Prediction of CO2 Corrosion Rate TZK Gas Line Rev0

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Prediction of CO2 corrosion rate of the expedition sales gas


0 27/12/2016 Issued for comments BEG SA AGH ENI

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Contractor logo and business name: AF 10-16-WO1-PR-RPT-001
Environment & Energy Engineering Company Contract N° to be assigned
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Table of contents
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Project description ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Document scope .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Applicable code and standards ...................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Definition and abbreviations.......................................................................................................... 5
1.4.1 Definitions .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4.2 Symbols and abbreviations ......................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Units of measure .............................................................................................................................. 6
2. INPUT DATA ............................................................................................................ 7
2.1 Operating conditions ....................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Sales gas composition and properties ........................................................................................... 7
2.3 Sales gas Pipeline data ..................................................................................................................... 8
3. SOFTWARE AND THEORETICAL BASES........................................................... 9
3.1 Used software ................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Thermodynamics ............................................................................................................................. 9
3.3 Corrosion prediction model ........................................................................................................... 9
4. CORROSION RATE PREDICTION..................................................................... 11
4.1 Actual situation............................................................................................................................... 11
4.2 Presumed situations ....................................................................................................................... 11
4.2.1 Temperature sensitivity analysis .............................................................................................. 11
4.2.2 Pressure sensitivity analysis ...................................................................................................... 12
4.2.3 Water content sensitivity analysis ............................................................................................ 12
5. CONCLUSION........................................................................................................ 14

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List of figures
Figure 3-1: KT and pH function. .......................................................................................... 10
Figure 4-1: Sales gas water dew point curve. ...................................................................... 11
Figure 4-2: Sales gas water dew point temperature variation with pressure. ..................... 12

List of tables
Table 2-1: Process conditions. .............................................................................................. 7
Table 2-2: Sales gas composition. ......................................................................................... 7
Table 2-3: Gas mixture properties. ....................................................................................... 7
Table 2-4: Expedition pipeline data. .................................................................................... 8
Table 4-1: NORSOK model input parameters. .................................................................. 12
Table 4-2: NORSOK model output parameters. ................................................................ 13

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Corrosion on the internal wall of a natural gas pipeline in the presence of water is a common
problem across many industries. Age and presence of corrosive materials such as carbon dioxide
CO2 exacerbate the problem.
1.1 Project description
Within the framework of its strategy aiming the development of TAZARKA CPF, complying with
client's requirements and exigencies as well as working in a safe environment, Eni Tunisia B.V
intends to check the sales gas pipeline integrity in actual and future situations.
ENI Tunisia B.V is focusing more precisely on corrosion effects that can be caused by carbon
dioxide CO2 and could jeopardize pipeline integrity.
1.2 Document scope
The current document intends to predict the CO2 corrosion rate on the sales gas expedition
pipeline using different gas composition.
- 3 moles %,
- 6 moles%
- 12 moles%
1.3 Applicable code and standards
The corrosion rate prediction shall comply with the following standards in the reported order of
• Tunisian Laws, Decrees and Orders;
• Company Engineering Guidelines, Standards & Design Philosophies (Onshore);
• International Codes & Standards;
• Proven Industry Best Practice.
In the absence of appropriate Tunisian legislation, the Project shall comply with Company
Engineering Guidelines, Standards & Design Philosophies, international conventions, protocols,
industry codes & standards and good practice for facilities in a similar environment.
The following relevant standards are used to perform the corrosion prediction study:

Reference N° Title Revision

Internal corrosion - fluids classification and corrosion parameters

02555.VAR.COR.PRG Rev 3 - 2006
NORSOK M-506 CO2 Corrosion rate calculation model Rev 2 - 2005

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1.4 Definition and abbreviations

1.4.1 Definitions
The following expressions and derivatives thereof, appearing in capital letters in the document,
shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them unless otherwise specified.

ENGINEERING Environment & Energy Engineering Company “I2E”

CORROSION: Physicochemical interaction between a metal and its
environment that results in changes in the properties of the
metal and which may often lead to impairment of the function
of the metal, the environment, or the technical system, of
which these form a part (ISO 8044).

CORROSION RATE: Corrosion effect on a metal per unit of time (ISO 8044).

DEW POINT It is the temperature, below which liquid condensation starts

TEMPERATURE: from gas phase at a given pressure. On the state diagram
condensation conditions are indicated by the dew point curve.
In particular the water dew point refers to condensation
conditions of water from gas.

FUGACITY: It is a thermodynamic function, in pressure units, that, when

used in a thermodynamic equation of an ideal gas in
substitution of pressure, allows to apply the same function to a
non-ideal gas.
1.4.2 Symbols and abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
CPF Central Process Facility
HHV High Heating Value
ISO International Organization for Standardization
SCMD Standard Cubic Meter per Day

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1.5 Units of measure

As a rule, the SI units shall be used. However, for some main parameters such as pressure, flow
rate and pipe diameters, both SI and Imperial units shall be adopted. These units are summarized
according to standard ENI as follow:

Pressure bara
Temperature °C
Flow rate (gas) SCMD
Flow rate (liquid) SCMD
Composition mol%
Higher Heating Value HHV kcal/m3
Wobbe index kcal/m3
Water cut %
Pipe diameter inch

Standard gas conditions are 1.01325 bara at 15.56°C

Normal gas conditions are 1.01325 bara at 0°C

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The COMPANY has provided the following data in order to model sales gas mixture and predict
the CO2 corrosion rate.
2.1 Operating conditions
The following table summarizes the main process conditions provided by COMPANY:
Table 2-1: Process conditions.

Parameter Value
Sales gas temperature 25 °C
Sales gas pressure 19 bara
Sales gas flow rate 400 000 SCMD
2.2 Sales gas composition and properties
The following table contains sales gas composition:
Table 2-2: Sales gas composition.

Component Molar composition (%)

CH4 - Methane 81.717
C2H6 - Ethane 9.486
C3H8 - Propane 2.747
IC4H10 - i-Butane 0.347
NC4H10 - n-Butane 0.400
IC5H12 - i-Pentane 0.069
NC5H12 - n-Pentane 0.022
C6+ heavy components 0
NeC5H12 - Neo-Pentane 0
N2 - Azote 3.227
CO2 – Carbon dioxide 1.980
Water content 0.3 ppm
The following table summarizes sales gas stream properties:
Table 2-3: Gas mixture properties.

Property Value Unit of measure

HHV 9 753 kCal/Sm3
Density 0.673 -
Wobbe Index 11 887 kCal/Sm3
Water dew point -63 °C

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2.3 Sales gas Pipeline data

Table 2-4: Expedition pipeline data.

Parameter Value
Pipeline Nominal Diameter 8 inch
Schedule 80
Inside diameter 193.675 mm
Material ASTM A-106 Carbon steel

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3.1 Used software
Aspen HYSYS V 8.8 has been used for characterization of sales gas mixture under steady state
3.2 Thermodynamics
Thermodynamic behavior of the gas mixture system was represented by means of the Peng
Robinson equation of state. This thermodynamic package presents accurate modeling that
guarantees a good phase equilibrium prediction over a wide range of temperature and pressure.
3.3 Corrosion prediction model
Pipelines transporting oil and gas are vulnerable to internal corrosion when water forms a part of
the transported fluids. The presence of carbon dioxide CO2 in the fluid accelerates the corrosion
rate due to its reaction with water which results in forming carbonic acid, and hence, water pH is
reduced. The corrosion rate prediction is an important task needed to manage and control the
Efforts have been made to predict and control corrosion in many oil fields worldwide. As a result,
many models and measurement techniques have been proposed. The prediction can be carried on
by selecting one of these empirical and mechanistic models that developed for corrosion rate
prediction. One of these models is NORSOK model, an empirical model developed by NORSOK
Norwegian standard for CO2 corrosion prediction in straight pipes.
The model is an empirical corrosion rate model for carbon steel in water containing CO2 at
different temperatures, pH's, CO2 fugacities and wall shear stresses. It is based on flow-loop
experiments at temperatures from 5-150°C. A large amount of data at various temperatures, CO2
fugacities, pH's and wall shear stresses are used.
The following general equations of the CO2 corrosion rate for carbon steel at each of the
temperatures (T); 5°C – 15°C – 20/40/60/80/90/120/150°C are used:
T = 5°C : vNOR,5°C = KT × fCO2 × f(pH)T
0.62 0.146+0.0324 log(fCO2)
T = 15°C : vNOR,15°C = KT × fCO2 × (S/19) × f(pH)T
0.36 0.146+0.0324 log(fCO2)
T = 20-150°C : vNOR,20-150°C = KT × fCO2 × (S/19) × f(pH)T

- fCO2 = fugacity of CO2 (bar);
- KT = constant for temperature T;
- f(pH)T = pH factor at temperature T;
- S = wall shear stress (Pa).
The corrosion rate between temperature where a constant KT has been generated is found by a
linear extrapolation between the calculated corrosion rate at the temperature above and below the
desired temperature. The constant KT and the pH factor f(pH)T are given in the next table.

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Figure 3-1: KT and pH function.

Temp. °C KT pH f(pH)T

3.5 < pH < 4.6 f(pH) = 2.0676 - (0.2309 × pH)

5 0.42 2
4.6 < pH < 6.5 f(pH) = 4.342 - (1.051 × pH) + (0.0708 × pH )
3.5 < pH < 4.6 f(pH) = 2.0676 - (0.2309 × pH)
15 1.59 2
4.6 < pH < 6.5 f(pH) = 4.986 - (1.191 × pH) + (0.0708 × pH )
3.5 < pH < 4.6 f(pH) = 2.0676 - (0.2309 × pH)
20 4.762 2
4.6 < pH < 6.5 f(pH) = 5.1885 - (1.2353 × pH) + (0.0708 × pH )
3.5 < pH < 4.6 f(pH) = 2.0676 - (0.2309 × pH)
40 8.927 2
4.6 < pH < 6.5 f(pH) = 5.1885 - (1.2353 × pH) + (0.0708 × pH )
f(pH) = 1.836 - (0.1818 × pH)
3.5 < pH < 4.6 2
60 10.695 f(pH) = 15.444 - (6.1291 × pH) + (0.8204 × pH ) - (0.0371 ×
4.6 < pH < 6.5 3
pH )
3.5 < pH < 4.6 f(pH) = 2.6727 - (0.3636 × pH)
80 9.949 (-1.2618 x pH)
4.6 < pH < 6.5 f(pH) = 331.68 × e
3.5< pH < 4.57 f(pH) = 3.1355 - (0.4673 × pH)
(-2.1811 x pH)
90 6.250 4.57< pH < 5.62 f(pH) = 21254 × e
5.62 < pH < 6.5 f(pH) = 0.4014 - (0.0538 × pH)
3.5 < pH < 4.3 f(pH) = 1.5375 - (0.125 × pH)
120 7.770 4.3 < pH < 5 f(pH) = 5.9757 - (1.157 × pH)
5 < pH < 6.5 f(pH) = 0.546125 - (0.071225 × pH)
3.5 < pH < 3.8 f(pH) = 1
150 5.203 3.8 < pH < 5 f(pH) = 17.634 - (7.0945 × pH) + (0.715 × pH )
5 < pH < 6.5 f(pH) = 0.037

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In this section, we will evaluate the current corrosion rate using the actual site operating data and
we will also evaluate hypothetical situations favoring corrosion.
4.1 Actual situation
Corrosion can only occur when a separated and free liquid water phase is present and is in
permanent or temporary direct contact with the metallic surface independently from CO2 content
in the gas phase.
Sales gas mixture at the current operating conditions (19 bara and 25 °C) with the actual water
content water content (0.3 ppm) is considered to be a dry gas with no present free water. The
stream is not considered a corrosive environment.
4.2 Presumed situations
In this section, we will evaluate any situation than can favor free water formation and consequently
corrosion development.
The following parameters are considered:
- Temperature;
- Pressure;
- Water content.
4.2.1 Temperature sensitivity analysis
To favor free water formation and consequently corrosion, the temperature should be below the
water dew point so a free water phase can form. This case is not conceivable since as already
discussed in paragraph 4.1 the gas is considered dry (water dew point at the current pressure is
- 63 °C), meaning that temperature change due to heat transfer with the surrounding environment
cannot in any case bring the gas near its water dew point. The figure hereafter shows sales gas water
dew point curve along with the current operating point.

Sales gas water dew point cuve

Temperature (°C)


40 Current operating

-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40
Pressure (bara)

Figure 4-1: Sales gas water dew point curve.

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4.2.2 Pressure sensitivity analysis

The pressure has no particular effect on sales gas water dew point. The following figure illustrates
the effect of the gas pressure on the water dew point.

Sales gas water dew point temperature

variation with pressure
sales gas water dew point Temperature (°C)






0 20 40 60 80
Pressure (bara)

Figure 4-2: Sales gas water dew point temperature variation with pressure.

4.2.3 Water content sensitivity analysis

In this paragraph, we are going to tune the water content in sales gas mixture until a considerable
corrosion rate is encountered.
The following tables next page summarizes input and calculated output parameters based on
NORSOK M-506 model.
Table 4-1: NORSOK model input parameters.

Input parameter Value

Sales gas temperature 25 °C
Sales gas pressure 19 bara
CO2 mole percent 3% 6% 12%
Gas flow rate 400 000 SCMD
Water cut 100 %
Pipe inside diameter 8'' SCH 80 (193.675 mm)

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Table 4-2: NORSOK model output parameters.

Output parameter Case 1 (3% CO2) Case 2 (6% CO2) Case 3 (12% CO2)
CO2 fugacity 0.53 bar 1.1 bar 2.1 bar
wall shear stress 1 Pa
Water pH 4 3.9 3.7
Corrosion rate 3 mm/year 4.6 mm/year 7.1 mm/year

We can deduct from the above table that a severe corrosion can occur if a free water phase is
present. However, this is possible only if the water content in sales gas exceeds the gas saturation
point at its minimal possible temperature.
For instance, assuming a minimal sales gas temperature of 5°C, the water content should be
7.2 ppmv instead of the actual 0.3 ppmv, that is a water content 280 times (in volume) greater
than the actual quantity in order to form a free water phase. This condition is inconceivable because
the dehydration unit in TAZARKA CPF ensures a water content less than 7.2 ppmv.

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Based on sales gas mixture characterization using an accurate equation of state, we have deduced
that in the actual conditions, there is not a risk of corrosion since there is not a free water phase.
We also performed a sensitivity analysis on temperature, pressure and water content and we
displayed that all cases leading to the formation a free water phase are unconceivable.

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