Oxidation of Alloying Elements During ESR of Stainless Steel

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Chin.J,Met.Sci.Technol.,Vol.5,1989 235 Oxidation of Alloying Elements during ESR of Stainless Steel* By WEI Jihe(WEI Chiho #4» )** ABSTRACT The oxidation of alloying elements during the ESR of stainless steel has been studied. The model previously developed by WET and MitcheTl for the chemical reactions and mass transfer processes during ESR as applied to the remelting of the high Cr steel ICrieNi9(T1), The Taboratory data for the unsteady state A.C. ESR were analyzed and dealt with by the model. When the renelting process reached a steady state, an oxidant (Fe03 powder) or a deoxtdant (Ca-Si powder or metallic Ca) was added to the slag bath. The results showed that this node? 1s applicable to the renelting of stainless steel rather precisely, and it is expected that the model may offer a reliable basis for the control of composition during practical ESR of Nigh alloy steel. Also, the oxidation of Cr in the steel must be noticed when {ts content is high; but it is entirely possible to adjust the Cr content of ingot within a considerable range, using a special technique by means of the sleg-netal reactions during the remelting, WEWORDS: ESR, stainless steel, oxidation, mass transfer, slag-netal reaction mathena- teal modeTling Introduction Proceeding from the penetration and film theories, and taking into account the actual conditions of physical and chemical- refining processes, a new model for the chemical reactions and mass transfer processes during the ESR was developed!1], Very satisfactory results were obtained when this model was applied to the remelting of steels in the low-alloy category, both in the laboratory!2] and in ‘The model, theoretically, may be applied to any A.C. ESR system. Predicting and controlling the changes in composition of the slag and metal phases during remelting + Wanuseript received March 30, 1988. 4% Xi'an Institute of Metallurgy and Construc~ tion Engineering, China. industry], ate more significant for high alloy steels and alloys, in which the reactive alloying elements are more in number and higher in content. In order to evaluate the appli- 'y of the model to high alloy steels, we have investigated the oxidation of alloying elements and used the model to simulate and predict the composition changes during the remelting of such steels. This paper reports the application of this model to the results obtained in the experimental remelting of stainless steel (1Cr18Ni9 type) on a laboratory ESR furnace with a 125 mm diam. mould. 2. Application of the Mass ‘Transfer Model to ESR Process of High Chromium Steel 1Cr18NixTi) 2.1 Expression of the modet In this case, besides the changes in the contents of Si, Mn, Al and Ti during the remelting, the change of Cr should also be considered since its content in the steel is higherl45], if the ternary slag system of CaFz+Ca0+Al,03 is used, the reactants and products participating in the oxidation-reduction reactions at the slag-metal interface will also include Cr+Crz03 and Ti*TiOz systems, in addition to SitSiO, Mn+MnO, AL+Al,03 and Fe+FeO. systems. In such a’ slag-metal system, the additional oxidation-reduction _ reactions which could take place are at least as fol lows: 2ACrIpe + 8(FEOQ) = (Cr203) + 3Felay (1) ACr]pe + 30M) 7) = (CeO) + 3Mn}pe (2) A[Crpe + (S102) = 2CrQ03) * Sige (3) [Cr] pe + (A103) = (Ce203) +21 AD ge. (a) [Tipe + 2{FeO)(1) = (TiO2) + 2EFe]ay (5) [Tire + 2(Mn0)(1) = (TIOZ) + 2MnJpe (6) BITig_ + 2(A1203) = 3(TIO2) + 4[Allre, @ 236 Chin.J.Met.Sel. Technol.,Vol.5,1989 (Tipe * (SIOZ) = (TIO?) * [SilFe ®) BUTiIpe + 2Cr209) = H(TIO?) + 4ICrIpe (9) For the remelting of this kind of steel, therefore, the mass transfer model should also include the simultaneous diffusion equations in respect to Cr+CrO3 and TiTiO2 systems besides those ‘for the SitSiO2, Mn+MnO and Al¥Al,03__ systems and the diffusion equation on Fe+Fe0 system: fen = Do3*Cpgry/3x*) (xg) 3C (er904/9t = Dergoal? *C (crgogy/2x" (x20) ao) where Crcrj and C(cryoq) are the volume molar concentrations ‘of Cr in metal and CreOsin_ slog, Der and Dergog. ae diftusi~ *. vities of Cr in metal and ‘Crz03 in slag, respectively. The appropriate initial and boundary conditions are: Les | Ceryoas = Cerdy Clergog}*%+ = Cicrg0a)9 (11) BC Cocey 2) = Ceerig Clergagts = Cicr—03)9 (12) C tery = Cron], Cterg09 I= Crergos), (13) and| eDerl9C popy/9N0, th = Dergos(9C (cr0)/38) (0, 2) (14) Where Crerjy and Cierz0q) are respecti- vely the values of Cicer} and — C(cr905) at the initial moment (t=0); Cer, and Ciorg09), ate Tespectively the values of Cer] and Ciergog) At the reaction Interface (slag-metal interface), i.e. the equilibrium concentrations corresponding to C{crlp and C(crz03}g! dois & constant concerned with the interface equilibrium. For Ti#TiOz system, we have: coon" = Dyy(3*Cpqyy/3x*) (xg) 9C (TH9p)/3t = Dr40g68°C (r49,)/387 Aran (15) LCs pCpriges 0 = Ceti (rtp) 0) = CiTHOpI9 8) B.CiipC pris O = CertIg C(riogy*™s 2) = C (409) an Coin, D = Conny, © (7109) = Cert00%9 (a8) © oP y4(OC [47 PEND, £) = D408 (1409/38) (0, t) (9) According to the mass flow shown in Fig.l, in addition, the transport processes of Cr and Ti in the metal phase to the slag-metal interface, as well as those of Cr2O3 and TiO, in the slag phase away from the interface should also be considered. With the rates of change in the bulk con- centration as a function of time, these processes can be described by the following equations: AC fer]y/dt = -KerALC perypltC [or], WVm (20) A (ergosy/@t = KergogAlC org05g C (ergy Os (a1) aC ry, /at=-RrsAIC (Hy, OC (rip /¥n (22) AC 7109), /At = KT OPALC (TH0Q)6 -C1110)),(0/Vs (23) Fig.1 Schematic concentration gradtents and mass fluxes during ESR of | lcrieNioTi steel Chin.J.Met.Sci. Technol.,Vol.5,1989 23% where C,, is bulk concentration of component ‘in the phase concerned, which is a function of time t, mol/em’;k; is mass transfer coefficient of component i,em/s; A is area of reaction interface, cm; Vp and Vgare volume of metal and slag phase, respectively, cm*. In order to determine the concentration profiles of all the eleven components in the slag and metal phases as a function of time, the five partial differential si- multaneous equations including Eqs.{10) and (15), and the partial differential equation on FeO, as well as the eleven non-linear first order differential equations including Eqs.(20)-(23) have to be solved under the appropriate initial and boundary conditions. 2.2 Parameters of the model The relevant parameters of the modet need to be redetermined due to the change of the remelting system. As an gpproximation, interaction coef ficients e{7) were still used in the present work for calculating the activity coefficients of the alloying components, including chromium, ip,, the faiten 1Cri8Ni9(T)) steel. The e(3) and e(j) used in this study are listed in Table 1, Referring to the expressions given in Ref,[1] and considering the effects of Cr203 and TiOg the following expressions are used to calculate the activity coefficients of oxide components: Igy feo™ (11800/7)(NcaotNngo)N'si0,*N 10 +0.25Na10),6*0.45N cr, «) +(4916N pino/ TIN 5i09¢N Tidy +0.45Ner0y, -)#(3562Na10,, TN i0g +N yo) 123NmnoNar0,o/7) HIITBN Cra, TUN S109*NTi0,) (24) Igy = 1eYFeg-(4918/TN s10,*NTi0, +0.45Neroy J-123Na10, fT) (25) IBY si0y = IBY Feg~(11800/TXNcagtNugo) ~4916Nyg/T)-(3562Natoy fT) AU 9TBN cro, /TIHAT2ON T49/7) (28) TeV argos = 18 Fe(2950/TVNcaa*N nga) -(9562/TIN 5105+ Nrs0g-Q28Nmn0/T) (27) WY or05 = HEV Feo-45310/TIN cag Ngo) AL87B/TIIN5i09*N 4) 09!(221 2N wyo/T) (28) IBY Fog = SY rag-(12800/THNegg*N gg) AAMTEN yo T)-B562N 20) 9/7) (I9TBNe rg,

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