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Devote yourself to sth: to give most of your Adjust: thay đổi, thích nghi.

time, energy, attention, etc. to

Distort (the truth): to change facts, ideas, etc.
so that they are no longer correct or true.
Apathetic (adj): showing no interest or
Overbearing: trying to control other people in
an unpleasant way
Insensitive (adj): not realizing or caring how
Domineering: trying to control other people
other people feel, and therefore likely to hurt or
without considering their opinions or feelings
offend them.
Change hands: qua tay nhiều chủ
Subtle distinction: khác biệt khó nhận biết
Indulge in+ n/V-ing: to allow yourself to have
Take notice of sth: pay attention to sth
or do something that you like, especially
Mounting (concern): increasing, often in a something that is considered bad for you
manner that causes or expresses worry
Indulge yourself with sth: to satisfy a
Tuck away: Cất kín, giấu đi một chỗ, để riêng particular desire, interest, etc.
Change sb’s ways: to improve the bad parts of
Bachelor: a man who has never been married your behavior.
Overlook: to fail to see or notice something, to Protracted/prolonged (use): lasting longer than
see something wrong or bad but decide to ignore expected or longer than usual
Flash of anger: sự tức giận trong ánh mắt
Outflank: to gain an advantage over somebody,
Suffer defeat: hứng chịu sự thất bại
especially by doing something unexpected
Retreat: to move away from a place or an
Casual acquaintances: bạn xã giao
enemy because you are in danger or because you
Close confidant: bạn tâm giao, bạn thân. have been defeated
Moral support: hỗ trợ tinh thần Renewed hope: hi vọng mới
Cordial relations: quan hệ thân thiết In command of: dưới sự điều khiển, chỉ huy
của ai
Soak up: to enjoy feeling or experiencing
(something pleasant) in usually a slow or Fire the gun: nổ súng
relaxed way
Drown (out): (of a sound) to be louder than
At loggerheads with sb: disagree strongly other sounds so that you cannot hear them
about something.
Exemption: official permission not to do
Resent+ (sb) V-ing: to feel bitter or angry about something or pay something that you would
something, especially because you feel it is normally have to do or pay.
Restore: phục chế tranh. to bring
Confide in sb: to tell somebody secrets and somebody/something back to a former
personal information because you feel you can condition, place or position
trust them.
Renovate: to repair and paint an old building, a
Get sth out of the way= to finish something piece of furniture, etc. so that it is in good
condition again
Have the last laugh on the end: to finally get
an advantage from an argument or disagreement, Object to doing sth: to say that you disagree
when it seemed that you would not with or oppose something.
Up in arms: tức giận, phản đối.

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