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eee ON #8e# eee s4ULEEEEEEDS - PVVELEEEULELE StS SVVVUEYVVV whit} i projee)? bl Major chetaclozshics 11/6/03 Jreem AI A compen, nom -pewtine, ome ~ time | Foojee! Monee An established ob cotive ( That 14 proven} Foo bed con regula, activity amd proj Nob mendetony te case i} be hommeved jon "Defined Ife span Frrchoe hay do fe we 'D) eBrcd hedgeh The cormoun f of glee oA Priest can dover defined Ife spon) buk on have x defined budget du PMc hrting feepke oem seers, hae And Hus conf}! arises. can roh-co Froth it dh in be food, dPfecen!. tn pal fue in de bagsns Ba f time. ve cay ee a rb vorey needed due Ue Ife bac bu lL due be Tew achivy wll mop to m0 dofned Ife “peo. Sin ebsne | enh bypramds wl} be here. vi) Ureerctaimby. Nee oes oe 3 Gore araine. Thess tece in a Omidance oft risk Fn pegulee unnhes. ee4Teeeaanaaana. Dmotkmetionel doer med exiot Cause, each Arvchore) arms ae their works separately ond A a” with otbecas. Meee jm + foom the frre “et On etbished objechve I> CL common davenches ates for both. a Proje Ife ook. AL fins objecbtive/ tasgeh 2 plammning = implement Pordotee) ) See ee eee Phaser of project level eh Plom | Esser —~ | | of off, | / 14 | —> Time , ) > > > > > = > : Delivers alse todecs a lon spine open due te offer 3 sade veovjees( ware de cing warccengy posed, > wointememee ete) “ : Bare Pwepse of a pencet iste achieve specifye - Gus frowsy : Responsibility Spend lo fale, fedex 27 am evemt memegremen} ») Patton ty You bave te ok for Corel ever Fen 10M from Phe, bess tras Your hove jo be—ecenmledle., But thet» 2 hovsle. The, the ome. wha her expan). ston SS eee “ee vyvuueyeyss get de addy Aecourtehity The ome ho hay the, ee . besponspy Ahou ve He meh. rt thing ar Clem feed ton Breed on rome D) Need MW) Bakmemg Poleweirg, puch ve output })) Poepemmsion Lxganchag whe ahead ents, 1D Merdernlztirr Upgredng v) Replacemen) Cheng it 2& reore jrvertmen. vi) Divers ection: Like Benbndharce compe $e Hencliiey wostfychonbln beninen eC ng gee ea ah eee ne/)eceset ec eae eT eee errr eee eae aera eee Peeple g# fon divexsify cation de pedvee nigh Vid Baclonond imfegyation | fre dotegnetis on We supplier vn) Formed inte Formascd imbegnation : top curtomer dotgqnating uth the dintrbu / 1x) Toon boy Thied peat ay will do cveypung. dng (Apectren office gee RAINS SS 2 Bu jo hove ta teem the | ow generades Enhanee Jrasledae A. ohidl me “UCe AA Spond Hime. wine Slat CO —Pe “eget ongemzertion Hew activities puch an -tasle allan oe and roforiearbiomeal Quins, Creakh a chain of command (6) a ~ tees 5 cxshes of dt hen ent fevels / —le tuff pots 7 Project Live: The ee Gag Ba ree, a WS oe mointarned- Live 2 ohff Line 93 WAU component 2H [ike cadil cept im acca» docs oot follow the Line atpuetwee. They 7" atep ov prcchage. even rf ae hight authors pects it- The tuff reports, Fa athe ep ere bab he/abe 1s yiot- the bos. brain are dhrected towed the achiovenat of Thrce Aypo of pret ec n Funehional eared Ee PRCT LLL EC SERETCETCEFF FC CFE CESS SEPIMWIAFSHFF SHA 4aae Functional struclwee When a project AUD ES dal align Ro- Io, wW its oo -fumet inn > than without creatteg a team we | ge the project te the. hee onary Sonedne! SRN rr eee . grep = Sovchionl ps dretwees - emporemy, atrvepwre 1) Gocd Pe confhiels. (#) nm) Experct Asagent ond, GS) my Foedver i 6.) L hed- do do vhen prme rerowree vw meeded te. both a funetion amd the project? Fumetion ull be the fin? priority ~ Io ferm Bb ie ode deloy fhe project f Declucted obruehune : [ famoment eis ; al de peejet : | regu IS the prgect IP ong, er Be przyjee % ae in by op ox preject uh prude fucttoral for long in prdependent project we ep pm time. frnrshla) he handled (+). chatocteaH) 2) 0 D free’ i lor priovigd : hi aL oer! oem h) alti frmettoral P MT VVSVVVSVVV EE DE EEDEKDDODS SP” o ») Pgh ows (Mon, wochne, oat rial) (J g 7) with no rojech phe have ye vorkes(E v) Ne emperc. oprovon(~) g Melpige- otruedwee SS #Medbifume bona! projet buf fn Ae bimespom. Temponeny= otpue}ute. arrhbrid ongervicchmal from. DNe extra NG) i) mppifuone tion project )) m) Cormmunleabyon prefer) v) Ne» coped opinion (-). HEE SEETEE LE CAEHETFFFFFFLFE FF SESSEEeeese = SVSVVSVVIVesvuvyessessevevrr OU 8 types | hee 1) Wwels/ fam eds'crml 1) Balaneed 11”) Heayy/ ledraded freed : i bectnel ore eel Meyorrty partion in Functional (BESO the ae portion ¥ che auld“ peeds varciour deh, 1 weak wotpien adpudl wre. (ferdinn/ expest alse vohs here). Fh, Sopa her ye projet wromerercl, fonction a does the worl), Bud jn dedizcted rte educe ngjeed wonger +45 the bays Fehon merepn i” why — Bul m veak /Balavee d/ heovi otvelers deme ace 2 bass (PM omd FM) oe ' a / Aw ill awa rate Ke [Pe} FM | [EM [or mmobrin sin on tom porary ongowteadion) i a] | ath wnity ba to Le cee Gea Plone 4 Weale: FM Plain ¢ 4 leading. FM pes) 3 a cow tre g ; Balomee Ppa planning corhohing opgen og . FM» eepomeings+ Jedhing Howdy : PM ert 3 Frise Jeackng (pot Lull depend gm vihet PM wombs whem e epmion Ss ta eeded FM-Jecds). < e dr heov, if FN We wed for epinion whet he, t hors fo he aerveesn faiinbd Dude on de ected Jistem fo fM% ougye ton, ear PM in vot hound to e e e e e Cheng om opgontio pre + +t © DUipe Ff projet 3 1) Time. off pryect - yl eofth of pmject ‘ ju) Shall J acenpl the por preet eh mds af the praje? iy out of ay wien le a « - > with oot vale ibis better te reject Hed. Sm fee rea Monogter. hx a prsjee! i> selerted Lo nde re awatee '% elected. Neral they are bod from oujardee unless | IS @ Aomeore capable Inde. Findiond Heese ) Techoreal empect: i'n dow problem ~ ae Poot aoe analy nis Seve tha Pegect_moreger . Derit Syothens Mut te skilled ARE Coordinag-tom nf in mthess's YG eenbe STR, poesple. , b hoon AVI pur, toned nad 1") Mux) face) ee alf Be benow | edge . vonk an d Pere. Simehimal Grup 7 FPSVSISIVVLVYVYUEELEDESUEUUELEEESEESEEEHEEEEENS” QRQ Special demon Som projet m™. oo; v Aeguin (op adequate Pespuree6 cast resouzee wil be, less. Gf we emaeft due to UM e@ctain bo d, of any in meed Thus a deguade. we Lam tg a a « : « pS WD Acguingge Mottror Motivating peceon me! : = PM ail need of frorent peple From ae ae Bub FN wll yot let him ge Fren the people © vom! also wank fo Jeave. Tres het it BZomeon ae tober heavmer dose to FM. Thus FM her to hove Chua's a. 11) Dealing wry obsds Jer : Fire Serre before Facing fre prolters. erere ma) he gb —G. .dind de- off | Budgets hme, perctermom ee Lone corpo wns 9 trode of £ Lee Hem, "rpee@eere|ecerrrreereere be dd hh ll ll VW) Breadth of’ Cowon |eepiom bYHAR. “REID Re VD negetiahin Foo budged (top momagemen) For machine( Fm) Worlees(Fm) To olien} He hax to have the abihiy to nego tite Selecting a pogjeel monger Deve dld (copality b ahoinistrabve . feehieal y Sensibivody > hoy consi edly eg tp Wenagye mer ae FM, Gliemt , »uboreinate ey a NT Tee ”) Ipeoeiemee obilily nee hiyh Pbeccealp an ol Momeugexm ew) atyle b voeg I mepontanoh to ge Pe conk out | wWAble to hom dle. ortrers Breept that he ce be able te complete the projert: Mutheubce. o ee ee eee ps : ‘ feople Lf pom. diffeemt- cltwee /ruee/ Lube wl noe He rould be able te commumeate wit | ee te tere ame te a ee : teojee) Planniog. wt nd otege = Plan tGom be desenbed ax a fmetion of # fre —detoemmed Fohece selecting... he T supped ttn do st im “t enforia, D Systematic F Has to mamtarr wat/proceduce 0) Flexible #Ewily cl mgeeble of # Adaptatiom hart be pee: Ap rt to ot Jemown whl cle to alo. Pon woight henge. 1) Dioejphined To Seve otubiy follaw the plow JOT 37 ~aysten To he prevent at Jp Prderplin i) cape of mcceptry woltshectimal pnd — he perple of di Ffecen! Eypes of impuk. people & vd ead andle tant gue achithies CO ———— es lt 2 Conrequence> cy poor plenmrg | Wild erdhusaser Tricks / Plame im Auch ce manners thot can 4 be maveged Results in —frrtretion 1) Chas Uhen the plan cant he Cob hited overzeme. wil) blame cmeddor Mm) Seazeh far gully : HHeppens after chaos HNehwerhing. 16 move. imapon tend then the wonk done IV) Ranishmnen + ff inmocembs Hove who will he woohing bwed efferent + eff ctive) he Vill give mone Aime fo the project, i . +o pelation buTel He EM he he oi) be oles of gully. Ye wil) be Fourtrer: fed, ea page. the company “) fiemetion of vom- parbyeiporD #Pue to good relations wrth PM ET ESV TSIVVV PV EDEL YT oe | Basie Pewb0m4 fon pleeneed De climinde/ neduce emecratniant/ Com he eliemeted. buf he peduced "") To insprover! opertafromal of hetene Noo uslhe added tyme” decreases, 1) To obtain fetter undereateend ag of objectives : Not cleat wn tae of obyectve vy fod plans. OTe provide barin for ocmibonie LZ. combvo) How ts contro] F sou domt Fie in Lo taal Hone ah #Flements of pesjeat plan: Paget oped plon femrbiliy. har to be she D) everview/. "Objet wher obyeetic is wel sm debime fun ravertors dlr’ keno. the plow ineluded how? wn, Ah teow srembes, + Tat, wag plan to Os 0s & & a & 4444 bt tk ee Meh BOOAODODRDAAD}DDH|H|ODOOHAE ee "“FVVNPVPVEVVUVUUVUVuVe¥eeyee ere ene eee” nj 7 ore appr aah Leohwchul aspect «ppliet. customer contrac} Schedles : Bu Resarcees Bick wanegeren lon Mest jempontemt Uncertainty brings vink. Tha thee wp ci ee de. be ploms has +o wip Chad 7 Evalihion : Evaluchoon of plem foo duet ele dex w Produ ob fogeet " ercjeutes a pln freduchi ee lars: je ivi 0 | "2° poduchiom, regular. achay a ttepe of effec phn Stotement of conf? Vedrhow de do wowk lend of overvien Bub a bit im dewits ~ ohveetive brief desenp bin hedged comstraryp ~schedle. Milestone a ehedle [ogjeet es evaluctod Ja woilestomes for uapedes. +Htaxt te AEnd dak * Reviews weed ia, report deh vou bles. Acton plan A planing prose Plowese of execution, Wook heddove aruckwe Cups) ae cee OP” BIR TH SIC aE Uys? = OE AR On zegs- The wore a. breakdown, voy b wonk Coprch wet on becomes to vilava e decheares but # Monagohl. SRG SaeeK Pps rsa LEECREFEEECC FEF ERELLF OFF FCCP RESTA AAaaaagagaagaage ' 2S TSIVYUVEDESESELELEVELELESSSSESLEHEOOSe™ ® Inckpenclont Work ha te be done pequen hall > dofendence bol 7 the enles that con be dome rodeo dently» Aheu © done independently. Cecrese. be # dtegratale te Measmeable - Foclblen agrne bes ta be troche Bemedite )) Cos? and budged » separcare beyhef »)Time, 09st, porofonmace com be, tracked. nyscheclules ave states reporting. n> Rex poosibits cam be omgned perron > find ividu al a do Sin [evel _indorfed,Stmuetwee Level Deseniphion Foegnam 1 2 Porjec! 3 aan L 4 Subto Worle aclgye é ime) of offont pape tbegrded fork Level 9b: for respective departments rvey 1-2 > pele seer L : : n lly comtralled of etn and Budg t Ce Cond Eupmation 5} Expnaten Imation! Powe for ob secter Cost extimation: D ea Vaasa i" Budget ' Sauron. of ent exper Ovex Sunckiel : Pooduie waspe/emeowzare slacle menage nent. Wovle wii) not ato Lenderes funded ‘dohibids aecomphish nends/ oveads Srstoahi obra waught bp Ovex funded wif nek be abllaued Because dhe wien > pune the bow .mot fhe budgeter Thus Sone cof wing, bes fo be done Need fo fovea — ~ j)Rerawese hepune Oe PD Oi rr—rr——™—“.—L. LCE AL ELRELEL ual ond time neg uined Cast indudine price inflebion Toe fyper of bedyet D Top —dlewn : Top managerend ana males fhe budyet Unde budgetpy 11) Bottom wup Tbe ove he rma male budget Over budget ive af Neither hp dowm or bsthare up" woot gooel The in between 1's needen— itecahve beet yf negotiahion in md reached as hropat at Sina) stage as Le oe of Fal sege the. v Jou pink face. Can give hi hale facto > If I need vmoney im the end all of a udder L dime one emaugh time if momey I> ed im He: last wager. J wom et gt oneug top down. high bade t= bbten op oe eee OOOO 8 ee Coot estimahing meted ) Reco method > Rae tx ») Similar, ens) of por pegjet 1) Fachns welated te umique achive Have to be acouzateh Prearfed and jusbfyed | 1 oom of top me emmend. Thin will deerde umder budgetivg/ oven See iV) People factor ’ Reple will lave Lffeen! offrassncies ‘ will affect dhe budget Peart off el Exchenal factors: Contingem plons has te he repeoced to Soh! Be Botton up 14 »mope appreciable : Because they vowle on the field fevel Lave better Jenaledge But they Pate leep the allamee high 2 tep cee , ment nies to desolve du EE Ee — ———_|__F_ |__| FFT - 4 lr Lr lr FRoy eed a) Pe) eer Appraise Agra al Kind of hi tiom en don Hae: euicton whem obivd work wwe evalua > fecfon memee © appretral > > RR? (NG perfomance [FF p Bat hen a ee Prejeet lets 2) ee B prejeel i) oh a CY we have completed the > wom pref Ade. Tous hice appraya| [aber : Jor ce projet TS 4. Tus herve at : i feashiley before. imvest | Cf. Mejor os compomen)s 2 VW Made Foasibibiyy > evrfom ee IT Tea Pirin, ”) Tech wieal feasibly ae Gi 1) Menage sal feasbyl, iy "i yd oy feoshihs ey Bt - ) Eeonomye é vi) Sacral / Envioan mont . Lb Cultwee ih 0 he ue. weeny cheel Vv > 2 - > eee Mwcleet rhs Meche fnklly Whe poole} charcactercshe, cov fieedy'on, user the sos te prod ond ly? Irbeewmechater» arg DRT WE, TE ue. cea UIE, diotvibtion gpren TAT UT para /aqaren— cepemshingt oi e sand clomamd e 7 fe ore. rice who = e Fill be changed omee, and thom ol et be ebavpie ae long pime. re e 4976 ton on 4 aralA\'g : "pare oVF erAswee odo nome - thing Lea ate # Shabeay depends on ge te Monopoly seAveila hy tity neeeerevrererrere 7. cnn nea nee cP % chm ical cal fomnby lit Capacity cad prodaet nO Ter acs and each vameties oop Teere/ Tedrpelagy i Gy wpemenatn) appheadion of Lebnive >A wa ef thocoy Operation off machine Exped and Raw _mateua) Good gua by Repom/ Matnteremee Cpecahe + techjeg! hand She Me Measures Mechrine, fy cfeeg C clectriec), ie Waste clispesa) 2 Eppes bs Eyvivonmey tal b sokid ( chip) Lochece fo ype man powers IA needa. Qa Managerial Seosibily Prrenaial Rosibhite Poof bby Fioenss Vis Economies a Pranes lo fhe driv ee of} ceonor ies orrell oped b Boocidlere oper L soul ben of ns . a)bo Sineholed i > saveormemt Shire ae? ae _ ’ pet" wam Sraovertement ? pene > Gver) yen} LUT eerre rere rrerrerrrrerrere | F: PCr)” I SP arif b imflehon Imearporak! infletim rade Lean ng Cwreve, oa Dre lcoerisg affect cost eshimation 14 fough to extimohe for venique fob . ye J, +50 hac, +20 LR=g0% Tye nt rcomtend d re Loli Srey rte 2 Y Sind pleee it done, jin ) haves He second plece will be dome in I LR Lb ine b Lfn(0-8) -O'322 hn 2. FSA bb bebe bbb FUSS © © © © © NT Loarning Rate Coefficients Unt 70% T 7% 30% 35% fT ___90% Number | Unt Time] Total Time | Unit Time | Total Time] Unit Time | Total Time | Und Tie] Total Time) Unt Tne ¥900 {1.000 [1.900 "1.000 |" 1000 |" 1.000 [”+.000_[7"r 900 | + 000 gro {1700 | “0750. | 1750. | 0800 | 1800 | os | 1850 | o%60 ses {2268 | 0634 | 2384 | o7o2 | 2502 | 0773 | 2623 | 9848 0490 |" 2758 | os63 | ~20a8 | 0640 | 3142 | 0723 | 3345 | 980 o4s7_| "3105 {os13 | 3.450 | ose8 [3738 [ o6es | 4031 [0 7a3 | [3503 [0.475 | 3004 | 0562 | a2o0 | o6s7 [ ase | 0762 [3960 | 044s | 4380 | 0504 | 4034 [osm [5322 [97a | 4303 |" 0422 | 4e02 | 0512 | 5305 | oar | 50% | 9729 4626 | 0.402 | 5.204 5a30 | 0597 | 6539 | o7%e | 4932 | 0385 | 5 580. [roses [7116 [0705 [ 0370 | 5950 [reas 9605 1 0357 | 6.315 [ {ose tl 0.345 | 6.650 { 0.334 | 6.904 er 0.325 | 7.319 0316 | 7.635 0.308 | 7.944 [10.898 (0301_| 8.245 11.405 0.295 [8.540 11.907. 0.288 | 8.828 12.402 0.263 | 9.111 12.892 0.277 | 9.388 13.376 0.272_| 9.660 13.856 | 0.267_| 9.928 14.331 0.263 10.19 14.807 0.259 | 10.449, 15.267 0.255 | 10.704 15728 | 0606 0.251 | 10.955, 16.186 0603) 0.247_| 11.202 0.244 | 11.446, 0.240 | 11.686 0.237_| 11.924 16.640_| 0599 17.081 | 0596 17.538 | 0.593 17.981] 0.580 0.234 | 12.158, 18.422) 0588 0.231 | 12.389 18.858 0585 0.229 | 12.618 39.294) 0.583 0.226 | 12.844 19725 | 0.580 0.223 | 13.067 20.154 | 0578 0.221 | 13.288 20580 | 0575 0219 | 13.507 21.004 [0.573 0.216 | 13.723 21.425 | 0571 0214 | 13.937 21844) 0589" 0212 | 14.149 22.2601 0567 0.210 | 14.359 22674 | 0565 0.208 | 14567 | 23.086 | 0563 0.206 [14773 23.496 | 0561 0.204 | 14.977 | 23903 | 0559 0.202 | 15.180 0557] 30 0.201_| 15.380 0.199 | 15579 0558_| 31037 31590 0197 | 1576 ae 0196 | 15972 a 16 168 aoe 16.358 37 0847 [33787 — 27094 | oss | 34333 | 167 2raea | saa | 3a “46.927 27.873 7114 | 28261 | "17200 28847 _|-17483_| “0269 | 22.600] ~0.388 | ~29031 3574 | 0163 | 17606 | 0268 | 22868 | 038s [20414 { ime planed bal Sudlpedt 1 eh oe al cf omee.. The budyet gen ™ a dime ke. shseheduled x SIT BY TRINH ae GIF THRE Committed Oa aA will be eed: Thus +h's buy has + be pelease d coal. Asta tilponed The achal pa mend which 1% ‘dome: axffere the comapeton of tHe ym Fn: Fayment oft workers, Ten yp _of ever D Romobrn ewcoP a Bired evtor > other prerforded Jove Sorbo Bother. Cowe thes both over ard -undere: expimahion. Thos ONE Cam cover the amoller. Cot exbimatton ide/ines dD Rerponsibihiy n)Nepsran eon ation 11) Time unit? dn Lepondene' Pue to um/yue aehintes NARRELCLECCE CEE CREPE LFFFE FER ERI VA4ZTESSBaaarnag Dcanlingerey - VE allowence is Jeep? Lor bs itwl) be ove chudpetod Cure Kine oomtingemey ia applied when the debish -plom cort be fodens atid Phal lan ale has o budget alblocedion ’ v II>S>AULV LI sob bd dbdbvwvee ess © © TNT Sthechbnge Cortical path h S P zone excers time. Tar Of ee machine in demaged io th poh if will end in bngte ine ess. a OBL @® tk SS Fay EE EI projet deep BiG me \RRRHHEKPE LEP PPE LPP EPP PP PET FAA gamanaagag Conf he) bo Negeteren : Conf sys igoy SLL S Con fhed in obechve. eee Ud mdoaho ie 9 twerge 2 ay ref che gd Thur wo confi peleted +n objet 2 ny [ieee oa a called confled mavegeh cause be 14 the one he han a pesohe the the the conf hicks Beep cleaes the rad. forward no the the A ® him = > 3B Object ves Realise ard jimable: Can it be achiewed. Can the objectives be pea ehed within pesoucee bound © Beniclly bedeet eomsirain SS Conf lic ie} exenponment # Man ye stoped cose i) hich an se Lquproen! Coroflt with FM which poet #° equipment first oo Prony : t/o Sho gel | Ipp1oy) the oo SESS SUASENE DENN eh) Grp conf het > wexgative hove been Worn Jan Poo ere, av) A com ret i of fo beg time, Hur h ine fh aw aa Dediea-ed/| Ma bin gop 4 confhed =p ovtive 2 Y Sfecenl Pov new seleak ~ Negetatton 4 —______ } | B -A -B Ate te" Ove has to be breimestted Haft bee opener) her Insed: Tis will belp' Hem’ to Fregeh bis boe and De rica Teka. a = . MIT PR opaKor ToS inte Both has to have c trerspercamey, Jn d Hey wee ‘gether ome js not grok fem the otter. AN eee eee POPP PPP PPR PPP PPT eeS ™ —FPEVewoe ds bdbdddbodbddbvdvveeeESES SS © © UTR NS | | farchnex>hip qs vedid om fop the poo aff the ae And there eo cwnittem doecumentatrar,, with someat ort af the conpoag Checkrong OreT TT, aw written adgremen} wrdbiin the ord Cunth Ty H 4 fet lop srenagemamt 7 _. pM Bu Syed herowese Te dieabed $e trad? ft ZITO R 8) aI 8 Atmetwce. Seope chewre Techno bpieal Fe Pag. reign gat sel ok Increore jm leno ye Money fon ew tech p preps Mandate er When a mew Jaw ates, Hee hos tr he app hie Pinpls_eb Meptchin (stoce +o emennc) exnchion 7 ege ho to be vodiabed y Find the options Sow wrucdal Im, wam=wm Artmattion. TS Both hor to be brainwashed that oom and +heiv opponent loo}. By} h ‘yp fenined “porate oe ail QAagaagngngagaggag frgject croshing _ ¥ > Pach] chashing not allowed Qa - 3 2 40 £0 6 “ 2 / 2° €0 C & 2 2 a d a 4 ! 30 \20 et b 3 ' Je bo VAXRETERECCE CECE ERE LEC CPP Eee aaaG IFUL dsvdddbbodbvobvbbvvvvee¥¥ YY» ¥ OO KK -2 | 6 8 lo? 1 7 7 [6 | 2 pet? ea [|e Nion'toning ond Covtbo) Dect _enllechio ) Sond Remdew ey yet im bebveen . Fooject IE type ER oy wearing poly depend 2[T Bow +o elle} dada DFrequen oy com} > How reece 1D) Rew mucmber L Bwanhity that maintains time co god pectice Cause ie wall iter dake Ware 1) Subjective muemenin re ™) Inclitatow ¢ ? ve adop/ 4 hw fas can (oy Po ipppove somephicg v) Vecbo | weabures + ” p aa eee Teom work How wouch comple} i there. bow dat are those being ohed. Qual bve dade. Firncdamenibe | aceas of eowtne! fundamen! acess of esmbnol Physica) coset contro) Metenal /Mech? bal a ees ees Henan pesowcee comm) bin project moame peice chaulsma, Pt ender contr steremdard and Compararns has to he i pers REREEFFCFPECRPRRPEPFRP PRP RP RETA AAAAARARARRARE © EXACTLY some AQQyy FIDO VAN NUo bod db vb vv voevooeeurn” © © Poor corte) je 7? . TEE PRT: a> eh ho the cureord the Fidure reer. ae \ hoah: thd we oles oe Pree Heo repent podiah made. No} marrlrece ~ combo)

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