21st Century Literature

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21st Century Literature (Reviewer) 9.

Flash Fiction – no beginning, middle, or end,

but tells the entire story.
Forms of Literature
Oral – pre-Spanish colonization (verbally)
Written – published in books. (printed form)
Visual – presented in front of an audience.

Division of Literature
Prose – Most typographical form of language. Natural
flow of speech (i.e short stories)
Poems – uses aesthetic qualities of language to evoke
meaning. Rhythmic (i.e poems)
Types of Non-Fiction
Differences of Prose and Poetry
Autobiography – life story of a person written by
Language himself
Prose – Straight - forward Biography – written by another person
Poetry - Expressive or Decorated Newspaper – Collection of news articles
Magazine – collection of articles regarding the lifestyle
Nature of man
Prose – Pragmatic Journal – daily record of personal events
Poetry – Imaginative Planner – daily record of business commitments
Anecdote – a brief revealing of an individual person
Prose – Information Classification of Poetry
Poetry – Experience  Narrative – which tells a story, written in a
metered verse
Purpose  Lyric – expresses personal and emotional
Prose – Convey a message feelings, were sung
Poetry – Delight or Amuse  Drama – specific mode of fiction represented
in performance. Comes from a Greek word that
Paraphrasing means action
Prose – Possible
Poetry – Not Possible Types of Narrative
 Epic – abt supernatural powers
Ideas  Ballad – w/ harmony and rhythm
Prose – Found in sentences arranged in paragraphs  Metrical Romance – dealing with emotions or
Poetry – Found in lines arranged In stanzas. phases of life. Simple straightforward, realistic.

Classification of Prose Types of Lyric

1. Fiction 2. Non-Fiction  Song – Lyric Poem
 Sonnet – 14 Iambic parameter lines
Types of Fiction  Ode – praising or glorifying of an event
1. Fairytale  Elegy – Lament for the dead.
2. Mythology (gods and goddesses)
3. Fable Types of Drama
4. Legend  Historical – theatrical play with historic plot
5. Parable (abt religion)  Comedy – w/ a happy ending
6. Allegory (symbolism to present an idea)  Tragedy – with the death of some major
7. Novel – usually 500 pages characters
8. Short Story – max of 300 pages
Literary Devices
1. Allusion – can be used to paint a clear picture
or to connect with readers
2. Diction – choice of words or style used by the
writer to convey their message
- Formal, Informal (Conversational), and
Slang Diction (younger audience)
3. Alliteration – using the same letters or sounds
4. Euphemism – any terms that refer to
something impolite or unpleasant.
5. Flashbacks – goes back in time for a specific
6. Foreshadowing – clues about what will happen
in the future of the story.
7. Imagery – visually descriptive or figurative
8. Personification – gives human-like qualities to
non-human elements.
9. Juxtaposition – placing contras-ting elements
next to one another.
10. Onomatopoeia – sound something makes.
11. Symbolism – a larger message.

 Reader is conscious of the craft
 Author makes the reader more aware
 “Hey, these characters are not true”

Historiographical Metafiction
 Something that came from the author’s
 Also tells the reader that a particular historical
event can be also made up as much as fiction
 Historical Revisionism

Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda

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