TerraPunkQuickstart v1.4

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Punk Terra


A word on TTRPGs
If you are completley new to Tabletop Roleplaying Games (TTRPGS) or Pen & Paper RPGs, let me
welcome you into its jaws. In TTRPGs, you use your imagination to Role-play characters in a
fantasy world. It might seem a bit daunting at first, but I promise that its gonna be a really good

Absolute Basics
There are a couple different things you'll need to be able to play a TTRPG.
First, You'll need someone to be the Game Master (GM), the narrator of the world, he will describe the
situations you find yourselves in, plan out the story, fill the world set the difficulty of tasks and act as the
Non-player characters (NPCs) . Then, grab some friends or soon to be friends willing and ready to go on
adventures with you. You will also need a polyhedral dice set (you can get them at a local games shop) and
a Character Sheet which will house your Player Characters (PCs).

Example play:
GM: The giant crested peaks loom over you as the wolves give chase to your party, as you run on this
narrow mountain side path, on a turn you are suddenly met with a boulder blocking the path; it appears
to be a dead end. What do you want to do?
Jack: Is there any way to climb over the Boulder is it jagged or smooth? How far away are the wolves?
GM: The boulder is quite smooth and medium sized but its still pretty heavy, theres a small hole to the
side of the mountain about as big as your arm, the wolves seem to be closing in about maybe 20 to 30
meters from you, you hear their howls.
Bob: Screw it, Bromlin (his PC) is going to push the Boulder.
Jack: Ill wedge my staff on the boulder and help him.
GM: Give me an Athletics Roll and add a +2 because of the help.

This can play out in a variety of different ways, the players are free to choose how they interact with the
world, do they stand and fight? Do they jump over the boulder? Maybe climb upwards instead of following
the Path? TTRPGs can be full of surprises, and creativity can flow in the strangest and most exciting of
ways. Usually you play through stories called campaigns or adventures where you and your friends tackle
Epic Quests, dive deep into your characters and level them up. Although the goal in TTRPGs is to have fun,
leveling and equipping your character is also a goal throughout. In this system you level up to two Paths
to level 10, individual Path levels are more important than total path levels.

PLEASE READ - Quickstart Guide

The content on this Guide is not final and is subject to change on the Core Rulebook, if there are some-
things that seem like they are missing, remember; this is just a guide to get you acquainted with the system.
The drawings are not going to be the same style in the core Rulebook, so please forgive the disjointedness of
the cover art and the doodles on the actual guide.

This guide was written and Designed by Zackary Konow.

Cover Art by Therealdyo

Table of Contents
System Overview 1 Chapter 5: Magic 22
Magic Overview -
Chapter 1: Character Creation 5 Spells 23
Races 6 Chapter 6: Crafting 24
Backstory 7
Chapter 2: Paths 8 Chapter 7: Game Masters 25

Path of the Soldier 9 Sample NPCs/Monster Statblocks 26

Path of the Alchemist -
Path of the Bard 10 Sample Adventure: The First Journey 27
Path of the Craftsman -
Adventure Overview -
Path of the Explorer -
Pre-generated Characters 32
Path of the Mage 11
Path of the Mechanic -
Path of the Rogue -
Chapter 3: Equipment 12
Weapons and Armor 13
Alchemical Solutions and Gadgets 14
Chapter 4: Combat 16

Step-by-step Combat -
Action Points 17
Actions 18
Defense Actions 19
Armor Value 20
Death and Healing 21

Welcome to the World of Punk

Punk Terra is all about epic adventures shared with friends. Imagine a world of fantasy where
the timeline has moved forward in terms of technology. Cars, guns and all types of inventions
have made their way into a fantasy world filled with magic.

Without getting too much into the Lore, we make ourselves at home on the planet Terra, taking
our sights to the Archon Empire, that has been ruled with an Iron-fist by a dynasty for about 250
years. The Imperialists boast of advanced weaponry and sophistication, while the original
inhabitants of the land try to maintain their traditions. There are also those who oppose the
empire and wish for democracy, although their efforts are usually short-lived.

From vast deserts and cold mountains, to dark forests and sandy beaches, there is adventure and
work to be had for anyone, as long as they have the gumption.

The rules are simple

Roll the D12 Situational Modifiers
When faced with a challenge, such as climbing a
There can be situations where you can have
steep mountain, deciphering a language, or
bonuses or penalties when rolling the dice. These
fighting an opponent, you GM will ask you to
are divided into three:
roll an appropriate skill, which will add the
Effect modifiers come from abilites or conditions.
modifier to your d12 roll. If you obtain a roll
Cinematic modifiers are usually +1 or -1. But they
equals to or over the target number you
can stack, these are small things that a player or
succeed, if not, you fail. Out of combat, the GM
DM can justify, if they are creative.
sets the target number, otherwise known as
Penalties are situations where you are at a
Difficulty Rating (DR) for ability checks, but in
complete disadvantage, and they make you roll
combat they are usually opposed.
without your Attribute Score. (Ex: Darkness)
In short, the most common roll is as follows:
D12 + Attribute Score + Skill Level
Important Concepts
Criticals and Fumbles Hit Points (HP): A characters health, once it
reaches 0, they enter the Death State.
If you ever get a 12 on the d12, it means you got a
Speed (SPD): How many meters you move per
Critical Roll. When you get a Critical you roll the
action point.
d12 again and add the result to the total, and
Armor Value (AV): The amount of protection you
even if you don't hit the Target number, its still a
have. Subtracts from damage taken.
partial success. In combat, critical rolls are
Action Points (AP): Used for taking actions in
On the other hand if you ever get a 1 on the d12,
this means a Fumble. When you get a Fumble and
hit the target number you roll the d12 again and
subtract the result from the total, and if you still
reach the target number, this still means partial

Using non-leveled skills Rounding Numbers

If you dont have any levels in a skill, you can still Every time you must round out a number you
roll, by only using your Attribute Score as a bonus. always round down.

COmbat Simplified:
You use an AP to attack - You roll your weapon skill - They use an AP to Defend
They roll their Defense
On a hit, you roll damage - The damage is subtracted by their Armor

Extreme Penalty Examples

Underwater Combat, Blinded, Surprised/Ambushed, Prone, Free-falling Combat, Restrained

Skill List
Strength Dexterity Charisma Technique
Athletics Acrobatics Persuasion Alchemy
Used for feats of Used for feats of Used to convince Used to prepare
strength and nimbleness balance. people of things, in a potions and
athleticism. Jumping Climbing and friendly manner. Alchemical solutions.
and climbing, pushing, jumping, and falling Intimidation Crafting
pulling or throwing from high places. It Used to instill fear or Used to create and
objects. Can be used to can be used to Re- convince people of repair weapons,
Dodge, Escape and to position, Dodge or things in an aggresive armors as well as
Fight Unarmed. Escape. manner. items and parts.
Heavy Weapons Light Weapons Deception Medicine
Used for two handed Used for weapons Used to convince Used for treating
weapons and such as Daggers, someone of a lie. wounds and
categorized as heavy. Shortswords and performing surgery.
throwing knives.
Used to put on a show Tinkering
Ranged Weapons of some sort, steal the Used to open locked
Used for Blocking and limelight.
Used for Firearms and doors, improvising
attacking with shields.
Crossbows. traps and weapons.
Driving Intelligence Mechanics
Wisdom Used for driving
Perception motorized vehicles,
Investigation Used for repairing and
Used to analyze a assembling mechanical
This skill measures carriages, or ships.
situation, to deduce contraptions such as
your how perceptive Vehicles or Automata.
Subterfuge information.
you are of things Also used as Medicine
Used to move around Arcane Lore
happening around you. for Mechanoids.
silently and unseen. As
Noticing and finding Used to recall
well as Picking pockets
changes around you information about
and hiding things.
with sight, smell or difficult, magical or
sound. occult subjects.
Strength or
Endurance Dexterity
Animal Handling Science
Used for communica- Resistance Used to understand Medium Weapons
ting with beasts, also to Used to resist bleeding theory and technology. These weapons can be
ride them. and poison, as well as used with either
strenuous physical Dexterity or Strength.
Insight Used to recall a piece of
Used for reading pain and conditions. Bows
local or contemporary
people and situations, Resist Magic information. Used for Short or
as well as for defending Longbows.
Used to resist magical
from illusions or
effects on your body
trickery. Intelligence or
and mind. Special
Streetwise Wisdom
Control Magic
Used to know how Survival
certain areas in a city Dextery or Used to differentiate
Used for casting
magical attacks.
operate, and how to Intelligence plants and minerals
connect with them. and how to survive in
Courage the wild, as well as
Used to determine who tracking and finding
Used to resist fear, and
is quickest on their your way.
effects that cause it.
mind or feet.

Chapter 1: Character Creation

1.Determine Your Attributes 4.Pick your Main Path
There are 2 different methods for obtaining your You will have to choose what path to pursue.
Attributes, but first we must know what they are. Your path defines your starting skills,
equipment and money, as well as your starting
Strength (STR): Defines your physical strength,
Hit Points.
body power and carrying capacity.
Dexterity (DEX): Defines your nimbleness, 5.Determine Your Skills
balance, flexibility, reflexes and Priority.
Your chosen Path will have a set of skills, which all
Endurance (END): Defines your vitality and start at level 4. Then, you must choose one skill to
overall toughness. An important Attribute. start at 3, two skills at 2 and 3 skills at 1. These can't
be your starting path skills, and if you have racial
Intelligence (INT): Defines mental quickness,
or backstory bonuses they are applied. (EX: An elf
memory and analytical skill.
has +1 level to Perception, and he takes a Path that
Wisdom (WIS): Defines awareness and intuition, has Perception as a starting skill, this means he
as well as insight. starts with 5 levels in Perception)
Charisma (CHA): Defines eloquence and empathy,
as well as self-confidence. 6.Choose your Gear
Technique (TEC): Defines the capacity for trade Your Path will decide your starting
skills, such as crafting. equipment, but within that there are choices
and initial money handed out.
The first method you can use is Point Allocation.
All attributes start at 1 and you have 26 points to Each weapon has a skill associated with it.
allocate between them. The maximum on Light Weapons, Medium Weapons, Heavy
character creation is 8 (not accounting for racial Weapons, Bows, and Ranged Weapons.
bonuses). Magical attacks use the Control Magic skill.

The second method is that you can roll 3d6 and Armors reduce incoming damage, but also
subtract the highest number rolled. Do this seven take damage and need to be repaired. Lighter
times and then allocate them to your stats as you armors dont protect as much but keep you
please. Any roll of 9 and above becomes an 8. This nimble. Heavy armors may shrug off
method can be unpredictable, but generally considerable damage but hinder your
results in stronger characters. movements.
You should also buy some adventuring gear
2.Choose a Race and anything you think you might need. Any
The basis of your character is his race, there are item or gear in the Common category is
many races, of different shapes and sizes, and available to you.
even though it doesnt define their limitations, it
gives a couple of basic statistics, such as base
speed, Racial Perks and Attribute Bonuses. Prologue Characters
The Character Creation in the Quickstart is
3.Determine Your Backstory Prologue Style Characters, which means they
You must craft a backstory for your character, only start with one Path. Normal Character
which give you bonuses and items. This can be Creation is the same, except you also pick a
chosen from a list, but it is recommended you Secondary Path.
make it your own.

Although being of a certain race doesnt define who you are, in a fantasy setting, races have different traits
and capabilities that are within their genetics. That being said some of the bonuses aren't set in stone and
you can pick which ones your character gets. Even if they are different sizes and hues, all races can come
together to adventure and bond as a group.
Base Walking Speed (SPD): Defines how many meters you can traverse with an Action Point.
Size: Determines their size category, this can be small (40-90cm), medium (1-1.90m) or large (2-3m).
Languages: Which languages they know, this will be expanded upon later.
Racial Perks: Unique starting capabilities that each race has.

Humans Dwarves
SPD: 6 meters SPD: 5 meters
Size: Medium Size: Medium
Languages: Common and 1 other. Languages: Common and Dwarvish.
Attribute Bonus: +1 to any two Attributes. Attribute Bonus: +1 to Endurance and either
Strength or Technique.
Quickstarter Humans: You may take +1 level in
Any four Skills of your choosing. Thick skin: You have a base Armor Value of 1
that is Unbreakable.
Hearty: +1 level to Resistance.
Healing and Treating
SPD: 7 meters Mechanoids Mechanoids (Page 25)
Size: Medium
Languages: Common and Elvish.
SPD: 6 meters
Attribute Bonus: +1 to Dexterity and Wisdom.
Size: Medium
Elven Accuracy: +1 level to Bows and Ranged Languages: Common and 1 other.
Weapons. Attribute Bonus: +1 to any two Attributes.
Keen Eyes: +1 level to Perception.
Metal Casing: You have a base Armor Value of 1
that is Unbreakable.
Goblins Soulmachine: You have no real need for
sustenance, sleep or breath, but may ingest
SPD: 5 meters items to obtain their effects. You are resistant to
Size: Small poison, but are vulnerable to electric damage.
Languages: Common and Ogroid. Any Medicine roll on a Mechanoid is replaced by
Attribute Bonus: +1 to Dexterity and either Mechanics.
Intelligence or Technique.

Hard to Catch: +1 to Dodge & Escape rolls. Orcs

Scavenger: +1 level to Survival.
SPD: 6 meters
Size: Large
Languages: Common and Ogroid.
Attribute Bonus: +1 to Strength and Endurance.

Born Fighter: +1 level to a Weapon skill of your

Unrelenting: If you are Fatigued, your AP gets
reduced to 2 instead of 1.

Although your Race and Path might seem the most important for your character, your Backstory will
truly define who your character is, more than just choosing Bonuses from a list, ask yourself how they
lived, what they love and hate, what they care for the most. There are a couple of questions you
should answer before selecting a backstory.

What is your Characters name?

What is their age?
What is their gender?
Where do they come from?
Does your character have a family? What are their names?
What is their personality?
What is it that they hold dearest to their heart?
What is it they fear the most?
What sets them apart from others?
What is their goal in life? Do they have an objective?

These are just a couple of the questions that come to mind when it comes to fleshing out a characters
story, but it is up to you to think of, and answer any questions. Remember that there are no wrong
answers, everything can be a part of your story. If you're having trouble creating a story for your character
I recommend you get your GM or fellow players to help you.

Making your Own story

If you wish to make your own backstory it is done by following these rules: You gain a +1 to a Skill of your
choosing, you and your GM must figure out a trait together; and you receive up to 10 Crowns, a Common
Item or a domestic animal.

Example: Fisherman
The water is where you made your living,
through rain and crashing waves, the fish must
be caught.
Skill Bonus: +1 level to Survival.
Days Catch: If there is a body of water with Fish
nearby, you may catch enough to feed 5 people
for a day with no roll required.
Extra Cash: 20 Princes, 3 Days rations.

QuickStarter Paths
The Quickstarter guide doesn't include all basic Paths nor any of their specialist paths or convergent
bonuses. Path levels are disabled and you only get a Paths starting ability.

There are 4 Paths that are not on this Quickstart guide and these are Priest, Shaman, Trader and Witch.
We know it's not much content, but this was made to get a grip and basic understanding of how the system

Chapter 2: Paths
Paths are what defines your Character beyond who they are, it is what they do and which road in life they
follow. There are Basic and Specialist Paths, and a special Convergent Bonus.
Basic Paths are pretty self explanatory, these are available to everyone and you choose one as your starting
path, these determine starting skills and equipment.

Compact Skill List

Strength (STR) Dexterity (DEX) Endurance (END) Intelligence (INT) Technique (TEC)
Athletics Acrobatics Resistance Investigation Alchemy
Heavy Weapons Light Weapons Courage Arcane Lore Crafting
Medium Weapons* Medium Weapons* Resist Magic Culture Medicine
Bows* Bows* Survival* Tinkering
Charisma (CHA) Science Mechanics
Ranged Weapons
Driving Persuasion Priority*
Wisdom (WIS) Intimidation Special
Perception Deception Control Magic
Animal Handling Performance
Survival* *Some Skills can be used with more than one Attribute.

Basic PAths
Path Description Favored Attributes

Soldier Martial fighters and hardened warriors with a great range of Strength, Dexterity,
combat styles. Endurance
Alchemist They create potions and solutions to aid their fellow adventurers Intelligence,
and hinder their foes. Technique
Bard Not every Bard is a magical bard, some of them carry great power Charisma, Dexterity
within themselves, able to command things around them.
Craftsman They produce armor, weapons and items as well as repairing Technique
Explorer Excellent scouts and rangers, nimble and knowledgeable about Dexterity, Wisdom,
the terrain they inhabit. Intelligence
Mage A proficient spell-caster of arcane and elemental magic. Intelligence
Mechanic Experts in mechanical contraptions, automatons and vehicles. Technique
Priest Divine followers that wield Light Magic, called Signs. Wisdom
Rogue Typically outlaws and criminals, rogues stick to the shadows. Dexterity, Technique
Shaman Naturalistic magic wielders that cast Elemental Rituals. Wisdom
Trader Focused on acquiring wealth and gear, traders go around looking Charisma, Intelligence
for the best deals.
Witch Magic caster wielding dark magic, known as Hexes. Intelligence, Wisdom

Path of the Soldier Path of the Alchemist

Preferred Attributes: STR, DEX, END Preferred Attributes: TEC, INT
Starting Equipment: 1 Common Weapon, Studded Starting Equipment: Iron Throwing Knives x3,
Leather Armor, Hide Shield, Backpack, Weapon Soft Hide Armor, 10 Cr worth of Components in a
Sheath, 5 Days Rations, 15 Crowns. Satchel, Alchemy Kit, 5 Days Rations, 15 Crowns.
Starting HP: 10 + END Starting HP: 8 + END
Starting Skills: Athletics, Courage, Resistance,
Starting Skills: Alchemy, Investigation, Medicine,
Intimidation, Tinkering, Ranged Weapons, Bows,
Crafting, Light Weapons, Science, Culture,
Shields, Driving or Animal Handling. Choose
Survival, Perception, Athletics.
between Light Weapons, Medium Weapons or
Heavy Weapons. Secret Formulas: You learn an amount of Common
Formulas equals to half your current INT. You can
Combat Style: You may choose one of the
also study a Formula for 8 hours, to permanently
following combat styles:
add it to your Formula List.
Defender: Once per round you may use the Block Additionally, You choose two of the unique
action for free. concoctions below. After every Rest, you have your
Counter: Once per round you may take the TEC amount of total doses prepared.
Counter action for free. Flame Liquid: Kept in a strong glass orb, on impact
Dual-wielder: When wielding a light melee weapon it breaks, dealing 1d12 fire damage and your
in each hand, once per turn you may attack twice opponent has a 50% to catch on fire. (Thrown with
with 1 AP. Athletics.)
Sharpshooter: You deal an extra 1 damage on Revitalizer: Cures one non-magical condition.
ranged weapon attacks. Attribute Booster: Increases a chosen stat by +1 for 1
Vicious Attacker: You may spend extra AP with an minute. (You must choose the stat each day)
attack to add +3 Damage to your next melee attack Stabilizing Formula: As an action you can give this
roll, but a -3 to all defense rolls until the start your to someone in the Death State, preventing them
next turn. from rolling his next Death Save. (Can be yourself)
Brawler: Your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 + 1 Signature Poison: You make a fast acting poison.
Physical Damage. Upon entering the bloodstream, they must, once per
Sweeping Strikes: When using Heavy Weapons, turn as an action, roll Resistance against a DR of 12 +
any enemy adjacent to your target and to you, your TEC, or take 1d4 of Unsoakable Poison damage
must also defend from your initial attack, if they at the start of their turn, until they succeed.
fail, they take only your weapons damage. If the
hit is a critical, the adjacent targets are not
affected by the additional damage, or wound

Path of the Bard Path of the Craftsman

Preferred Attributes: CHA, DEX Preferred Attributes: TEC, END, INT
Starting Equipment: Iron Stiletto, Musical Starting Equipment: Iron Hammer, Hide Shield,
Instrument, Padded Armor, Instrument Case, Leather Armor, 15 Cr worth of Components in a
Backpack, 5 Days Rations , 20 Crowns. Satchel, Backpack, 5 Days Rations, Artisans Tools, 15
Starting HP: 6 + END Crowns.
Starting Skills: Acrobatics, Light Weapons, Starting HP: 8 + END
Persuasion, Streetwise, Performance, Insight, Starting Skills: Crafting, Medium Weapons, Shields,
Deception, Arcane Lore, Culture, Perception. Resistance, Athletics, Survival, Arcane Lore,
Perception, Culture, Tinkering.
Repertoire: You have a couple of special songs in
your repertoire, their melodies carry certain Tradesman: You learn an amount of Common
power. The targets must be able to hear you for Diagrams, equals to half your current INT. You can
it to work. The effects can stack. You may only also study a Diagram for 8 hours, to permanently add
choose two. it to your Diagram List.
Song of Hope: You may use an action or a Additionally, If a weapon or armor breaks in combat,
reaction, to give a +1 to an ally on his next roll you may use 2 AP, to apply a quick fix, restoring a
until the end of his turn. broken weapon to working order or restoring Armor
Song of War: You may an action, or a reaction, to Value by your half your TEC for 3 turns. You may use
give +2 to an allies next damage roll before the this once per Respite.
end of their turn.
Song of Magic: As an action, you may supply one
element to an adjacent allied spellcaster.
Song of Haste: As an action you may restore 1 AP
to an ally to a maximum of 3, that they may use
for reactions.
Song of Mocking: You may use an action, to give
a -2 on a targets next defense roll before the end
of their turn.
Song of Sadness: As a reaction to an attack you
can see, you roll a 1d4 and lower the damage on
that attack by the same amount. Path of the Explorer
Song of Heroism: As an action or a reaction. You Preferred Attributes: DEX, WIS, INT
can empower yourself or an ally and re-roll an Starting Equipment: Oak Shortbow or Crude Pistol, 20
attack or defense roll. You take the second roll Iron Arrrows or Iron Bullets, Cured Hide Armor,
regardless of the result. Compass, Map, Iron Dagger, Backpack, 5 Days
Rations, 10 Crowns.
Starting HP: 8 + END
Starting Skills: Animal Handling, Perception, Bows or
Ranged Weapons, Light Weapons, Survival,
Subterfuge, Acrobatics, Tinkering, Arcane Lore,

Sharpened Senses: An explorer can sense when things

aren't as they should, you ignore Penalty from any
source when rolling Perception, and you have 1 AP for
Defense when surprised.

Path of the Mage Path of the Mechanic

Preferred Attributes: INT Preferred Attributes: TEC, INT
Starting Equipment: Magical Wellspring (Choose Starting Equipment: Iron Hammer or Iron Maul,
which element), Padded Armor, Iron Dagger or Crude Pistol, Iron Bullets x10, Padded Armor,
an Oak Staff, Journal or Book, 30 Crowns. Backpack, 10 Cr worth of Components in a
Starting HP: 6 + END Satchel, 5 Days rations, Mechanics Box, 15
Starting Skills: Arcane Lore, Light Weapons or Crowns.
Medium Weapons, Resist Magic, Science, Starting HP: 8 + END
Investigation, Medicine, Culture, Control Magic, Starting Skills: Mechanics, Medium Weapons,
Perception, Acrobatics. Heavy Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Science,
Spellcasting: Spells are the school of magic Resistance, Athletics, Tinkering, Perception,
preferred by Mages. You learn 3 Basic Spells and Driving.
your half your current INT in Novice Spells. Fire Schematics: You learn an amount of Common
is the most common element to cast them, but Schematics, equals to your current INT. You can
out of all schools, Spells vary the most. The also study a Schematic for 8 hours, to
Siphon Element action is essential to casting permanently add it to your Schematic List.
magic. To understand more about magic go to
Additionally, while being adjacent or on a
Page 22.
broken Automaton, Clanker or Vehicle you can
Magic in general has three types: use 1 AP to fix it momentarily and make it run an
Magic Attack Spells: These work the same as any extra round. Every turn there-after costs 2 AP to
other weapon skill, they are cast by rolling maintain the effect.
Control Magic + your INT. Any damage received breaks the machine
immediately, and it cannot benefit from this
Instant Spells: The effects of this magic simply
ability until fully repaired.
Active Magic: This magic can be maintained for
an alloted amount of time at the cost of 1 AP per Path of the ROGUE
turn, if you are stunned or unable to use this AP, Preferred Attributes: DEX, TEC
the effect ends. You may only have one Active Starting Equipment: Iron Dagger x2 or Iron
Spell at a time. More rules on page 22. Stiletto, Iron Throwing Knife x3, Lockpicking Kit
x2, Leather Armor, Satchel x3, 5 Days Rations, 15
Truefrost Shard Crowns.
Timeless Pearl (W) Starting HP: 8 + END
(O/E) Starting Skills: Acrobatics, Light Weapons,
Subterfuge, Perception, Streetwise, Deception,
Tinkering, Bows, Ranged Weapons, Culture.
Lightning in a 1st Level.
bottle (A/F) Professional Sneak: You are well-versed in the
Everburn Amulet
art of moving unseen. Allowing you to move at
your normal SPD while hidden. Your attacks
while Hidden, deal an additional 2d6 damage.
Additionally, your first attack in combat can
Cursed Eye benefit from this ability.
(C) (Once you attack you are no longer hidden)
Iron Dragon
Scale (E/C)

Chapter 3: Equipment
There are many different products to buy and sell; from shiny armor, to dwarven made battleaxes, a
silver made instrument, a rough looking grappling hook pistol and an infinity of products. These things
can be bought and sold to make the economy move and have something you can spend your hard
earned cash on.

Within this system, there are two tiers of currency, Princes and Crowns. Crowns being the main one. Each
coin weighs 0.1 Kg.
10 Princes (PR) = 1 Crown (Cr)

There are 3 tiers of availability (AVB), these define how hard it is to come by one of these, as well as
indicating a better quality of product. These are Common (C), Uncommon (U) and Rare (R).

Armor does not get categorized in required skill, and it counts as a full armor set. Armor Value (AV) is
the quantity of damage the armor can absorb, armor type which can be Light, Medium or Heavy, as
well if it has Encumbrance (E), which lowers your speed by 1 and also gives you penalty to your
Subterfuge, Control Magic and Acrobatics skills. Some Armors and Shields also have a Strength
Requirement (STR). Your Armors AV can be degraded by the maximum damage die, or a 1 on the
damage die, otherwise called Armor Break. This concept will be explained in page 20.

They fall under the Armor category, but shields work a bit differently, they add Armor Value when used
to block. Shields also have Durability, meaning they can break, becoming unusable. Shields can have
STR requirements, Encumbrance and require a free hand.

Weapons are separated by their required skill. They have different properties listed, requirements to
wield (if any), and their Damage (DMG), price and weight (Kg).
Weapons Properties
Physical Damage: All weapons deal Physical Damage.
Heavy: This weapon requires at least 6 Strength, and at least Medium size to wield.
Range (RNG): Ranged weapons always have this property, but some melee weapons may also have it,
this means it may be thrown. Range means, the farthest you can be from a target before incurring
penalties. For every extra meter you need to hit the target, you incur a -1 on the roll.
Reach: This weapons lets you attack a creature from up to 2 meters away. Widening your Area of
Reflexive Attacks.
Rate of Fire (ROF): This dictates how many shots a weapon can make before it must be reloaded.
Reload: Defines how much AP is needed to reload a Firearm.
One-handed, Two-handed: Defines how many hands you need to wield it.

Common Armors
Common Shields
Light Armor Name AV STR E Price Kg
Name AV Price Kg Wooden Targe 1 - - 10 Cr 1
Padded 1 10 Cr 1 Hide Shield 2 - - 15 Cr 1
Soft Hide 2 15 Cr 2 Oak Towershield 3 5 X 25 Cr 2
Leather 3 20 Cr 2 Iron Shield 2 7 - 40 Cr 2

Medium Armor Heavy Armor

Name AV STR E Price Kg Name AV STR E Price Kg

Cured Hide 3 - - 20 Cr 1 Iron Chain Mail 6 6 X 45 Cr 3

Studded Leather 4 - - 30 Cr 2 Iron Splint 7 7 X 55 Cr 4
Scale Mail 5 4 X 35 Cr 3 Iron Plate 9 8 X 65 Cr 4

Common Weapons
Light Weapons
Name DMG Properties Price Kg

Iron Shortsword 1d8 One-handed 3 Cr 2

Iron Throwing Knives 1d6 One-handed, STRx2 Range. 2 Cr 0.5
Iron Dagger 1d6+1 One-handed 5 Cr 1
Iron Stiletto 1d4+1 One-handed 8 Cr 0.5
Iron Handaxe 1d8 One-handed 8 Cr 1
Hardened Gloves 1d6 Free-hands 2 Cr 0.5

Medium Weapons
Name DMG Properties Price Kg

Oak Staff 1d8+1 Two-handed, Reach 8 Cr 1

Oak Club 1d8 One-handed 5 Cr 1
Iron Longsword 1d10 One-handed 10 Cr 1.5
Iron Katana 1d8+1 One-handed 10 Cr 1
Iron Hammer 1d8+1 One-handed 10 Cr 2
Iron Spear 1d6+2 One-handed, Two-handed (Reach) 20 Cr 2
Iron Javelin 1d6 One-handed, STRx2 Range 2 Cr 0.5
Iron Throwing Axe 1d6+1 One-handed, STRx2 Range 1 Cr 0.5
Iron Knuckledusters 1d8 Two-handed 4 Cr 0.5
Iron-toed Boots 1d8 Free-hands 4 Cr 1

Heavy Weapons
Name DMG Properties Price Kg

Iron Greatsword 1d10+1 Two-handed, Heavy 25 Cr 3

Iron Maul 2d6 Two-handed, Heavy 20 Cr 3
Iron Greataxe 2d4+2 Two-handed, Heavy 20 Cr 3
Iron Battleaxe 1d6+2 One-handed, Heavy 10 Cr 2
Iron Mace 1d8+2 One-handed, Heavy 10 Cr 1.5
Iron Glaive 1d8+2 Two-handed, Heavy, Reach 20 Cr 2

Name DMG RNG Properties Price Kg

Oak Shortbow 1d6 15m Two-handed, Strong Attack. 5 Cr 1

Oak Longbow 1d6+2 30m Two-handed, Strong Attack. 15 Cr 1.5

Ranged Weapons
Name DMG RNG ROF Reload Properties Price Kg

Crude Pistol 2d6 15m 1 1 AP One-handed 25 Cr 1

Iron Rifle 2d6+1 30m 1 1 AP Two-handed 30 Cr 1.5
Iron Blunderbuss 3d4+2 4m 1 2 AP Two-handed 30 Cr 1.5
Oak Crossbow 1d6+2 30m 1 1 AP Two-handed 15 CR 1.5

Adventuring Items and Tools

There are many items that can be used with imagination, as well as tools needed to complete certain
tasks like Crafting, Alchemy or Mechanical Work. There are many things that exist that might not be
recorded in this guide. But just know that the price of a well sized loaf of bread would probably be
about 2 Princes.

Common Alchemical Solutions and Potions

Name Effects Price Kg

Acid Solution Deals 1d4 Acid Damage. 10 Cr 0.1

Base Solution Negates 1d4 Acid Damage for 1d6 Turns. 20 Cr 0.1
Flavouring Powder Makes things taste better, including poison. 2 Cr 0.1
Alchemical Preservatives May be added to Food or Corpses to preserve them for an 5 Cr 0.1
extra Week.
Intoxicator Ingesting this Intoxicates you in 1d4 turns for 1 hour. 10 Cr 0.1
Invisible Ink Ink revealed by heat. 5 Cr 0.5
Sleep Potion Roll Resistance DR 18 or fall asleep. 10 Cr 0.5
Smelling Salts Cures Dazed and Unconscious. 5cr 0.1

Common Gadgets
Name Effects Price Kg

Flash Bang Used as a grenade, Inflicts Blind for 1 Turn. 5 Cr 0.5

Grappling Gun Simple grappling gun with 20m Steel Cord. 25 Cr 2
Mimic Box Records and plays short messages. 3 Cr 0.1
Mini-copter A small drone-like automaton that follows you around, 10 Cr 1
can carry up to 2kg.
Net Gun A gun with a 10m range than can Grapple medium and 15 Cr 3
smaller targets.
Oil Bomb Used as a grenade, drenches the area in Oil. 2 Cr 0.5
Photographic Camera Takes pictures. 15 Cr 1.5
Tazer Athletics or Acrobatics Weapon, if an enemy isn't Dazed, 10Cr 0.5
it applies Dazed for 1 Turn. If Dazed it instead deals 1d8
Electric Damage.
Container Arrow This arrow deals no damage, but delivers anything in its 5 Cr 0.1
container reliably.

Chapter 4: Combat
Engaging in hand to hand combat with a drunken brawler, or perhaps fighting a giant three headed
rogue automaton, combat can be one of the most perilous and exciting parts of TTRPGs.
First of all we need to define combat terms, so that we can understand everything a little better.

Turns and Rounds

Combat can be chaotic and messy, but to organize this, we have a time frame in which all turns
happen simultaneously. This time frame is called a Round, and it consists of 6 seconds of pure chaos.
Within the Round every participant has a turn in which he can act. The first order of business is to
establish the order in which all the participants have their turn, this is decided by something called
Like any other skill roll, all participants roll Priority. The GM makes a list from highest to lowest, and
take turns in that order. On a tie, the highest Attribute wins. On a total tie, you roll again and the
winner goes first. Depending on the situation, defenders may or may not have AP to use.

In an Ambush situation or when a player or
creature rolls Subterfuge and their opponents fails
their Perception roll (or Passive Perception), they
can catch them by surprise. This means that the
attacking party gets a free turn for every member
(unless they were found out before, or not
prepared). In this free turn, defenders cannot use
any defense action.

General Tip
If an encounter is imminent, and weapons and
shields are drawn before Priority is rolled, you can
treat it as if the participants had all of their AP at
the ready, if they prepared an action before-hand,
this also counts as the use of their AP.

Step by Step Combat

1. In case of an ambush, the attackers get a free turn, defenders cant act.
2. Roll Priority for every participant.
3. Establish combat positions of characters and NPCs.
4. Take turns in order, spending AP and doing actions.
5. Go into the next round repeating steps 3 through 5.

Action Points
On your turn, you have 3 maximum Action Points (AP) you can use to do actions. Every action costs 1
AP to use, and can be stacked unless stated otherwise. There are very basic things wich are
considered actions. Attacking, Moving, Jumping, Hiding, Disengaging, Opening a door or a container,
taking out and drinking a potion, preparing an action, a Skill check and many many other things.

Reactions are able to be used by spending unused AP. These can be used outside of your turn, you
may react up to 3 times per round. Reactions are most commonly used to use Defense actions. It is
also possible, to react in unique ways at the cost of AP, if your GM demands or permits it.

Interactions are small things, like speaking to an ally or an enemy briefly, something that could be
said in a 6 second time frame, or maybe pressing a button or peeking out of cover, some skill checks
can also count as interactions, such as rolling Arcane Lore or Culture, to remember information.
Interactions do not require AP, you may only do 1 or 2 interactions per turn, depending on your GMs

Making an Attack, Defending and taking Damage

When you attack an opponent you roll your corresponding Weapon Skill, or Magic Attack against an
opponents Defense action. If you roll equal to or higher than them, then you roll the damage dice, adding
any modifiers to damage (if any). This damage is then subtracted by their AV if they have any (Page X).
That total damage is subtracted from their HP and once this reaches 0, they are dead. In the case of
characters and important NPCs, they enter the Death State. When you roll a 1 on the d12 it is considered a
Fumble and a 12 a Critical, which have different effects in combat.

RAnged Attacks
Melee attacks need an adjacent target, while ranged attacks have a maximum range at which they can
fire normally, every meter they pass the efficient range, adds a -1 to the attack. Also, attacking an
adjacent or prone target with a ranged attack target gives you Penalty on the attack.

Not Defending
Many times you will be unable to defend yourself, or perhaps you may choose to not defend, but you do
instinctively brace for the attack. When you do not to defend, the attack is an automatic hit. This also
means there's no chance for a critical strike.

Special Attack Situations

Attacking something while thats moving but maybe not
actively defending itself, or other special situations as
this; the right to set a DR is given to the Gamemaster.

Unsoakable Damage
Whenever Unsoakable Damage is mentioned
this means it goes straight to your HP. If the
type is specified it can be resisted.
Unsoakable Damage doesn't lower AV unless

This list are actions that are necessary for play. Sometimes you must improvise actions, and
sometimes the GM can ask for a higher AP cost.
Be creative, the Action Point system is in place to give you the freedom to compose heroic deeds.
Notes on Actions:
You may use the same action more than once given you have sufficient AP.

Moving Preparing an Action

Move up to your SPD. As a note, you cannot
break up your movement with actions in This means you wait for a condition to trigger the
between, but you can with interactions. action you want to make. You may only prepare
one action on your turn.
Striking an opponent with a weapon. Siphon Element
Taking energy from an element or wellspring
Backpack Scrounging destroying or consuming some of it in the
Taking out an item or a drawing a weapon that process.
was stowed away in your Backpack.
Helping Is used by rolling either Athletics or
Providing help, gives an ally a modifier on Acrobatics, against an opponents Acrobatics
their next roll, or stands them up from Prone. or Athletics or any other DR, it can be used to
escape from grappling or immobilizing
Retain AP
Less of an action and more of a decision, you
may decide to not use AP, so as to use it for Throwing
reactions or defense actions. Unless stated otherwise you throw your STR
Stand up in meters. An Athletics roll might be needed.

You may stand up from Prone.

Attack maneuvers - Strong Attacks

In the Core Rulebook, there are different attack maneuvers, the most important of which is the
Strong/Precise attack, where once per turn by using an extra AP on an attack, you add your STR or
DEX attribute to the damage dealt.

Defense Actions
There are different types of attacks, and corresponding defense actions that you can take each turn.
To defend yourself from an attack, you may either declare your defense on your turn by using an
action or hold unused AP to use for defense or reactions.

Defense Actions
Dodge: You gain a pool of movement equal to half your SPD until the start of your next turn. You may
spend 1 meter of this pool to attempt to dodge an attack.; you may dodge attacks as long as you have
movement left. You must move, regardless of success or failure. For Area of Effect attacks, you must
use enough movement to escape the area and succeed the Athletics or Acrobatics roll, if you cannot
escape the area or fail the roll, you take the damage.
Block You face a direction with your shield up, you may block all ranged or melee attacks coming
from that direction by using your Shield skill. You may use your shield to Block an Area of effect
attack, but this only gives you the additional AV of the shield, not a chance to block the damage.
If you fail, the shield acts as additional AV.
Parry: You face an enemy with your melee weapon up, you may block all melee range attacks coming
from that enemies direction by using your weapon skill. If your target leaves your melee range, you
may choose to face another target within range.
Counter: By rolling your weapon skill or control magic, you attempt to interrupt a melee or ranged
attack by doing so first, this can be a melee, ranged or a basic magic attack.

Magical Saves
Magic attacks abide by the rules of the other types, except for magical saves. Magical Saves are when
you need to defend from an Effect rather than a physical attack and they are free to do. Insight,
Perception, Resist Magic, Resistance and Investigation are the most common, and defending from
them is either a set DR, or an Opposed Roll.

Area of Effect Attacks

Are of Effect attacks are extremely
powerful, they cannot be Strong or Precise
and they do not benefit from additional
Critical effects. They are however, affected
from a normal Critical roll or Fumble,
meaning adding or subtracting a d12.

Attack rolls are usually single target unless

specified otherwise, for Area of Effect
attacks, you only roll the Damage Dice
once, and this damage is apllied to all
creatures in the area.

Armor Value
Your Armor Value reduces all incoming attack damage unless stated Unbreakable AV
otherwise. Armors are the main way to resist damage, more so than Hit If you have Unbreakable AV,
Points. Anytime you take damage, you lower it by your AV. it means, once your AV
reaches a certain point, it
Armor Break cannot go down any further
When you roll maximum damage on a die (E.G: 4 on a d4), this causes an by any means. Its usually
Armor Break, which means their AV is lowered by 1. When rolling singified by a (U) next to an
multiple die, there can be multiple Armor Breaks. Your AV then needs to AV value.
be repaired. Armor Breaks occur after the damage is resolved.
Armor can be Repaired with a Crafting roll, and some material.

Attack Critical
Critical Rolls can be very advantageous and even if you don't hit the mark, you deal crippling damage, or
defend masterfully. You roll the d12 as normal and add it to the total, but additional effects apply.
On an Attack Crit you have a choice: Make the attack into a Strong/Precise attack for free.
Area of Effect attacks cannot critically strike, but they make up for this in raw power.
Because this is the Quickstart guide, Attack Crits take the Strong/Precise option by default.

Example Combat:
Jack has 15 HP and 3 AV, he is a 1st level dual sword wielding fighter. He encounters a Lone Wolf and
wishes to fight it. He approaches the beast Stealthily rolling a 21, over the Wolves' Perception roll. This
grants Jack the possibility of a Surprise Attack. They both roll Priority, Jack gets a 12 and the Wolf a 16.

Jack moves in towards the wolf (1 AP) and attacks it

twice, thanks to his Combat Style. Since the Wolf is
surprised and cant defend he simply takes the
damage, Jack rolls his damage die twice and deals a
total of 7 damage. He then retains an AP, knowing
that the Wolf is going next. Its the wolves turn and
he uses 1 AP to attack, Jack uses the AP he had
retained to Parry with his swords. Jack rolls a 19
but the wolf rolls a 12 on the d12 for a total of 25
and a critical effect. He rolls the damage die and
adds his Dexterity to the attack for a total of 13,
thankfully Jack has armor on and reduces that
damage by 3, leaving him with 5 HP and 3 AV.

The wolf attacks again (1 AP) and rolls a 16, Jack can keep parrying and rolls a 19. It then decides to
retain its AP so as to dodge any incoming attacks. Jack takes his swords and strikes at the wolf rolling a
21, it uses its dodge action and moves 1 meter to the side and rolls a 12. Jack deals 5 damage to the wolf,
and gets ready for a second strike. He rolls a 14 and the wolf moves another meter away from Jack and
rolls a 16. Jack then decides to pursue him (1 AP) and strike one last time (1 AP). Jack rolls a 23 and the
wolf rolls a 23, but because Jack was the attacker, it connects. He rolls and deals 4 damage, just enough
to take the wolf down.

Deaths Door, Healing and Conditions.

Death is a part of life, if something is dangerous, it means it can kill you, and
adventures can be very dangerous as well as monsters and combat in general.
As a general rule, once a creature hits 0 HP, it means it is dead. For important
Creatures, NPCs, and more importantly, Player Characters, once your health
drops down to 0 you enter something called the Death State.

When in the Death State, you are on the brink of dying, and as such cannot do much. You have two
choices: Either fall unconscious for a 1 minute, or keep on fighting.

If you pick the latter, you cannot regain HP until stabilized; but most importantly; at the start of every
turn you must roll what is called a Death Save. This is done by rolling Courage or Resistance against a
DR of 6. If you succeed, you live another turn, if you fail, you immediately die. Every time you succeed,
the DR increases by 2 for your next Death Save until you rest. Any damage taken, forces an instant
Death Save. At the end of your turn, you may decide to fall unconscious.

Stabilizing Someone in the Death State

When in the Death State, you cannot stabilize yourself by normal means and someone must do it for
you, a simple way to stabilize an ally is to roll Medicine against a DR of 18.
Another way is to heal them for a total of at least 10 HP, any excess healing is lost but they are
considered Stable.
Once Stable you can act normally (unless unconscious) and do not roll Death Saves, but you are still
considered to have 0 HP.

Sometimes certain attacks, abilites or situations can lead you to a certain state or condition. A
particularly nasty hit can leave you stunned or knock you prone. This is a list of Conditions and their

On fire: You are engulfed in flames, and take 3 Severe Bleeding: You take 5 Unsoakable
Unsoakable fire damage at the start of every turn. Damage at the start of every turn.
You can use 2 AP to drop and roll to douse the flames.
Knocked Prone: Your attacks and defense
Bleeding: You take 2 Unsoakable Damage at the start have Penalty. As an action or reaction you
of every turn. may stand up.
Stunned/Paralyzed: You are unable to act or defend Frightened: You cannot move towards the
yourself. You are defenseless and all attacks received object of your fear.
are criticals. For Stunned, any Damage received
breaks this. Blinded: You cannot see and If an action is
permitted by the GM, it has Penalty.
Unconscious: Same as Stunned, except you are
completely unaware of your surroundings and Grappled: Your speed is cut to half. And you
incapable of thought. move as a single unit with your grappler.
Attacks made against a grappled creature
Dazed: You cannot use AP out of your turn.
have a +1. It can still attack and defend.

Chapter 5: Magic
Magic is a little bit different from normal actions, because of the power behind magic, there are a
couple of limitations. As stated in the Path descriptions, Magic can come in a variety of ways. As a
reference we will be referring to all magic in this section as spells for the sake of explanation, even
though there are 4 schools associated to each magical Path which are Spells, Signs, Rituals and Hexes.

Magic is a devastating force, as it requires large amounts of energy, consuming the elements around it.
Magic does not come from ones-self, but is instead harvested from the elements around you.
Destroying them in the process.
That being said, there are 6 Elements that make up Magical spells:
Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Order and Chaos.
Fira, Erdis, Airo, Wasser, Ordis, Caos

Casting Magic: Every spell above Basic Magic requires a combination of these elements. An action is
needed to siphon elemental power from an object or target, and when you do so the target is
immediately consumed. Once you hold all the required elemental power, acquired in no particular
order, you may release the spell as an interaction, consuming them to cast the spell. To draw power
from an element, you must be at least within a meter of it unless its power radiates further, but
usually, touch works best.
Holding Elements: If you wish to not release a spell immediately you can, but you may only hold three
elements without releasing them at a time. Using them as reactions, or on your next turn requires 1
AP. Any elements siphoned while above that number must be used within that turn, or lost.

Magical Nomenclature
When figuring out a Spells Elemental Cost, we have two symbols that signify different things.
(/) Means OR, while (+) means AND.

For Example: (C/W + F) This formula would mean that to cast the spell you can choose either Water or
Chaos, but you need fire. The spell can be cast with Chaos and Fire or with Water and Fire.

The elements and where to Find Them

Fire: Lava, Torches, Electricity, Body Heat.
Earth: Trees, Metal, Lava, Blood, Plants.
Air: Sky, Clouds, Electricity.
Water: Ocean, Blood, Sweat, Plants.
Order: Precious Minerals, Metals, Positive Emotion, Light, Magnetism, Living Creatures.
Chaos: Flesh, Negative Emotion, Living Creatures, Etherium.

Elemental Wellsprings
Magical Wellsprings are items that have a large source of elemental power inside of them. A magical
caster may take 30 minutes of meditation and study to attune to this Wellspring, connecting their flow
of energy. When siphoning elemental power from a wellspring, you may invoke its advanced effect for
no additional AP cost. You may be attuned to one Wellspring at a time and cannot share from its
power. Wellsprings may be destroyed with well aimed attacks, they generally have 10 Durability.
Arcane Missile Dimensional Pocket
This is the list for Mage Spells.
Instant Magic Instant Magic
Basic Spells Range: 10m Range: Self
Elements: O Elements: O
Fire Bolt
You fire a small bolt of arcane You summon a tiny dimensional
Ranged Magic Attack
magic that deals 2 Force damage. gate in front of you, roughly the
Range: 10m
size of your hand. You may store
Elements: F Runic Writing
and retrieve small items inside
You fire a small bolt of fire from your Instant Magic
this dimensional pocket. Anything
hand dealing 1d10 Fire damage. Range: 2m
detonating inside this pocket,
Elements: E
Ice Shards destroys everything inside.
You write a small runic message
Magic Attack /AoE
on a flat surface, you may choose Feather
Range: 10m
who is capable of reading it. Active Magic
Elements: W
You condense water molecules over an Range: 4m
Novice Spells
area and make it rain Ice shards in a Elements: A + A
Chromatic Prism You choose up to 4 allied targets,
2x2 meter square. Anyone in the area
Ranged Magic Attack who become weightless as long as
takes 1d4 Cold damage.
Range: 20m you hold the spell active. When
Sparkle Elements: A/E + F/W affected, they fall at 5 meters per
Ranged Magic Attack You conjure a shining prism in round and do not suffer falling
Range: 10m your hand of many of different damage.
Components: O colors. You can choose if it does
You target a creature you may see, and Fire, Cold, Electrical, Force or Arcane Explosion
surround them with magical sparkles, Poison damage. You launch the Instant Magic / Magic Save
they must roll Resist Magic to defend. prism and when it impacts, the Range: 2m radius from self
If they fail they are highlighted for 1d4 prism deals 3d8 damage of the Elements: A + C
rounds, making them unable to chosen type. You explode instantly in magical
become invisible, camouflaged or hide. energy, dealing 2d6 Force damage
Magic Hand to everyone in a 2m sphere around
Zap Active Magic you. They must then roll
Melee Magic Attack Range: 15m Resistance against you or be
Range: Melee Elements: A + O pushed away 1d4 meters.
Elements: A/F You conjure a magical glowing
You give off a short burst of electrical hand, this hand acts as an Flame Breath
energy leaving the enemy Dazed. extension of yourself and can lift Magic Attack / AoE
Nudge up to 3kg, You cannot attack with Range: From Self
Instant Magic this hand, and using it costs an Elements: A + F + F
Range: 6m action. This hand can last up to 1 You spew fire from your mouth in a
Elements: A hour. 5m cone, anyone in the area must
You push or pull something weighing Defend or take 3d10 Fire damage.
no more than 2kg, 1 meter in any Arcane Shield
direction. Cannot Disarm. Instant Magic Sonic Burst
Range: Self Magic Attack / Save
Illusion Elements: A Range: 15m
Instant Magic You create a force field around Elements: A + E
Range: 5m yourself and gain 4 AV until the You choose a location you can see
Elements: C start of your next turn. You may and create a small ball of
You create a minor illusion, such as an also use this spell as a reaction, pressurized air that explodes in a
intangible image or object no larger before getting hit by an incoming 3m radius, creating a loud boom
than a small chest or a sound no louder attack. that can be heard up to 100m away.
than a normal conversation. these can Anyone in the area must roll
last up to 1 minute, and you may have Resistance against your Control
up to 3 active at a time. Magic or take 1d8 Sonic damage and
be Dazed for 1d4 turns.

Chapter 6: Crafting
To continue on the road of progress, the civilized world has made an innumerable amount of things
with their hands, from wheels to teapots, and giant death lazer robots. Crafting is an amazing way to
spend your time and a great Path to pursue.
Crafting is available to everyone, but it should be noted that Upgrading and customizing your
creations is reserved for Path Abilities.

Basic Crafting, Alchemy and Mechanics

The basics of any crafting, are very simple and are divided into 3 steps.
1. You must know the Diagram, Formula or Schematic.
2. You must have the required materials and tools.
3. You must invest the time to craft the product and then roll sufficiently high or else lose half of each
material used (rounded down, to a minimum of 1)

KNowing the Recipe

Usually you can learn Diagrams, Formulas or Schematics through study, path abilities or you may
also buy them for double the price of the Item it corresponds to.

Tools and Enviroment

Having the right tools is essential to Crafting. You need a Forge or a fire to smelt ores and shape
metal. You need a fire to brew potions and the such, you need space and appropriate tools to solder
and build an automaton.

Availabitiy and Crafting MAterials

Crafting anything requires the materials and a Crafting DR. The quickstart guide simplifies the process by
requiring a Survival roll to Forage all of the materials. And then a Crafting roll set by the Gamemaster.

Repairing weapons or armors requires a Crafting roll,
while repairing Vehicles or Automatons requires a
Mechanics roll.

Chapter 7: Game Masters

There are a couple of details that can be important during an adventure or campaign. Such as traps or
specific enviroments. This section covers those specifics and gives a couple of Tips and Tricks to the GM,
so as to guide them in their narration and overal role as guding hand of the sesssion.

The most important thing a GM needs to do is narrate the story and the surroundings, give voices and
action to the NPCs. This can be a Daunting task, but it isnt necesarry to describe every single thing in a
room or every single feature on an NPC (unless it is relevant to the story). And although some players
want the GM to describe even their PCs actions, you should encourage your players to narrate their own
actions themselves, leaving the GM to only narrate the consequences of their actions.

A nice tip or trick when narrating is to not only focus on what they see, but try to invoke the other
senses as well, maybe describe a smell or the temperature change, maybe theres a foul taste in the air.

ASking for Rolls, Determining Difficulty Rating

Being a Gamemaster involves quick thinking, figuring out how high of a roll they need (If it is not
specified) is something that can factor in many different things like weather conditions, prior experience
and so on. If you think a player would succeed without effort you can forgo asking for a roll.

Running a Combat Encounter

Running a combat encounter requires a little of knowledge of the game, NPCs (Non-player characters)
use the same rules as the players, so in that regard, if you read the rules you should be fine.
Just as a simple breakdown, a GM should have a way to list the Priority order, from highest to lowest,
and keep track of where everybody is. You also have to track how much HP, AV and AP your creatures
have, although it could seem daunting, its not that bad.

Tips for Combat

Its recommended you give creatures a simple strategy to follow, Difficulty Ratings
using their AP in similar ways every round. For Example: If you
wish to simply create a frenzied craze, just use all your AP on
DR 10: Very Easy
attacking, and worry not on defense. If your creature is a bit DR 12: Easy
smarter, maybe use 2 AP and always save one for reactionary DR 16: Normal
defense, if you are making a patient and defensive fighter, maybe DR 22: Hard
use all of your AP for defense. Also, dont forget to use DR 26: Very Hard
Strong/Precise attacks. DR 30: Challenging
You can control the pace of a combat with this. If you wish for faster DR 34: Nearly Impossible
combat, simply attacking without a care for Defense, means one will
fall eventually.
Thug Medium Humanoid Lvl 2
HP: 12 LG: Common. STR: 7 INT: 4
AV: 4 V: - DEX: 5 WIS: 5
AP : 3 R: - END: 6 CHA: 5
SPD: 6 meters TEC: 4
Acrobatics: 4 (+10) Resistance: 4 (+10)
Athletics: 5 (+12) Resist Magic: 3 (+9)
Courage: 3 (+8) Subterfuge: 5 (+10)
Insight: 4 (+9) Tinkering: 3 (+7)
Perception: 5 (+10) Weapons: 5 (+12/10)
Priority: 3 (+8)
Shortsword: Melee Attack +10 / 1d8 Physical
Crude Pistol: Ranged Attack + 10 / 2d6 Physical
Damage / 15m Range / ROF 1 / Reload 1

Scout X15 Small Automaton Lvl 2

HP: 10 LG: - STR: 3 INT: 2
AV: 4 V: - DEX: 5 WIS: 4
AP : 3 R: - END: 3 CHA: 2
SPD: 6 meters TEC: 6
Nightvision: Can see in the dark up to 20 mts.

Acrobatics: 5 (+10) Resistance: 4 (+7)
Athletics: 4 (+7) Resist Magic: 7 (+10)
Courage: 4 (+8) Subterfuge: 10 (+15)
Insight: 4 (+8) Tinkering: 5 (+11)
Perception: 7 (+11) Weapons: 5 (+8/10)
Priority: 5 (+10)
Dog Small/Medium Beast Lvl 1
HP: 6 LG: - STR: 3 INT: 1
AP : 3 SPD: 7 meters DEX: 5 WIS: 4 Slam: Melee Attack +8 / 1d8 Physical Damage
END: 3 CHA: 2 Needlegun: Ranged Attack +10 / 1d6 Physical
Damage / 10m range.

Loyal: Gets a +2 to his rolls when adjacent to its

Acrobatics: 6 (+10) Resistance: 3 (+6)
Athletics: 5 (+8) Resist Magic: 3 (+6)
Courage: 5 (+8) Subterfuge: 4 (+9)
Insight: 2 (+6) Survival: 10 (+14)
Perception: 10 (+14) Weapons: 4 (+7/9)
Priority: 5 (+10)
Bite: Melee Attack +7 / 1d8 Physical Damage
Claw: Melee Attack +9/ 1d6-2 Physical Damage

Quick-Start Adventure:
The First Journey
On a fine summer morning, with the sounds of seagulls in the background, we set our eyes upon Gont,
otherwise known as the city of blood and gold, not because of wars fought and won, but because of the
traditional colored stain that is applied to its stone buildings. The city is riddled with thin circular towers,
overlooking a sea of busy rooftops. You cannot see the streets from atop these, since colorful tarps cover
most of them.

High walls and narrow streets; stone stairs that make their way down to the docks. Colorful ships riddle
the horizon, with wares from all corners of Terra. Gont is a prosperous melting pot of culture, more so
with the recent opening of the railroad underneath the mountain, connecting it to the heart of the Archon
Empire, Bastion, a bustling metropolis, full of innovative inventions, progress and polluted air.

A full 500 kilometers (approximatley 310 miles) of railroad separates Gont. This particular train and track
lets its passengers travel to Bastion in a mere 7 hours, making its first pit stop in the town of Freeman
about an hour in, and then Troffen, three hours after that.

Adventure Overview
This section is only for the Game Masters' eyes, I recommend reading the adventure once or twice and
taking notes and writing changes to your liking. Have your players choose or create their characters and
you're ready to go. Warning: This adventure is planned to be normal difficulty for 4 players.
We start the adventure in the port city of Gont, while in the Weary Traveler Tavern our party of
adventurers get hired to deliver an incredibly heavy, code-locked and pad-locked briefcase to a Dr.
Williard in Freeman. They will board the train and find that there are other forces aboard that want this
suitcase for themselves, they will steal it, and our players will have to get it back.
You may ask for rolls whenever you deem it necessary or when your players ask to do something specific.
The scale for difficulty is as follows: 10 Easy, 16 Normal, 20 Hard, 24 Really Hard.
The words in Italic are examples of things that you can narrate to your players if you want.
Feel free to narrate differently, add or remove any details you want, or at your own timing and

Part 1: Getting the Job

The Player Characters will be sitting around a round wooden table, drinks in hand and portions of
whatever meal they want in front of them, once you set the scene, you should ask them to introduce and
describe their characters. There's about 3 other people in the Tavern at the moment, each enjoying their
time in their cozy spots. After some banter and roleplay, a nervous looking Yokisa, a small racoon-like
humanoid wearing traveling clothes, what look to be aviator goggles and a fine brown leather coat walks
in the door, with a large metallic suitcase hanging from her back. She goes towards Brillda, asks her
something that the characters can't quite hear, and Brillda points towards your table.

ICebreaker Tip:
If your players are a bit shy, and not starting up conversation between themselves you can come over as
Brillda and ask if everything is okay and if they need anything else. Once they have started Roleplaying,
have her leave.
The Weary Traveler Tavern
The adventuring party known as "The Goodfortune Adventuring Band" (the name has not yet been fully
decided) sits in one of the cities many taverns, The Weary Traveller. A small establishment more towards
the middle of town, about a 10 minute walk from the docks. It is a homey place, lined with lots of
mahogany furniture, pots and plants hung from every possible beam, the place radiates a smell of soft
lavender and camomille. It only has about 5 tables and 4 rooms, and is ran by a charming Dwarven lady
called Brillda Goldburrow, she always sports frilly dresses and a full grown beard that even the hairiest of
dwarf men would envy, braided and tied with silver rings. You are all sitting on a Round Table, drinks and
meals served, conversations ringing through the air.

Doctor Sierra Bali

Proffessor Sierra Bali has quite a small frame, she is a
serious and pragmatic person, and although her
mannerisms are a bit nervous, when she calms down a
bit she gets them under-control. Her objective is to get
the suitcase to Mr. Williard at all costs, as well as
shaking off her own pursuers.

The job
Dr. Bali will approach the table, and tell the group that Ms. Brillda says you are the adventuring group
called "Goodfortune" and are a trust-worthy bunch, after that she will introduce herself and ask if she can
join them for a seat and if they are looking for work. She will tell them that she needs someone to take
this suitcase to a Mr. Williard in Freeman, the next town over as soon as possible, he will pay them 200
crowns each (a lot), she'll even give them about 30 crowns now, so as to pay for the train tickets.
-If the players ask about the suitcase, she will say that in the right hands the contents of the suitcase will
revolutionize the world.
-If the players ask about her nervousness and hurry, she will tell them that some bad people are after the
suitcase, she thinks that they may be following her.
- If they offer to help her with her pursuers, she declines, stating that she can lose them by herself, and
that if they figure out she passed on the suitcase, some of them will follow her instead.
-The bad people are the Contreri, a criminal organization from the capital, Bastion.

The Trainstation and the Admiral

You make your way through the busy streets of Gont, your senses a bit more aware now that you have a
job to do and cargo to protect. After about 20 minutes of walking towards the north side of town, where a
looming mountain lies, you make your way to the train station, that has about 3 tracks, and only one
train, that is about to depart. There in all it's steaming glory, one of the Empires' newest machines,
The Admiral.
7 cargo and 8 passenger it has 15 cars total of about 20 meters (65 feet) each. It can reach a top speed of
70km/h (43 mph).

General TIP:
Make sure all of your players are
participating, if they haven't
spoken in a while, try asking
them what their character is
going to do or is doing.

Parte 2: The train

After they get their tickets and board the train, they will have a cabin for the group on the penultimate
car, sitting across from each other. One of the train inspectors, will come by and tell the cabin that about 5
minutes from departure, the train will be entering the mountain, so as to remain calm, as it will take
about 15 minutes to get to the other side, and it will be quite dark during that time. There are unlit oil
lanterns on the train, that he is lighting up as he goes.

The Admiral shakes a little, the whistle blows as you depart the station and you can hear and
feel the train slowly starting to gain momentum and speed.

The Steal
When the 5 minutes pass, the train would go into complete darkness if it weren't for the lanterns, the
inspector had lit up. After about 2 minutes, they hear a loud thud, and the lights go out completely, even if
they had magical or electrical light (Colbert used a Darkness Hex, that remains for about a minute), the
window opens, and windy chaos fills the cabin, they hear the opening of the door, and feel the struggle
against the suitcase.
-If the suitcase was chained or attached to something strong, there will be a pair of big wire cutters on the
ground when they finally see again.
- If it was hugged or retained by a player, make them roll an Athletics check against a DR of 20. If they fail,
they lose grip of the suitcase and receive a blow to the head taking 1d4 points of Unsoakable Damage. If
they succeed they still lose the suitcase, but they manage to harm the person, leaving a bloodstain when
they leave, having hit them on the head, leaving a bloody scar/bump.
-No light works within the magical Darkness. But they can attempt to flail around.
- If they immediately go out of the cabin, they can see the attackers running from them towards the front
of the car, and the chase is on.
- If they dont react fast enough, they will have to investigate the whereabouts of their attackers. They will
go into the different cars, losing about 10 minutes of time, until they find the two men with the suitcase,
and they will start running from them. If he was hurt they will see the bump on his head.

The Attackers: The Contreri

The bad guys are working for Don Contreri, a
Mafia gang from Bastion, they are trying to steal
the suitcase to sell it to the highest bidder on the
Black Market. There are about 3-5 normal Thugs
on the train, and two more, which are the leaders
of this gang. Fizzler, a crime-hardened dwarf that
likes to punch things, and Colbert, a want to be
practicioner of Hex magic.

The Chase
The players will try and catch the culprits and take back the suitcase, which they will not be able to do
very fast as their SPD is slowed by half while chasing on the passenger cars, the Thugs will be trying to get
to the front of the train, away from you, where most of the cargo cars are. Success on their rolls get them
closer to the Suitcase, failures on the other hand gives the perps more time to get away.
The Darkness of the mountain gives way to a bright flash of light, and new scenery, outside
you can see the sprawling desert, less vegetation, cacti and a running pack of raptors. The dry
air fills your lungs, and a wave of heat hits the train.
For Dramatic effect, if they are about to catch the bad guys, make the train go out of the tunnel, blinding
everybody and giving the Thugs more time to escape. The two thugs, a scrawny fast one and Colbert, the
dark haired and clothed one they saw earlier, constantly impede the way with luggage, if they are about
to get caught they pass the suitcase to each other. The civilians won't help, as they are too scared to do so.
As the chase continues and you leave the passenger cars, one of the cargo cars will be held up by the
thugs, guns drawn, behind some crates, and a fight will ensue. Meanwhile, the thug with the suitcase will
reach the end of the cargo car and go up on top of the train.
-If someone shoots a gun on a passenger train, chaos will ensue, and all the civilians will go crazy, making
the way more difficult.
-If a player decides to run from the top of the train, they have to roll Athletics or Acrobatics for every cart,
they run through, failure means falling and hanging from the ledge, slowing them down considerably.

You start chasing the figures, and they make a run for
it, dropping luggage and creating chaos along the
This part is up to you, try and describe the whole
ordeal as an action sequence, without forgetting to
ask your players to describe what they do, think
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Lone Ranger,

Part 3: The Fight

Once the players get to the Cargo car full of boxes,
they will face off against them in battle. Make all the
participants roll Priority (if you haven't already) and
then try and stall the players as much as possible.
There will be 5 Thugs in total, plus Fizzler and
-If the players are on top of the train, make it so
there's a "barricade" waiting to gun them down.
-If the party is split, adjust the numbers amongst the
top and bottom.
-If there's only one person on top, make Fizzler come
out and challenge them to a melee fight on top of the
train. (The burly dwarf will throw his gun down the
nearby hatch, making the statement of no guns)
-If someone attempts to throw the players off the
train give them a chance to hang on/save each other.

Ending: The Suitcase and the Arrival

Regardless on what happened, when the fight is over, the Thug will be waiting on the side of a train, and
the players will see a truck, going along the train and the Thug ready to jump. This is where the players
can interrupt him and take the suitcase back. Depending on their actions, successes and failures, the Thug
can escape and leave the suitcase behind. If and when they succeed in taking it back, you can calm things
down, the players can go back to their cabin and then arrive in Freeman.

As things calm down, and the town of Freeman starts showing on the horizon, the train
decelerates. Freeman, is a small town that has one central road/lane which the town is built
upon. Most of its construction is of worn-out wood, which has to be constantly repainted
because of the sun. But as you approach you do see it as a lively place, and its buildings in good

A well dressed man, with graying hair, trimmed beard and an escort of 3 heavily armed men, waiting on
the station, upon seeing the suitcase, he will introduce himself as Mr. Williard and show an ID badge, of
him belonging to the Royal Academy of Science and Technology.
He will thank the group and pay in full of course.

-If there's friendly banter and he hears of your exploits and stories, he may hint that the suitcase contains
the secret to unlocking the capability of traveling through the veil that separates us from the stars. Maybe
ask them if they were interested in that job.

This is where we will end the session, having hopefully accomplished the mission safely.

Fizzler Medium Humanoid Lvl 4 Colbert Medium Humanoid Lvl 3

HP: 24 LG: Common. STR: 9 INT: 6 HP: 16 LG: Common. STR: 5 INT: 8
AV: 3 (U) V: - DEX: 7 WIS: 3 AV: 3 V: - DEX: 7 WIS: 5
AP : 3 R: - END: 9 CHA: 5 AP : 3 R: - END: 6 CHA: 9
SPD: 6 meters TEC: 2 SPD: 6 meters TEC: 7
Traits Traits
Good Defense: Can use the Counter action once Wellspring C - Nimble Fighter: Can use the
per Round, without using AP. Dodge action once per Round, without using AP.

Skills Skills
Acrobatics: 4 (+11) Resistance: 6 (+15) Acrobatics: 4 (+11) Resistance: 4 (+10)
Athletics: 5 (+14) Resist Magic: 2 (+11) Athletics: 5 (+10) Resist Magic: 6 (+12)
Courage: 10 (+13) Subterfuge: 3 (+10) Courage: 5 (+10) Subterfuge: 5 (+12)
Insight: 2 (+5) Tinkering: 3(+5) Insight: 6 (+15) Tinkering: 3 (+10)
Perception: 5 (+8) Weapons: 6 (+13) Perception: 8 (+13) Weapons: 5 (+12)
Priority: 5 (+12) Priority: 4 (+12) C. Magic: 5 (+14)
Attacks Attacks
Punch: Melee Attack +14 / 1d8+2 Physical Wither: Ranged Attack +14 / 1d8 Necrotic
Damage. Damage / 15m Range. / C
Crude Pistol: Ranged Attack + 13 / 2d6 Physical Iron Dagger: Melee Attack +12 / 1d6+1 Physical
Damage / 15m Range / ROF 1 / Reload 1 Damage
Darkness: 5m cube of Darkness lasts 10 minutes
/ C + F / Active Magic / 10m Range.
Punk Terra
Name: Ivora Greenwhistle Backstory

Race: Elf, Female Ivora has spent most of her

youth with her Grandmother,
Age: 64 Path: Alchemist who was a master herbologist.
Having dedicated her life to
learning of plants and their
STR 4 HP 12 properties. She finds joy in
DEX 6 brewing potions, testing them
SPD 7 on her friends. She joined the
adventuring party because she
END 4 AV 3
wants to see the world, and
WIS 7 discover what crazy things she
CHA 5 can make.
Athletics 6 +10 Acrobatics 3 +9 Arcane Lore 3 +11
Bows 3 +7 Bows 3 +9 Culture 3 +11
Heavy Weapons 0 +5 Driving 0 +8 Investigation 4 +12
Medium Weapons 0 +5 Light Weapons 5 +11 Priority 0 +8
Shields 0 +5 Medium Weapons 0 +6 Science 5 +13
Priority 0 +6 Survival 3 +11
END 0 +0
Ranged Weapons
Resistance 0 +4 TEC
Subterfuge 3 +9
Resist Magic 4 +8 Alchemy 6 +14
Crafting 3 +11
CHA WIS Mechanics 0 +8
Deception 0 +5 Animal Handling 0 +7 Medicine 5 +13
Intimidation 0 +5 Courage 3 +10 Tinkering 0 +8
Performance 0 +5 Insight 0 +10
Persuasion 0 +5 Perception 5 +12 Path Ability
Special Streetwise 0 +11
Secret Formula: You have two
Control Magic 0 +0 Survival 3 +10
types of unique concoctions.

Weapon Damage Inventory Stabilizing Formula x4: As an

action you can give this to
Iron Throwing Knife 1d6 Iron Throwing Knives x5
someone in the Death State,
Soft Hide Armor
Light Weapons - 8m Range preventing them from rolling
their next Death Save. (Can be
Alchemy Kit
Unarmed Strike - Athletics 2 5 Days Rations
Smelling Salts x2
Signature Poison x4: You make
Acid Solution 1d4 Intoxicator x2
a fast acting poison. Upon
Acid Solution x2
entering the bloodstream, they
Athletics - 8m Range Bandages x2
must, once per turn as an
First Aid Kit
action, roll Resistance against a
DR of 12 + your TEC, or take 1d4
Money 15 Crowns of Unsoakable Poison damage
at the start of their turn, until
they succeed.
Punk Terra
Name: MC-117 (Mariah Crawley) Backstory

Race: Mechanoid MC-117 was once a young mage

who was studying the effects of
Age: 27 Path: Mage disembodying her soul. A
miscalculation caused her
original body to go into cardiac
STR 7 HP 13 arrest. Feeling herself fade
DEX 4 from existence, she latched
SPD 6 unto an old service bot,
merging with it and becoming
END 7 AV 3 (1 UB)
who she is today. She ended up
WIS 4 accepting this new body,
CHA 3 thinking it as an improvement.
She is serious and responsible,
Skills keeping the group in check.


Athletics 6 +13 Acrobatics 0 +4 Arcane Lore 5 +13
Bows 0 +7 Bows 0 +4 Culture 3 +11
Heavy Weapons 0 +5 Driving 2 +6 Investigation 3 +11
Medium Weapons 3 +10 Light Weapons 0 +11 Priority 3 +11
Shields 0 +5 Medium Weapons 3 +7 Science 0 +8
Priority 3 +7 Survival 0 +8
END 0 +0
Ranged Weapons
Resistance 4 +11 TEC
Subterfuge 4 +8
Resist Magic 4 +11 Alchemy 0 +4
Crafting 0 +4
CHA WIS Mechanics 0 +4
Deception 0 +3 Animal Handling 0 +4 Medicine 0 +4
Intimidation 0 +3 Courage 2 +4 Tinkering 0 +4
Performance 0 +3 Insight 0 +4
Persuasion 0 +3 Perception 0 +4 Path Ability
Special Streetwise 0 +4
Spellcasting: You know 3 Basic
Control Magic 6 +14 Survival 0 +4
Magics and 4 Novice Magics.

Attack Damage Basic: Firebolt - Zap - Illusion

Novice: Arcane Shield -
Oak Staff - Medium Weapons 1d8+1 Illusion: 5m - C / 1 minute. Chromatic Prism - Arcane
Create a small illusion of Explosion - Feather.
Zap - C. Magic - A/F Dazed sound or image.
Firebolt - C. Magic 1d10 Arcane Shield: A / 4 AV
Iron Throwing Knives x5
Can be used as a Reaction,
F - 10m range. Padded Armor
lasts until the end of your
Chromatic Prism - C. Magic 3d8 5 Days Rations
Feather: 4m - A + A / Oak Staff
A/E + F/W - 20m range. Elemental Wellspring (Fire)
4 targets fall at a rate of 5m
per round, must maintain it
Arcane Explosion - C. Magic 2d6 Money 15 Crowns
as active magic.
A + C - 2m Radius - Resistance
Punk Terra
Name: Robin "The One" Decart Backstory

Race: Human, Male Even though he comes from a

family of farmers on the
Age: 23 Path: Bard Outskirts of Bastion, Robin
believes knows that he is
destined for greatness. Being a
STR 5 HP 11 wandering bard, he sings of all
DEX 8 of the things his adventuring
SPD 6 party does, making their
exploits sound excessively
END 5 AV 2
heroic. He is a little self-
WIS 7 centered, but he is very willing
CHA 8 to help a friend or a stranger in
Athletics 0 +5 Acrobatics 6 +14 Arcane Lore 3 +7
Bows 0 +5 Bows 0 +11 Culture 3 +7
Heavy Weapons 0 +5 Driving 0 +8 Investigation 0 +4
Medium Weapons 0 +5 Light Weapons 5 +13 Priority 0 +4
Shields 0 +5 Medium Weapons 0 +8 Science 0 +4
Priority 5 +13 Survival 0 +4
Ranged Weapons +11
Resistance 0 +5 TEC
Subterfuge 3 +11
Resist Magic 0 +5 Alchemy 0 +4
Crafting 0 +4
CHA WIS Mechanics 0 +4
Deception 4 +12 Animal Handling 0 +7 Medicine 0 +4
Intimidation 0 +8 Courage 5 +12 Tinkering 4 +8
Performance 5 +13 Insight 3 +10
Persuasion 6 +14 Perception 3 +10 Path Ability
Special Streetwise 4 +11
Repertoire: You have a couple of
Control Magic 0 +0 Survival 1 +8
special songs in your repertoire,
their melodies carry certain
Weapon Damage Inventory power. The targets must be able
to hear you for it to work. The
Iron Stiletto - Light Weapon 1d4+1 Iron Stiletto
effects can stack.
Musical Instrument
Crude Pistol - R. Weapon 2d6 Padded Armor
Song of Mocking: As an action,
Instrument Case
ROF (1) - Reload (1) - 15m Range you give a -2 on a targets next
defense roll this round.
5 Days Rations
Unarmed Strike - Athletics 2 Grappling Hook
Pouch full of Sand Song of Heroism: As an action
or a reaction. You can empower
yourself or an ally and re-roll an
Money 20 Crowns attack or defense roll. You take
the second roll regardless of the
Punk Terra
Name: Brom Novak Backstory

Race: Dwarf, Male Born in a family of 12 Brothers

and sisters, Brom has been
Age: 34 Path: Soldier fighting all of his life. He joined
the army when he was young,
but he discovered the army was
STR 8 HP 18 not for him, and decided the
DEX 5 life of a mercenary and
SPD 5 adventurer was more suited to
him; less rules, more booze.
END 8 AV 5 (1 UB)
Brom is a good fellow, a bit
WIS 5 stubborn at times, but sticks up
CHA 6 for those he considers family...
he also fights with those he
Skills considers family.


Athletics 4 +12 Acrobatics 0 +5 Arcane Lore 0 +3
Bows 0 +8 Bows 0 +5 Culture 0 +3
Heavy Weapons 6 +14 Driving 2 +7 Investigation 0 +3
Medium Weapons 4 +12 Light Weapons 0 +6 Priority 6 +9
Shields 4 +12 Medium Weapons 4 +9 Science 0 +3
Priority 6 +11 Survival 3 +6
END 3 +8
Ranged Weapons
Resistance 6 +14 TEC
Subterfuge 0 +5
Resist Magic 2 +10 Alchemy 0 +4
Crafting 0 +4
CHA WIS Mechanics 3 +8
Deception 0 +6 Animal Handling 0 +5 Medicine 0 +4
Intimidation 4 +10 Courage 5 +10 Tinkering 3 +8
Performance 0 +6 Insight 0 +10
Persuasion 0 +6 Perception 0 +5 Path Ability
Special Streetwise 0 +5
Brawler: Your unarmed strikes
Control Magic 0 +0 Survival 3 +8
deal 1d8 + half your Soldier level
rounded down as Physical
Weapon Damage Inventory Damage.

Iron Mace - Heavy Weapon 1d8+2 Iron Mace

Studded Leather Armor
Unarmed Strike - Athletics (3) 1d8+1 Iron Maul Sweeping Strikes: When using
Hide Shield (2 AV) Heavy Weapons, any enemy
Iron Maul - Heavy Weapon 2d6 Backpack adjacent to your target and to
Weapon Sheaths x3 you, must also defend from your
5 Days Rations initial attack, if they fail, they
take only your weapons
damage. If the hit is a critical,
Money 15 Crowns the adjacent targets are not
affected by the additional
Punk Terra
Name: Backstory


Age: Path:

Athletics Acrobatics Arcane Lore
Bows Bows Culture
Heavy Weapons Driving Investigation
Medium Weapons Light Weapons Priority
Shields Medium Weapons Science
Priority Survival
Ranged Weapons
Resistance TEC
Resist Magic Alchemy
CHA WIS Mechanics
Deception Animal Handling Medicine
Intimidation Courage Tinkering
Performance Insight
Persuasion Perception
Path Ability
Special Streetwise
Control Magic Survival

Weapon/Attack Damage Inventory



We need your Help!

Thank you if you got this far into reading this Guide, we hope you liked it. Go on over to our discord if
you want to tell us what you think of the system itself.
If you did like it, in Punk Terras Core Rulebook, you'll find all the content that is missing from this guide
and more.
All paths up to level 10, along with Specialist Paths and Convergent Bonuses.
The Gamemaster section is extended.
Unique Magical and Technological Items.
There are more creatures, automatons and vehicles.
Higher tier weapons and armor along with their Diagrams.

It would be great if you could support us, so that we can make this dream a reality, sharing stories and
adventures, making new friends and exploring new horizons.

It might not be much, but If you do end up making any type of contribution to the project, we will add
your name to the Core Rulebook, as thanks.

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