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Formerly: Central Mindanao Technical Institute

Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte
“For Excellence, Service & Quality - TO GOD BE THE GLORY”

Inspired by the Divine Providence, North Central Mindanao College is a dynamic and leading research and community-based institution of learning towards the enhancement of
the socio-economic conditions of Northern Mindanao.

1. Provide quality holistic and affordable education for all;
2. Provide qualified, competent, and dedicated faculty members, outcome-based curriculum, complete facilities and learning resources;
3. Build and develop progressive and peaceful community through the application of the learning outcomes;
4. Participate actively in the community outreach programs through student-initiated social development activities;
5. Train students to achieve the maximum development of their potentials to be able to effectively perform their roles in the affairs of the community for their own benefit and
that of others.


1. Critical and Creative Thinking - Creates, implements, evaluates, and improves innovative methods and technologies using risk-taking approaches in solving
problem and decision making
2. Catalyst of Socio-Economic Transformation - Professes and educates the community through values enhancement and economic independence
3. Morally Upright Individual - Generates and optimize the principles and ideals of spirituals and moral values
4. Effective Communicator - Listens, Comprehends, expresses written and visual information with clarity and open-mindedness
5. Service Driven Citizen - Renders an act of selfless service with passion and humanity in the accomplishment of goals collaboratively.

1 2 3 4 5
1. To be instilled with profound attentiveness for learning and high performance in both academic and practical aspects of their jobs. ✓ ✓
2. To be able to analyze, solve, strategize, investigate and assess various problems and issues in the society. ✓ ✓ ✓
3. To be an asset and a productive member of a multidisciplinary society. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
4. To acquire the maximum development of his capacities so that he will be able to exercise leadership in a multidisciplinary society. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

I. General Course Information

Course No: Credit:
SC-TLE 2 3 units
Course Title: Prerequisite:
Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan with Entrep ---
Course Description:
This course shall include pedagogical content, knowledge and skills in technology and livelihood education necessary in teaching and learning in the elementary level.
Selected topics in home economics, industrial arts, technology and livelihood education shall form a major part of the course. Experiential learning approach shall be the focus
of this course.

II. Program Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives

1 2 3 4

a Demonstrate in-depth understanding of pedagogical content, knowledge and skills in technology and livelihood education. ✓ ✓
b Demonstrate Knowledge and skills in teaching and learning TLE in the elementary level ✓
c Design a Business Plan ✓ ✓
d Demonstrate Skills in proposing Business Plan ✓ ✓

III. Course Outcomes and Relationship to Program Outcomes

Program Outcomes

1 Demonstrate in-depth understanding of pedagogical content, knowledge and skills in technology and livelihood education. L P L P L

2 Demonstrate Knowledge and skills in teaching and learning TLE in the elementary level L P L
3 Design a Business Plan P P O P P
4 Demonstrate Skills in proposing Business Plan L L P L O P
Legend: L- Learned (input is provided and competency is evaluated; P – Practiced (no input but competency is evaluated; O – Opportunity for development (no input or evaluation, but there is opportunity to practice competencies)

IV. Course Outline / Learning Plan

Time Learning Outcomes Topic COURSE Resources Methodology Assessment and
Frame OUTCOMES Output
1 2 3 4
 Introduction of institute and
college’s vision, mission, and
 Orientation on grading system,
syllabus, activities throughout
the course.

1. Explain the TLE I. Overview of the Course

Week framework in own
1 words. II. Edukasyong Pnatahanan at -Quiz
Illustrated Lecture
2. Enumerate the Pangkabuhayan/Technology and
components of EPP/TLE Livelihood Education in the K to 12 -Reflection/Reaction
* Students will be
as a learning area in the Curriculum *PowerPoing Paper
asked to do the following:
K to 12 Curriculum. Presentation
✓ ✓ 1. Explore the TLE
3. Identify the standards, A. TLE Curriculum Framework *Copies of Curriculum
Curriculum Guide.
scope and sequence of B. Standards, Scope and Sequence for Guide for TLE
2. Identify the standards,
Home Economics, Home Economics (HE), Industrial Arts
scope and sequence of HE,
Industrial Arts and (IA), and Information, Communication
IA and ICT components.
Information, and Technology (ICT) Components
Communication and
technology components.
Week ✓ ✓ Pptx presentation; Project Making Quiz
2-3 ✓ ✓ Reference Book; Actual Video Reflection/Reaction
Scoring Rubric for the Demonstration of the Paper
Presentation of group following topics as
outputs. methods and Procedures.

Agricultural Arts Organic Farming Procedure

*Plant Production, Animal Production and Methods of
Methods of plant Animal Raising

* Arrival production and

methods of animal

C.O. 3 Fisheries and Aquaculture

Pptx presentation; -Interactive Discussion on
Week C.O.4  Practices and systems of culture Project Making
Reference Book; the elements and effects
9-11  Freshwater aquaculture ✓ ✓ Long Quiz
Video The Global of diversity in a local
 Brackish water aquaculture Field Trip
Teacher classroom
 Mariculture Management

Week Pptx presentation;

✓ ✓ Assessment under the K to Demonstration
11-12 C.O. 2 Strategies in Teaching Agriculture, ✓ ✓ Reference Book
12 for the TLE Teachers Teaching
Formulate a well-written Industrial Arts and Entrepreneurship
Lesson Plan for Better

Week C.O. 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ Demonstration Demonstration Teaching: Performance Task:

13-17 C.O. 2 Demonstration Teaching Teaching Observation Demonstration
Checklist *Students perform a video Teaching.
demonstration to be
Reflection Paper for
Scoring Rubric for the submitted. Evaluation
Self-assessment on
reflection Paper. shall follow.
the demo teaching.
Week 18 Course Wrap-Up/Evaluation/Submission of Final Requirements
Course Reference Main Reference
Electronic/Internet Sources
Additional Materials Virtual IMs/Presentations
Course Requirements Quizzes 20%
Class Participation 15%
Project and Portfolio 15%
Exam 25%
Demonstration 25%


Revision Effective Term Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Version 1.0 AY 2023-2024 Noel F. Domigpe, MAE E.M. Terry T, Silva-Llana, PhD Rubyrosa B. Luna
Faculty Dean, CEd VPAA

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