such information are
nucleic acids
– Found in nucleus and are acidic in nature
• A nucleic acid is an unbranched polymer in which
the monomer units are nucleotides
• Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
– Found within the cell nucleus
– Stores and transfers genetic information
– Passed from existing cells to new cells during
cell division
• Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
– Occurs in all parts of a cell
– Primary function is the synthesis of proteins

5.2 Be familiar with the chemical

composition of nucleotides, the
structural building blocks for nucleic
Nucleic Acids

• They are polymers in which the repeating unit is

a nucleotide
– Components of a nucleotide
• Pentose sugar
• Phosphate group (PO43-)
• Heterocyclic base
Nucleic Acids
A block structural diagram of nucleotides
Pentose Sugars

• The structural difference between ribose and

pentose 2′ - deoxyribose occurs at carbon 2′
– —OH group is present in ribose
– —H atom is present in 2′-deoxyribose
• Ribose is present in RNA
• 2′-deoxyribose is present in DNA
Nucleic Acids
The sugar unit of a nucleotide is either the pentose ribose or the
pentose 2′-deoxyribose.
Nitrogen-Containing Heterocyclic Bases

• They are five in total

– Three pyrimidine derivatives - Thymine (T),
cytosine (C), and uracil (U)
– Two purine derivatives - Adenine (A) and
guanine (G)
• Adenine, guanine, and cytosine are found in
both DNA and RNA
• Uracil is found only in RNA
• Thymine is found only in DNA
Five nitrogen-containing heterocyclic bases are
nucleotide components.

• The third component of a nucleotide

• Derived from phosphoric acid (H3PO4)
– Loses two hydrogen atoms, resulting in
formation of a hydrogen phosphate ion

5.3 Distinguish between the

terms Nucleoside and
nucleotide; known names
and abbreviations for the
eight nucleotides that are
found in nucleic acids.
5.3 Nucleotide Formation

• Nucleotides are formed from a sugar, a base, and

a phosphate
• It is a two-step process
– The pentose sugar and nitrogenous base react
to form a nucleoside
– The nucleoside reacts with a phosphate group
to form a nucleotide
• Nucleoside: A two-subunit molecule in which a
pentose sugar is bonded to a nitrogen-containing
heterocyclic base
• Characteristics
– The base is attached to C1′ position of the
sugar (β-configuration)
– It is a condensation reaction
• There are 8 nucleosides associated with nucleic acid
– Four RNA nucleosides
– Four DNA nucleosides
• Nomenclature
– For pyrimidine bases, the suffix -idine is used
• Cytidine, thymidine,
– For purine bases, the suffix -osine is used
• Adenosine, guanosine
– Prefix deoxy- is used to indicate deoxyribose present
• Deoxythymidine
• Formed by the addition of a phosphate group to
a nucleoside
• Characteristics of phosphate addition
– The phosphate is attached to C5′ position
– Water is released

5.4 Know the common

differing structural
characteristics of
primary structure for
5.4 Primary Nucleic Acid Structure

• A ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a nucleotide polymer

in which each of the monomers contains ribose, a
phosphate group, and one of the heterocyclic
bases adenine, cytosine, guanine, or uracil
• A deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleotide
polymer in which each of the monomers contains
deoxyribose, a phosphate group, and one of the
heterocyclic bases adenine, cytosine, guanine, or
• A sequence that contains nucleotides
linked to a nucleic acid
• Primary structure depends on the
sequence of bases present

5.5 Be familiar with the double

Helix secondary structure feature
associated with DBA molecule;
be familiar with the concept of
complementary base pairing and
the rules associated with such
5.5 The DNA Double Helix
• In addition to primary structures, nucleic acids also have secondary
and tertiary structures
• Amounts of A,T,G, and C present in DNA molecules helped
determine the three-dimensional structure of the DNA molecules
– Amounts of A and T were always equal
– Amounts of C and G were always equal
– Human DNA contains:
• 30% adenine
• 30% thymine
• 20% guanine
• 20% cytosine
DNA Sequence
• Two polynucleotide strands are coiled around
each other in a spiral
– Bases on each strand extend inwardly toward
each other
– They are connected by hydrogen bonds
– They run in opposite directions
• 5′-to-3′ direction
• 3′-to-5′ direction
Base Pairing

• A pyrimidine is always paired with a purine

– Fits inside the DNA double strand
– Hydrogen bonding is most favored in A–T and
G–C pairs
– A–T and G–C pairing is termed complementary
5.6 Describe the various steps
involved in the process of DNA
replication; be familiar with
terminology and enzymes
associated with DNA
• DNA replication: The biochemical process by which
DNA molecules produce exact duplicates of
– The strands of DNA are used as templates
• DNA polymerase ensures correct base pairing and
catalyzes the formation of phosphodiester linkages
• Components of a new DNA strand
– One new DNA strand
• Daughter strand
– One old DNA strand
• Parent strand
• DNA polymerase enzyme can operate on a forming DNA
daughter strand only in the 5′-to-3′ direction
– One strand grows continuously in the 5′-to-3′ direction
– The other strand grows in segments in the opposite
• Okazaki fragments
– The segments are connected by DNA ligase
• DNA replication usually occurs at multiple sites within the
– Bidirectional replication occurs at these sites
– Multiple-site replication enables rapid replication of
large molecules
• They are formed by the interaction of
newly-replicated DNA molecules with histones
• A chromosome is about 15% by mass DNA and
85% by mass protein
• Cells of different kinds of organisms have
different numbers of chromosomes
• They occur in matched (homologous) pairs
‒ Example - The 46 chromosomes of a human
cell constitute 23 homologous pairs

5.7 Be able to give overview

summary for protein
5.7 Overview of Protein Synthesis

• DNA molecules control the synthesis of proteins

• Phases of protein synthesis
– Transcription
– Translation

5.8 Be familiar with the major

differences between DNA
molecules and RNA molecules; be
familiar with the characteristics of
and functions for the five major
types of RNA molecules.
5.8 Ribonucleic Acids
Differences Between RNA and DNA Molecules

DNA Molecule RNA Molecule

• Ribose is the basic
• Deoxyribose is the
sugar unit
basic sugar unit
• Thymine is replaced
• Thymine is present
by uracil
• It is a double-stranded
• It is a single-stranded
• Molecules are bigger
• Molecules are smaller
Types of RNA Molecules
• Heterogenous nuclear RNA (hnRNA): Formed by
DNA transcription
• Messenger RNA (mRNA): Carries instructions for
protein synthesis
• Small nuclear RNA (snRNA): Facilitates the
conversion of hnRNA to mRNA
• Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): Combines with specific
proteins to form ribosomes
• Transfer RNA (tRNA): Delivers amino acids to sites
for protein synthesis

5. 9 Be familiar with how DNA,

genes, hnRNA, snRNA, and
mRNA are involved in the
process of transcription;
distinguish between exons and
introns and how the process of
splicing relates to these
5.9 Transcription: RNA Synthesis
• Transcription: The process by which DNA directs the
synthesis of hnRNA/mRNA molecules by a two-step process
– hnRNA is synthesized
– hnRNA is edited to yield mRNA
• Gene: A segment of a DNA strand responsible for the
production of a specific hnRNA/mRNA molecule
– Most human genes comprise 1000–3500 nucleotide
– Genome: All of the genetic material contained in the
chromosomes of an organism
Steps in the Transcription Process
• Unwinding of DNA double helix to expose a sequence of
– Governed by RNA polymerase
• Alignment of free ribonucleotides along an exposed DNA
strand, forming new base pairs
• Influence of RNA polymerase in the linkage of ribonucleotides
• Cessation of transcription when the RNA polymerase enzyme
encounters a stop signal on the DNA template
– The newly formed RNA molecule and the RNA polymerase
enzyme are released
Post-Transcription Processing: Formation of mRNA

• Involves post-transcription processing of hnRNA

• Splicing: Excision of introns and joining of exons
– Exon: A gene segment that conveys codes for
genetic information
– Intron: A DNA segment that does not convey
genetic information
– snRNA is involved
Alternative splicing
• Alternative splicing: A process of producing
several different proteins from a single gene
– Involves splicing of an hnRNA molecule with
multiple exons

• All of the mRNA molecules that can be generated

from the genetic material in a genome
• It is different from a genome
– Acknowledges the biochemical complexity
created by splice variants obtained by hnRNA

5.10 Understand the relationship

between codons and the genetic
code, know important
characteristics of the genetic code.
5.10 The Genetic Code
• The base sequence in mRNA determines the
amino acid sequence in the synthesis of protein
• The base sequence of an mRNA molecule
involves 4 different bases - A, C, G, and U
• Codon: A three-nucleotide sequence in an mRNA
molecule that codes for a specific amino acid
– 64 codons in total
– Genetic code: The assignment of the 64 mRNA
codons to specific amino acids
• 3 of the 64 codons are termination codons
Characteristics of Genetic Code

• The genetic code is highly degenerate

– Many amino acids are designated by more
than one codon
– Met and Trp possess a single codon
• There is a pattern to the arrangement of
synonyms in the genetic code table
– All synonyms for an amino acid fall within a
single category unless there are more than
four synonyms
• The genetic code is almost universal
– There are minor exceptions
• An initiation codon exists
– Suggested by the existence of “stop” codons
– AUG is an initiator of protein synthesis

5. 11 Be familiar with the

relationships between (1)
anticodons and tRNAs and (2)
anticodons and codons.
Anticodons and tRNA molecules
• During protein synthesis, amino acids do not directly interact
with the codons of an mRNA molecule
– tRNA molecules act as intermediaries to deliver amino
acids to mRNA
• Two important features of the tRNA structure
– The 3′ end of tRNA is where an amino acid is covalently
bonded to the tRNA
– The loop opposite to the open end of tRNA, called the
anticodon, comprises seven unpaired bases
• Three unpaired bases constitute the anticodon
– A three-nucleotide sequence on a tRNA molecule
that is complementary to a codon on an mRNA
5.12 Be familiar with how
ribosomes, mRNA, rRNA,
rRNA, are involved in the
process of translations; be
familiar with the five general
steps of the translation part of
the protein synthesis.
• Translation: The process in which mRNA codons are deciphered and
a specific protein molecule is synthesized
• Ribosome: An rRNA–protein complex that is the site for the
translation phase of protein synthesis
– Characteristics of ribosome structures
• They contain four rRNA molecules and 80 proteins in two
• Each subunit possesses 65% rRNA and 35% protein
• The active site is located in the ribosomal subunit
• rRNA is the active site
• The predominance of rRNA at the active site gives it the
impression of a ribozyme
• The mRNA binds to the small subunit of the ribosome
Five Steps of Translation
• Activation of tRNA
– Accomplished in two steps
• Initiation
– tRNA attaches itself to the P site of a small ribosomal unit
• Elongation
– Another tRNA attaches itself to the A site
– A dipeptide is formed under the influence of peptidyl transferase
• Termination
– The polypeptide continues to grow via translocation till a stop codon is
• Post-translational processing
– The protein is rendered fully functional
Efficiency of mRNA Utilization

• Many ribosomes can move simultaneously along

a single mRNA molecule
• The multiple use of mRNA molecules reduces
the amount of resources and energy that the
cell expends to synthesize needed protein
• Polyribosome: A complex of an mRNA and
several ribosomes

5.13 Know the characteristics for

both point and frameshift
mutations; be familiar with
common types of mutagens.
5.13 Mutations

• An error in base sequence in a gene that is

reproduced during DNA replication
• Altered genetic information is passed on during
• Altered information can cause changes in amino
acid sequence during protein synthesis
• Changes can cause a profound effect on the
Two common types of mutations are:

A point mutation is a mutation in which one base

in a DNA base sequence is replaced with another
A frameshift mutation is a mutation that inserts
or deletes a base in a DNA molecule base

Such a change affects not only the base triplet

located at the insertion or deletion point but
also all triplets that follow in the sequence.
• A mutagen is a substance or agent that causes a
change in the structure of a gene
• Types
– Radiation
• Ultraviolet light, X-rays, and radioactivity
– Chemical agents
• HNO2
• Repair enzymes present in the body are able to
identify and replace altered bases
5.14 Describe a common
method by which a virus
infects a cell; describe
how a vaccine works.
5.14 Nucleic Acids and Viruses
• Minute disease-causing agents with an outer
coat of protein
• They can reproduce only by invading host cells
– Host cells are caused to produce more viruses
– Host cells’ normal function is disrupted
• They attack bacteria, plants, animals, and
– Many human diseases are of viral origin
• They attach themselves to the host cell on the
external surface
– An enzyme present in the external structure of
the virus catalyzes the breakdown of the cell
membrane and forms a hole
• They then inject their DNA or RNA into the host
• The viral nucleic acid is replicated
• Hundreds of new viruses are produced using the
host cell within 30 minutes

• A preparation containing an inactive or

weakened form of a virus
• Antibodies produced against inactive viral or
bacterial envelopes also kill naturally occurring
viruses or bacteria

5.15 Be familiar with the

procedures by which
recombinant DNA is
produced; be able to give
examples of important end
products obtained using
genetic engineering
5.15 Recombinant DNA and Genetic Engineering

• Genetic engineering: The process by which an

organism is intentionally changed at the
molecular (DNA) level so that it exhibits different
• Recombinant DNA: DNA possessing genetic
material from two different organisms
• First genetically engineered organisms were
bacteria (1973) and mice (1974)
• Insulin-producing bacteria were commercialized
in 1982
• Many plants have now been genetically
– Resistance to the harmful effects of pesticides
– Protection from insects
• Plants produce pesticides
– Increased crop production
Principles and Procedures of Genetic Engineering

• E.coli cells containing recombinant DNA are

obtained using the following steps
– Cell membrane dissolution
– Isolation of plasmid fraction
– Cleavage of plasmid DNA
– Gene removal from another organism
– Gene-plasmid splicing
– Uptake of recombinant DNA
• Transformed cell can reproduce a large
number of identical cells called clones
– Cells with identical DNA that have
descended from a single cell
• Thousands of clones can be produced from a
single bacteria within a short time
• Each clone can synthesize the protein
directed by foreign gene it carries
Figure 22.30 - Production of Recombinant DNA

5.16 Be familiar with the

nature of the polymerase
chain reactions and what
is accomplishes.
5.16 The Polymerase Chain Reaction

• A method for rapidly producing

multiple copies of a DNA nucleotide
• This method allows to produce
billions of copies of a DNA sequence
in a few hours
Figure 22.33 (a) - Basic Steps of the Polymerase Chain Reaction
Figure 22.33 (b) - Basic Steps of the Polymerase Chain

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